CodezVII #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

////////// This MOON //////////

of YOURS was used until very recently by the NIBIRUAN ANUNNAKI and their DARK ANCHARA Alliance Allies as an ORBITING Base to observe and control what was happening on the surface of MOTHER EARTH /

The MOON was now disguised as a LIFELESS orbiting BODY / but underneath HER surface / the INTERIOR Base had been completely modernised and organized as a MOTHERSHIP controlling a large / hidden FLEET / The remnants of its former luxuriant ECO- System were mined for the minerals and ores needed for the constant renovation of the Base and it/s FLEET of SPACECRAFT /

Then in the early 1970S / the GALACTIC FEDERATION of LIGHT annexed a section of this INNER-MOON Base / which then served as our primary HEADQUARTERS here until the early ////////// 1990’s



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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