Brett Stevens #elitist #racist #wingnut

[From “Periscope (December 30, 2019)”]

Is ‘Dixie Highway’ racist? The debate is growing

Let us make it clear: if anything references the world before diversity took over in the late 1990s, then it is racist. You cannot remind people of the founding ethnic majority because then they realize how much they are simply squatters in the house of more intelligent ancients. This applies to both the ethnic diversity (Italians, Irish, Poles, Jews) and the racial diversity (Africans, Asians, mixes) but also implicates the various boxwine feminists, pajama soyboys, religious fanatics, and neurotics who make up the Left. Once there was greatness, and now we have this lumpy, ugly, unhealthy, angry group of orcs and goblins who have nothing but an impulse to destroy. We will have to remove all of these people, sending them to places where they will have the society they need.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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