Sara Gonzales, Alex Jones and John Doyle #racist #pratt #conspiracy #wingnut

On Sara Gonzales Unfiltered, BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales was joined by white nationalist John Doyle and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones[…]
Jones falsely claimed that an Ohio woman who killed an ate a cat in a “voodoo ritual”

“And it was police reports, videos of a crazy woman in the parking lot eating the cat she just killed and admitting she did it in a voodoo ritual,” Jones said. “They believe they get the power of the cat if they eat it live. That’s in mainline stories about Haiti. They’ve deforested Haiti”[…]
“So they are bombing red cities, red counties, red cities like what we just saw up there in Ohio, in Springfield, to change the demographic,” Jones said. “To have a permanent underclass that knows their boss is the Democratic Party. So this is an organized replacement migration, which the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center says is racist and made up”

Jones went on to say that, “This is how you capture the West. You bring an incompatible, super, ultra Third World populations that don’t have running water, that live in cave man-level stuff”[…]
Sara Gonzales chimed in to say that their problem with Haitian migrants “has nothing to do with their skin color,” but rather “their customs” and “rituals.” Gonzales also accused the migrants, who are legally living in Springfield, of “breaking our law by coming into this country”

Another panelist, white nationalist BlazeTV contributor John Doyle, called the presence of Haitian migrants a “punishment” for “normal middle Americans.” Doyle remarked that in the 1990s and 2000s, “mainstream media types” defended immigrants by calling them “natural conservatives” who are bringing “great food” to the U.S

“And that maybe worked when it was like Mexicans,” Doyle said, “but when it’s actual Haitians, I mean, frankly there’s no redeeming quality that this culture can offer to America. And so they bring them to these, like, counties and small towns as a punishment because they just hate middle Americans”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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