M&S #racist #wingnut amren.com

White liberals who faced a sudden influx of highly educated white conservatives with mean IQs of 103 and twice the college degrees, coming out of Europe, would suddenly feel very 'oppressed'.

Trump should have pushed his 'not sending their best' truth as an excuse to return to pro-white immigration which would put white democrats into high competition with Europeans who had them aced for technical qualifications and were willing to have kids.

This is about cowing the enemy by making it clear that if they turn race traitor, we will simply replace them with high function whites who are considerably less long-term stupid about being pro-white as a function of maintaining demographic dominance.

Despite the evidence of Burn Loot Murder's 'summer of pillage/plunder' 2020, white liberals refuse to acknowledge that undermining whites to is going to end, very badly, for them as they are hunted down as the dominant population fraction falls away from their control. But a president who changed immigration back to white preferential sourcing could so disrupt their own controls as the new group demanded power for themselves and gave loyalty and fertility to get it.

And even if it is now impossible, it would not be in a SEPARATED AND SECESSIONIST country where states brought in as many immigrants as they needed, provided they were all white. The massive difference in economic power from that would make any residual state run by POCs incredibly obvious for the racial sinkhole it was. Which would end forever any questions over 'white supremacy' under a Heck Yeah!, banner.

We are fighting this war entirely wrongly. We need to make the opinion inarguable as a function of example: white states do better because whites in fact ARE SUPERIOR.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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