Socrates #crackpot #ableist #wingnut

The Homeless Scam

Circa 1950, “the “homeless” were called “bums” or sometimes “hobos.” The police used to arrest them ...

Then suddenly about 1980 the liberal media began to call the bums “homeless people” (because ... if you want to normalize something unpleasant ... you must first rename the thing! As another example: calling the unhappy homosexuals “gay”). The media didn’t mention the fact that most of “the homeless” were mentally ill, or running from the law, or simply enjoyed the vagabond, panhandling, hippie lifestyle.

... “the homeless” have become saints, like George Floyd and Holocaust survivors. It’s not their fault that they’re homeless. Noooo. They’re simply innocent victims of White male capitalism and greed! ... Billions of tax dollars are spent on “the homeless.”

Guess what: if you give the “professionally homeless” more money and more free stuff, then more of them will arrive in your city! ...

Today, California is awash with thousands of “professionally homeless” who harass and assault people on the beaches and in the parks. (A bum will approach a citizen and demand money — after all, he’s “entitled” to it! If the citizen refuses the demand, he could very well be assaulted so he’ll usually cough up the money. Bums are also notorious for carrying communicable diseases, e.g., hepatitis, tuberculosis, strep and diphtheria).

... Liberals will say “there are 178 million homeless in America!” when in reality there are maybe 30,000, with most of them being in California. Why not Nebraska? Too cold, eh? Not liberal enough, eh? Not enough big cities, eh?

California is run by liberals, and liberals are idiots. To be precise: liberals lack common sense. They were born without “the common sense gene.” That’s why they should not be allowed to hold public office or make important policy decisions. …




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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