Even if you dont believe in a creator God, you cant dismiss biology. We see this in the animal kingdom, male and female mating. Its the natural order.
The anus is not a sexual organ. Its for excrement/waste.
The homosexual lifestyle has serious consequences, ie risk of aids/hiv, colon cancers, high suicide rate in lgbtq, high level of domestic violence etc.
To advertise cereal promoting the minority groups of lgbtq on young impressionable minds is careless and unloving.
Children need to be taught the natural order of relationships/sex/pro creation
Justus Jonas:
Why are you discussing the anus? Lesbians represent 50% of the homosexual population, how often do you think they engage in Anal sex? And what about all the straight couples who DO?
Why do lesbians feel the need to use phallic sex toys? (Shows that homosexuals cannot escape the natural order of sexual intimacy)
Or, why is it, when you see, lets say, male homos (for short) theres always the "feminine" one, and the more manly one.
Same with female homos. Theres always a bloke looking one, and a more female one.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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