Verak via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy
I Verak speak. I am a large presence, I am adjusting now with this one. (I am seeing a massive purple male dragon with a fierce energy. He is a warrior with scars, tattoos and metal adornments.) You human one, you are a warrior too. I see many warriors reading these words in the near future. Many of you are warriors yet to understand your true power. You are light. Light is fire. We dragons breathe fire. You breathe light. It is the same. It is the same vital energy force of the All That Is.
I Verak speak. There is much change. Your militaries are on high alert for the changes that are about to be sweeping your world. Do not be afraid. Do not tremble at the wind. It is wind of change and your planet has needed winds of change for so long. I am showing this one a dark planet that is empty now with winds blowing through it. And now green shoots and vines are coming. The planet is reawakening after the scourge. Some planets recover by being repurposed. (I am seeing asteroid belts and hearing Maldek.) And yet your planet is to be redeemed. Gaia, the mighty one, the green goddess, she is reawakening. Her time is coming. (I am hearing cracking chains and seeing handcuffs fall.) You have been handcuffed to your matrix programming.
I Verak am speaking. There was an attempt to overthrow us, the dragon lords of the deep attempted trickery and appeared contrite when they were not. It was a trap that was dissolved. Remember their weapons are illusionary. Pain is an illusion. This was a painful battle that was recently fought in Antarctica, in the southern regions where much has been hidden. And yet we prevailed. This was one of the last bricks to fall. I tell you this because the dark dragons are removed or repurposed now.
We will continue to fight alongside you but the focus now is less upon us, the ascended dragons and now more upon you. There are many dragons who wish to connect, and we do connect in the astral and will additionally in other capacities on new earth.