To the leftists who believe words are violence and Dave should be canceled, you not only lost the election, but you lost it because the majority of people despise your values and the hatred you spew. Keep doing it though, because the more woke you are, the less likely you will be to ever regain political power.
Mahn Jorshall: “You not only lost the election, but you lost it because so many people who don’t really like Trump and the hatred MAGA spews voted for Trump anyway because they thought ‘The alternative is at least four years with a female President! We’re not letting that make our precious boys grow up into someone like Nathan Lane’s character in that movie The Birdcage - a drag queen who’s about as close to a woman in a man’s body as it’s possible to get!’”
The funny thing is, when you look at the majority of the world, it’s the “Leftists” that have more power than the Wingnuts. Because what you ‘muricans consider to be “left wing” in your own nation is already central-right for most of the rest of the world. And considering what controversial BS your Orange Emprah is already spewsing even before his inauguration (annexing Greenland, Panama, and Canada, and renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America) he’s only uniting the rest of the western world AGAINST the (already divided) USA. And with Trump’s bosom buddy Putin only showing the last few years how much of a paper tiger his own military is, we shouldn’t have too much to worry about that.
Seriously, Trumpists, you really aren’t anywhere NEAR as strong as you think you are. Hell, if it wasn’t for the Oligarch Muskrat controlling a LOT of the TOXIC social media in favor of Trumpism with his hypocritical “alternative facts”, I’d dare say Trump might not even have won at all.
I mean, no offense to my USA FSTDT’ers, but sometimes I feel like it’s safer for Europe to get in bed with China instead and let the USA’s economy collapse.
you not only lost the election, but you lost it because the majority of people despise your values and the hatred you spew. Keep doing it though, because the more woke you are, the less likely you will be to ever regain political power
…meanwhile, Britain has three Conservative Prime Ministers in just five years: firstly the fuckup that was the Poundland Trump Bozo the Clown, then Liz Surgical Truss and Rishi Rich. Bozo had a ‘Thumping 80 Seat Majority’, which the other two inherited after the death of Populism that was Johnson.
How do you account for the 400+ seat obliteration of the Conservatives that was Starmergeddon on 4th July last year…?!
Labour did that. What Obama did twice. Nothing’s impossible.
The Democrats can rebuild. Regain power. Continue existing: Labour is existing as never before, and with more LGBT MPs than ever. The Cult of Trump will be dead in just over four years from now.
"It's the economy, stupid."
- James Carville, 1992
Nothing has changed.
- "Titania", 2025
For anyone who doesn’t understand what this is about, it’s about Dave Chappelle declaring himself a TERF and constantly cracking jokes about trans people. The article is about a female comedian who takes shots at the powers-that-be, and part of her act involve hammering Chappelle on this stupidity. So of course, right wing nuts who would otherwise ignore DC are screaming about him being “cancelled” because of “wokeness”…
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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