Wristlet 2 #transphobia #dunning-kruger incels.is

[RageFuel] If you agree with TRANNY NARRATIVE, you're no better than a full blown deranged tranny who has cut off his dick and balls

Sane people knows a surgery can't turn a man into a woman or viceversa. And that the whole tranny narrative of gender vs sex is just fantasy. Even most NPCs/normies are lowkey creeped out by trannies, and rightly so. I'd never sit next to one for example, and if I had to work with one idk what I'd do.

If you agree with tranny narrative that gender is in your mind and you can switch etc... You're no better than those faggots who chop their dicks off, bc the main thing leading them to do that are those beliefs, which you share. If you say "trans women" (referring to trans men aka born men who are deluded about their sex), use the word "cis" unironically, believe in "women with dicks", what prevents you from just fucking one of those faggots pretending to be women? Or even mutilating yourself?

I think just the use of terms that imply a user agrees with that narrative should be reason for a ban. It's only fair, because those terms imply agreeance with an ideology, and someone who believes in an ideology is just as bad as the people who act on it. Otherwise it's like if a jewish forum didn't ban people who called jews kikes or pigs, only bc they haven't specifically advocated for concentration camps. It'd be ridiculous.

if u resort to a tranny or become one yourself you should [suicide emoji]



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