Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

RE: Blacks Say No to the Vaccine

(Son of the 1st Revolution)
“We need to make history by saving more of our people.” If only a white person were allowed to say that.

They're safe! Just ask Hank Aaron!

All you will find is stories of how he didn't die of the Covid vaccine. It's lost on my brainwashed liberal relatives that Big Tech and Big Pharma would possibly lie to them.

(Jeff Coffey)

President Joe Biden had a different explanation: “Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and African-American community, don’t know how to use, know how to get online to determine how to get in-line for that COVID vaccination.” The President took heat for this, but he’s lucky he’s a Democrat.

Biden must be really confused. Leftists preach day and night about how blacks are not capable of obtaining $15 ID cards or finding a local voting place. He tries to say the same thing in regards to the vaccine and he gets lambasted. Just can't win.

(National Conservative)
Remember when the media claimed that blacks were dying at 2-3 times the rate as whites and this was another act of genocide caused by "systemic racism." Well, the rate have even out and now the media has dropped the whole story. Pop goes the narrative. Ohio, Texas, Florida, and Arkansas are all states with big black populations that have higher white death rates than blacks death rates.

Blacks are responsible for their own problems.

Though Americans tend to be very fat, blacks on average are much fatter than the average white person. So you have greater co-morbidities. In the first few months, it was obvious that urban areas were the hardest hit and these tend to be where blacks disproportionately live. It was easy to see that rates would even out over time, but instead the media ran hysterical nonsense headlines about how "systemic racism was killing black people."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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