The people who are siding with Zelenskyy:
1) war mongers who benefit from endless wars
2) defense contractors
3) Light weight Dems who hate Trump and hate America
4) People who still wear Covid masks
5) Adam Kinzinger
6) Men who pee sitting down (see #5)
The people who are siding with Trump:
Last edited 8:13 AM · Mar 1, 2025 · 1.3M Views
The people who are siding with Putin:
1) Warmongers who benefit from endless wars
2) Dictators
3) Hardcore Republicans who worship Emperor Trump and hate America & Democracy
4) Antivaxxers
5) Trump
6) Lami Tohren (see #3)
The people who are siding with Zelenskyy:
Bitch, what the fuck do you know about Ukraine? Or anything, for that matter?
I am none of these things and I support Ukraine and its territorial integrity. The MAGA crowd is going to end up screwed by their idol-king and it could not happen to a more deserving bunch.
UK & Europe didn’t annex Crimea.
UK & Europe didn’t invade Ukraine.
The Allies didn’t annex Sudetenland, nor invaded Poland decades earlier: but they finished what started WWII.
You = Neville Chamberlain. Then you wonder why Zelenskyy has been compared to Winston Churchill, Timmy Laughingstock…?!
“The people who are siding with Zelenskyy:
1) war mongers who benefit from endless wars”
Just about everything we’ve given Ukraine is about to or has already gone obsolete. It would have cost us more to upgrade the missiles, for example, to fit in with our current fire control systems than it costs to replace them. We actually saved money.
“2) defense contractors”
Isn’t this just restrating 1)?
“3) Light weight Dems who hate Trump and hate America”
Yes, yes, we want Putin kicked in the balls because we want America to suffer… Uh huh.
“4) People who still wear Covid masks”
What in the fuck does this have to do with war? Unless you’re trying to imply that cowards want the war to continue…? Really? Let’s push Putin closer to desperation tactics out of fear?
“6) Men who pee sitting down”
Aha. Anyone who is MANLY supports TRUMP, the ultimate Masculine Manly Man.
Sorry, all you chucklefucks have lost any credibility deciding who is MANLY.
My entire life, manly men were those that ate their steak rare. Grandpa used to say, wipe its butt off and serve it.
You worship a guy who eats the steak cooked to Well Charcoal.
Odd for fascists showing NO TOLERANCE For anyone with a disability or who requires assistance with daily tasks, you guys kneel down before someone who’s worn a diaper for decades.
And further manliness is shown by military service. Has been the bedrock of public opinion where i grew up for a zillion years, and you guys bob the knob of a draft dodging coward.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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