various commenters #wingnut #racist

Saying White lives matter is antisemitic according to jews.

Ask yourself why that is


The ADL is a Terrorist organization

@DarenFromDelaware @Apolitical ADL is a Terrorist Hate Organization.

@Apolitical Being born White is Anti-Semitic!

@Apolitical them Jews can say whatever they want about Christians but they are afraid of you telling the world what they are actually doing. Go home Jews.

@BikingForJesus What home? Israel is the promised land for Christians.

@HerMajestyDeanna2 @BikingForJesus exactly. Jews have no home, they are wretched parasites, invaders in every land they will ever inhabit. They dont belong anywhere, they are alien to the entire world. Their home is in the lake of fire, right alongside with their father the devil.
I have no problem sending them to their true home, but the Jews need to get out of palestine

@Apolitical I finally agree Hitler was probably the good guy

@eatmefu @Apolitical
He was. And the Jews and the Allied governments lied about what happened in the labor camps.


@USAGAGGY63 @Apolitical You nigger-loving liberal cunt. Take your plastic ass south of the border and sell it for pesos.

@Apolitical Sounds to me that the ADL is Anti-White, that's racist.

@reneleea @Apolitical Never use the R word. (Racist is an antiWhite slur)

@StopAntiwhiteism @Apolitical Racists is trigger word for the Racists.

@reneleea @Apolitical That’s where you’re wrong. AntiWhites always say that “only white people can be racist.” They have defined the term academically in that way. In other words, if the antiWhites get their dream and there really is The Last White Man someday, he will be known to the world as The Racist. You better learn and shape up fast.



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