Musk just said the ‘singularity’ is imminent when artificial intelligence goes beyond human intelligence – exactly the Trump-Musk-Big Tech Cult plan to take complete control of human society, thought and emotion which I have warned about for decades. This is the truly pathetic response of Alex Jones – typical of MAGA mass psychosis – who has promoted and arse-kissed the very cabal that seeks to impose total AI control and is in the midst of trashing the old Cult system so it can be replaced with the new one that will delete what’s left of freedom in its entirety. Why do you think humans are being fired en masse? To replace them with AI. Yet Jones and MAGA cheer and orgasm. Jones begins with the obligatory eulogy to Musk that makes me fit to puke calling him a ‘smart’ genius across the board when he’s just an X-posting, video-game-playing front man and yes man for those really running the show. He treats Musk’s statement as a warning from his master rather than what it really is – a Big Tech statement of intent.
Jones and MAGA are so completely invested in their God-Kings that when they piss on them they say it’s raining. There is no writing on the wall, no red flags or red flashing lights, that could possibly be big enough to make them rethink.
Meanwhile, Musk and co go on rolling out ever more AI in the unfolding takeover – the very AI they ‘warn’ about while people like Jones fall to their knees in homage to their 13-year-old ‘true visionary’. Are we getting it yet? The intelligent will, but the rest …?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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