MarthaMMC, Wsbfom01 & Lipsy #transphobia

Florida settles 'Don't Say Gay' bill lawsuit in deal Gov. Ron DeSantis claims is a 'major win' for his conservative agenda - as teachers are given new guidelines for discussing sexual orientation and gender ID in classrooms | Daily Mail Online

( MarthaMMC )
The reason this was even made a law was because schools & teachers were indoctrinating kids into an unproven, inaccurate, reality denying cult belief.

( Wsbfom01 )
This is the LGB suffering from the actions of the TQ+

( Lipsy )
Gotta love that forced teaming, huh. These ghouls know exactly what they're doing.
They're well aware that TQ+ initiatives have alws been unpopular (and are only becoming more so as pieces of damning information actually start to break through), so... absolutely every single time the lobby plays the oh-poor-me victim card, they mention ONLY the LGB part—i.e., the cause whose campaigners actually managed to eke out decades of successive teeny tiny victories in securing public goodwill and acceptance.
Of course they NEVER ever ever play that card for the TQ+ side, especially not when any legislation is passed to protect kids from harm. Why's that? They know all too well that the public will breathe a collective sigh of relief and say, "Good."

These complicit MSM headlines are doing the same thing, and it's really getting fucking old.
"Don't Say Gay"
...uhhuh. But you're not going to mention that the law is also—in fact, it's primarily—"Don't Say Trans", for DAMN good and damn urgent safeguarding reasons. It's not the LGB whose wraithlike skeleton hands are reaching out to grab younger and younger and younger kids.

(All of these various ways to lie and mislead have been carefully planned out right from the start, btw. See, for instance, points 6-7 on pages 19-20 of the infamous Dentons/Reuters project doc for TRAs, where the forced teaming technique is just put right out there almost like a formula.

"Trans rights" has alws been such an above-board, not at all sinister, totally genuine civil rights cause, hasn't it. 🤮 I hate these people so much.



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