Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

When the great flood was over, millions upon millions of humans and many of the Nephilim giants who roamed Mu had died.
From the Bible is learnt, and even more from other ancient texts from which the Bible was developed. The Flood wiped out most of the world’s population. The conflicts that went on behind the scenes between the Sirians and the Pleiadians, which eventually led to the great Flood, are here not mentioned, as this article focuses on the Lemurian civilisation, while in a future article we’ll tell what happened in the rest of the world, and in particular on another huge landmass in the Atlantic Ocean, which was also wiped out by the Flood. This, of course, was Atlantis.

The misuse of energy, the misuse of technology and elitism eventually became dominant in Atlantis, which was the main reason why the Flood happened.
What exactly is meant by the misuse of energy? Well, in Atlantis, just like today, it’s done in many different ways, but mostly through advanced technology and the misuse of sexual energies.

Where Sirians are present, there is always a tendency for this to happen. It’s up to us humans to see through their manipulation, or we’ll end up in a much worse situation than the Atlanteans. At least they were stopped by the Flood, otherwise we probably wouldn’t be here today.

ENLIL manipulated events to create the Flood, which will not be forgiven here; be aware that the Sirians also had a finger in things that really got out of hand after a while. It always seems inevitable. This is why Sirians are not to be trusted, despite what others may say.

In Atlantis; technology was a little different from what we use today, but there are similarities. As already mentioned, computers, but they also had space technology, of course, and a wealth of knowledge about the stars and the universe in general, and they flew to the Moon and to Mars, and probably to other planets within the Solar System as well.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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