Introvert (“Free Nathan Larson”) #wingnut #quack #conspiracy#racist #psycho
[Serious] Why you should NOT wear a mask, even if you are ugly, NOR take the vaccine
I have seen some incels saying “I like that everyone wears a mask, because then I can hide my ugly face”. This submissive mindset has to stop though.
Being ugly is not unacceptable. You have the right to exist. It is only females and cucks who want you to suffer, because they are sadists towards ugly men. They are the ones who do not want to see your face, and by then wearing a mask, you basically fulfill the desires of your oppressors. It is cucked.
Wearing a mask for protection, is foolish for three reasons:
1) Covid-19 is not real.
2) Even if Covid-19 was real, masks would still be useless. You still breathe, and this includes breathing in and out potential viruses. Wearing a mask instead only makes the air you breathe in contain a higher amout of carbon dioxide.
3) Even if masks worked, why would you want to protect other people from getting sick? Females would deserve to get sick for not giving me sex, and other men too, for being unhealthy cucks (healthy masculine men have a superior immune system).
Also, do not take the (((vaccine))). Not only because it is Jewish poison which gives recipients countless of “side effects”. I have also seen females saying: “I hope everyone takes the vaccine so I can go out and party again, teehee”. Taking the vaccine, is therefore cucked.
Instead of being hysterical sheeple, be healthy. My natural immune system is superior and would destroy any virus instantly. I do not need any vaccine. And to the people who want to force me to wear I mask, I say, like George Floyd, #ICantBreathe.