Made in Heaven #fundie #racist #sexist

RE: JFL Just get married bro. Nuclear blackpill. Chads fuck dozens of married women.

(Made in Heaven)

85% upvoted and mostly positive comments. These are the same people that condemn incels. All of this is believable but it is infuriating how acceptable this is. I’ve been a personal trainer for six years and have fucked two dozen married clients. AMA

Sounds like less of a larp if you read all of his replies. This is just a degenerate chad. He apparently is also the father of a couple kids with these clients who he doesnt give 2 shits about. Some stuff a reddit cuck couldn't come up with. He's even fucking a friend's wife. He said muslim women were the most passionate/ went the longest /most positions. Five women have his child and are cuckolding the husband. Yet everyone is upvoting him and saying how impressed they are by him but unattractive men that complain about women online are somehow evil and immoral.

While this may or not be a larp, that doesn't really matter. At the end of the day, no man can deny that there isn't some animalistic euphoria in fucking another man's wife, to make another man's wife orgasm, to make another man's wife scream your name and beg for more. It's just another form of domination/mogging. And of course, this is why gender segregation, stoning, and hijab are needed.

Dude is also half Arab himself so that plays a role as well.

lmao clown wants to leave that part out so everyone thinks he's some white chad "stealing other races' women". Don't deny that he's 'basically white'. Many arabs can pass as european considering 1) they're both caucasion and 2) there has been a lot of mixing between the two, be it through the Romans, Ottomans, Viking slave trade, or colonization. I myself look white despite being full iraqi. Regardless, him being a levantine would still make it easier for these arab women to let their guard down, so to speak



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