James Delingpole #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy expose-news.com

My podcast guest I’m characteristically excited about this week is Nathan Reynolds. He is a scion of one of the dark, bloodline families that rule the world, his personality was fractured MK-Ultra-style by years of sexual abuse from early childhood, and he subsequently trained as one of the Cabal’s assassins. Or so he claims in our two-hour chat.
Now, Reynolds could have read this stuff in a book, I suppose. But to me, he sounded genuine. You’re welcome to disagree with my analysis but the onus is on you to give reasons. It’s not enough, as someone tried the other day – before deleting their comment – to suggest that there’s something prurient and clickbaity about talking to such characters, or James Delingpole used to be a discerning journalist but has lost the plot.

No, I talk to people like Nathan Reynolds because I’m on a mission to understand the true nature of our world. Most of those who set out to do this seriously and unflinchingly come to realise that this world, by God’s permission, according to the Scriptures, is the realm of satan. Once you understand this, the revelations of Cabal insiders like Reynolds become easier to comprehend.
You could accuse Reynolds of being a fantasist. But if you did, you’d have to explain away the dozens of other insider whistle-blowers all saying the same thing. Some are former Illuminati bagmen, some are ex-child-traffickers, some are Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors, some are satanic high priestesses. They can’t all be lying, can they?
“Ah, but they would have been killed by now. Such people would never be allowed to cross the Illuminati and live!” Yes, I encounter variations on this theme quite a bit. But is it actually true, any more?
That’s how the game works. It’s not that the information isn’t out there. Rather it’s that the people giving out this information have been so discredited, so marginalised that they will never reach an audience sizeable enough for them to make the slightest difference.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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