Charlie Kirk #wingnut

For those of you keeping score at home...

In 2016, Hillary Clinton's campaign secretly paid more than a million dollars to foreign spies to create entire fictions out of whole cloth in order to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent. These concealed payments ultimately led to illegal spying on a presidential campaign and a pointless, multimillion dollar Congressional witch hunt that derailed nearly three years of a presidential term. For these illegal payments, the FEC fined the Clinton campaign just $8,000, and the DNC $105,000.

Trump, in contrast, spent $130,000 to spare his wife the embarrassment of a porn star's extortion attempt. None of the money was used to target Hillary Clinton or any other political opponents. It was done under advice of counsel. The FEC declined to even fine Trump over the payments. Yet he's the one facing four years in prison for an alleged "campaign finance violation."
6:39 AM · May 30, 2024 · 481.1K Views
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