Did you hear Florida has ordered "STAY AT HOME"? Not for Florida citizens. For morons from deep blue, Covid-infected hellholes like NY, NJ, CT, Illinois, Maryland, Mass, Vermont. Stay in your mask-mandated, vaccine-mandated, locked down, Covid-infested sh--tholes. Stop invading Florida to enjoy FREEDOM. You don't deserve it!
Florida is the state everyone makes fun of. Some of it’s a bit unfair - if other states were infested with alligators, alligator-related stupidity would be common in a lot of other places, for example - but the general impression by “northerners” is that it’s unsafe, the education system is terrible, and there’s an awful lot of people who aren’t quite right in the head. Why would any of them want to live there? I mean, other than the never-matured-beyond-high-school retirees who move to The Village. Which is why most rich people only own a vacation home there. So, if that were real (and not, as I presume, a bad joke) it would be pretty empty.
Unless it’s a “stay off our beaches” thing, which they’re doing anyway, because those beaches are plague zones right now. Still empty.
Well, it looks like Florida is having multiple days of 70,000+ new cases daily are enjoying their FREEDOM, wondering if they’ll be free to get a bed in an ICU, stuck in a hallway or having to suffer at home. By stereotypes, the majority of Floridians are in the very high risk group for contracting COVID, and are among the first to be offered the vaccines. Personally, I’m looking for more anti-vaxxers to die off, so the average IQ of the US citizenry will increase. Have you built a trophy case for your Darwin Award yet?
Okay. Don't stay at home.
Just means more alive voters: certainly Democrat ones.
So don't threaten us with a good time, Dwayne. How many who thought like you that now don't even have the ability to think: as they're now doing RL impersonations of Norwegian Blue parrots.
This is an ex -'argument'. It has ceased to be!
“For morons from deep blue, Covid-infected hellholes like NY, NJ, CT, Illinois, Maryland, Mass, Vermont.”
Yes, this makes sense. Florida’s economy is self-suppporting and hermetically sealed. No need for tourist momeny to float the theme parks, the various dining menus, the t-shirt tourist traps, the fishing launches…
It’s not like the state’s tax base isn’t oriented towards hotels, prepared foods, souvenirs.
Sure, sure. More freedom for us to enjoy our totally independent financial situation without people who still have jobs and income.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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