RREEEEEEEEE #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Whites are the Jews in ethnic countries

By subverting the younger generation in ethnic countries and feeding them SJW and liberalism crap as they work through their non-governmental organizations, even women in ethnic countries want nothing but the best of their own race or even white guys. Whites are creating incels in ethnic countries at a crazy rate. Expect more and more ethnic incels on here from their native countries. It's only a matter of time.

I think you should look into who's actually operating these organizations, you'll probably notice some patterns

It's not just the non-governmental organizations, it's also foreign intelligence agencies. It's not just actual Jews, it's also non-Jew whites who are guilty of this. Think CIA, MI6, etc. How else do you think the Arab Spring started? You don't believe that these Arab subhumans started rebelling against their own governments for no reason, do you now?

tbh ngl
BUt but muh joos :soy:

Indeed, those who accuse of Jews doing these things to Europe and America are completely fine with they themselves are doing in other countries, taking the role of their supposed enemies. JFL.

Congratulations, you are now aware of the fact (((liberals))) are narcissistic, virtue signalling, civilization destroying peices of human excrement that need to be BURIED along with their shitty kike oriented ideologies.

Don't worry, I had them figured out a long time ago. Ideally, I would keep all ethnic degenerates here in Europe (or you can exterminate them) because I don't want them back in their native countries. Whites stop interfering with our countries. Unfortunately there's a lot of war-mongering faggots as well so it's a complicated situation overall.



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