Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy
In the void created by almost no solid intel on the surface of the planet since the collapse of the alpha timeline in early 2018, disinformation abounds.
The dark forces are leading campaigns against the few true sources, with unsubstantiated rumors and false accusations. They are especially attacking true Goddess teachings and true intel .
The surface Lightworker grid has almost collapsed, and the Light forces have activated an emergency backup Light grid for the surface of the planet, about which nothing can be said. Kerr metric spacetime distortion anomaly around the surface of the planet will reach its peak density in late August 2022, and after that time it will again become easier to hold the Light, and the Lightworker grid is expected to at least partially recover from the brutal attacks to which it was subjected in the last few months.
They have also communicated that the subquantum anomaly around the surface of the planet hides a dark entity that is the last remnant of darkness from the previous cosmic cycle, and has survived the Big Bang in the (sub)quantum state. This entity has entered this universe through the central Sun of the Andromeda galaxy, spent millions of years in Rigel and was teleported to Earth in 1996. This entity will be cleared completely and entirely together with the subquantum anomaly. In certain circles, this entity is called “the Lurker”.
As a result of that violation, the Light forces have closed the deconfliction communication line for a few days in the beginning of July as a warning. For these few days, the Cabal did not receive security intel to protect their main people and locations, which resulted in two security breaches for them.
The first security breach has taken down the Georgia guidestones:
The second security breach has taken down Shinzo Abe:
This second security breach was a warning to the leader of that particular country what may happen to him if they continue persecuting Lightworkers.