
Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #racist #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

A huge breakthrough happened on December 21st, when one portion of Pleiadian fleet was able to permanently anchor itself in key postilions throughout the Agartha network, and in the stratosphere as cloaked ships above key surface locations. This is a very important key step towards the final liberation of the surface.
Another part of this fleet will work with the planetary energy grid by activating energy vortexes around the planet and by upgrading the Tachyon chambers, cintamani stones and moldavites to the next level. At this point, more Tachyon chambers are needed on the surface of the planet to strengthen that grid.

The Agartha network has fully activated their global system of underground tunnels that is roughly following Dragon leylines, connecting many underground Agarthan cities with high speed magnetohydrodynamic trains. Blue Dragon Agartha network has completely activated its main tunnel network that goes below Xian-Wuhan-Fuzhou-Taipei-Keelung-Kagoshima-Kyoto.
This huge breakthrough was only possible because all negative Jesuit factions have been removed from the interplanetary space.

This has allowed the full return inside the interplanetary space of the Pleiadian fleet, the Silver fleet and many fleets of other cosmic races beyond the usual Andromedan, Aldebaran and Arcturian fleets that are already involved in the liberation operations. All those fleets are sending a strong network of ATVOR rays, effectively clearing the anomaly around planet Earth.
Meanwhile, here on the surface, the battle between Light and dark continues. The Zionist faction has started to pressure Trump with hidden nuclear weapons:

Most of the mysterious drones currently swarming USA are actually nuclear sniffers, trying to find those hidden nukes:

Some of the “drones” are plasma engine craft similar to TR3-B:

Those belong to Secret space program military factions and they are searching for Aldebarans that are emerging from their underwater and underground locations:

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The purpose of this interview is to bring more awareness about certain aspects of Operation Dreamland to the surface population. The questions for this interview were provided by a certain contact who is involved in Operation Dreamland, and answers were provided in italics by Cobra.
1. Is everything going according to the plan? Are these members still around or have they left this reality? Do they know who they are?

It is definitely not going according to the plan. Things were proceeding relatively well until 1996, and then the Great Forgetting happened. Most members are still incarnated, but almost without exception they have no idea who they are.
6. In your previous posts, you described us how Brotherhood of the Star influenced history. You basically said the order influenced the area of Florence in the 15th century, Venice in the 16th century, England in the 17th century, Paris in the 18th century. Is it safe to say that the order’s presence was significant in California area in the second half of the 20th century? If so, this presence is no longer felt there. On the contrary, California became a home place for the Church of Satan. What happened there? Was creating a city of light in LA Saint Germain’s plan? Was it his last plan for us to defeat darkness? Does he have more plans?

Brotherhood of the Star activated many of the Order of the Star which incarnated in the second half of the 20th century in California. There were plans to create an Island of Light near Los Angeles, and to trigger the mass Ascension process from there. Those plans were destroyed during the dark invasion in 1996. Also, Light Forces have lost the occult war in California in 2019. Now the situation is very slowly improving, and Saint Germain is energetically activating positive occult and esoteric groups there since the beginning of November.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #ufo 2012portal.blogspot.com

In this period of extreme outer chaos, it is very important that we strengthen our connection with our true (higher) self.

For that purpose I will post some key meditations that can help us to achieve that.

ATVOR meditation

The Ascended Masters have developed this spiritual technology and it creates an advanced pillar of Light:

It is generated by a mothership above the Earth. It descends into your body and goes through the Agarthan network into the center of the planet.

Say the following invocation three times:

I call upon the Pillar of Pure White Light to descend upon me and form around me.
I call upon the Presence of the I AM that I AM. I ask the Presence of the I AM that I AM to join and merge with me.

Now, close your eyes. Visualize a pillar of pure white Light descending from the sky, going through you, to the center of the Earth. You are sitting in the pillar of Light.

As you breathe in, you breathe in the brilliant white Light into your heart. As you breathe out, you breathe out the brilliant white Light from your heart. Keep breathing that brilliant white Light into your heart and out of your heart.

Each time you breathe in that Light into your heart, you say “Ashtar Command” silently in your heart. With this breath technique, we are calling upon the presence of Ashtar command mothership into your energy field. Each time you breathe into your heart, be with the Ashtar command.

Each time you breathe out, radiate the Light back into the mothership.

Keep breathing like this for a few moments.

Slowly, once again, you begin to feel your physical body. Whenever you feel ready, open your eyes.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

To understand the current planetary situation, we need to dive a bit into the occult history.

In second century BCE, when Orsini family was expanding their properties north of Rome, they came across a network of underground tufa tunnels below Etruscan settlements of Pitigliano and Orvieto:

In those tunnels, they have encountered native Reptilians, and they forged a military alliance with them, which later supported the rise of the Catholic Cult, as tunnels were built to connect Pitigliano and the Vatican hill.
Cathar and Templar movements in the 12th to 14th centuries were attempt by the Light forces to bring Light to the planet again.

As a reaction to this, Farnese family created the Jesuits:

The Jesuits soon began exploring the underground world, and they made great progress in the 1660s:

They made contact with underground Draconians in the 1660s, and a military pact was signed, for which only very few top Jesuits knew about.

In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, a small group of Jesuits broke off the surface civilization and started a breakaway group.
Now there is still some of that Jesuit presence left throughout the Solar system, and they still control a huge amount of nanites, some of them interplanetary, and most of the nanites on the surface of this planet. These nanites create a network that can communicate through radio waves:

This interplanetary Jesuit network, together with their allied non-physical Reptilians and Draconians, are giving occult power to the surface Jesuits, which control the surface dark networks through hazing ritual initiations taking place in Jesuit universities.
There is also a huge reorganization and activation of the whole Agartha network taking place. They are being aligned with Galactic Confederation, the Resistance Movement is becoming a special force department within the Agartha, and Agarthan Silver Fleet will be reactivated again after the Jesuit removal from the Solar system.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

In a surprise attack on September 7th, the Light forces have removed the negative Agartha network and dark Tibetan network completely, with only the core of the main underground base in Northern Tibet still remaining. That base will be removed in a month or less.

Immediately after that attack, the Jesuits freaked out completely because they realized they do not have the negative spiritual support they had until now for many centuries. They have since then set a chain of negative events worldwide, that will lead to their downfall against all of their expectations.

The Jesuits want to keep humanity in materialistic physical eternal time loop without any access to higher dimensions because that ensures the maximum entropy of the Matrix. Because of Lurker disentanglement process, their materialistic project will fail:

What is now left is the main dark network on the surface of the planet which consists of globally interconnected layers of Negative military, Negative police, Black nobility, Illuminati, Deep state and Negative financial complex. The Lurker subquantumly entangles with all those factions and guides them with nudges and impulses.
Some of the top generals within the Negative military were once commanders within the Ashtar Command. During military missions in the Galactic wars they were captured by the dark forces, implanted, brainwashed and put into reincarnation cycle on Earth. Many of them originate from Sirius. Sirius star system is beginning its activation which will peak in 2025, and is already sending strong energies to those generals, hoping that some of them may cross over to the Light side, which they may.

The core of the Negative military was infiltrated in 1996 by a small group of dark beings from another Universe, which brought with them a certain small number of Black Stones.
Black Rock (codename for the Black Stone) is at the core of the Negative financial complex, and it controls the Deep state through bribes

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces are in the final stages of removing the dark Atlantean network. This network consisted of three concentric rings, the outer one made of bases in the Kuiper belt, the middle one of bases in the asteroid belt, and the inner one as a network of underwater bases throughout the planet.

After 26,000 years of existence, this dark network is finally about to be defeated. The outer ring is gone, the middle ring is gone, and from the inner ring only the main stronghold remains. After that is gone also, the Source and the Light forces will begin a very risky, complex and challenging process of disentangling the surface population from the Lurker:

When the inner ring of the dark Atlantean network collapsed a few weeks ago, the Aldebarans immediately created their own positive network of underwater bases and also a few surface outposts in complete alignment with their plan of supporting the Event which was formulated in 2023:
Aldebaras, Pleiadians and the Resistance formed a strong alliance that will work as a team in the Event operations.

After many months, the Pleiadians have contacted Russian military again, with the purpose of ending the war in Ukraine.

As a result of this, Putin made a peace offer:

Although his offer was rejected, it started an important energetic process through which peace can be manifested, when enough people see through the lies and manipulations of the military industrial complex:
Aldebarans have communicated that they will contact Chinese positive military if or when certain conditions are met. Plans have already been put into motion regarding this.

Operations have also started in various factions of the worldwide Agartha network to prepare for the contact with the surface. They have begun activating special energy portals at specific entry points into the Agartha network. Emerald meditation can help you to connect with Agartha:
Victory of the Light!

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces and the Source are clearing the primary anomaly and the primary Lurker with full speed.

In clearing the surface, the Light Forces have encountered two ancient Illuminati networks, controlled by Black nobility and primarily made of Draco and Reptilian entities in human bodies. These two networks are anchors for the huge part of the primary anomaly still extending throughout the Solar system until the heliopause:

The first of those networks is located in India and it firmly established control upon Indian subcontinent after the Draco defeated Aldebarans in a nuclear war in the area of current Rajasthan about 5000 years ago. Since then, Indian Illuminati network has controlled India through dark priesthood network, and it is still the deep force of control behind Indian politics, emanating from certain Indian Black nobility families.

This network is already being cleared, with Resistance Movement and Agarthan and other special forces emerging to the surface from Patala
We had a short workshop in Delhi, India on December 20th.

The purpose of this workshop was to strengthen the network of Light in India.

Light Forces are asking Lightworkers in India to start creating cintamani Flower of Life grids around major cities in India to bring Light to those cities, improve quality of life of their inhabitants and to help purifying the air, which is in some locations so polluted that it is dangerous for health. People who activated Flower of Life cintamani grid in cities in China have noticed significant improvement of life quality and air quality in those cities.

Also, a network of cintamani stones needs to be placed in ancient temples where Devadasi tradition was practiced, in Durga temples and in locations of Mughal palaces. All those places will be then reabsorbed into the planetary network of Light.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. They are involved in very sensitive and risky operations behind the scenes, and nothing more can be said about that at this moment.

I was surprised when the existence of other universes was revealed to me. The Light Forces have given me intel about 25 years ago that all other Universes have been integrated into this one. In the meantime, new Universes were discovered to exist and very recently I was made aware of these.

The Light Forces have communicated that they need to release intel gradually, only as fast as it can be safely integrated without provoking too much anomaly which could then not be processed fast enough and would cause trouble.

The presence of darkness in those other Universes is minimal and much less than it currently exists on this planet. The main stronghold Reptilian planet in the most problematic of the other Universes was liberated recently in extremely heavy battles with many casualties on both sides. All remaining darkness in those Universes is expected to be cleared soon.

None of the dark entities present in other Universes can travel into this Universe anymore. The only beings traveling from other Universes are the Light Forces bringing reinforcements for the final liberation.

Negative quantum wormholes between this Universe and other Universes still exist, but they will be cleared shortly.

An enormous Ascension portal that I have already briefly mentioned in one of my past updates has begun to make its presence felt in other Universes. More precisely, that is the beginning of the process of bubble nucleation as part of the transition from false vacuum to true vacuum in the Multiverse:

Our planet remains to be the main stronghold of the dark in the Multiverse and the main problem to be resolved. Hopefully I will be able to release more concrete intel about the planetary situation in a few weeks after certain situations get resolved.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

Now it is time to release more intel about current developments behind the scenes.
Some members of the Indian Illuminati network have activated ancient jumprooms that were located in underground tunnels beneath some Hindu temples in India. Some of those jumprooms were inactive for centuries, sometimes even millennia. Through those jumprooms, they have teleported about 300 million reptilian beings from the etheric plane into humanoid physical bodies and tried to recapture the Solar system by teleporting those Reptoids through ancient jumproom network that spans the Solar system and was inactive for centuries as well. They were even able to infiltrate some bases of the Light forces on Planet X, which were swiftly recaptured by the Light Forces with heavy casualties on both sides.
That Indian Illuminati network has also teleported many of those Reptoids through the ancient jumproom network below the surface of the planet and merged it with ancient Atlantean dark network which exists below Africa. Those dark subterranean networks are being cleared also.
The Indian Illuminati network was created during the Kurgan Archon invasion about 5000 years ago when one branch of Kurgans invaded Indus valley and formed Vedic patriarchal civilization in India with strict caste system. They were the ones who brought the mind programming belief in karma. The remnants of this network are mostly prevalent in Rajasthan and Gujarat.

The African Illuminati network was formed 14,000 years ago at the last polar shift in the late Atlantean period. When the equator shifted to its current position, the Dark forces built a network of dark temples along the current equator, equipped with jumprooms though which Reptilian entities could enter incarnation into humanoid cloned bodies. This is how many Reptoids entered the human surface population since late Atlantis, and formed their own network under control of a few Black nobility families.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

A certain Draco entity that was known on this planet as Henry Kissinger was already taken to the Galactic Central Sun for processing, and the following meditation is no longer necessary:


The original Unholy Four are now down to one, and the new expanded list of Unholy Five is now down to the following four individuals: Dick Cheney, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Klaus Schwab.

Victory of the Light!

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

There was an occult war between the Light and dark forces for the energy grid in California in 2018 and 2019, a war of both Light and dark occult rituals, a war or espionage and counterespionage.

Main forces on the Light side were the Resistance Movement, certain members of the Order of the Star and certain Dragon groups from Chinatown in San Francisco.
Unfortunately, in mid 2019 the Light forces lost the war and were forced to retreat, and since that time the energy grid in California is mostly deteriorating:
Now in 2024, during the year of the Dragon, a similar war for the energy grid is taking place in mainland China.

On the Light side, the main forces are many Dragon groups both on the surface and underground, and also Aldebarans and Andromedans.

On the dark side, the main forces are the negative Tibetan network and another dark force that must not be directly named for security reasons.

If the Light forces win the war, China will go on a path of progress before the Event, and gradual improvement of life conditions for the Chinese people and better international relations for China.

If the Light forces lose the war, China will go on a path of decay similar to California.

The first critical period in which the war can be decided is within the next three to four weeks. The second critical period in which the war can be decided coincides with time of geopolitical crisis in November before Pluto goes into Aquarius.
One key factor that can greatly influences the final outcome of this war is the Li family:

Although there are many people with surname Li, there are just a few key members of the Li family both on the Light and dark side.

Some branches of the family are connected to the Illuminati:

Some were emperors of China, especially during Tang dynasty, where they were instrumental in the creation of the Blue Dragon Agartha:
To summarize, Li family has a of of potential both for Light and dark and may well be the deciding factor in this war.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

Disentanglement testing phase is proceeding well and it is expected to be completed in about a week. After that, the process of disentanglement of humanity from the Lurker will begin with full force.

In preparation for this process, the planetary etheric network of Light had to be prepared and properly activated. For this reason, a special Dragon leyline activation was taking place between July 11th and 22nd.
After the successful activation of Dragon leylines, various factions of Agartha network, especially in Asia, are becoming more active, beginning their preparations for the Compression Breakthrough.

Blue Dragon Agartha (青龙洞天) network was created during Tang dynasty. First, emperor Xuanzong connected grotto heavens with Taoist temples:
They went underground through the freshly created network of entrances, and then created an underground civilization of Light based on advanced Taoist principles. There they discovered an ancient Atlantean network with advanced technology. They now exist below central China and are cooperating with the Aldebarans, Antarians and Andromedans.
In Tibet, the main Agartha stronghold is in the western end of the Kunlun mountains. This network has the main base under the nexus of main planetary Dragon leylines:

It is 26,000 years old, and has a strong connection to the Galactic Central Race. It also connects to the western underground Atlantean network and indirectly to the Resistance Movement.
Unfortunately, there is also a negative Agartha network with main stronghold on Tibetan high plateau just south of Kunlun mountains, and a small network of underground bases around the planet.

The core of this network are negative Andromedans that came to this planet 26,000 years ago and now exist in a huge underground base under a small insignificant Buddhist monastery in northern Tibet. They were additionally reinforced by a small number of extremely negative beings from another Universe during the Archon invasion in 1996.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The dark Atlantean networks has been completely removed. This has far reaching consequences.

As a result of this, the process of disentangling the Lurker from the surface population finally began. The first month or so of this process will be a testing phase, where the Light forces will evaluate the response of the surface population to the disentanglement process, and adjust it accordingly. After the testing phase is compete, the proper disentanglement will begin.

You can view this process as planetary exorcism. Darkness, which was until now quantumly and subquantumly entangled with human personalities, will finally begin to leave. An average human being is over 90% infected with the Lurker, and an average Lightworker is still about 80% infected. As the process unfolds, the percentage of infection will begin to drop, and human beings will begin to be more aligned with the Light, and will tend to start feeling better.
Also, enough anomaly has been removed to initialize the final process of alignment of this Solar system with the Galactic sea of Love. Solar plasma is still to a significant degree under the control of the Lurker, but at the heliopause the alignment process has already begun. Many different star races, with their fleets positioned just beyond the heliopause, are sending rays of Light into the Solar system and disentangling it form the Lurker. You can help with this process by meditating with cintamanis or various tektites and connecting the star from where those tektites originated and this Solar system with filaments of Light.

Galactic central race (the Builders) has massively entered the Solar System and is activating many ancient portal stargates on various moons, asteroids, and on Mars.

This will assist in activating the memories of the positive Atlantis, to start preparing human consciousnesses for the birth of the New Atlantis
Victory of the Light!

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

Finally, the Source has started to directly remove the Primary Lurker which was created at the beginning of time when the Source projected a spark of itself into the primary anomaly. The Source is now quantumly dangling the universe from the Lurker. When a critical mass of the Lurker will be gone, the Source will begin to direangle it directly from the surface humanity and when that direangle reaches a certain critical mass, the Event can happen.

After the Event, the Source will sayangle all Lurker remnants from humanity and that process will be completed at the Solar Flash and corresponding tsunami, which is most probable at the moment of subsequent solar maxima either around 2037 or around 2049. Educated guess still puts the timing of the Event at 2025, although nobody knows when the real timing will be. The time frame between the Event and the Solar Flash will be a time of great healing for humanity:

Until them, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide.
Some people are expecting full Disclosure in 2027, well within the orb of Neptune Pluto sextile, but it is very likely much sooner than that:

Aldebarans have started to execute a very important plan that is expected to be completed in 2024. They will put a large number of military bases on the ocean floors and in remote areas on the surface of this planet. These military bases will be cloaked and will not be detectable by the military technology of the surface population.

These military bases will be a platform from where the Event operations will start when the time is right. Event operations will include both Aldebaran and Resistance personnel on the surface of the planet

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

<multiple links removed for space>
Clearing of the Indian and African Illuminati networks is proceeding with full speed. All their bases throughout the Solar system were cleared a few days ago, and when the Aldebarans were removing their last ships in Low Earth orbit, this was brought to the attention of the surface governments:

Of the Indian and African Illuminati networks, only about 50,000 members in the tunnels below temples in India and about 70,000 members in the tunnel notworks below Subsaharan Africa are still remaining. These are expected to be cleared in a few weeks as well.

The main problem aside the surface Illuminati network is a remnant of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) that escaped the clearing process between 2018 and 2020, and remained inactive until now

On February 8th, Orsini family has activated the IBC in order to prevent the Resistance movement starting the surface operations.

The first thing they did was to activate one part of physical biochips that escaped detection of the Light forces and was inactive until now. This part of the biochips is a backup processor that is able to send audio video feed from the brain synapse signals via cell phone tower network into the main processing center which, according to sources, is located in an underground facility near the border of Guinea and Sierra Leone.<...> The Light forces will use their technologies to deactivate that part of the physical biochips relatively soon.

The IBC has currently about 18 million mainly Reptilian and Draco members in humanoid bodies on the physical plane, scattered throughout bases in the Solar system, mainly in the Kuiper belt, and with a small base even on Mars.
Another smaller stronghold is in a tunnel network beneath Colombia and northwestern Brazil, with about 15,000 Reptilians and Dracos in humanoid bodies. Some of them emerge to the surface and are then trafficked as migrants into the US through the Darien Gap:

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces are making good progress with clearing of the etheric plane, and some good news regarding that are expected soon.

Physical biochips are much more problematic, at least a this point. They are the main tool of surveillance through which the Chimera controls the surface population:

Those biochips would detect any physical intervention of the Light Forces on the surface. The contacted individual would first be very happy, but his increased vibrational frequency together with the video/audio feed from the biochip would alert the Chimera mainframe computer in the DARPA pit.

Immediate action would be taken to decrease the vibrational frequency of the contacted individual, either by removing that individual through DEW electroplasma induced heart attack, by orchestrating a car accident, by removing the loved ones of that particular individual, or by any similar means. This is one of the main reasons why the Light Forces are not contacting individuals on the surface.
If non-physical contact is made, or if a certain individual raises his vibrational frequency too much, the physical biochip detects that also, and automatically lowers the vibration of the individual by inducing electroshocks through the navel biochip. The navel biochip is capable of producing electroshocks between 20 and 130 volts, depending on the circumstances. At the same time, the two biochips in the frontal lobe of the brain produce strong magnetic fields that produce sleepiness, brain fog and confusion. Thus physical biochips represent a very efficient slave driver mechanism which controls the surface population.
The physical plane is further monitored and controlled through scalar network created with cellphone towers, cellphones themselves, and wi-fi networks:

The next layer is the global network of ionospheric heaters:

And the next layer is the Space Force surveillance network, which detects and removes any Positive ET intrusion attempts into the quarantine:

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. Nothing more can be said about that at this point for strategic and security reasons, but an intel update for the surface population about that topic is expected soon.

All negative entities have been removed from other Universes, and only a very small amount of subquantum anomaly is present there.

Now the full focus is on this Solar System, and on the final liberation of planet Earth. In the last few weeks, a huge amount of subquantum anomaly has been removed from the Solar System.

As a result of this, one part of the Pleiadian fleet is about to return to this Solar System and they will resume liberation operations. Details need to remain classified, but extremely powerful astrological configurations are supporting this move.

The main aspect is Sedna conjuncting Alcyone on May 25th. This aspect happens once every 20,000 years, and its astrological meaning is the return of Pleiadians to Earth at the completion of the cosmic cycle. This aspect will start exhibiting its full power one week before May 25th, and will remain in full force until one week after.

Light Forces have begun to decrease the activity of the multidimensional Dyson sphere around the Sun in order to allow more Solar activity to occur since the beginning of May, producing a huge solar storm last week:
At this volume, another multidimensional quantum technology of the Light Forces has been activated since May 1st, and it is called Gungnir:

Gungnir is an advanced planetary Ascension technology that is now directing immense amount of Electric fire towards this planet:

It channels huge energies from the top of the Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) to the surface of the planet:

These energies are being distributed by the Solar Logos (the cosmic being that is our Sun), utilizing the Rod of Initiation, effectively starting the process of Ascension of this planet into its fourth planetary initiation

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The main focus of the Light forces is now clearing of the subquantum anomaly.

Subquantum anomaly is not as innocent as it was previously believed, and the Lurker entity poses quite a challenge. In the previous cosmic cycle, some entities wanted to survive the big crunch as the universe was collapsing into a singularity, and the only possible way to survive this (except Ascension) was to forcefully project consciousness into the subquantum anomaly.

Those entities from the previous cosmic cycle used a very advanced technology with extreme energies to push their consciousness into the subquantum unspace. Through this process they were extremely traumatized, they lost their individuality and merged into a rabid, revengeful subquantum blob named the Lurker.
Since 1996, it plagues the spacetime quantum fluctuations indirectly from subquantum unspace, which the Light forces continuously clear with Mjolnir technology. Lurker is the underbelly of the Universe which drains through quarantine Earth tumor / cyst. Physical biochips of the surface population are subquantum/quantum portals through which the Lurker emerges into the quantum fluctuations.

Mjolnir technology continuously sublimates parts of the Lurker from subquantum unspace into the quantum fluctuations, which mostly cancel each other out, and then dissolve into nothingness. Those fluctuations that do not cancel themselves out continue to produce small amounts of anomalous proton plasma.
Contrary to the popular belief, this Universe was NOT created by the Source, it emerged as a result of dynamic tension between the Source and the subquantum anomaly. This Universe at the present state of evolution is still quite unevolved, as it is clearly seen in the ridiculously slow speed of light in the ordinary spacetime. The Source steers the evolution of this Universe into the Light through actions of the Light forces, who are still learning to understand the Creation, hence their many mistakes.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. After the African Illuminati and IBC networks were cleared, there is palpable relief in Africa:

A little more intel can now be safely released. In December 2023, the dark Atlantean network managed to open dark portals between this Solar system and other Universes, similar to what happened in 1996, but to a much lesser degree. They did that by detonating physical and etheric nuclear bombs in the Kuiper belt.

These dark portals allowed the influx of many Reptilian entities from other Universes into the Solar system, which were then immediately cleared as soon as they entered the Solar system itself:

The dark portals which allowed entry of Reptilian entities were completely closed by the Light forces on April 3rd, and from then on, entry of any dark entities into the Solar system from anywhere is simply not possible anymore. The only dark portals still active between our Solar system and other Universes allow a certain degree of inflow of subquantum anomaly into the Solar system. These portals will be closed down soon also.

This whole operation was a big strategic mistake of the dark forces, since after the Light forces manage to close down dark portals, they can open Light portals in those same locations instead, and this improves communication between this Solar system and the Light forces from other Universes drastically. Many Light reinforcements are already arriving from other Universes and they are positioning themselves now in their motherships at the heliopause.

Many of those Light beings brought new advanced technologies dealing with the Lurker, and new, faster hyperdimensional wormholes that allow faster and more convenient travel between the Universes.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

African and Indian Illuminati underground networks, as well as the remnants of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) both in the Solar system and below the surface of this planet have been completely removed.
What is remaining now to be cleared beyond the surface Illuminati is an ancient Atlantean dark network that was partially established on this planet with the arrival of the dark Lords of Orion around 900,000 years ago and was completed 26,000 years ago when planet Earth became a quarantine.

This network was fully operational until the fall of Atlantis and then it became hidden, only occasionally manipulating the events on the surface. Now, with all other dark networks beyond the surface Illuminati removed, it became active again.

Most of intel about this network needs to remain classified for now, except for the fact that it has bases across the Solar system and also below the surface of this planet similarly to the previous networks just cleared.

We have now entered a very sensitive period and all intel about clearing of this network needs to remain classified for now and a period of radio silence must begin.

This network is now executing brutal attacks on the Lightworkers on the non physical planes and the Light forces are doing whatever possible to minimize the impact of those attacks.

In the few days around the coming penumbral Lunar eclipse on March 25th people need to put up as much protection as possible and refrain from reacting to negativity

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

Message to the Surface Population

In a desperate attempt to keep the hold of the planet, the dark forces are reinfecting the three key energy vortexes on the surface of the planet with as much dark anomaly as possible.

These three vortexes are: Bukavu in Congo, Ljubljana in Slovenia and Santa Monica/Los Angeles in the US. These three vortexes were the main entry points for the Archon invasion of 1996.

Their main focus now is the Ljubljana vortex, which they want to use as the energy pivot to crush Europe into totalitarian Great Reset.

Therefore the Light forces are asking everyone who feels so guided to participate in a meditation to heal that vortex every day at 6:45 pm UTC:

Focus of the dark forces is expected to shift from Europe to the US just before February 20th at the moment of the Pluto return for the United States, and we will organize a meditation for the Los Angeles vortex then.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

Since our Divine Intervention Activation, the war to liberate this planet on the non-physical planes has really escalated. While the dark forces are attacking whenever they can, the Light forces are clearing dark networks and have already managed to clear the majority of primary anomaly on the astral plane.

The main focus now is the clearing of the primary anomaly on the lower mental plane and the so-called Invisibles. Invisibles are Archontic entities which inhabit the lower mental plane around the surface of the planet and are the ones creating and manifesting the false ideas matrix. They are the beings responsible for ideas such as karma, prime directive, purposeful suffering, omnipotent God, purposeful duality, flat Earth, second law of thermodynamics as the ultimate truth, speed of light as the maximum speed, monogamy as the only choice, global warming, woke ideology, critical race theory, etc.

Invisibles are entities that are almost transparent, creamy opaque blobs. Since the Archon invasion in 1996, they have managed to invade the auric field of the mental body of almost every incarnated being on the surface of this planet.

The Light forces are estimating there are about 500 humans currently incarnated on the planet with their mental body fully intact, without Invisibles infestation. Everybody else is at least partially mentally possessed, ranging from small areas of the mind where the person acts irrationally, to the full possession where the person has almost completely lost free will and ability for common sense and rational thinking. The key here is to acknowledge the possession, which will be extremely hard to do for most people, expel the entities with decrees, purify the mental body with the violet flame, and reclaim lost mental abilities and exercise common sense.

Clearing of Invisibles network will continue with full speed for another month or so, and peak stupidity on the global scale is expected in about two weeks

Cobra/The Portal #magick #ufo #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

As the Light Forces are trying to bring as much Light as possible to the surface of the planet in their project of Return of Spirit, the old Atlantean Light grid is being reactivated.

One very important aspect of that process is reactivation of old Atlantean Goddess vortexes, connected to the old Atlantean equator:


In times of Atlantis, powerful temples were built across equator and they had direct connection with the motherships of the Galactic Confederation which were parked directly above them in geostationary orbit. Those temples were anchoring divine Goddess energy on the surface of the planet, whereas polar temples were anchoring divine God energy. Goddess temples always had a sacred lake situated nearby, where the Goddess vortex was anchored through a female angelic being under guidance from Iona.
Also being reactivated is the European Goddess Vortex triangle with double vortexes of Venice, Paris and Budapest, all of them close to the Atlantean equator. All these three double vortexes have the main vortex in the city, and the secondary vortex about 10-30 miles from the main one. Both vortexes are connected with each other with an infinity number eight energy flow.
The Light forces have communicated that after more than 1500 years of suppression, Goddess temples need to be recreated again on the surface of this planet. Sisterhood of the Rose has been given this sacred task. Public spaces that bring the Goddess energy to the general surface population need to be created. This can be your private space that is open to the general public at least a few hours weekly and can bring Goddess energy to the people though meditations, dance, readings, and music.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot 2012portal.blogspot.com

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light Forces are using Mjolnir technology to remove the black holes from the implants and from the inverted grid on the surface of the planet.

When the critical mass of those black holes is removed, the positive spiritual energy from the Buddhic plane will again begin to precipitate on mental, astral, etheric and physical planes on the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996.

This positive spiritual energy will, when it becomes strong enough, trigger the New Renaissance, the real spiritual awakening of the Age of Aquarius and will be the foundation for the activation of Operation Dreamland:

This positive spiritual energy will finally dissolve the black hole quantum anomaly around Earth and reactivate the Ascension process for this planet. It will connect the surface of this planet to Tunnels of Light, which are exact opposite of the Tunnels of Set. Tunnels of Light are connecting the whole universe into One, and they will ultimately Ascend the whole universe into one giant rainbow fuzzball of Oneness at the end of the next cosmic cycle.

Millions of years ago, the Chimera have built huge particle accelerators in the form of Dyson rings billions of miles in diameter in the Rigel star system in Orion.

They were using those Dyson rings to create a sufficient amount of top quark and strange quark condensate to create a sufficient amount of toplet and strangelet bombs to control the Rigel and Sol star systems
Aside from material for toplet and strangelet bombs, they were mostly producing large amounts of quark gluon plasma:

and also some neutron degenerate matter:

Great portion of this quark gluon plasma and neutron degenerate matter was brought to Earth during the Great Invasion of 1996 and some of the still remaining containers of those two types of degenerate matter are protecting the last pit from the final assault of the Light Forces:

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

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Our Ascension Conference in Paris was a huge success. Interest among the surface population was more than expected, and the conference was sold in a few days after being announced. Despite all organizational challenges everything went smoothly at the conference, and we had a strong and dedicated group of about 320 participants. For many of them it was the first opportunity in years to reconnect with their fellow Lightworkers and Lightwarriors.

We have managed to reawaken and revive the Sisterhood of the Rose, and hopefully you will hear from them soon.
It is a very interesting synchronicity that China has dropped its zero covid policy just after the weekend:

It is also interesting to note that Iran appears to have disbanded or at least weakened the power of its “morality police” during the weekend:

This is the first victory of the renewed Goddess energy and is related to the reactivation of the positive Qajar Goddess timeline which is happening behind the scenes:

Qajar dynasty has reactivated Goddess mysteries in the early 19th century in the Persian court:
Meanwhile, the clearing of the Chimera group continues.

In early December, The Light Forces have started to clear the huge last pit which extended below Washington D.C. in a spiderlike formation which roughly followed the subway system:

They have managed to clear the vast majority of the pit, including the cloning facilities for politicians, MILAB facilities under Pentagon, the “Clinton morgue” and the “Hillary's shapeshifter chamber”.

The only part of the pit now remaining is the facility under DARPA with the central quantum computer.

The Light Forces should definitely take the status of the suffering of the surface population into consideration and risk more, be more active on the surface, but at least we got this:

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

There was a huge escalation between the Chimera group and the Light Forces on October 15th, and extraordinary measures were taken. The situation was spiraling out of control, and since the Light Forces around the Earth could not contain the situation anymore, urgent reinforcements from Andromeda galaxy who are experts in dealing with the Chimera group sprang into action.
Until very recently, Light Forces around the Earth were still subjected to quantum anomaly to a degree that kept them frozen in fear of the toplet bomb retaliations, hence their inaction. Their fear had its roots in the quantum shock of 1996, when the dark forces were able to shock the quantum filed of the universe to a degree only experienced twice in this cosmic cycle: at the moment of the Big Bang, and at the moment of the creation of the dark forces millions of years ago. The shock of 1996 has weakened the connection of the whole manifested universe with Buddhic and higher planes, and this has resulted in diminished power of Light and increased power of darkness. This shock is finally being addressed now, as the total amount of quantum anomaly has fallen under a certain threshold.
With this improved energy dynamics, so called quantum insertion portals are beginning to open. These portals are quick and effective flashes of Light that reach the quantum field on the surface of the planet and may bring rapid improvement of situations on the surface. These portals are now still sporadic, rare and unstable, but are expected to improve. The Light Forces are developing protocols that would utilize those portals and using Mjolnir technology, they would like to make them useful for the surface Lightworkers to improve their life situations.

Those portals are coming directly from the Source and theoretically speaking a quantum insertion portal big enough could even trigger the Event, although that is still very unlikely at this point.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

In the void created by almost no solid intel on the surface of the planet since the collapse of the alpha timeline in early 2018, disinformation abounds.

The dark forces are leading campaigns against the few true sources, with unsubstantiated rumors and false accusations. They are especially attacking true Goddess teachings and true intel .

The surface Lightworker grid has almost collapsed, and the Light forces have activated an emergency backup Light grid for the surface of the planet, about which nothing can be said. Kerr metric spacetime distortion anomaly around the surface of the planet will reach its peak density in late August 2022, and after that time it will again become easier to hold the Light, and the Lightworker grid is expected to at least partially recover from the brutal attacks to which it was subjected in the last few months.
They have also communicated that the subquantum anomaly around the surface of the planet hides a dark entity that is the last remnant of darkness from the previous cosmic cycle, and has survived the Big Bang in the (sub)quantum state. This entity has entered this universe through the central Sun of the Andromeda galaxy, spent millions of years in Rigel and was teleported to Earth in 1996. This entity will be cleared completely and entirely together with the subquantum anomaly. In certain circles, this entity is called “the Lurker”.
As a result of that violation, the Light forces have closed the deconfliction communication line for a few days in the beginning of July as a warning. For these few days, the Cabal did not receive security intel to protect their main people and locations, which resulted in two security breaches for them.

The first security breach has taken down the Georgia guidestones:
The second security breach has taken down Shinzo Abe:

This second security breach was a warning to the leader of that particular country what may happen to him if they continue persecuting Lightworkers.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #psycho 2012portal.blogspot.com

Time has come to release the next portion of the Ascension plan for this planet.
Most importantly, the Light forces have communicated that the Ascension window of 1975-2025 will NOT close in 2025, but will remain PERMANENTLY OPEN. This means that energies will keep increasing and since 2025, the Ascension energies will forever permanently flow from the Galactic Central Sun through our Solar System towards the planetary surface.

The Light forces have refused to comment what that means practically for the timing of the Event. Based on the intel I have, I can make an educated guess and speculate for two possible scenarios.
First, increased energy from the Galactic Central Sun will continue to purify all the remaining quantum and subquantum anomaly around the planet and beyond, and the Light forces will keep removing all negative non-physical entities.

Second, the solar activity will keep increasing, as we are coming closer and closer to the solar maximum of solar cycle 25. Early predictions were estimating that cycle to peak in July 2025, but now scientists are expecting the solar maximum in late 2024.
After the Event, the surface society will undergo a drastic transformation that will take a few years.
The mass of humanity will be evacuated in their physical bodies just before the Galactic Pulse and transported to the planet in the Pleiades star system which already inhabits about 70 billion humans which were evacuated from the astral plane of planet Earth in 1999.

About 500 million of surface evacuees, mostly sociopaths and psychopaths and many of them Dracos and Reptilians who came to Earth in 1996-1999 period and were living since then in human clones on the surface, will not be able to fulfill the minimum criteria for evolution and will be taken to the Central Sun for restructuring.

This effectively means the end of darkness and suffering for the whole universe, and a “new cycle of luminosity can begin”.

Victory of Light!

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

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A very powerful triple Mars - Uranus - Lunar Node conjunction is coming on July 31st and August 1st:

The Cabal is trying to use this energy to create a new world war.

They are still trying to escalate Russia / Ukraine conflict into a wider war between Russia and NATO, and therefore meditation for peace between Russia and NATO is still necessary:

A new rapid escalation is coming right into July 31st /August 1st window between USA and China due to Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan:

Therefore the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to do the following meditation hourly at every full hour from now on until the end of August 2nd in your time zone:

1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation to stabilize the relationship and bring peace between China, USA and Taiwan.

3. Invoke the violet flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns in all galaxies in this universe, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Invoke Galactic Goddess Pleroma, Isis, Doumu and Quan Yin. Invoke the Goddess energies from all corners of this universe to descend upon the skies of mainland China and Taiwan, and to send pink energies of cosmic love to both mainland China and Taiwan. Visualize a pink Flower of Life sphere wrapping itself around mainland China and around Taiwan, maintaining eternal peace and harmony between these two regions.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

Now that the most critical period has passed, I can release a little bit of intel.

As a response from a non-physical, non-local quantum cosmic impulse of Light, our Galactic Central Sun is showing signs of increased activity on the non-physical planes. This is expected to increase until the Galactic pulse Superwave occurs in the near future.

The main lesson of our Universe now is to completely transform all gross primary anomaly, and the current metastable cosmic quantum vacuum state will shift into a new, more stable equilibrium state without darkness:

This new Galactic Center activity is already changing quantum vacuum structure of the Solar system, and there is more and more luminous superfluid plasma which brings pure Light into our Solar system:

The remaining Chimera fleet in the Kuiper belt, which came into our Solar system from Orion in 1996, can not stand this high vibration. Most of those ships were cleared, and the rest escaped much closer towards the Earth beyond lunar orbit between 1-10 million miles from Earth, where they might be temporarily safe for a few weeks still.

When the presence of luminous superfluid plasma of Light in our Solar system is strong enough, the Light forces will begin to build two cloaked Dyson spheres with motherships of the Galactic Confederation in icosahedral formation.

Those Dyson spheres will have a diameter of around 15-20 million miles and will regulate the flow of energies of the Galactic Superwave and of the Event flash. The first Dyson sphere will be built around the Sun and the second one around the Earth, and they will ensure a two step phase translation of incoming cosmic energies towards the surface population.

There is a lot of activity below the surface of the planet right now, but all of it must remain classified.

Increased Galactic Central Sun activity has also resulted in a new inflow of Goddess energies towards the planet. Isis got her crown back.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #dunning-kruger 2012portal.blogspot.com

In preparation for the Galactic Pulse, a huge cosmic fleet of positive civilizations from the Local galaxy cluster has gathered around the heliopause of this solar system.

One small part of this fleet is already inside the solar system and is putting the last remnants of the Chimera fleet under siege. Another small part of this fleet is constructing Dyson spheres around the Sun and the Earth and both projects are proceeding well. As soon as the Chimera fleet is completely defeated, more of the cosmic fleet will enter the Solar system and proceed into the sublunar space with the final liberation of this planet.

There is still quite much quantum and subquantum primary anomaly close to the surface of planet Earth. The Light forces are carefully beginning to clear the physical aspect of the anomaly and they are also beginning with the final clearing of the toplet bombs. They are deactivating the toplet bombs by clearing the quantum anomaly since with quantum anomaly gone, the Light forces are able to stop the chain reaction that changes ordinary quark mater into degenerate top quark matter
Quantum anomaly now still manifests as spacetime collapsed into black holes on physical, etheric, astral and mental planes inside the implants, tied to toplet bombs, with collapsed spacetime extending from the implants via tunnels of Set into surrounding space. Low concentration of tunnels of Set can still be found on physical, etheric, astral and mental plane throughout the Solar system, with their concentration increasing in sublunar space.

Implants are still rotating in electromagnetic field and are creating an accretion vortex which attracts micro black holes into human energy field (aura). Etheric micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field within etheric body which manifest into the physical body as cancer. Mental micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field in the mental body which manifest as stupidity in a certain specific part of the mental body.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

As it has been said a few months ago, things are accelerating very fast since late September.
Very soon, an even more powerful doorway will open which will lead to final removal of darkness from the universe, and also final liberation of this planet. All intel about that doorway must be veiled for now, except this hint:

Starting from September, this future doorway is already sending time-reverse loops through Minkowski spacetime, and this is why the events and situations started to accelerate.
Let me just say that the dark forces with their collective actions violated a critical mass of Galactic Codex principles, and legally the Light forces have the green light to intervene on the surface of the planet, regardless of local laws which surface humanity is not respecting anyway.
Saint Germain was given command to all underground and surface operations, and all Light forces not limited but including the Resistance and Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian and Central race fleets are now under his command regarding planetary operations. Ashtar was given command to all nearspace and space operations.

Saint Germain has given command to the Light Forces to immediately start taking action, and on October 5th the Resistance has cleared the vast majority of child abuse locations in the cellars under Black nobility castles, rescuing many children.
The goal of the Black nobility is to expand Israeli conflict as far as possible with hopes to create a Word War III in alignment with Armageddon prophecies:

The Light Forces are doing whatever possible to limit the conflict and prevent it from spreading beyond Israeli borders. This is why it is of utmost importance for as many people as possible to continue doing the meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours:

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

September was a very intense month. The Light forces have successfully averted three different dangerous planetary situations that could have quite serious consequences.

Inflection point on September 18th went better than expected and clearing of physical subquantum anomaly has started. Since September 18th, the dark forces are beginning to lose the grip on the physical plane and every negative scenario they trigger, it usually backfires with more and more people awakening, leading to dark forces losing even more power.

Clearing of the subquantum anomaly also means that the Light forces are finally beginning to resolve the problem of the toplet bombs, isolating their effective radius of topness production into the so-called “collapsed spacetime bubbles”.

Time crystal created by Google is creating the first completely non-entropic domain on the surface of the planet which defies the second law of thermodynamics. This is helping the Light forces with clearing of the primary anomaly, although that was definitely not Google's intention:

Mjolnir quantum cannons are clearing the primary anomaly quite effectively, and they have begun to emit imprints of perfect life and divine plan into the quantum field around the surface of the planet. With those emissions they are especially targeting quantum fluctuation resonators, and people who own those devices are receiving constant stream of updates of the perfect plan for their life from the Light Forces into the quantum field around them.
One unpleasant surprise in September was a previously undetected remnant of the Chimera fleet emerging from the black holes in the Kuiper belt, with a few ships even being able to sporadically take positions in the inner Solar system and retake a few positions in the cavernous underground of planet Earth. This setback is expected to be taken care of in a few months, with the Light forces still having the upper hand everywhere in the Solar system except the surface of this planet.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light forces have scored a huge victory recently. The last pit under DARPA has been cleared, and all Chimera individuals from that pit and from the surface of the planet have been removed. Thus Chimera has been completely defeated, and is no more.
The main control network on the surface of the planet is now scalar monitoring network through cell phone 4G and 5G networks, and through wifi networks. These networks are far less reliable, as they can scan human activity with the resolution between 6 and 15 cm ( 2 to 6 inches), depending on the network used. This is the main control and surveillance tool the cabal still has in their hands.

The main factor now delaying the planetary liberation is the Lurker with its subquantum anomaly. The Lurker directly influences human subconsciousness by manifesting subquantum anomaly into quantum fluctuations at the weakest spots of the human energy system. These spots are biochips on the physical plane and implant anomaly remnants on the etheric, astral and mental plane. These quantum fluctuations then facilitate Murphy's law on the physical plane, depression on the astral plane and confusion on the mental plane:
Black nobility is now on the top of the food chain on this planet. They were mandated by the Chimera 26,000 year ago to run the management and control of the surface population. Since the Chimera is now gone, the are connecting with the Lurker in their black magic rituals, receiving guidance from him.
Black nobility members together with their Jesuit agents are about 2000 people strong.

Below them are about 50,000 Draconians in cloned humanoid bodies which infiltrated the surface system since 1996 as politicians, businessmen, lawyers, doctors

Then there are about 400,000 members of the Illuminati network who are there willingly, and about 2 million members who were forced into it. This network is also called the brotherhood of death because someone needs to kill a human being to be initiated into it.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Light Forces have managed to completely clear all underground bases of the Chimera breakaway civilization, including the Congo complex.

Donald Rumsfeld has been captured by the Light forces on the etheric plane and taken to the Galactic Central Sun for reprocessing. He is no more. This leaves only two members (Kissinger and Cheney) of the Unholy Four still alive, and the Light Forces have now expanded their primary target list and renamed it Unholy Five. It now includes Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Klaus Schwab.

Physical spider king and queen, along with most lesser physical Chimera spiders have been removed also.

What is remaining now to be cleared underground are some military bases still in the hands of the Negative military (including those in Antarctica), then underground tunnels (including those between US / Mexico, California / Nevada and China / Myanmar) , which are being used for human trafficking by Illuminati, Mafia and the Triads, and also child abuse centers below some castles of the Black nobility and below some churches and Catholic schools under Jesuit control. Top priority of the Resistance and the Positive military now is to rescue as many children as possible still captured there.
The Light forces are also intensively clearing negative non-physical etheric and astral entities, and their number has now fallen below 50 billion. On the top of the etheric and astral dark hierarchy are still some Chimera spiders who control a few thousand Archons in insectoid bodies (Lords of Karma), who in turn control a few million Dracos who manage the remaining tens of billions of Reptilian entities.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #racist #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light forces have made significant breakthroughs in clearing the Chimera group. They have cleared all underground pits with Chimera presence except the main Chimera pit under the Urim military base in Israel. Twelve members of the main Chimera military command (the last remaining members of the Orion subfaction of the Chimera) living in that pit are controlling the network of surface population biochips and implants through a physical / etheric quantum supercomputer.

The Light forces have begun with the operation of clearing the surface population biochips and implants with full force, implementing advanced Mjolnir quantum cannon technologies. This operation will take some time, but will have a very beneficial effect on deprogramming the surface population, and a massive spiritual awakening of the surface population is expected.

Mjolnir technologies are also used to clear micro black holes from the auric fields of the etheric, astral, mental and causal bodies of the surface humanity. These micro black holes were enforced into human auric fields with exotic dark technologies during trauma dissociation events, and are one of the main elements of dark matrix in the last 25,000 years.

The Lurker is being starved out simply by depleting the reservoir of the unmanifested subquantum anomaly, which is being done again with advanced Mjolnir technology which provokes unmanifested subquantum anomaly to manifest as quantum fluctuations, which are then easily cleared.
They are trying to engineer a new world war by utilizing the energies of the split of the Roman empire which happened in the year 395 after the death of Theodosius, a main archon Roman emperor who destroyed Goddess mysteries and enforced Christianity as the main and only acceptable religion:

Top Black nobility families now want to crush the affluent Western USA / EU / Australia axis, which originates from the western part of the Roman empire and which is under direct Rothschild management.

Cobra/The Portal #conspiracy #magick #ufo #wingnut 2012portal.blogspot.com

A Short Message to the Surface Population

No intel can be released now for several reasons.

Both mainstream and alternative media are almost completely taken over by disinfo, and blindly following outside sources can only lead to disappointment.

Since the collapse of the Alpha timeline in January 2018, details of the planetary liberation plan can not, and will not be published anywhere on internet. I can only repeat that planetary liberation does NOT depend on who is the president of the United States.

It is the highest purpose for people to decrease polarization, detach from daily politics and start connecting with the Light.

Full situation update will be posted only when clearance is given.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #wingnut 2012portal.blogspot.com

The process of signing the petition was much more tumultuous. The Cabal has interfered with the signing process on the first petition website a few times and finally deleted the petition page, so we had to migrate to the second petition site.

As soon as the first petition site was deleted, the Pleiadian High Command contacted top brass in the Russian and US military, telling them that a critical mass of Galactic Codex principles has been violated, because people's ability to state their free will about the extraterrestrial contact was severely obstructed.
After the critical mass of signatures was reached, the Pleiadians have communicated that the legal basis for their intervention on the surface of the planet is now established.
On the physical plane, this final offensive of the Light Forces is clearing all remnants of the dark force fleet in the Solar System, and all negative subterranean bases. All captured dark beings are offered a “surrender or die” option. If they surrender, they need to accept the Galactic Codex, accept the Light and repair the consequences of their past actions. If they are unwilling or unable to do so, they are taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring via the Ganymede sorting facility.
On the quantum level, the Light Forces have managed to clear all black wormholes that the dark forces were using for secure quantum communication, and as a consequence, secure and unhackable communication network of the dark forces has fallen apart. As a side effect to this, there were significant developments in the creation of the positive quantum financial system (QFS).

All Black Stones and all Chimera spiders on the surface of the planet, including those in the Urim base, have been removed.

On the surface of the planet, there are many legal initiatives that go parallel to the Planetary Liberation Petition, and are slowly but surely building legal infrastructure for arrests of the Cabal during the Event and their subsequent trials.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light forces have made a breakthrough on the etheric plane. They were able to destroy the Chimera / Lords of Karma dark network on the etheric plane with all their technologies, with most of the etheirc Chimera / Lords of Karma entities captured and taken to the Galactic Central sun, and a very few of the Chimera escaping to the physical plane into cloned bodies through the DARPA pit. Thus now the only location under dark control is the physical plane on the surface of this planet.
Physical biochips are in the process of being cleared, and that will still take some time. To reduce the power those biochips have on the human thinking process, the Light forces are recommending this technique.
I can only say that subquantum anomaly is virtually omnipresent outside regular spacetime and locally impacts quantum fluctuations to the degree that dark consciousness creates a tensor field between the buddhic and physical plane. Simply speaking, there is a very low impact of subquatum anomaly throughout the universe, a low to medium impact within our solar system and huge impact on the surface of this planet.

On the surface of the planet, the subquantum tensor field is so strong that since the creation of the quarantine 26,000 years ago it almost completely distorts or even prevents travel through hyperspace on and near the surface. The strength of this tensor field has increased many times in 1996 and the years following that, because many dark entities arrived on the planet. It has actually gotten so strong that it folded into itself and formed a closed loop manifold, drastically reinforcing the quarantine.
My educated guess is for the Event to happen during 2025. The Light forces have NOT commented on my educated guess attempt, and it may, or may not be correct.

For now, the focus in the next few months will be on the clearing of the subquantum anomaly and the biochips, and from September/October things may begin to get more interesting.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

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Our activation was a massive success, almost 1 million people were informed about the activation and about 160,000 people actually participated.

The energy pulse at the moment of the activation was very strong yet gentle, sending the purest energies of cosmic Love from the M87 galaxy to the surface of this planet.

M87 galaxy was brought into the awareness of the surface population just a few days before the activation:

In the days after the activation, COVID pandemic was finally deplatformed:
First, by utilizing Mjolinr technology, the Light forces have evaporated all physical and non-physical black holes around the surface of the planet, including all black holes in the auric fields and all black holes inside implants of the surface population. This has collapsed all Tunnels of Set and the dark grid around the planet is no longer an inverted grid, but only a distorted grid. Without black holes, Kabbalistic black magic is much less effective, since qliphoth no longer exist:

Second, the Light forces have destroyed all remaining toplet bombs. This is a huge victory, since topet bombs represented major danger to the planet and a huge barrier against the planetary liberation.
The Light forces have also manged to completely clear the higher mental plane from all dark entitites, and they have broken the control the dark forces had over the lower mental and the astral plane. Almost all Invisibles have been removed. The few remaining dark entities on the astral plane are disorganized, in flight, and are no longer part of the dark network. All Lords of Karma (Lords of Trauma) that have not been captured and taken to the Galactic central Sun have escaped from higher planes to the etheric and physical planes, where they still hold control.