Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

Your blood type is determined by your genes

The combination of one allele from each parent
Determines your blood type

Alleles are a pair of genes located on the chromosomes

85% of all humans have RH positive blood

The ruling elite have RH negative blood

But many Caucasian people are recessive carriers of RH negative

RH negative is a new recently introduced blood type

The genes that cause RH negative
Have only been recently added to the human genome

The white race has been very recently genetically modified
It is a cross bred hybrid species

And their human embryo will have a tail

RH negative blood is from Reptilian genes

An RH negative mother will reject
A baby from a RH positive father

The blood will build up antibodies
And attack the alien substance

People who are RH negative will exhibit reptilian traits
Such as hypersensitivity to light
And the lack of empathy

They are obstinate carnivores
Who not only eat animals
But humans as well

That is why the elite
Also drink human blood
And show no emotions when humans
Are chopped up and sacrificed

The reason why pedophiles are rampant in Hollywood
Is because the elite Roosevelt family own 80% of Hollywood
And many actors and actresses are related to them

And it is also why pedophiles are common in ruling establishments

A naked boy was recently filmed trying to escape Buckingham Palace
By climbing down a bedsheet through a window

Adrenochrome which is the oxidation of adrenaline
Is popular among RH negative people
It is forcibly taken out of live traumatized kids

It makes one feel euphoric
And it enhances longevity and appearance

But it is more addictive than Meth or Crack

Adrenochrome supplies though are now being cut off
And users are aging at a very fast rate



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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