Oh wow so he somehow survived the pandemic, huh?
Good gods he’s despicable.
I can name about a dozen CC names because we have a nice billboard naming all the big ones in one place directly near a nice U_Bahn station close to where I grew up.
Does he realize you can go to most of them still, inside Germany and out? Does he realize you can go to the Wannsee Conference house (we went there in 6th grade) and see original documents about the Endlösung? Let alone all the pictures that were taken by the camp liberators…
Willfull ignorance like this never fails to piss me off. Many of us worked hard at preserving and remembering all the horrors that our (great)grandparents participated in.
Richard J. Evans in his great trilogy about the 3rd reich makes a simple point: The nazis didn’t kill everyone because 1.) they ran out of time 2.) killing absurd amounts of people is hard and desposing of them afterwards is even more difficult. The nazis actually kind of fumbled their way through many methods of killing in ways that only the devil would find funny until they hit their deadly stride. If the war had dragged on somehow, no one would have left the camps alive.