various commenters #transphobia

RE: How would you feel about TIFs using the women's restroom?

( Tiramisuomi )
They are women and they belong there. However, if they have made such alterations to themselves that they look like men, they should be prepared for questions and women being uncomfortable - their voice usually gives it away, anyway.

( Greatlakeshotdish )
Forcing TIFS to use the men's restroom would result in violence and discrimination against butch lesbians and any other women who don't perform femininity. Bathroom use should be sex-based, nothing else

( vulvapeople )
At least with bathrooms, I'm in favor of the implied gentlemen's agreement that existed before captured governments started mandating that women tolerate men in our spaces. In the past, a TIM would only enter if he felt he passed. If he was questioned, it was incumbent on him to leave and not return. I think this worked somewhat well in that it left it in women's hands to tell men to GTFO or ask security to do so.

Although, truth be told, I'm not sure if that would work today thanks to greater trans awareness. Women who don't buy into trans identity now have reason to question male-appearing users of the restrooms (whether women or TIMs) while, in the past, they would have been more likely to extend the benefit of the doubt.

So it likely would have to come down to sex in order to protect women and have accurate government documents to show when there's a dispute. Too bad, so sad for TIMs who could have flown under the radar 40 years ago, but, as far as I'm concerned, this outcome is their fault.

( DietCokeAddict )
I’m fine with it. If I have to share a bathroom with either a woman on steroids, or a man in a wig, I’ll pick the woman every time no matter what she looks like.

( opreroma )
I don't want trans anything in the bathroom, because trans shouldn't exist.

The TIF is certainly safer with the women, but depending on how well the TIF passes, why should the women be subjected to that shock?

( Galko )
TiF should use the female bathrooms for their own safety. As for the imaginary panic, the hips don't lie. IRL, nobody passes. Look at Ellen and all the money she's spent on cosmetic procedures. Also, at least in my limited experience, the TiF know why we want sex separated spaces. They just think they've beat the system, not destroy it like the men do.



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