The FBI is a TERRORIST organization carrying out POLITICAL persecutions across America
Cries the criminal Trumpist cartel.
Courageous woman blasts #transgender CULTISTS with the truth about "trans women," child mutilations and more
Online libelous hate speech is not whistleblowing.
RFK Jr. says the CIA runs Rolling Stone, Daily Beast, Wash Post and other controlled media
And he's a total crackpot, saying other stupid things, all the time. Well, like Mike.
- One likely scenario is the collapse of the United States' centralized D.C. government
- Regional nation states will rise up and self-organize
Anti-government extremist chaos and civil war accelerationist fantasies.
Those holding dollars will lose everything; those holding #gold or #silver will preserve their assets
I can imagine those paranoid gold and gun nuts fighting eachother, then being unable to buy necessities with it...
Migrant INVADERS are being sickened before they make their way to the United States
So other than there being no invasion, it's now also a conspiracy for disease? This sounds like nazi dehumanization to me, like calling people "vermin".
Full interview with Josh Yoder from US Freedom Flyers, about commercial air pilots vs. #vaccine mandates
If old diseases are back, it's precisely due to that anti-vaccine paranoia, not "invading diseased migrants".
Agent of chaos, conflict and scam.