“Notice in these words this educated atheist quoted from a heathen named Benjamin Franklin:”
Is it critical to your discussion to mention their atheism and Ben’s apostasy? Loke Soviet Union, cannot know if you approve of a poem unless you know if the artist is a party member?
“Doesn't this atheist understand how foolish such a statement is?”
No. He doesn’t and I don’t.
"Doesn't he realize how utterly contrary to common sense it is?”
Yeah, probably. But for some concepts, we need to be smarter than common sense would support.
"Why would anyone be foolish enough to fight to the DEATH to allow someone the freedom to speak that which is wrong or that in which they disagree?”
Because it’s the First Fucking Amendment. Either we’re all free to speak our mind, right or wrong, or the whold concept is a farce. The Founders did not set up a system for those they agreed with.
"Common sense says that the only thing worth fighting for is that which is right.”
And that’s exactly what Ben is saying. Your right to speak your bullshit must be preserved. Up to the point where it causes harm.
"And the only things we should agree with are God's truth and righteousness.”
And this is why common sense is less useful than the 1st A.
“If any one hold views contrary to God's truths and righteousness, they are not worth defending and fighting for.”
So you instantly miss the point of Freedom of Religion. Many worship different gods from your understanding of The Truthiness. They’re still Americans and it’s still a freedom. There are also those that worship your god but not in the way you do, that you’d say were not truth. THEY are also Americans.
You don’t get to decide what other people’s truths are.
“No one in their right mind fights to defend people's right to speak that which they disagree with.”
That’s what the ACLU does, what every man and woman in the military swore to do.
"The very disagreement is the beginning of a fight against it.”
“I would never fight for any atheist to have the foolish freedom to speak anything contrary to God.”
I have no problem believing this. It just makes you an andi-American, freedom-hating, self-centered fascist who shits on the graves and memories of the Founding Fathers and everyone who ever served in the military in the last 249 years, you prick.
Don’t get me wrong. I did serve to protect your right to SAY such things, but I also have the same right to point out you’re being a selfish jackass.
"But I will and am fighting against such a freedom simply because such a freedom is wrong.”
God isn’t mentioned inany article of the Constitution, or any amendment, or any SCOTUS ruling.
“How foolish is the american tradition. Such a tradition certainly isn't worth glorying in.”
Feel free to leave, then, if it’s not your preferred mode of government.
"If these words were a quote from Benjamin Franklin, it should be quite obvious what a big fool Franklin was.s”
Being considered a fool by you seems to be a compliment.