“If you have sex there runs the major risk of getting pregnant,”
I’ve been with a few ships in foreign ports and not one of the sailors i went ashore with ever got pregnant. So it’s not that major a risk.
“catching a desease”
Less than 10% of the sailors in any port suffered contagious consequences.
"or being emotionaly attached.”
The guys that have sex with strangers and DEPEND on the fact they’ll likely never see them again do not become morose six months later because they miss the girl they don’t even remember the name of.
You exaggerate.
“Having sex is addictive,”
And yet once the boat was back at sea, no one wanted to sex anymore. But the alcoholics had a poor couple of weeks every time they were cut off. I think this is bullshit.
“the chances that you will dogde all of these problems is almost 0 %.”
PLEASE show the math on this.
I think there’s a 0% chance you actually calculated it or cribbed it from someone who did.
“I found out the hard way by getting someone pregnant,”
Oh! You have an ANECDOTE! That makes your bullshit argument SO much more compelling.
Still need the math.
"and then later almost catching a desease”
Wait, you said the chances of ducking the consequences are almost 0? But you ducked the consequences, here.
Try to be consistent.
“and then falling in love with the girl who had the desease(not in that order).”
Okay. How did you duck the disease?
“After I found out she had the desease I left her."
I’ve been heaertbroken a few times, without sex. Never found it a reason to stop talking to girls, much less stop sexing.
"people having deseases "will not" tell you, don't be fooled in thinking that you can tell the difference either.”
Yes, yes, everyone’s evil. Get so tired of hearing that from Christains who are charged withi loving and forgiving their enemies.
"Condoms suck, I don't know anyone who uses them properly.”
Used to get briefed on them every single time we entered port. It’s not that difficult.
And just how many people do you watch putting them on?
“I used them only when I finished, but you leak before then, and that is a major problem.”
Oh. WOw, you’re a complete fucking idiot. Wonder how you got someone pregnant.
REALLY wonder how you avoided ‘deseses.’