Logan B #crackpot #racist #quack #ufo #mammon #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

If President Trump comes forward and says that med beds are completely his doing 100 million people will refuse to use them. They will not trust him. This includes the 6000 patents.

On the other hand if RFK Jr says this was his idea then no problem. Everyone loves him and his make America healthy again campaign. They will trust him that the beds are safe to use and do what they claim.

We want everyone to enjoy the benefits that med beds provide and I hope President Trump feels the same way by staying out of it. President Trump’s job is to rid America of the unmentionables, invite the Galactic Federation to the surface, announce NESARA and release the RV. Anything else that requires that people personally trust him he needs to steer clear of and give someone else credit for.

I am speaking of this from the majority of Canadians and a large contingent of Americans. Do not think less of Canadians who love the American people but live and breathe every word that our lame stream media tells them about President Trump.

I don’t know if President Trump will ever announce NESARA because that may require him to step down and I don’t think he has any intention of doing that.

Remember if President Trump does not do the job we expect him to do then under the Restored Republic constitution you can demand his resignation.

Let’s just get this transition done, erase the history of pretty much everything before it like they did to Tartaria and forget but never forgive what the unmentionables have done to us.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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