
Fritz Berggren #conspiracy #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “A Candid Discussion on Genocide Against White Christian Races”]

In the latest episode of our podcast, our speaker Fritz Berggren unfolds a compelling narrative about what he outlines as an unaddressed crisis – a genocide against white Christian races. Through a vivid exploration of historical events, Berggren suggests a systematic plot to wipe out white Christians from their homeland, which he believes started with the Muslim and African invasions in Southern Europe around 700 AD

He delves into mob politics, demystifying what he identifies as a coterie of powerful bodies manipulating global systems while playing the victim card. Berger criticizes governments for their alleged role in supporting this inequity and labels significant political figures within America and Europe as ‘traitors’ to their nations

The Bible and history forms the bedrock of Berggren discourse. Drawing upon the Scriptures, he seeks to elucidate his interpretations about the modern Jews – a notion that they are impostors and part of an anti-Christian alliance supportive of an alleged genocidal agenda

By injecting strong emotions amid the charged racial tensions, Berggren administers a rallying cry to the White Christian community for vigilance and action. He dares to cross controversial lines, particularly involving his denunciation of Jewish Christians, whom he challenges to align with his scriptural perspectives

The final tone of the episode is a passionate call to arms. Berggren, foreseeing a state of civil war, insists on defending and repossessing the Christian heritage and values against what he believes is a massive onslaught against European Christians

(PS: The above was 99% written by AI after listening to the podcast. Very interesting!)

Fritz Berggren #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “Philosophical Foundation for Christian Nationalism”]

In Marxist terms, the superstructure[…]is required to understand the base[…]
One cannot fight “communism”or whatever conception of evil you prefer, with neutrality[…]
The “conservative” position of resisting multi-culturalism, resisting communism, resisting moral depravity (homosexuality), and the destruction of the family, breaks down without an intellectual superstructure based upon Jesus[…]
Rejection of the Word of God destroys the foundation of resistance[…]There are no communists, no Jews, no atheists, no homosexuals: there are only Christians and antichrists[…]
Tolerance of homosexuality in a society is the tolerance of child sexual abuse. Sodomy spreads by direct physical rape or the raping of the mind[…]
Christian Nationalism[…]
The Christian portion — the faith — is the acceptance of a body of literature (the Bible) as that “superstructure” which should guide one’s morality, public policy, laws and philosophical inquiry, including fields such as biology[…]
Nationalism is the model laid out in Genesis 10 — ethnically homogenous nations. Empires — the inverse of nations — are ethnically and culturally “diverse”[…]Tend toward tyranny and are, per Genesis 11, anti-Christ[…]
This is the crisis we face — the destruction of a previously (more-or-less) homogenous White, Christian and English speaking people by the invasion of non-Christians, non-Whites, and non-English speaking people. This process IS the re-establishment of a new Babel[…]
The reason the European population alone is targeted for genocide is precisely its Christian nature. Satan (and his children) will always target the Christian, whether they be in the villages of Africa, the universities of China, or the civilization of Christendom[…]
The preservation of the White race is the preservation of the Gospel[…]It was through the White race alone that loyalty to Christ has spread

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger bloodandfaith.com

[From “Notable Truths for European Man”]

The color of one’s skin matters. If it did not, the Bible would not note skin color. King David was a white man[…]King David was the Virgin’s ancestor and Mary was the mother of Jesus. The Father of Jesus Christ was in no-wise whatsoever a Jew. Christ and His bride as described as White[…]
It is error and lies that equate the modern Jew to the biological descendants of Jacob, renamed Israel

Esther 8:17 shows that[…]many ethnicities have converted to Talmudic Judaism

Jesus Christ recognized that these “Jews” travelled around the world to convert people to their traditions and made them twice the sons of hell as those Jews/Pharisees already where (Matthew 23:15)[…]
King Herod was an Edomite Jew who was a liar and murderer like his father, the devil. (Matthew 2:16, John 8:44)[…]
Jesus Christ was not in error when he declared that the Jews were “liars, and of the synagogue of Satan.” These scriptures are as applicable today as the moment when Christ uttered these words to John in a message to European churches, whom he loves (Revelation 3:9)

Every Scripture written since Christ’s Resurrection where written in a European language — Greek

Jesus Christ did not come to save everyone, he came only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is why Paul is sent to Europe. The Twelve Tribes dispersed abroad into Europe. Are other saved? Yes, even the dogs feed on scraps from the Master’s table

Jesus Christ stopped speaking Aramaic and stopped speaking Hebrew. The words he uttered in the Revelation are explicitly Greek (I am the Alpha and the Omega”)[…]
A good Jew is a former Jew who, like Saul, converts to Jesus Christ, changes his name, and then declares publicly:
•That the Jews murdered the prophets
•[…]Murdered Jesus Christ
•[…]Are not pleasing to God
•[…]Are contrary to all of mankind because they[…]prevent men from hearing the Gospel so they can be saved
•[…]God’s wrath abides upon the Jews

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “What is a Nation?”]

As Babylon the Great collapses, how does man then organize himself? Genesis 10 and 11 show the way. The ancient nation of Israel shows the way. The nature of multiethinic empires has always been antichrist

Nationalism is the natural anti-body to tyranny
Christian Ethno-nationalism is the natural anti-body to Satanic tyranny

Christians owe zero obedience to the Beast, the anti-christ, the whore, or the false prophet (all of whom are here today)

Fritz Berggren #racist #fundie #crackpot #pratt bloodandfaith.com

[From “I Come Not for the Hottentot…”]

I come not for
Hottentot nor Hausa,
Mongol nor the Malay,
Neither Berber nor the Bantu

I seek the great White race —
Sons of Vikings and Norsemen,
The Rus
the Gaul
and Saxon.

Are Danes the sons of Dan?
Are Saxons Isaac’s sons?
Are Iberians of Eber?
Is this the Dispersion among the Greeks the Gospels teach?

my heart yearns for my race
for them alone I give all
of my eternities

— Fritz Berggren
Thanksgiving 2023

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia bloodandfaith.com

[From “That Middle-East Thing…”]

The fight between the Moslems and Jews, the Israelis and Palestinians[…]proves a simple point: We truly cannot get along. God made different nations and He has no desire that we all become one people

Humans were not made to get along. We need our own land and culture and language and beliefs and space. Forced integration is the most anti-human thing you can do to people

Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah are in a death match. You think it will be any different to import them to Europe and America? Do you expect the to become “good little universalists?” All this is lies. They Jews will drive the Moslem out of Gaza and them some lighbulb will decide they all need to move to Europe or America. There is a war against the White and Christian race

Our war is in our homelands. We are invaded, egged on by traitors and Jews who hate the White race. Whites who side with the Jews are traitors to their ancestors (breaking the Fifth Commandment) and traitors against Jesus Christ. They have joined the fraternity of Judas Iscariot. This applies to Trump’s daughter as well as the Biden family who have united with the Jews. Like Judas Iscariot, Biden has betrayed Jesus[…]
I realize this is “extreme” speech, but only “extreme” speech is free speech. Everything outside the approved conversation is “extreme”[…]
Do you think they’ve reached the limits of their depravity with trannies in grade school? Think again. Five years ago no one could have even imagined an evil like this. But it’s here

Give it a few more years and they will find new evils. The hidden depopulation agenda will become less hidden, and less “conspiracy.” Anyone opposing trannies, homos, depopulation, abortion, sex with children, “voluntary” human sacrifice, … will be deemed “extremist,” and potential domestic terrorists, Today’s Soccer Mom’s attending PTA meetings and opposing the Tranny Agenda went on FBI watch lists. Do you really think we are on the cusp of liberty?

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia bloodandfaith.com

[From "Civil War 2 and Resisting Antichrist"]

Joe Biden is accusing half of America as being “extremist” and a threat to democracy. In truth, Biden, his son Hunter, and his own handlers are the traitors. They are selling the country’s interests for cash, and facilitating andinvasion as dangerous as the invasion of Muslim Africans into Spain in the 700s AD, and the Mongolian threat to Christian Europe centuries ago. Satan’s plot to white of the white and Christian race continue with very much the same tactics — human wave attacks[…]
We do not live in a country where the average person has a voice. If we did, none of the above would have occurred — none. Not a single state ever voted to legalize homosexual marriage

The antichrist forces define “democracy” as trannies, sodomy, open borders, the destruction of American industry, mandatory “vaccines,” and rule by “experts” who masquerade as “scientists” who know better than “we the people”

Only an awakening in the free and independent Pulpits can resist the current tyranny[…]
But . . . if we do not have Christians nations and Christian states, we will genocide the Church of Jesus Christ on this earth. There is no limit to Satan’s voracious appetite and therefor no end to the rapaciousness of the devil’ children and synagogue. We are fooling ourselves by believing that our current docile and submissive relationship with the world and the Jews is acceptable. There simply is no peace between the seed of the Woman and the seed of the serpent (the brood of vipers, the children of the devil, Satan’s synagogue)[…]
There is a reason whites are the target — we are the most anti-antichrist people in the planet naturally, instinctively, genetically, and historically. We need to resurrect that[…]
You either bend the knee to the antichrist of this generation or you stand in defiance of him. There is no third path. The idea of a third path is Satan’s idea

Fritz Berggren #fundie #wingnut bloodandfaith.com

[From "Prissy Girls and Bureacrats"]

I feel like I’m in junior high school again listening to prissy girls whining about the boy who said bad words

“Teacher, teacher, that boy said naughty words! I heard him! You need to get him!”

And the teacher has to satisfy their demands for punishment

I’m the naughty-words boy. I say things that are “sexist, racist, homophobic, queerphobic, transphobic, intolerant, divisive, and anti-semitic.” The girls can’t believe someone like me exists. Their pony tails unravel, they stutter, their fancy shoes fall off. I’ve violated their high-minded moralities. “What is to be done!” they shriek

Ugh. This generation owes an apology to the Puritans.

I was contacted by Foreignpolicy.com and asked to comment about an alleged letter that was allegedly send to the Secretary of State. Having no knowledge of this letter, I asked the reporter to send me a copy of it
They call for me to be fired
Bloodandfaith.com has always been my own views and no one would even remotely suspect they would be attached to any employer, associate, friend, or even enemy. I speak outside the narrow Overton Window that controls public discourse. As another news outlet reported: “POLITICO found no examples of Berggren identifying himself as a State Department official in his online commentary.” (BTW, who sent Blinken’s letter to Foreign Policy?)

Americans have to stop being afraid

One can sense the delicate change of tide in the country. We are finding our voice again. From military officers to policemen, atheists to Neo-pagans, Christians to Jews, homosexuals, teachers, doctors, and moms, Blacks, Hispanics, Whites… we are sick of being told what we can say and can’t say

Fritz Berggren #dunning-kruger #fundie bloodandfaith.com

[From "Flat Earth? Things That Make You Go, “Huh.”"]

This is a little different, but I’m enjoying it. Call it intellectual curiosity.


Am I a “flat earther?” Not yet, but I’m smart enough to know that I can’t just trust what the religious leaders (University Professors) of the Global Cult tell me

I do not believe in evolution; evolution is not natural selection. Evolution means that entropy works in reverse, and that life comes from non-life. Neither are tenable positions, IMO

Furthermore, the evidence — what we call can see and touch and feel — fits into a creation scenario combined with a global flood. Same evidence the “evolutionist” sees, but interpreted in different ways

For example, were the layers laid down in the Grand Canyon the result of millions of years of slow accumulation? Or did it happen quickly in a global catastrophic flood? Did a tiny (relative to, say, the Columbia or Nile) river gradually carve out the valley over millions of years? Or was there a geological catastrophe where the North American continent suddenly thrust up (or the ocean basins dropped) and thousands of cubic miles of water rushed off in a geological instant, thus carving the canyon? Same evidence, different interpretations

How does a tree grow through millions of years of sediment?

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #crackpot bloodandfaith.com

[From "Borders and Boundaries"]

I looked up “border” in the Concordance at the end of my Bible and it did not have a single reference[…]Such is the condition of the church today
Boundaries emerge organically from the whole body of the Hebrew and Greek scriptures […]as fundamental as the Creator and Creation, heaven and earth, male and female, and life and death
After the Great Flood, God commanded Man to spread across the face of the earth. Man rebelled and unified at Babel. God forced the divisions among mankind by confusing their languages in alignment with their bloodlines (thus, the sons of Eber spoke Eber-ew)
When God created a nation from the loins of Jacob/Israel (this was a single race, a single bloodline) he pulled them from the land that belonged to one of Ham’s sons (Egypt) and drew them to the land of another of Ham’s sons (Canaan)
These geographies corresponded to a race, as did their languages[…]Mixing of peoples was an aberration at best, and utter rebellion against God at worst, starting from Babel and certainly applying to the conquest of the promised land in which they were warned NOT to mix with the other races and NOT to treat their religion as equal to the God of Israel
Once we understand the fundamental importance of guarded geographic boundaries we can quibble about “whose land,” and “displaced peoples,” and “migrants.” But the principal of borders comes first. It is not a Christian idea to surrender to people who “accuse” us of sins[…]created by anti-Christs[…]We are manipulated because we have turned away from our Monarch, and are thus enslaved by the brood of vipers

Fritz Berggren #fundie #conspiracy bloodandfaith.com

[From "Podcast: War with the Totalitarians. Ezekiel 37 — for Europeans!"]

What would you do with Liberty that you aren’t doing now? The time to speak is now, not in some mythical future when the New Pharisees give you permission. The totalitarianism of today is not any different than the totalitarianism of the time of Jesus Christ. Same cast of characters — same TTPs. Europeans of all beliefs will be vastly free-er and better off living under a Christian Nation — one that honors the Ten Commandments. We already live in a totalitarian society — our mouths are muzzled and the government pays snitches to rat us out for word crimes.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From "To Hispanics . . ."]

Be Proud. Your ancestors protected Christian Europe from the invading Africans and Muslims and brought Salvation to the Western Hemisphere

Northern Europeans owe you for defending them from death and invasion by those who hate our God and covet our lands

The Franks (France) repelled the Muslims at the Battle of Tours in 742, but the Spanish Re-Conquista drove the African Muslim out south-west Europe[…]In 1492, God assigned to the Hispanics (Spanish) the conversation of the Western Hemisphere to Jesus Christ. These European Conquerors defeated the devil worshipping Aztecs and freed millions from slavery and human sacrifice
I lived in a town called Matamoros once. And I live in a country called The Saviour (El Salvador) and I lived in a country emblazoned with the Cross of Jesus Christ (the Dominican Republic). Hispanics ought rally to the honor and glory that was once their under the mighty Christians and European conquerors. This is the legacy of all Hispanics
Northern Europeans ought mimic their southern Hispanic brothers by repelling the atheist, Asian, and African invaders. It is a cause worthy of the dignity of European man . In this fight for Jesus Christ European man will once again find worth, salvation and joy

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist bloodandfaith.com

[From “Podcast: The New Pharisees Want to Outlaw the Bible”]

This is a great opportunity for Christians to preach the Gospel that is so offensive to the New Pharisees. The Word of God is for strong borders, unified blood lines, against homosexuality, endorses two genders only (and each must line up with their anatomy), the male as the head of household and in authority over the Church (Jesus never appointed a single female apostle) and (bonus) Jesus Christ railed against the Jews (“you are of your father the devil!”).

Christian, if you are ashamed of the the words of Jesus, then you will be an unknown person on the Judgement Day. We are in a special time — the Church is being called out by Our Maker. Either side with the Word of God or He will not acknowledge you in the presence of His Father.

Fritz Berggren #fundie bloodandfaith.com

[From “Podcast: Satan Wants to Judaize the Church: Elevating Precepts over Commandments”]

Satan led the Jews astray as they elevated their “traditions” over the commandments of God. They murdered the prophets, rejected what Moses wrote and killed Jesus Christ. Jesus had zero accommodation for the Jews. He met them head on — it was the clash of all history. The Jews kept the Law and Prophets as a trinket, as a decoration — but they rejected it’s meaning. Satan has the same plan for the Christian Church today as evangelicals elevate new traditions and precepts over the Word of God. To evangelicals elevate their traditions (“don’t be racist-sexist-homophobic-transphobic-intolerant-divisive or antisemitic”) over the Word of God. Warning Church: “Beware the leaven of the Pharisees.” The New Pharisees are the same as the old Pharisees — we need to reject their seducing traditions.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #wingnut bloodandfaith.com

[From “Interview: “Fritz, Are You a Nazi?””]

Q:Why are you picking on the Jews?
A (Fritz Berggren):I’m not — I’m picking on the Christians
Q:Many Christians argue that the Bible says that God loves the Jews
A:Read the Gospel of Saint John, Chapter 7 and Chapter 8. This isn’t a secret book.[…]I’d rather offend someone than distance myself from what Jesus Christ said — even if it is offensive
Q:Are you fomenting hatred against the Jews?
A:The question to ask is: “Did Jesus foment hatred against the Jews?”[…]Judaism is an absolute rejection of Jesus Christ as God in the flesh, and those who reject the Son, reject the Father. That’s just orthodox Christianity
Q:Are you a Christian Nationalist?
A:I have sworn allegiance to my King. I realize that bothers some people, including Christians.[…]I yearn to bring discipline to nations[…]they will all be different, just as individual Christians are different and churches are different. But they will all swear allegiance
Q:Close enough. One follow up: What about all the people who don’t agree with you?
A:Hey, what about all the people that DO serve Jesus Christ? The Muslims have nation/states dedicated to their religion. The Jews have their own ethnic nation/state. The Communists states disallow any competing religion/worldview... I’m thinking of China. America certainly was founded by Christians — look back at the Pilgrims and Puritans. Go read the Mayflower Compact. But now? It is a nation that has disowned God and disowned Jesus Christ. I’m going to build Christian nations in honor of Jesus Christ. That is the Great Commission — not just individuals — entire nations.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #conspiracy #homophobia bloodandfaith.com

[From “Come on, Christians, Whose Side Are You On?”]

Lots of hate mail from the “diversity and tolerance” crowd. No surprise.
Liberal fragility is real. Jewish fragility is real.
What generates the hate? Mostly it is indoctrination from their religious cult and its leaders.
What offends Liberals and Jews?[…]
Defending Whites
Calling for Christian Nations
Pointing out that Jews are not God’s Chosen People
•Declaring that the LGBTQ agenda in public schools is grooming children for sexual slaughter

Some have advised that I avoid certain topics so as “not to offend”
The Jews accused Jesus Christ of being full of Beelzebul, being possessed of a demon, and casting out demons by the head demon. Jesus claimed He cast them out by the Spirit of God. Did the Jews blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

The Jews said Jesus was conceived in fornication by a Samaritan. Wrong. Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit in a virgin woman. Did they blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

Jesus said the Jews were sons of the Devil. Is that offensive?

Fritz Berggren #racist #conspiracy #fundie bloodandfaith.com

[From “Jewish Fragility”]

Jewish Fragility refers to feelings of discomfort a Jewish person experiences when they witness discussions around race and theology. This may trigger anger, fear, guilt, and violence. Some Jews may become insecure when other people groups claim privileges that Jew people enjoy.

If a Jewish person becomes defensive, a non-Jew may feel obligated to comfort the Jew. For example, some Christians comfort Jews by telling them they are “God’s children,” while some Europeans speak words establishing racial self-hatred. These non-Jews seek to unburden themselves from socially constructed sin accusations (racism or anti-semitism).

Manifestations of Jewish fragility commonly include accusing others of what they do themselves. These include, but are not limited to:
•Inventing a social sin that only applies to non-Jews (anti-semitism).
•The privilege of their own racial homeland while accusing others of a social sin (racism) for seeking the same privilege.
•Establishing organizations promoting the interests of their own race while denying that privilege to others, specifically Whites.
•Violence toward those who do not submit to religious, historical, and cultural narratives promoted by the Jews.

One manifestation of Jewish fragility was the reaction to Jesus Christ, who verbally chastised them for hypocrisy. As a result, the Jews used their power and influence (Jewish privilege) to have him executed.