
Carico #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

According to you and the ridiculous scientists, the earth just happened to rotate around the sun so the sun just happened to be in the exact position to the earth to provide light by day and be absent at night so as not to burn up the earth and allow living beings like humans to exist.

So since scientists can't explain why these things just happened to be in the perfect design to allow human life, they ignore that and come up with their own hilarious explanations that provide more holes than a sieve. so sorry, but GOD CREATED THE EARTH TO ROTATE SO THE SUN CAN PROVIDE WHAT WE NEED ON EARTH TO SUSTAIN LIFE. [emphasis in original]

Oh, humans who deny God will try anything to pretend they themselves are gods, but most people rely on the 7 day week because that's how God set up the lengths of days and nights.

So you think that animals not humans run the earth. Is that correct? if so, then you prove the ridiculous lies one has to pass along to deny God. *rolling eyes smiley*

So where did the rock come from? Energy which is nothing more than an invisible potential? Sorry, but energy alone cannot create mass. energy is inherent in mass. That can only happen in the imaginations of men as you'll find out on judgment day, my friend. *winking smiley*

These aren't even good arguments. *rolling eyes smiley*

EaZiE #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

Why can't an evolutionist ever speak clearly and understandably? I think its because he is using complex words, etc. to mask the lie. You think making it hard to understand for someone is gonna win 'em over? I check out these things on evolution and its all the same but its just not enough. I'm not that gullible. Everyone on this forum is going to disagree w/ you so what are you doing here evolutionist?

Bettawrekonize #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

(replying to "Your world must be a very scary place with scientists showing you to be wrong each and every day.")

Given that the secular community is dishonest (ie: they censor criticisms and opposing views of naturalistic philosophies while funding their naturalistic philosophies with tax dollars), I really have nothing to worry about. I see no reason to take something that must resort to dishonesty to maintain itself seriously.

lynnmoon #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

Posting about rape:

"BUT having been in more than one situation of a forced sexual encounter, I have to say that there is a difference to some degree. I've been forced to have sex with my husband, but it wasn't violent or anything...just wasn't worth the fight to get him off me. I don't think that warrents punshment I don't guess."

Later in the same post:
"I always am reminded of that scripture about my body not belonging to me, but to my husband. That always made me think that I don't really get to keep it from him if he really wants it, even if I don't. No means no unless you are telling someone no they can't have something that belongs to them anyways."

Kingdust #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

Those monkey turned into scientists set the equation of 'ET = science' as the only banana solution to all species to eat and evolve, none else.

In addition to that monkey dominant scientific education system, many students have a strong tendency to love to be monkey around by doing things selected naturally free from restrictions of moral code.

When they get home, they are bombarded by the liberal monkey electronic news ,entertainments and education.
When they evolve into adults species, they dominate the monkey world from home, work and to national political environment.

Don't think the ET supremacists will happily let ID come in its domain without a bloody fight.

Even many Churches allow monkey liberal thoughts running wild in the name of God.

Maybe we need to defend or clean up our front yard first?

jbow #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

My problem is not with sinners, we are all guilty, at least I am. My flesh is a cesspool of filth however, I have a really BIG problem with those who have some sin that they enjoy but they also want Jesus. So they build a doctrine that excuses what they enjoy, they justify their sin by teacing that it is not wrong, but only natural... everyone does it. Well everyone may... but that does not make it ok. It just menas we all need the righteousness of Christ.

Compromise... humanism.

Mr.Harvey #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

Marriage entitles sexual relations biblically. If the WIFE resists there could be PHYSICAL ABUSE CHARGES (yesterday), but not RAPE biblically because her body is NOT her own after marriage, but the husbands.

That's like saying you just STOLE something from a store that you legally had paid for in full.

Logic to the contrary is also proof that America has been feminized, sad, but true. Repent ye double minded.

Jill #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

Are these [video games] evil or is it a battle between good and evil and won't preoccupy the mind. I notice he [the husband] gets up early in the morning to play before work or church even! Some games are the Starcraft ones (sounds like witchcraft), Heroes of Might & Magic., Lords, etc. Some of the pictures are so evil!

carico #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

So then why the phrase, "right hand" or "forehead' if this verse is figurative, not literal? Those are very specific places.

Also, God protects His chosen. The word "force" applies to the phrase that no one can buy or sell without the mark. In other words, the use of the word force in that context means that the only way to buy or sell is to wear the mark of the beast. That doesn't mean that everyone will have to wear the mark any more than everyone is forced to have a credit card if only credit cards could buy or sell. There are some people like the Amish who live away from society and grow their own food. It's quite possible that they could buy and sell what they have to buy and sell from friends who wear the mark.

My only reason in posting this idea is in making sure that we understand that verse and are not being deceived by Satan. After all, most of the world will see nothing wrong with GPS technology which is why the Anti-Christ can very easily fool most people. So as Jesus tells us, "What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight."

littleshineon #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

Well, the thing is everyone has so called "rights", except Christians. My thought on this sign is these people who put it up are worried that someone might believe. They will find out, there is a God, and a Devil. I gather this man who did this once claimed to know Jesus. I am sorry, I am not going to sit here and defend their rights to turn people from the living God. I understand they have " rights" according to the law, but, whatever. I have a right to want to throw up a little.

Hypsilophodont #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

Actually, there is strong evidence that many dinosaur fossils aren't that old at all. Many bones have been found that have not been completely fossilized and are still partly bone. In fact, several hadrosaur skeletons have been found in Alaska that are so fresh, some still have the ligaments attached!

rcjames #fundie forums.crosswalk.com

[to a poster who argued for sex education]

Following your reasoning; Murder is wrong, so Churches and parents should teach children and show them instructional videos, etc on the easiest and best ways to commit murder and protection (how not to get in trouble for it).

Utterly unbelievably assinine.