
Vanilla Guerilla #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

BREAKING: Media Ordered By Opposition Party To Go On Offensive To Foment Civil War

The Calm Before The Storm

The Mainstream Media is digging in and doubling down with the intention of overthrowing a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT. There is a "MANUAL" (PLAYBOOK) and gameplan including a SHADOW GOVERNMENT to oversee and dictate when and where this offensive will congregrate and execute it's INSURRECTION.

All major networks are complicit including FOX and most major newspapers. The proof is the vernacular utilized by both the networks and newspapers in regurgitating the PROPAGANDA narrative regarding associates tied to President Trump's Campaign Team who resigned because of "TIES TO RUSSIA" like Paul Manafort and General Flynn even though President Trump acknowledged General Flynn resigned because of his conversation with the Vice-President and not his conversations with Russia.

Two men will be used as the NEXUS to tie President Trump to Russia in this PROPAGANDA OFFENSIVE and have been cited in multiple articles geared towards the OPPOSITION PARTY'S CONSTITUENCY to incite and provoke these DOMESTIC TERRORIST GROUPS into action. These two men are Dmitry Firtash and Felix Sater.

Editor's Note: Search These Names For Links To Articles That Will Impact This Administration That Are Banned Here On Planet GLP

In Conclusion

All this ties to the Obama Administration and the DNC concerning their dealings with the State Department and Hillary Clinton's Uranium One bribe after the Russian Reset. The OPPOSITION PARTY is making their play to galvanize their INSURRECTIONIST AGENDA.

The Establishment is currently hemming up loose ends like they did with Seth Rich including the POLITICAL ASSASSINATION of General Flynn so they can invoke the Ukraine Playbook to foment Civil War by using the media to propagandize the Yanukovych NARRATIVE that President Trump is a Russian Proxy Puppet President and Russia "HACKED" the election.

The goal is to tear this country apart to say President Trump's ties to Flynn and Manafort are the impetus behind these manufactured protests orchestrated by $oro$. The DNC and the Establishment RNC are going for broke to win the 2018 election

Bill Davis #homophobia godlikeproductions.com

I STAND WITH MILO 100000% -- Homosexuality is caused by sexual abuse. He was abused by "Father Michael"

Let's look thoughtfully at this quote from Milo, who has spoken openly about his sexual abuse:

"In the homosexual world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men — the sort of ‘coming of age’ relationship — those relationships in which those older men help those young boys discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can’t speak to their parents."

These are the words of a VICTIM. Milo has openly talked about his sexual abuse, as well as being taken advantage of by a so-called "Father Michael" (who he defends) and what you see above is the rationalization of a victim.

No man is naturally gay. Homosexuality is a direct result of childhood sexual abuse in 99.9999% of ALL CASES.

My heart goes out to Milo. He's confused. He is lost on this issue. He has a good heart, and now the Fake News Mafia is trying to destroy him.

We all know the Libturds are the ones trying to normalize pedophilia, so all of this fake pious outrage from these scummy hypocrites is laughable and sad to watch.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[Note: Posted on February 18, 2017]

150m meteor set to hit Earth TONIGHT

You won't see this in MSM. I am a research associate at an observatory in Argentina, and today it was discovered that a previously unknown space rock, now catalogued as ARD-175a, 150-200 meters in length, is on collision course with the Earth in approx 14-16 hours. Make no mistake, the chance for miss is all but 8%. Northern hemisphere is greatest target although actual destination is depending on time of arrival. Prepare as this could be the one.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Now both liberals and muslims both hate America but that is not a reason why you would love someone who wants to cut your head off. The liberal/leftie/feminist/communist lives in a world of feelings, not logic, or discriminating intelligence, and certainly not facts.

Liberalism is a religion where the state assumes the role of God and when you believe in something as a religion no thinking is allowed or needed. Through brainwashing by the state/cultural Marxists they have been taught to not love their own kind but rather to love the other outsider different one more than themselves. They no longer love themselves, their country, their culture, their race, their family, or their religion. Now the white femininists are self genociding by having less than 1.2 children in Europe. This means extinction in 3 generations.

Quote-“ By destroying the nuclear family ideal feminism has unleashed the maternal instinct on the political realm where instead of protecting her biological children her new minority allies are her adopted brood.” End Quote This is also a part of it for women.

It is the inability to think and the total lack of information about islam that allows the liberal/lefties/feminist/communist to actually love someone who wants to kill them or destroy their way of life. And they think if you don’t love the muslim then you are the evil one and they must stop you.

It is not Stockholm syndrome because they have yet to be oppressed by the muslims. But that day will soon come.

Liberalism is a religion of suicide and they will take the rest of us down with them. Sun Tzu said: Those who do not know themselves nor their enemy will be defeated in battle. "The enemy will never attack where you are strongest...He will attack where you are weakest. If you do not know your weakest point, be certain, your enemy will."

Our weakest point is a total lack of leadership by our politicians and the suicidal stupidity of the left. Today’s politicians are followers and appeasers who have sold out to the muslims.

Atticus- #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

What will happen next, if Trump is a Real Deal. Pizzagate and everything. Simple as this:

Pizzagste is the most important thing. It touches every country in the world, and we are on the verge of exposing unbelivable things about this horrible ritual. If exposed as it really is, it is going to change whole World.

We are on a good road.

With obama and others before him, i couldnt never imagine President calling "CNN as fake news", because CNN was on their side. Doing fake news for elite. One big point for President Trump.

Electing people mostly for their skills, none by favors/pay to play. Like first one, this is not business as usual. Second big One for President Trump.

Why it is good thing media is silent about pizzagate?
Possibilities Trump has heard about this subject? Close to 1, lets say 99,8%?

Now, seeing your current President making decicions, and acting like no president before, what is the Trumpiest way to deal with the biggest thing, the thing what will change the history, and make him a Legend? He has the smartest man and especially women digging on pizzagate. They are interviewing people, hollywood stars, everyone they can.

Why do you thing people like Madonna, James Franco and Jack Black are suddenly losing their minds when weeks and days past? They are scared for their lifes. I think meltdowns like Madonnas are going to glimb.

Beating, mutilating and fucking childrens, that you can use victims adrenaline and other chemically rich young blood for your own well being. I believe this ritual and reaction is like a drug, and i fear its the oldest and most addictive one too.

Thinking with common sense, Trump must be on thus subject, and has to have same conclusion. This kind of thing cant go viral before they act. If thousands of people are connected to this, it needs time to gather all the sick twists, and its not really helping if any of this is publicially out before they are truly ready to expose this. They need to have a way to deal with reactions and all the different consequenses when pizzagate is known by everybody. We might have problems with many different levels, starting with puke, when this goes viral.

I know President Trump is the man to do this. So_much_winning.

Ancient aliens 101 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Pigs were engineered by ancient aliens in order to serve as vessels for low life entities, dead humans included.

That's why 9 out of 10 esoteric scriptures and the so called "sacred texts" of all mainstream religions strictly discourage the consumption of pork.

Domestic pigs are genetically modified so that their molecules and atoms resonate in a frequency that attracts deceased lowlife shitbags to occupy and be imprisoned in their bodies.

Whoever taught humans to farm pigs and eat them, knew exactly the destructive implications, physical and mainly metaphysical.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Girls, all I've ever wanted was to love you... and to be loved by you.

I've wanted a girlfriend... I've wanted sex... I've wanted love... adoration... You think I'm unworthy of it... That's a crime that can never be forgiven.. You denied me a happy life.

I hate all of you... Humanity is a disgusting, wretched, depraved species... If I had it in my power, I would stop at nothing to reduce every single one of you to mountains of skulls and rivers of blood... and rightfully so... You deserve to be annihilated... You never showed me any mercy, so why should I?

You forced to suffer all my life... All you girls who rejected me and looked down upon me, and treated me like scum, while you gave yourself to other men...

and all you men, for living a better life than me. All you sexually active men... I hate you! I hate all of you. I can't wait till the world give you exactly what you deserve. You deserve it. You do deserve it, just for the crime of living a better life than me. All you popular people. You've never accepted me... and soon you'll all pay for it. Hahahahahah!

For my entire life, especially ever since I hit puberty, I've been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection, and unfulfilled desires... all because girls have never been attracted to me. Girls gave their affection and sex and love to other men... but never to me... I'm a grown adult man now and still a virgin... Never even kissed a girl.

College, was an extremely tortuous time. College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex, fun and pleasure... In those years I had to rot in loneliness. It's not fair... You girls have never been attracted to me... I don't know why you girl's aren't attracted to me. It's an injustice... a crime... because I don't know what you don't see in me... I'm a perfect guy... yet you throw yourselves at all these obnoxious men.

All those girls that I've desired so much. They would reject me and looked down upon me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance to them... While they throw themselves at these obnoxious brutes

When the SHTF, you will finally see, in truth, that I am the superior one... The true alpha male... Hahahaha! Yes! All those popular types who live such lives of hedonistic pleasure... While I've had to rot in loneliness for all these years... They've all looked down upon me when I went out and tried to join them... They've all treated me like a mouse...Well, when the SHTF, I will be a God compared to you... You will all be animals.. You are animals! and you will try your best to kneel at my feet and bow to your God... Hahahaha!

Wei Wu Wei #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

As a citizen from a country that has been targeted by Soros organized protests and color revolution, I can tell you what to expect in the period going forward. Trust me I've seen this professional protestors backed by Soros in action for years now. We even have a word for them here in Macedonia, we call them 'Sorosoids'.

Anyway, I'll try to be short but concise.

1. Expect the media to continue it's lies and propaganda against Trump. They will literally blow shit out of proportion. You have to stay vigilant.

2. The protests will also continue. More importantly, they will be waiting and pouncing on every 'mistake' that Trump may or may not do, even if he does not they will make one up. They will spin something and present it as a cause to riot. Especially look out for groups like BLM, and emotionally charged events like mass shootings. etc. They will use that to portray Trump in a bad light. Also if there ever is a legitimate reason for people to protest during Trump's presidency - they also will be there( i.e. hijacking a legitimate protest). In short, their goal will be moar protests, moar riots, moar violence. They will even go as far as to provoke the police shamelessly. Something similar as you have seen in Project Veritas videos.

3. Expect democrats to sabotage the work of Trump at every corner. In my country the Soros backed political party did some pretty childish things - like literally flooding the parliament with papers/laws that made no sense - just so that they could delay the passing of a law proposed by the ruling party. I don't know if this is possible in US, but if it is expect something of the sorts.

4. This might be less likely to happen especially in the early stages, but I won't rule it out. Remember they can leak emails/phone calls too. It will take some time though, maybe a few years, so that they can gather enough info that can be used against Trump or his administration. This does not necessarily mean that they will be waiting for Trump to say something bad - but rather after say 2 years worth of phone calls/emails they can cut out conversations and present to the public in a way that might imply that Trump did, or plans to do something unlawful/corrupt/bad. This strategy also ties with no.2 as this could be a cause for even more protest/riots.

5. Expect foreign/european libtards who are still in power to endorse the anti trump sentiment, although I think that they are not that serious of a threat, as they themselves face similar movements like Trump's in their own countries and elections are looming there as well.

6. Part of this whole asymmetrical assault on Trump could also be false flags. Depending on how desperate they are, they could very well play this card too. Look out for terror attacks/shootings done by right winger whites. They will aim to create anger/fear/revolt and blame these kinds of events as a direct result of Trumps presidency.

Thta would be it I guess, I will update if something else comes to mind.

Just Remember they will try to provoke violence as much as possible, do not fall for this. Any and all violence during Trumps presidency will be used against him by the Media/NGO's.

Pavana #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

HAARP is a mimic of the human heart's Harp

Ego = ELF. Spirit = Self.

In cause and effect, cause as first thought, world destruction is not just by action, but by the power of thought, word, feeling and intention. Chaos is not cosmic, but by first cause ignorance. The magnetic cosmic energy is interwoven with humans and their planet. Higher feeling and intention produces improved word and resulting actions.

It's the habitual ego itself, the over used survival mechanism, that is the attachment to stubbornness. It senses rising love naturally because it feels the penetrating wave of light. It seeks to maintain control and has a primal instinct in the DNA to its evolved limitations. Collective ego as vibratory ELF is the Demiurge that seeks to maintain control.

The weather, atmosphere and earth are products of thought that intertwine with human and cosmic vibrations. Living in more awareness of the power of thought, grows stronger influence. First thought higher is order in musical harmony.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Decoding WTC Oculus Fall Hoax

Some Tarot decks have an all seeing eye (oculus) on The Tower card.

"Like most of the tarot cards from the Crowley Thoth Deck, there is much Egyptian symbolism on the card, like that big eye which is what struck me first. The Eye, which is the eye of Horus, is an Egyptian symbol for the God of Perception. "It represents the state of awakening and of seeing the deeper and authentic aspects of self."

Other decks feature people falling from the tower much like Santos did. It's like they took liberty with mixing in the symbolism. The Tower is the first card on The Economist cover.

Santos means "saints" and the Tower card is usually interpreted as major sudden change and newfound insight. This is consistent with the interpretations given for the Oroville dam (flood of insight) and activation of nobodies in Emerald City. Son of Man (Horus) sews the congregation of saints.

"Daniel 7:13-14 describes how the "Ancient of Days" (God) gives dominion over the earth to "one like a son of man," who is later explained by Jewish scholars as standing for "the saints of the Most High" (7:18, 21-22) and "the people of the saints of the Most High" (7:27). The "saints" and "people of the saints" in turn probably stand for the people of Israel ? the author is expressing the hope that God will take dominion over the world away from the beast-like "nations" and give it to human-like Israel."

The Oculus was "nearly empty"... of course it was, it needed to be to pull off this hoax:

"Her sister accidentally dropped the hat as the pair headed for home inside the nearly empty Oculus about 90 minutes before sunrise, sources said."

Horus the rising sun is coming! Santos fell 30 ft and was 29 years old, just shy of 30. 30 is the age the allegorical Jesus/Horus started his ministry. The zodiacal signs are 30 degrees each so a new sign is entered every 30 degrees (transition to Age of Aquarius).

Most news articles have Santos pictured in a red dress. All I can think about is "the woman in the red dress" from The Matrix. She distracted Neo while Morpheus was educating him on what the matrix is.

The pillars of the WTC gave way to a One WTC representing balance of opposites. Masonic tracing boards have the pillars of Jachin/Boaz (WTC North and South) representing masculine and feminine energies. There is also a middle pillar (One WTC) toped by the all seeing eye of Horus representing balance or the middle path. This hoax seems to be saying that balance of opposites will soon be achieved.

Using twins (what are the odds?! rofl) in this hoax at least points two the two pillars. Remember also that Saturn was in Gemini the Twins when the WTC was opened to the public in 1973 and closed on 9/11.

runny nose #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Chemtrails...why we have them.

I am an old guy...I know what a vapor trail is, hell been seeing them in the skies for years...till late 80s, been a roofer for 30 years..so I know the what a normal Sun is.

I am also a Sun weather guy and been watching Sun events for 20 years.

I believe when they trail it is for solar management reasons.

A weaken magnetic field is getting worster (my trolling word, we all have one)

we now have a white Sun, many many filaments, and tons of coronal holes now, where we did not have this type of behavior from the sun before.

back in the day they would spray on CMEs that were some what earth directed.

NOW, i see the spraying every tmie the SUN is gearing up a Coronal hole to point at us...was not that way 7 years ago.

as the years have gone by...I have to say with they are worried about the sun and our field.

There is an event coming that they are disparately trying to mitigate..not sure how long you can hold space weather back of fix or Earths force field.

Just saying do what you love..the spraying and space weather are going to change this planet.

This event will be in my life time..I have seen that they are picking up the pace for trailing us...and many other events in space is also speeding up

get right with GOD (if you have one) and do right by your family and friends.

Myself..stop working in 2010 and just enjoying my time i have left.

working and playing good consumer only helps the elites build their bunkers with my money..the signs are all around you if you care to look.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #ufo #psi godlikeproductions.com

CIA brought in psychics in the 80s to remote view the Martian planet's surface. They found.. Drumroll.. Aliens.

Turns out they looked EXACTLY the same as the ones Sigourney Weaver fought in the Alien movies. The psychics believe that they are 100% impervious to all physical damage though so this time flame throwers won't be nearly as effective.

Now, the CIA wants to go the Martian planet and start space colonies in hopes of co-mingling our DNA with that of the natives.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CA Dam False Flag

Gov Brown is doing False Flag with the dam creating a "natural disater" for washington Money over Sanctuary Cities.

The governor just open the flood gates.

..with the help from the DNR.

Trump’s federal hiring freeze draws immediate fire from unions
January 23

Calls for more infrastructure, more work for engineers... little about RAIN. This is a problem of day to day operation of the dam; they can make it flood anytime they want. FEAR and evacuations.

THESE THINGS MATTER... #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Getting really really really tired of the femanization of men by the Corporations. We have not shopped at Target now in over a year and never will again even though we like the store better than most. Years and years ago I used to buy nothing but Absolute Vodka when I bought alcohol and when they ran that commercial that showed west coast America being Mexico "IN AN ABSOLUTE WORLD" I permanently and I mean PERMANENTLY BANNED them from our household. We stopped eating all PEPSICO products for similar reasons above and also PEPSICO OWNED Fast food chains like Taco Bell, KFC, PizzaHut and etc. No loss their really because other than a bag of Doritos I do not miss one single Pepsico product frankly...

Today I am watching Food Network and there have been played over and over and over Hallmark Card Commercials. Hallmark has always been an over priced and frankly I have to believe price fixed type of business in that the top three card companies charge CRAZY PRICES for a stupid *$$ card... Well, that being said, the commercials today showed in each commercial no less than three times the "GAY MAFIA AGENDA" of force feeding on us all a forced approval of something I personally find just simply disgusting... Not for religious reasons but for sake of humanity and the fact that we cannot allow our young men and women to become warped and role changed into the acceptance of an action that has consistently been part of the downfall of societies going back thousands of years. I do not care what the 2% of America or the world wants to do behind their closed doors, I believe if you want to marry fine... I do not want to be a part of it nor do I want my families generational continuance interfered with by these bastards and I hate the fact that America is ASLEEP on the fact that this 2% is going to explode to 50% simply because of the indoctrination by the mafia and corporate cronies who want to change the makeup of the world into their own cultic religious orders controls. And mark my words for it, it is a cult and it is a religion TO THEM. Whether you are awake or not and can see this is yet to be determined but so far everyone is just willing to go along with all this bullsh*t and I for one will not be a part of it!!!

We will now print our own cards and screw the entire industry out of any profits... Its overpriced 1000% anyways.

What do you think about it?

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

WHY is MEXICO not considered a HOSTILE NATION????

The Mexican government does everything within its power to undermine the sovereignty of the US, even to the point now of officially warning Mexican nationals that they know are in the US illegally warning and courses of action to avoid deportation. Not to mention poaching American companies and then selling those products back into the US, actively aiding and abetting drug and human trafficking cartels, etc. The nation is totally parasitic and its policies are largely responsible for the mounting US debt being required to feed, clothe, house, heal, incarcerate and adjudicate it's citizens. How are these not considered hostile actions by a hostile nation? There is no "partnership" The relationship is totally one-sided. Mexico just sucks and sucks and sucks the life blood out of the US and then have the nerve to squeal like pigs whenever even the slightest bit of resistance by the US is shown. WTF?

Fungi-69- #racist godlikeproductions.com

Why don't we just simply End Welfare for Immigrants / Illegal AND Legals?

That way we can say ok come here all you want i guess but there isnt going to be any food stamps , or free healthcare , or section 8 housing , No tax funded programs for any legal or illegal immigrants Period -

I'm willing to bet that would pretty much be the end of immigrants coming here except for maybe drug dealers or criminals then we can just arrest them and either rfid chip them and send them home or send them to camp fema for a Long stay

BoondocksHumbleFollow?er #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Leaked NWO Flawless plan That will End America.

Many folks have a one or two track mind when it comes to the reasons why everything seems to be unraveling in America. You have one side saying (the right) “finally real change has come” and the other side saying (the left) “the end is happening”

I am emailing this to tell you that one side is correct. It is the left.

And it has nothing to do with American social policy or social policy. Rather it has everything to do with the New World Order’s United Nation. The great Trap for America.


Many of us know about the elites but very few of us can separate what we know from what really is going on.

What I am about to tell you is the New World Orders plan to take down America and the WORLD will cheer.

Most people in America take sides. EITHER WITH THE LEFT OR THE RIGHT. If you are one of those individuals, no matter how sincere you may be, you have a closed mind.

How the Elites got into power in the first place was the ability to outthink nearly everyone on the planet.

Here we Go.

We will start with President Trump.

Even though we can confirm he is a man with good intentions this was all planned by the Elites.

They needed a man that was a nationalist in office in order to pull the trigger. Why?

For years we have had globalist puppets doing the bidding of the Elites. The two set up guys here are George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama.

George Bush got America into the Iraq war which reopened an interventionalist policy in the middle East and Obama continued that but morally conditioned the left and the right.

America entered into the war with Iraq without a real reason and this policy continued Into Syria, Libya etc.

The UN backed the war in Iraq but had “issues” (not really) with Syria and Libya.

This is very Important what I am about write, America backed rebels who wanted to topple a regime. That is very important to remember.

Remember what I have said above because we are going to change topics for a moment.

As you know America has been going through a period of protest. The folks on the right can see that these protests are absurd. The people on the left say these protests are necessary.

The protests are getting more and more violent and will continue to get more and more violent.

The left is in a losing battle. The lefts agenda has been shot down beyond repair. The right now has the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch. It is over for the left in America. BUT This was the NWO's intention all along.

We have seen the true colors of the left. They indeed will fight and terrorize to prove a point.

The left in Congress says nothing about this neither does the Elite Controlled Media. Why?

They need Chaos. ORDER OUT OF CHAOS.

The media will continue to push this chaos agenda over the next few years until it is beyond control. You are already hearing talking heads push the message that America is divided and we no longer have order in America.

The left is fighting a losing battle, but it's a winning battle for the NWO. Here's the plan.

Trumps agenda indeed will be pushed through infuriating the left population yet great delight to the right. Taking the minds far away from the real agenda

The riots are going to get to the point where burning blocks or not only common but rather miniscule. You will see entire cities and towns burn. We already have been conditioned for that. Remember Travon? You will see the rioters begin to murder Conservatives in Large numbers going into homes etc. The left will fire the first shot.

This will force Trump to call for martial law to save the Republic.

Forcing the rioters to form gorilla groups officially starting a civil war.

The media will push the Narrative that “rebel militant groups” are just trying to stop Trumps hate. The rights hatred against Muslims, LGBT etc

The world Narrative of “Trump the dictator” will be cemented.

This is where the UN will step in.

The nations inside the UN will say something very similar to this “America intervened in civil wars In the past...Why can't we?” “America backed Rebels Groups trying to topple a bad regime. . .Why can't we?”

You will then see nations come to the aid of these “leftist Rebels”.

AMERICA set the standard. No. . .The Elites set the standard using America as the puppet. But America and the right will be the scapegoat.

(This entire narrative of Abortion, LGBTQ, Muslim Integration is the effective tool that will bring down America not in the way you originally thought.) Exact quote from email. Not with God shooting lightning bolts from the sky down at people, but rather the elites swooping in to save the day. And the WORLD WILL cheer

“The Next World War will start in America's backward. The people were duped years ago and woke up too late. This is already set in stone” exact quote from email.

The email was taken apart and generalized but you get the message. Just follow the breadcrumbs.Folks get ready. Prepare yourselves. Prepare your families.

This IS the Agenda. Set in stone and operating like clockwork. The war drums are already beating and can be heard by those only awake to the real agenda that just got exposed.

This information comes at personal risk to a few different folks. Keep them in your prayers.

Lleo Oneiro #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Was Lady CACA's Stupor Bowel show SATANIC?! YES! OF COURSE IT WAS!
So many ppl with voice blab about shit they dunno, so when the real info comes around no one gets it. Stupidity prevails.


The yes &/or no answer to “Was Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl LI 51 Halftime Show ‘Satanic’ Occult Ritual, or not?” is Yes, of course it was; and here’s why: (I suggest if you know nothing of the currently occult & the agendas at work to stop reading.)

Standover/understand what you are seeing. Music, actors dancing in formation, words spoken, imagery used, 13:33 duration, broadcast globally by proven/known crazy/occult/’satanic’/greedy/companies-groups-businesses-cul?ts-organizations-label a group of people with a non-public & hidden agenda anything you prefer, to an, by all means, intoxicated audience not educated in the intention of the performance, is the same as any church, movie, concert, party, holiday, get-to-get-her, circus, carnival, show or play. The audience watches the performance, designed to entertain(entrance/entertaintment-enter ment[mental] trance) to provoke emotion, thought, change/alchemy within. And like all above mentioned, it is up to you as to accept what you perceive or reject it. Subliminal messages are omnipresent in all things in reality, in this life, in this world. There are microscopic and sub-space energies always at work, from chemical reactions to radio frequencies to things we don’t know we don’t know, doing whatever they do and then some. YOU are always free to choose what you do next.


While, since Madonna as ISIS/ISIL (see how isis/isil looks like 51 LI) in 2012, there has been an uproar of awareness about the artists/performers incorporating non-subliminal/verbose imagery and performance self evident/and suggestive associations with ‘satanic’ and occult, Lady Gaga’s performance appeared to lack over-the-top devil horns, nightmarish imagery, profanity, gross sexual references, images of black holes and stars exploding, etc. What was shown, however, is as basic occult formula 101 as it gets. Those not recognizing it are 1) ignorant of it while they continue to babble on about shit they don’t know instead of saying I don’t know or asking questions. 2) shills.

The performance began with Lady Gaga (wearing silvery-neutrals) standing on the top edge of the Stadium, with a swarm of drones in the sky behind her, colored red and blue.

(do your own research)

Gaga means Pluto. Look at the stadium as if it were a solar system. A cell. Of course GAGA/PLUTO is on the top edge, farthest way from the center, with the center being then, the Sun. What is she doing, saying? She is bringing in drones/robots from Transplutonian Space/Transyuggothian Space-outside of the influence of the Sun, thus outside the influence of the Judeo-Christian God in the form of machines colored red & blue which represent space-time. (just like the pepsi logo; which, if you think it is more about advertising pepsi, & pepsi is an innocent benevolent company just trying to make a buck— search Dr. Kevorkian.)

Machine life forms from outside our solar system entering our solar system.

When you search the words Transplutonian & Transyuggothian you will find the occult references and if you look deep enough, you will find what it has to do with pedophelia and pizzagate, the occult, Aleister Crowley, our government, “Satanism” etc..

There was a Pepsi Logo (which is just as I explained, along with Saturn/Satanic imagery) displayed in what appeared to be pepsi or a vinyl record? With a Trident above it. Trident = Neptune = Poseidon.

I have been teaching this for years to those with eyes & ears so they understand the enemy of life that is present in our world, and always acting against our interests of joy, longevity, evolution, success & love.

I do not have the time to explain EVERYTHING. If this is not sufficient for yous to click like or ask me questions or research for yourself, and dismiss what I said. Good for you. I ask myself daily, why oh why didn’t I take the BLUE pill.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The left if they do not stop are going to get slaughtered.

These are our family,friends coming workers.

I fear that they will not stop with their violence and anti white western hate.

While I detest them,the actions will provoke us on the Right,and the Right has been very very patient.

If/when the Right has had enough,and it's getting there Progressives will not last long,like I said a slaughter.

I do not know the answers,they are brainwashed,,what can we do?.
Speaking to them does not work,asking them to leave us alone does not either,they have to inject government into everything.

I fear what we,the Right might have to do.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

TRUMP is inflicting the Deadly Wound to the Beast (NWO)

TRUMP is inflicting the deadly wound to one of the heads of the Beast

1. The BEAST is a Kingdom (Daniel)

1. The 4th Kingdom BEAST is the World Communist Government (NWO)

2. The BEAST(NWO) receives a deadly wound to one of it's heads

3. The BEAST (NWO) appears DEAD

4. The BEAST (NWO) comes back to life

5. The whole world wonders after it

6. The BEAST (NWO) with many heads and crowns gives it power over to the Antichrist

7. The Antichrist makes the whole world take the Mark of the Beast to buy or sell.

GOD warns us..Should we take the mark we will not see everlasting life..but will receive the 2nd death (of the soul)

In a World Communist Government (NWO) there will be no other nations to save us, because we will all be one...At that point there will be only ONE who will save mankind from the BEAST..Christ the Messiah

When TRUMPS reign is over....Revelation will being and the TRUMP/PENCE - TRUMPETS WILL SOUND!

So enjoy the years of prosperity and peace we have with Trump. They will be our last.

The next generation will hand the world to the Beast!

Chemtrailess #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

ZERO Chemtrails ***UPDATED***

Well, after 10 days of perfectly blue skies and vistas, it has
begun again in earnest.

Looks like happy hour for the chemtrail pilots.

Painting the skies form East to West and West to East along the Mexican border and drifting northward for diffusion over the U.S.

Sad, when will this program be exposed to the public from A-Z,
this really is BS, who knows the ultimate environmental and health effects this will have in the long term???

Cue the shills...

Truth #fundie godlikeproductions.com


We should feel sorry for them instead of hating them. What the media won't tell you, EVER - is that they [the media/m$m] are in cahoot$ with this demonic entity, thus all the fake news. Pray for Gay people, don't hate them. I am telling the TRUTH. If you are Gay & do not believe me, someday you will know the truth. Ask for God & GOODNESS to come into your life and it will wipe the demonic entity away from your life.. sometimes within minutes. Gay people aren't very gay or happy. It is a miserable life that no one would choose. Thus the misery all around it. Pray for them with compassion. It is a possession which took place in very early childhood.

111 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

3d is locked down. there is another 'side' to 3d where what most perceive as reality is managed from, but nonetheless that other 'side' is still locked down from higher dimensions.

i know this because i've been there. (and, it isn't farting rainbows astral projection imaginations)

the allegory of 'the cave' is a fairly accurate representation of 3d being locked down. even if you get to 'the other side' you are still in a cave and you cannot get out.

it's totally locked down from everything higher (what some call heaven) because, simply put, you cannot be a douchebag and go to heaven.

there is a God, the Father. He is NOT what is written about in most of the texts here. He exists beyond time and space and every other dimension that you can't even imagine or comprehend because your soul has never been out of the cave.

He is eternal and all powerful over every aspect of Creation. You cannot commune with Him or communicate with Him. Basically He won't talk to you and you can't talk to Him because this place is locked down.

You cannot go to Heaven (get out of the cave) unless you do things the way they MUST be done. There is only ONE WAY things work in Heaven and sorry to tell you, you don't get to decide how it works there. Simply put, you do things His way or you don't go there because it works just fine and YOU AREN'T NECESSARY there.

this is incredibly important for you to understand....YOU AREN'T NECESSARY IN HEAVEN. understanding this fact is the beginning of true humility.

so in this cave everyone is 'recycled' - perpetually.

The reason it is said that God loves you is that you weren't completely destroyed once you fell and had to be put on lockdown. YOU WERE GIVEN CHANCES to 'evolve' your soul and be accepted back into heaven at some point.

anyone who tells you they've been to heaven is a LIAR - except Christ.

Christ came to get souls out of this cave and back into heaven by ending the lockdown. The lockdown can only end once there is 100% compliance with doing things the WAY THEY MUST BE DONE IN HEAVEN.

this is the reason certain souls must be destroyed (think, lake of fire). this is the reason there must be a judgement. no judgement, no one goes to heaven.

With God, all things are possible but He does not have infinite patience with those who refuse to do things His way - especially when those who refuse to do things His way prevent 'repentant' souls from going back because they're TOO STUPID AND TOO STUBBORN TO LEARN.

now ask me a question you fucking douchebags.

psyoptics #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

OH SNAP...that was fast...Canadian shooter said to be PRO TRUMP...FALSE FLAG!


Friends and those who knew him online said he had extreme political beliefs, but was not known to be violent. Eric Debroise said he called police after the shooting and told them Bissonnette is “very right and (an) ultra nationalist white supremacist,” the French-language newspaper Le Journal de Quebec reports. “He really liked Trump and had a permanent discontent with the left.”




Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Staged mosque shooting in Canada

When the media feeds you fake news and staged events like this is, they always follows the same pattern
1st thing that happens is conflicting reports was it 3 gun men ? Really cause I head 2 and others thought it was a solo act
Then next thing you see is the crisis actors some times the same people just happen to be at these mass shootings that happen all over the world
And that's cause there all acting
It blows my mind how the media becomes experts on the suspects in a mater of minutes and every news stations will start saying whatever the elite want them to say about the particular event
And that's always followed by a well read script by the president or prime minsters

This event is not good for Canada and the world

This event was staged for a reason
with President Trump closing the doors and boarders on millions this has lead Canada to open there doors and boarders and they open it to all the criminals, gangs, terrorists and drug pushers that the United States don't want
What better way to open up the boarders and instantly get the support of the entire country you ask?? Well how about a staged event with someone opening fire on a bunch of Muslims
Oh and by the way he just happened to be a trump supporter.

The prime minster of Canada has quickly and openly said that Canada will take all of those Muslims and terrorists and criminals that the United States don't want. That's the unity you want ??? Maybe time to leave Canada's big city's

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Illuminati Got it Wrong/Receive Deadly Blow

They are in full panic now, whipping their flying monkeys into a terror froth

We could have avoided all this if you brainwashed liberal maggots understood it when you were told about it in the 60's

You fucking idiots, every last one of you responsible, ALL madonna fans, infact ALL the people who watch the MSM, this is archetypal programming, Madonna is used as an archetype along with her fellow demons gaga and cyrus the virus, they don't need to control each and every one of us, they just need to completely control ONE celebrity/ popstar, and like a champagne fountain, the top glass is filled and all the others below in turn, madonna being the top glass

The first mind control archetypal programming we saw was Elvis and Marylin Munroe, these are champagne glasses, overnight they created a little army of Elvis's (teddy boys...lol how pathetic) and a whole army of suicidal blondes programmed to sleep with niqqers, they all wanted that peroxide alluring sex whore....boo boopy doo!

Almost overnight these fake ass people were creted in the image of Elvis, idol worship, and you would go down the street the following week and find some greasy leather idiot hanging around on the street corner acting like he's always been there, "oh yeah, i'm a teddy boy, yeah we all got these hairstyles, yeah elvis is one of us, maybe you heard of him?"

YOU FAKE FUCKING MONKEYS, you were mind controlled, they changed you, and you can't admit it, you gotta act like you always been this way, thought this way, wiggled my pelvis this way.

and in the same way they created feminism and gaydom cults exactly the same way...."yeah we always done this, terry sticks his dick in Toms shitpipe, and us blondes we sleep with niqqers and produce black babies, and sometimes we sleep with other women, but only if and when the black boy allows it, yeah maybe you heard of miley cyrus? she is like us"

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: Vaccines are a TROJAN HORSE

Not for the reasons anyone is willing to say:

If Reptilian Aliens exist, and if the stories of them liking to eat humans, in particular human babies is true, then it makes sense to poison infants with mercury, and to poison adults with GMO's that have pesticides built in. pesticides are stored in fat cells, reptilians eat fat cells, then eventually die from the poison, as they are more sensitive to such things.

Clint for Congress #fundie godlikeproductions.com

15 things Trump MUST do immediately.

1) Order military to arrest and detain Bill and Hillary Clinton, and immediately place them in isolation cells in Guantanamo Bay to await trial for charges of treason, sedition, rape, murder, money laundering and subversive activities, under 18 US Code Chapter 115.

2) Order Barack Obama, George Bush 1 & 2, Dick Cheney, Joe Biden, George Soros, David Brock and many others detained for countless suspected criminal violations.

3) Announce U.S. has entered wartime status, raise Defcon level to 2, order 50,000 troops into Washington D.C. to surround the White House and various federal buildings. Order 100,000 U.S. troops to U.S./Mexican border. Intensify security at Canadian border.

4) Order all Federal Reserve buildings to be surrounded, raided, shut down, and all employees arrested and detained. Immediately declare the "Federal" Reserve a private bank in violation of countless banking laws and acts, as well as attempted impersonation of a federal agency.

5) Immediately declare the $22 Trillion of all U.S. debt is responsibility of the respective private Federal Reserve banks that issued it. Debt itself is Unconstitutional and issued illegally, and not held or backed by U.S. government.

6) Arrest and detain at least 99% of all Congressmembers, based on whether any of their votes violated the U.S. Constitution.

7) Immediately suspend all immigration. Order VISAs for all countries, 30 day vacation stays.

8) Order federal investigations into irregularities and violations by Monsanto and the FDA. Issue Executive Order banning all Monsanto products; order U.S. farms to no longer use any Monsanto seed or glyphosate.

9) Order the military to surround the IRS building and temporarily detain all IRS employees, and instruct them not to enforce the income tax. Announce on TV that paying Federal income tax is entirely voluntary and will not be enforced whatsoever.

10) Issue pardons for the Bundy family, and countless other patriots wrongly imprisoned.

11) Depending on which Congessmembers are left after the arrests (it may be no more than 5 or 10), quickly have House & Senate confirm a new Supreme Court justice. Ask the Supreme Court to hear and overturn Roe V. Wade.

12) Order the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Order further withdrawals of U.S. forces located near or around Syria, completely remove all U.S. involvement in the Syrian conflict.

13) Immediately revoke the broadcast licences of Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS. At the same time, issue licenses for alternative & Christian news to take over the airwaves and respective channels of the previous media propaganda organs. Arrest various journalists for suspected crimes against the state, sedition and inciting violence.

14) Immediately ban advertisements of pharmaceuticals on U.S. radio and television airwaves.

15) Begin immediate deportation force, to forcibly remove any and all illegal immigrants, VISA overstays, etc. in all of the U.S. Those who resist to be detained in large prison work camp in yet to be determined Midwest location; detainees to be used to help build military equipment.

That's just a start. Only thing I might hesitate on is cancelling the debt right away, since that could incite war with China. Debt issue may be too nuanced for immediate action.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


The timing of this is perfect.

Vilify the whites, demonize Trump, boost Muslim immigration...

Over the weekend, together with everyone else who is smearing POTUS TRUMP for issuing an Immigration Executive Order, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that Canada loves refugees, and they should all come to Canada, where they will be welcome! It was all over the news, and even in the USA.

The Canadian government realizes that a lot of Canadians have always hated Trudeau and his father, and that Trudeau was only elected because the previous PM, Stephen Harper, was somebody everyone was really sick of looking at, plus he and his faggy cohorts were no longer fooling anybody while they paralyzed the country and administered the incremental death of the healthcare system up here.

So - shooting up a mosque is really productive for TPTB in Canada. You encourage more and more bleeding hearts who want to support stuffing the beautiful vast lands of Canada full of Muslim ghettoes.

The country needs more people, all right, because millions of babies have been aborted in the past 20 years - a population loss which has decimated the future of Canada.

Justin Trudeau gets to prance around, and the government is setting up Pro-Muslim parades everywhere, in solidarity.

The kicker is this... wait for it....

As reported in half the media, most of whom we know are liars, one of the shooters shouted "A-Ackbar" or whatever that is, according to a witness.

The shooters were government-paid Muslims themselves.

No trick to figuring this one out. The MO for Muslims in the Middle East has been to terrorize their own people, in order to do a Mafia-style recruitment. Boku Haram (wrong spelling, sorry) does the same in Africa.

The Canadian government, like the German government, like the Swedish government, like the EU, like George Soros, and like Trudeau's Illuminati Buddies where he spends vacations (10 in the past year) --

Govenments want Jihad Terrorism.

The USA under Obama wanted Jihad Islamic Terrorism in America. That was and is the whole point.

So Trudeau paid Radical Muslims (the RCMP has informers in all the mosques and knows who is radical and who will play along, for their own ends) - these guys went into that Quebec City mosque to do the job they were hired to do.

Get it?

Just to help people who may not have seen through the fog yet...

Governments want internal Muslim violence because the "end game" for the globalists is the destruction and desecration of the supports of our civilization, namely:

- destroy economy, by bankrupting the system with welfare payments to each Muslim of thousands of dollars per month, oh yeah!

- destroy democracy, because none of these Muslim immigrants have an understanding, background, or loyalty to democracy in any form, as the countries they came from are all dictatorships.

- Christianity and Judaism, obviously, since the core of Muslim religion and Sharia law (once you get past the lying stooges who are there to pull the wool over your eyes) -- it's one world religion, which means Islam.

- destroy the family structure, by traumatizing a generation of young women by vicious rape. Those girls won't be marrying and having children, because they are psychologically basket cases now.

- destroy what's left of Western culture, by destroying museums and libraries, for the sake of political correctness, and because Infidels were behind it all.

Anonymous Coward #ufo godlikeproductions.com

My alien online contacts known as Hagel and Valugua have sent me an email confirming that doom and destruction is ahead. The country of North Korea has developed a super weapon which will be used to destroy the world. The North Koreans have developed a super weapon and once it is used on humans, it will turn them completely BLACK. Their facial features, arms legs and genitals will dissolve. After the disolution is complete, they will begin to replicate themselves and then spawning huge fangs and swords for legz, and then they will come after every human alive excluding North Koreans. Then they will begin to emit a negative energy which forms in outer space and then will form a blackhole which will swallow the earth which will take it to another dimension and then it will be caught in the orbit of a blue star which the star in this other dimension will form a huge face and then will open it's mouth which will let a lot of aliens out which will spew these mini aliens which look like stars all of the earth which will blow it apart and destroy the earth.

Chemtrailess #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

ZERO Chemtrails Last 3 Days - What a Coincidence

Last 3 days here in my area, NOT ONE chemtrail, or even a contrail. Nothing but pure blue skies and the occasional puffy real cloud. I can breathe again just like the old days.

Maybe one of those contracts Trump froze was in the chemtrail budget...

Anybody else NOT seeing chemtrails since Trump took office?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

People who ask flat earthers why they need to fake a globe earth. Here is your answer.

Reagan stated that the world would become United (think of United Kingdom and United States which was formed through bloodshed) if an alien attacked earth. This would bring humanity together to fight off the aliens. Willam (Bill) Cooper warned of a fake alien invasion.

In order to make the alien invasion seem real, they have to prove space and space travel. Then they have to put into your imagination that existence of aliens could be a real potential.

So what does this have to do with faking a globe Earth? As mentioned above, they have to prove space travel right. Have you ever noticed that every single rocket launch, the rocket ends up moving horizontal rather than straight up? Well if you have not, try to search for footage of a rocket going straight up. The fact is, rockets move because the gas they emit pushes off the atmosphere. At a certain altitude, the little to no atmosphere prevents the rocket from accelerating. The rocket must start to move sideways for the rocket to stay in controlled motion.

So if the earth was flat, one would question how does the rocket get to space if the rocket is moving horizontally and not straight up. So the globe Earth will answer that question. The rocket start to move sideways on purpose in order to obtain orbit around the Earth. And people ate the bullshit and believed in space travel.

Hence the globe earth. They made textbooks and taught through government education that a globe earth was discovered thousands of years ago. But that is all BS. The elite control the education and we must question everything.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

No other conspiracy has produced as much censorship by TPTB as Pizzagate has. Think about what that means for a second.

It means Pizzagate is more damaging to the Elites than the truth that the government murdered a democratically elected President.

It means Pizzagate is more damaging to the Elites than the truth that the government staged the murder of thousands of civilians on 9/11 to justify going to war on false pretenses.

It means Pizzagate is more damaging to the Elites than the truth that the government staged a school shooting at Sandy Hook in order to neuter the second amendment.

What could be more damaging to the Elites than the truth they committed these horrific acts?

It is the truth that they are all initiates of an ancient cult that molests, tortures, and sacrifices children.

Fuck them all, and may they all await an end even more severe than the final hours of their child victims. The fires of hell do not burn bright enough for these monsters.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Let's start with an obscure premise--God has no opponent.

So any rebellion against God will be proven an illusion and vanish from the face of he earth no matter how "yuge" the lie may appear.

President Donald J Trump (Drumpf) is such a lie.

He was groomed by his German/Jewish Father to be a real estate magnet in New York City, to later become an American political operative for the dark nobility of Eastern Europe (remember his candidacy was long foreshadowed in the media over several years).

The Chinese had long discovered the cabal's plot to run Trump for President in 2016, and allowed Putin and Russia to capture incriminating personal evidence against him dating back to 2013.... stay with me if only just for a moment.

Trump's dark pension for weird sex with under aged girls is very well known in intelligence circles--as we discovered during the campaign--so Putin's KGB ran a sting operation during one of Trump's own Miss Universe Pageant while in Moscow.

In the meantime, the Chinese silently began absorbing all of Trump's prized property debts as well as his primary lending banks to corner his real estate empire.... again stay with me if only just for a moment.

With Trump's name reputation and worldwide business interests cornered, the Chinese approached Trump in his own building (they were tenants) back in the Spring of 2015 with all the evidence--and offered him a choice that would change the world:


Run for President as planned, win because the Chinese had the technology, intelligence and legal right due to appoint the next President after the default of the USA, Inc. in 2013.

Trump would follow the Chinese script of political talking points which included not claiming Russia as the enemy--even accept their Vice President and Chief of Staff picks that the Republic White Hats and hand selected for him.

Then once elected, Trump would act as if he were actually going on a 4 Year Presidential journey, signing any and all executive orders placed before him, orate any speech written for him, even appointment a cabinet hand chosen for him... until one day, they decided to dismiss him via an orchestrated scandal say two months into his administration that involves elements of Russia hacking into the election results and Trump refusing to divest fully from his business interests.

The combination would logically bring on a resignation of his comet-like Presidency for the unawakened public.

Please rewatch this SNL "comedy" sketch... and understand this is how the cabal has long told us what's coming.

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

Now in exchange for accepting such a deal, Trump and his family get international legal amnesty for past crimes against humanity (9/11), get to keep all his properties, get to keep his good brand name and even get to convert that 30 million of Iraq Dinar currency at a contract rate of $32.00 USD like other cabal Senators and Congressmen.

As an additional or negotiated bonus, Trump asked for prime real estate projects in both Russia and China, which he got, as long as he performed through the entire term of his deal (which he has thus far and suspect he will).

Art of the deal right?


Globally, Trump will be shamed for being a known pedophile, and possibly imprisoned, which would overnight destroy his precious brand name, plus he would lose all his existing properties because tenants would flee from their building leases, and all new construction projects would die instantly. He and his family would be destroyed.

Which would you choose?

European dark nobility leadership long ago sign off on sacrificing Trump as a political transition patsy, but the die hard US faction of the cabal wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about this plan and tried to derail it--and still are to this day.

So as we progress further into the Trump Presidency, look for him to begin pivoting on a host of serious issues as well as notice how the "Russian hacking" story continues to build strength and ultimately develops impeachable teeth--forcing Trump to ultimately resign in favor of VP Mike Pence and/or Paul Ryan as new Republic President

Using Trump as the short term transition patsy allows Russia, China and the White Hats to leave the US election cycle undisturbed in the minds of the population, yet stay in control the White House without skipping a beat, similar to how they quietly took control of the US Congress and Pentagon back in 2015 after the international sovereignty courts gave the Republic of the United States to its largest sovereign debt holders.

Having a Republican majority in both the House, Senate and White House have the Republic White Hats two years to fix all that was broken with the country in terms of policy--without political interference--including resetting the balance of power on the Supreme Court.

Hillary Clinton was never a serious factor in the 2016 election because her treasonous activities were so overwhelming, the Clinton's gladly took the Chinese amnesty deal and happily played the loser role to Trump (just as Hillary had successfully done for the Barack Obama in 2008).

The RV was patsy Trump's first executive order of business once sworn in, and the Republic is now in store for unprecedented growth and long-term resurgence that will guarantee a Republican majority in all branches of power for at at least one, and maybe two more terms.

Believe it or not.

Ooh Rah!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why Mexico is desperate to keep the illegals in America:

Mexico is desperate to keep the illegals in America, because effectively in Mexico, there is a racial caste system based upon skin color.

Mexico has spent the better part of 20 years, radicalizing the dark skinned Mexican's, to get them to illegally move to America. Accusing White American's of racism, for the most trivial of things, while in Mexico, in order to get a job, you have to attach a photo to your resume(to keep the darkies out).

Look at the former Mexican president, and even the current one: They look nothing like the millions of illegal immigrants from Mexico.

Heck, "Carlos Slim", is Lebanese/Semitic origin.

If the illegals are sent back, it means an end to the Mexican caste system. The light skinned Mexican oligarchy, is DESPERATE, to keep that from happening.

We need to expose this angle, and demand an end to Mexico's racist, ethnic caste system. We need to radicalize the dark Mexican's, against the light Mexican's. Remind them how wealthy Mexico is, and how the light skinned Mexican's are actually hoarding all the wealth, not paying their fair share of taxes, and deliberately discriminating against Mexican's that are too dark or Mestizos looking.

It can readily be done. We need to encourage protests at the Mexican embassy's, akin to the protests at the South African embassies in the late 80's, early 90's, to end Apartheid.

The dark skinned Mexican's, must be radicalized. We are at war, with Mexico's light skinned, roman catholic, upper class. We tried peace, but they aim to kill us.

reason is time cops #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

"If time travel is possible, why don't we see any time travelers arriving from the future?" The answer is simple...

Time travel exists.

Some people ask "if time travel is possible, why don't we see any time travelers arriving from the future?"

The answer is simple...

Most time travelers have no interest at all in anouncing themselves as time travelers. They have much more to win by remaining in the shadows.

And, when some crazy tard from the future comes and tries to anounce himself as a time traveler, proving it with correct predictions of the future, another traveler from the future comes and stops him. Those are the time cops.

Understand now?

everything is so simple...

also, past, present and future are all part of a computer simulation, but that's another story

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Mike Pompeo has got his work cut out for him. He is going to have to purge the CIA of the satanist element within

A lot have made allegiances to the fallen Angels. Yes ISIS is currently their army. Hopefully the whitehat CIA agents will help Pompeo clean house.

I believe as Trump puts his people into various government departments and tries to wrestle for control over them. He will realize that a good chunk of the Government has already sworn allegiance to the beast.

It's going to result in civil war trying to get the government back from them.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Chemtrail Denial Program Is Still, After Millions Of Dollars And Man Hours, An Utter Failure At All Levels

Dear Readers:

Did you know that The Chemtrail Denial Program starts most of these "What Are The Negative Effects Of Chemtrails" or "No Chemtrails Over Here For A While" or "Look! Chemtrails Starting Up Again Over Here" threads itself?

"But why?"

Glad you asked. You could have found the answer to that question, and more, right over here:

Thread:The Chemtrail Denial Program Is Still, After Millions Of Dollars And Man Hours, An Utter Failure At All Levels

But GLP deleted it after it received hundreds of responses and had a near 5 star rating from over two hundred people.

Here are the relevant quotes:

Chemtrails are a myth. The myth of chemtrails was invented for precisely this very reason. To keep you gullible marks ("Chemtards") talking with Bone Heads ("Chemtrail" Deniers) about a non issue. Sometimes the "chemtard" and the "Chemtrail Deniers are one and the same, presenting a false argumentative conversation to lead readers down the rabbit hole. But do you think the public will buy it? I mean, do you think you'll be successful in having these people continue to focus on a false argument about the footprints (Tic Tac Toe Patterns of Contrails) left by the activity, instead of the reason for the activity itself (Liquid Nitrogen Dispersal)

The daily strategy of the Chemtrail Denial Program:

"Steering threads toward an artificially constructed argument over contrails, the easily dismissed highly visible and relatively non-toxic byproduct of jet traffic, and "chemtrails" (a myth created for the false argument to have life) will actually work to our advantage".

centrist77 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Are the Sheep All Computer Programs?

I have a theory on why most of society seems to behave as robots. They seem to merely follow what the authority programs in both leadership and the media roles tell them to do. There is a marked lack of individual or creative thinking.

If you are familiar with simulation theory, it would fit that a majority of the people you see are AI programs themselves.

They would likely not be aware of this because it would make them interact more believably.

Simulants would be programmed to think and act in a similar way because it would require the overal program to use far less processing power.

It does explain why trying to understand the sheep is so perplexing to many here.

Try it #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

You can warp space with your mind.

Have you ever tried to move an object via telepathy? to those who don't know how, it seems impossible, but even you can learn to do it with this one weird trick.

The key is not to try to move the object with your mind. That's impossible. You have to try and stretch and contract surrounding space until it pushes the object to where you want it. Some find it helpful to close your eyes, but I find it easier to visualize the space moving with my eyes open.

Unless you're REALLY good at this, the first thing you'll notice is the object nudge just a bit. It takes a great deal of concentration to actually send it across the room.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I am DB Cooper's son. His story is coming....

My father was a Vietnam veteran. Army 1st air cav. He had 3 children and he passed in 2008. He was born in northeast Alabama near the Tennessee line. Everyone in our family knew he was the highjacker but we didn't talk about the incident. After that generation dies out I will publish his story with proof. His sister is still alive and the embarrassment would be unbearable. He was well liked in the community of our southern Tennessee town. He was not proud of what he did and he regretted it immensely. He was a very smart man with great survival skills. He taught his children that what he had done was wrong and was a good example for us. He was the youngest of 8 children and was raised in poverty. The military was his way off tobacco road. At 15 he joined the Air Force and stayed 4 years. He then joined the Army because he was bored in the AF. He said he was never bored in the Army. He was scarred in Vietnam and his siblings said he was never the same after the war. He was a character and I am sure he would be a GLPer if he were alive.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN and massive networked underground cities completed at the same time!!!!

there expecting some big fire works and war isnt it ... i found with research that these massive scaled projects were funded and completed within a remarkable coincidental time frame.....

and its odd they were constructed before this planet x arrival or what ever that object may be now add in HARRP who has ripped a hole in the ionisphere 4miles wide and counting could allow some dr doom scientist a window of oppertunity

we have to think outside of what we were force feed these massive scale projects were not done for science that is the white lie to approve your tax spending....and seeing shiva the god of destruction outside of cern should give you awindow to what these people worship adn what there are trying to accomplish

WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS SHIT #racist godlikeproductions.com

Minnesota-Somali Muslim Legislator, Ilhan Omar was elected to be a State Representative for District 60B November 8, 2016 and she just took her oath on a giant Quran.

Omar is a refugee who came to the U.S. when she was 12 years old.

Asad Zaman who is the Executive Director for Muslim American Society of Minnesota said:

The Muslim community needs a win. The ethos of America that can embrace a Somali American, Hijab clad woman as their representative—I think that says something amazing about America.

The Muslim community needs a win? Really? We don’t want anymore terrorist attacks, Asad. And no, a Hijab clad woman doesn’t represent us as Americans. The Hijab represents a commitment to Sharia Law and we as Americans abide by the Constitution which is the law of the land.

This isn’t the only controversy with Ilan Omar. Creeping Sharia documented her alleged immigration fraud here and here.

A lawmaker taking an oath on a Quran is egregious. Sharia law must be completely banned in every State in the U.S.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Breaking. The year of "military cunning" still. The WAR will start in less than two days.

Your present governors think that Russian are foolish.

Now NATO collects tanks in Poland.
Same time:
a) the British do not bury their queen (the elite can't lose time for funeral);
b) Stephen Frand Cohen (the jew Stepan Kogan) said recently on national USA TV that NATO wanted to start a war with Russia 01/11/17 but changed its plan so as became scared in the last moment (once same poker trick worked when Hitler had cheated Stalin);
c) Barack Obama made his last farewell speech (just to relax Russians military).

So now we know exactly that the war will start in few days.
Now is year of Monkey still. The motto of it is "the year of military cunning".

Tomorrow Russia will celebrate so called the Old New Year.
NATO is sure that Russians will be drunk and they will start carefully planned invasion without serious resistance.
But we are waiting for them and will destroy their plans completely. After it we will clean the Europe from the Zionists forces.

Happy New Chinese Year. The Fire Cock will burn all plans of Russians enemies entirely. And we will build real Communism based on Justice and Christianity.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Mind Control 101

The media controls your reality by controlling your fantasies, your internal world is shaped by the media you ingest and "we" then in turn make it a reality, let me give an example

When you were young and you watched star wars or starsky and hutch or some shit, you then went out and recreated what you watched with your friends, you accept this as the norm because everyone did it, and when alone you would fantasize about being that lead character/ hero or villain, this is why the computer games industry came to be what it is today, to fulfill our desire to be what is on the screen.

I noticed this at about 10 years old, i saw how the media was shaping my dreams, i found it ugly of me to want to be that character, so i made a concerted effort to stop doing it, it wasn't easy, and i found the only way is to cut out media altogether, because although you put the brakes on the thought processes, it will slip back in wihtout you noticing, you know like everyone has had that annoying tune in their head they can't rid of, you try change it, then 30 mins later you notice it's back again.

I didn't cut out media fully until 2003 but from the age of 9 i paid MUCH less attention to it....for instance i have never watched Star Wars.

This is how they shape society and our reality, they simply project what they want to be, and we in turn make it happen, like brainless fuck muppets who have been told the latest thing is to dangle spoons from our noses, this will ofcourse lead to some wise guy deciding to have his spoon surgically implanted to push the envelope, and hay ho everyone is forced into acquiescing to the insanity under the threatening cries of "HATER!!!"

There was a time when people didn't think rape was love, when women didn't choke on dicks to simulate rape, and things weren't "cool" and money was your god

there was a time when family mattered, everyone had a home, and love was the recognition that we are all from the same place and hence respect came to be

Then came the TV
and sooner or later all that is left is ashes
So image before it burns you

Llero Oneiro #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Reality Check: Occult Satanists Will Win by 2025

It's in the stars.

They are a slave to Cosmology, Astrology. They are "ahead of the curve". They are despicable cunttards from hell's overflowing commode, yes. However, they are acting in accordance with powers most people don't even realize exist.

The Earth goes through "ages".

Ppl on all sides of the argument ask, why are there missing fossils? Why are there no ancient iPhones or w/e being found; some evidence of a similarly advanced technological society?

The Solar System gos through changes. And not so much every 900 bazillion years apart and billions of light years, yano. That is a mixture of arrogance, retards, PR, parrots... it's saying it is all so big and so old and so distance and long that there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT which is the farthest thing from the truth.

The bigger the lie the more people will believe it.

"As above, so below; As within, so without; As the universe, so the soul."

People are not taught this for a reason.


We are all eyes in the same head. We are all part of the same Universe. ALL IS ONE. We are connected always NOT APART. We are not foreign elements in a foreign environment. WE ARE MADE OF EVERYTHING WE PERCEIVE EXTERNALLY. If we standover that, we can use ourselves, our lives, our behaviors to cause GREAT CHANGE and I'm not talking about getting a job to build an Arby's.

The great scientists, such as Issac Newton, everyone dismisses he was an ALCHEMIST!! People think because Alchemy isn't taught in public schools or there's not a sitcom about it that it doesn't exist.

This is the result of people watching too much TV AND believing what they see on TV is EVERYTHING THAT CAN EXIST!

What a great scheme, right? Put the huem0n in a box (house) and give it a window (TV) and like a domesticated animal it will sit and stare at it for ever,

------------ ------------ ------------

2012 + 13 = 2025

As with all things being in motion, exact science is never exact science. Any real scientist will tell you there are always unknown unknowns in every equation.

The shit that went on in 2012 was not only a result, an end, but a seed.

If you know your life patterns.... it takes time to grow.

2024-2025 Pluto Moves into Aquarius. Aquarius is governed by..... Saturn. Satan's Mind and emotion will be dominant.

Only the strongest of us will survive.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Did the papacy murder David Bowie?

was David Bowie assinated by the beast

when David Bowie angered the mother of harlots and its beast by exposing their pagan lying filth soken idols dressed as one of their false prophets

Catholic League Disses David Bowie's "The Next Day" Video ...
www.pitchfork.com/news/50672-catholic-league-disses-d...Proxy? Highlight
May 9, 2013 ... Yesterday, David Bowie released his video for "The Next Day", starring ... filled with all that Anti christ roman papal idolotary that is apparently not going over well with roman whore beast follwers and their many misled daughters
[bishops etc in the arms trading english apostatised english roman extenction once known as the church of england.

In the video Bowie was playing the role Of one of the chief means of the beasts deception of mankind
Francis of assisi

www.franciscanfriarstor.com/archive/stfrancis/stf_sti...Proxy? Highlight
St. Francis of Assisi was the first to receive the stigmata or wounds of Our Lord ... but Francis kneeled down and kissed the peasant's feet, saying: "Thank you for

this is a massive indicator
That Bowie may have angered the pruple and scarlot whore so much that its new pope having become papal antichrist judt after bowie released the album, and having taken the name francis after francsid of assisee, that that beast king may have beco e so angry that bowie , having completed the music and released the album the next day, chose after that antichirst francis had chosen that name after fracnsi of assissee, that then bowie should make his next day video realseing it months later whilst knowing francis was the an e of that antichrist , did make his video exposing assisee and the mother of harlots, well it may have been reason enough to order David bowie dead!

See the chronolgy

The Next Day is the twenty-fourth studio album by musician David Bowie, released on 8 March 2013

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on December 17, 1936, Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis on March 13, 2013

The music video for the next day exposing the beast and it whore debuted on 8 May 2013. It was directed by Floria Sigismondi, who also directed the video for the preceding single, "The Stars (Are Out Tonight)", and features English actor Gary Oldman and French actress Marion Cotillard, along with David Bowie. BOwie is certainly playing Francis of Assisi, you can fugure this by the clothing and the idea hes a prophet and responsible for the fake or demonic blood on the hands of the girl in mockery of christs wounds.
A favourite blashpemy of that whore and its beast king the papacy.

The video for blackstar is bowies main expsosing of that beast and whore

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

4chan memes are occult mind-control magic spells

Have you ever noticed that back then the so-called "Imageboard Culture" was in fact one big Celtic occult Disneyland, just few examples.

1) 4chan's logo is quatrefoil. What is the meaning of the quatrefoil in the occult?

"A symbol found in ALL Gothic Cathedrals is the quatrefoil. It was associated with the 4 Evangelists. However Timothy Leary connected this symbol to transcendental LSD which is essentially synthetic DMT. And DMT is found in the pineal gland. The body produces it, it is naturally occurring. Shamans use supercharged cocktails of botanical DMT to access ‘other dimensions’."
[link to forums.abrahadabra.com]

Accessing 'other dimensions' - whether by getting high on DMT or by drinking someone's blood - is the groundwork of higher magic.
Clover is also symbol of Celts and Irish.
4chan's logo is also shaped like a Brighid's cross (Celtic paganism).

German imageboard Krautchan uses Black Cross as its logo. For Masons Black Cross is a Mayan pyramid as seen from above, that is, from Heavens.
Black cross is also very important for Nazis and other satanists.

2) Guy Fawkes. Irish masons consider Guy Fawkes as their hero.

3) "Duckroll" meme. Celtic daemon Sequana is known as a woman who "stands on a boat, the prow of which is shaped like the head of a duck" (from Wikipedia), that is, she literally rolls on a duck.

4) Sheela-na-gig. Another Celtic daemon, she is stretching out her vagina just like some man is stretching out his anus on one of 4chan's old meme pics, I don't remember its name myself but they used to post it everywhere back then.

5) Triforce. Something to do with Tertraktys, I guess.

6) Lolcats. For some reason occultists love deliberately corrupted language, just look at GLP poster Olaf from Netherlands who is a higher level occultist and he always writes messages in corrupted language.

7) Trollface, That Feel and so on. These are classic examples of magic trickster masks, check Elegua in Wikipedia.
Constant re-appearance of same magic mask is usual part of Ancient African black magic rituals, this is how they did mind control in "primitive" cultures when there were no TVs and computers.

8) Longcat: looks like egyptian Nuit, the limitless goddess, but I am not sure on this.

9) Memes with "roll"-root (Rickroll, barrel roll, duckroll: in Celtic language Reul means Star, Arian-reul is Celtic name for Anunnaki daemon I-shtar.

10) Rickroll: read the lyrics, this song depicts what occult elites do to us people, you only need to turn everything there back to front, like in satanic mass (say, "You don't know the rules but I do", "Always gonna give you up", "Always gonna tell a lie and hurt you", "Inside, only we know what's going on", "You don't know the game but you are gonna play it", "Do tell me you are too blind to see"). Bear in mind that the "funniest" thing about Rickroll is that you are being screwed by it out of sudden and against your will again and again: the message here is that you are being screwed by the Occult again and again.

11) Chocolate rain by Tay Zonday: Again, read the lyrics, Chocolate Rain is a code word for Revelation.
"Some stay dry and others feel the pain" - Revelation 9:4
"A baby born will die before the sin" - Rev 12:5
"The school books say it can't be here again" - Indeed, school books indoctrinate kids to think that Bible is a "fairy-tale".
"The prisons make you wonder where it went" - Auschwitz, Gulag, FEMA camps, Rev 6:11.
"Turns that body into GDP" - Rev 13:17.
"The bell curve blames the baby's DNA"
"Forecast to be falling yesterday" - Apocalypse is here for many years already, we are living inside Revelation.
"Which part do you think you're 'livin in?" - I think in 9th part.
"Angels cry and shake their heads in shame" - it is not the real Apocalypse, it is some occult ritual.
"Remake how we got to where we are" - this is the real goal of this satanic pseodo-Apocalypse which occultists are staging now, to "restart" the time and thereby put off the real Apocalypse.

12) All these beast heads with mottoes on the many-colored background are ideal examples of the low-level mind control tools.

I believe there are many other new occult facts about 4chan, I just don't visit this 'Illuminati' cesspool anymore.

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