
Logic Destroys lies #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Reasons Vaccines are NOT Safe, Effective or Needed

1) Based on Bad Science or often NO Science.
a) Vaccines Make Huge amounts of Money for Drug Companies and Doctors.
b) No Long Term Studies comparing Health and Mortality
between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated people based on Location.(this is on purpose)
c) Evidence of Unvaccinated people being healthier is ignored.(The Amish do not vaccinate or get Autism)
d) Evidence of Mass Injury and Death by vaccines is Buried by the Corporate Media
that profits from Drug Company Advertising.
e) Laws Shielding Drug Companies and Doctors from liability from vaccine injury
have been passed in the USA.
f) a Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund was established to pay off those who can Prove their child was harmed by vaccines.

2) Vaccines have only been around a short time in human History.
a) God made people with Immune systems, and intended Women to Breast Feed to pass immunity to infants.
b) Refrigeration, Sanitation and Running Water and Sewer Systems have been responsible for much of the lowering rate of disease often credited to vaccines.

3) If Vaccines provided life long immunity to disease the Unvaccinated would pose NO threat to the vaccinated.

4) Vaccines along with GMO"foods", Pesticides, Herbicides, Hormones, Chemicals/Preservatives are weakening peoples Immune Systems making the rate of Disease go way up. Rx Drugs, Sugar, Artificial Sweeteners, Antibiotics, Chemical exposure, Hydrogenated Oils, Nuclear and Electrical Magnetic(radio) Radiation and other toxins and Stressors that are destroying Human Health, and Poisoning the whole Eco System.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

TPTB want to wipe Japan off the map

All the Tsunamis and major earthquakes that happened and will be expected in Japan are artificially made by TPTB to destroy the country.

The reasons are that Japan is a very developed and hardworking country that reached all this success in such a short period of time and that there is a fear it would reach the peak of the greatest renaissance in modern history any time in the near future.

However, the main reason is that Japan is not on good terms as much as required with the world government that was formed by Britain in 1947 in which CIA and Israel were created as a Western and an Eastern proxy fronts for Britain which preferred to run the world behind the curtain this way for a long-term plan where most of its proxies will fall gradually by design from within and America can be made as an example of this outcome as many can realize its gradual collapse today by a certain remote power. This is to pave the way for Britain to come back in the open after eliminating the stereotypical view of the British arrogance known to the peoples and the countries they have set foot in, and after indirectly proving to the world that all major powers - that are actually under British (MI6) control - have failed to do any good to their own peoples and other countries.

Britain used 3 main deceptions among other ones, so ordinary people and even critical thinkers wouldn't suspect the thing. First, the British instructed America to enter WWII not for help but to introduce it later as the one and only coming major power whereas in fact America has been run only as a proxy for Britain since the day it entered the war, and even American military and technology is backed by Britain. Some of these technologies were stolen from Germany by only MI6 as other countries were not permitted to do this or even create its own technology without taking orders and instructions first from Britain. Second, MI6 wants everybody to see modern day Britain as no difference to any European country to some extent according to precise calculations and even worse. Some of the methods used for this king of programming is allowing huge numbers of Muslims and other nationalities in the country by design and in a manner that everything appears out of control to the Public, so nobody would be able to recognize the good old Britain. Third, MI6 has made sure through long-term planning, programming, Brainwashing, Hollywood and of course with the cooperation of its proxy agencies and countries that whoever one day would say that Britain is the one that really runs the world behind the curtain and nothing above it, would be the laughing stock everywhere in the world.

Japan is not that loyal to the world government although it is under the rule of the British global government. Japan does good things to its people that upsets Britain which has been pulling the strings behind the scenes since WWII and these good things are not part of the global assigned script.

The top reason that made the world government start these recent sly aggressive acts against Japan is that Japan wanted to expose the whole thing to the world someway gradually after the initial peaceful revolutions of 2011 that were made by the Peoples of the Middle East and inspired the whole world and they were not made by any other agency as contrary to the widespread alternate media propaganda. Japan wanted to prevent these great popular revolutions from turning into chaos by the British world government which has caused all the troubles and woes almost everybody suffer from to this day. Japan would have appeared like pre-WWII Germany which Britain also made sure to falsify the whole truth of Germany's good intentions and real greatness at the time and lie about almost everything to the Public in history books, all kinds of media and prints across the globe and even making the world believe that modern day Israel - created by Britain as part of the plan - is the one that lies, fabricates and even runs the show which is not the truth as Israel is one of the many proxies used by this world government for all the big destruction-from-within show, besides the Public would throw all and any accusations only at these proxies and not the real master behind the curtain.

TPTB (the British world government) created the Fukushima disaster to distract Japan and it worked well even initially and the series of punitive procedures are still underway against Japan for not being totally loyal like all the other countries. And as such, many artificial catastrophes and disasters to be expected in Japan.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Most Black People Are Demon Possessed.

Think about it. When you observe their actions and speech, the pattern matches up.

1.) Mindless and random activity.

2.) Compulsive Violence.

3.) Lack of Human Empathy.

4.) No Moral Imperatives.

5.) Inability to Rationally Speak and Plan Ahead.

6.) Garbled Language Sounds.

7.) Wild, Twisting Dances to Crazy Music.

8.) Rebellion Against Authority and Whites.

9.) Constant Lying.

10.) No Contributions to Society.

These severely ethnic people thrive on the kinds of things which repulse Normal People.

CompletelyDeplorable #racist godlikeproductions.com

2017 Resolutions for Black Guys

Pull up your pants.

Learn to speak English.

Make sure you're married to your "baby mama".

Get a job. ( No rapper, player, and drug dealer don't count)

Pay your bills.

Be too proud for welfare.

Treat people with respect and see how much you get back.

Realize black lives don't matter anymore than any other lives.

Learn what giving back means.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you just because it's white.

Commit to raising your children. They NEED a Dad.

Stop using the N word.

Start using Sir and Ma'am.

Give tips at restaurants.

Realize no one owes you anything.

Be thankful for what you have.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Re: It's a post-nostalgic, uber-kitsch, ironic world now. Devoid of tradition, meaning or attachment.

No, that's the metrosexual Obama voter view of Christmas.

You 8 year long fantasy is over. Now you get consequences. And you and he and hey won't like them. Not only that, you'll regret stupid posts like this.

sdrawkcabssa #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

BAM!!! Illuminati patsy Kanye West chosen to carry out CIA false flag on Trump before inauguration.

This is getting borderline retard obvious, literally rubbing all over your nose!!!!

#Trump Tower's false flag foretold on Kevin Hart's 2016 tour posters, CHECK.

[link to pbs.twimg.com (secure)]

[link to static1.squarespace.com (secure)]

#Kanye West's MK Ultra meltdown, CHECK.

#Kanye West summoned to the Trump Tower for debriefing and last arrangements, CHECK.

The perfect patsy for an epic false flag to give Obama a 3rd term.

Be hostile on me how much you want, deny, insult, attack, rinse and repeat, but the sync and timing is there and CANNOT be tampered, brushed or suppressed. It's just there!

Llero Oneiro #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Your Apathy toward Pizzagate & Celebrities Impostor Politicians is About to Get us all Killed

People are learning WHY these wanna be illuminati, I call them deluminati elitists are nercocannibalpedophiles and not all of them are going to turn away in disgust, or take up the sword of light.

Some people are going to want in.

Some people are going to try this on their own.

Yous fucking people are not addressing the seriousness of this situation AT ALL.

I am the first person to say I don't give a fuck about anything; and until I die or kill myself, I live here and try to make the best of conditions.

Ya'll need to focus and get your game in check and start learning white magic if you want to counter this shit.

People are learning why these scum bags do this shit but they do not understand or see or realize the totality of the beliefs that encompass this behavior.

People are also taking too lightly the fact that Michelle Obama is a man, Beyonce is a man, John McCain is an actor in a mask... and there are some far worse things going on with these people that aren't WHERE ARE THE REPTILES!!

Me114 #fundie godlikeproductions.com

A message thread entitled "Jihadi mom kisses daughters ages 7 and 9 goodbye and sends them on a Suicide Mission" set off Father God within me. He wants me to write a message for Him.

A message from Father God for December 21, 2016


Some people have questioned Me for when I asked the Israelites to destroy a people, utterly, as mentioned in the Old Testament. Looking at the false religion of Islam is a way for all of you to understand why it is sometimes necessary to eradicate those whose false god demands the death of all infidels and commands its followers to conquer the world.

Let's get this straight. The god of Islam is a moon rock. Although there is idol worship in other customs who seek "good luck" or favor, their beliefs do not include murder and conquest. No, instead this moon rock is revered and is made to represent a god that they claim is the same as Me. In no way is Allah, Me, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. No, the god of Islam is most obviously Satan himself, posing as an angel of light to have given Muhammad the Koran; supposedly.

Do a study and research for yourself, of all of Islam's sayings, books, decrees, customs and most importantly, its goals. You all have a very deep problem on your hands.

Make no mistake. I do love the Muslim people. I want them to hear the saving gospel and reconcile back to me through My Son Jesus Christ. However, in this case, you need the Gospel in one hand, and a rifle in the other. I am not talking about forced conversion. I am talking about doing what is right, out of love for the hapless Muslims, who are deceived. I am talking about billions of people who need our help.

When I title this message, "Islam must be destroyed", I mean it literally. The Muslim religion must be removed from the world. Of course, it will, when Jesus comes back, but in the meantime the world must embrace the truth about this evil ideology. No more nicey nicey. Face the cold hard fact that Islam is evil and if left unchecked will destroy everyone. I need not remind you here of Islam's multiple atrocities, beheadings, crucifixions, mutilations of women, and its global Jihad. You know the truth, so why ignore it?

So, now the question is how to stop Islam? You stop it by spreading the truth about it. Decent people will be abhorred by the truth of Islam and will not abide it any longer. Even Muslims can be persuaded to turn away from Islam. At the same time, militaries will have to fight against its Jihad warriors, as Syria, Russia, and Iran et al are battling against ISIS.

Although you know you are in the last days and that Jesus is coming back soon, you do not know when, and you have to face the scourge of Islam, right now, daily. Continue to expose the truths about Islam. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood and its front organizations have infiltrated America for many years. They are even in Obama's Whitehouse. Their global Jihad is in full swing.

Understand that there is no such thing as moderate Islam or Islam is a religion of peace. Islam is Satanic and the sooner that everyone in civilization understands and believes the truth about Islam, the sooner constructive things can be done to stop and remove it.

I know that I have put my messenger under pressure to bring forth this particular message, but it needed to be said with My authority. Many people already know the truth and have been warning, writing books, holding conferences and speaking out.

The last thing that all of you can do is pray. Pray to Me so that I can move people to speak up and also do the right things to stop the menace of Islam. As a religion and ideology, Islam cannot be tolerated, any longer. Pray and Expose. Those are your two most vital weapons in this war against Islam's Jihad.

I will assist all those who work toward removing this great obstacle to peace, that is, Islam.

I love you all, including the Muslims,

mikerock #racist godlikeproductions.com

Every year it gets worse with Christmas being completely co-opted by black culture

Every damn store I walk into the Christmas carols playing over the speakers are all minority singers. All the songs have that inner city ghetto sound, soul sound, or black church choir sound. If not that it is Mexican Christmas carols in spanish.

It is like the big corporations decided across the board to make Christmas all just about minorities and completely eliminate white culture. If a white singer is played it usually some dopey young bitch trying to sound like a black singer.

I have nothing against minorities but this is bullshit. It is like my entire white culture for Christmas is gone in society and when I turn on the damn TV.

Why are these corporations so damn hell bent to erase all the great history of white people contribution to Christmas season.

I live in the NYC suburbs, not sure what it is like elsewhere? Maybe I need to GTFO of this region.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The secret Middle East plan

It's no secret at all that TPTB want to depopulate Muslims in the Middle East in a nuclear war and controlled disasters as part of a short-term plan. The survivors will rush to convert from Islam as it will be considered a shame due to the intensity of the brainwashing, reverse psychology, social engineering and deception created by TPTB to link Islam to destruction and barbarism.

How will the Middle East look like without Muslims? What will happen next? Will there be any difference? Do TPTB plan to create a new whole new Middle East after all this controlled destruction?

My sources are telling me the rest of the plan - in brief - includes the expansion of Israel, then Israel and Judaism become the next boogeyman, then Britain (which will re-rise after the US decline in a few years) will stop this boogeyman and win the hearts of the world and will be welcome to be the permanent Protector of this region. So, the puppet master created Israel (in 1947 - also CIA in the same year) and has been running it as a proxy (along with the whole world) then created all this chaos and destruction in the name of this proxy then destroy this proxy, thus appears as a savior (killing many birds with 1 stone).

The Brexit was the first step in the final stages of this reverse psyop. We can all feel the vibe in the media and the movies that Britain is a hero and teaches the world many lessons. The real deception is yet to come.

The king never left.

Forgot to say that before the nuclear war TPTB will get all the Muslims in the West and the rest of the world to move to the Middle East so the depopulation plan will be complete effective. This kind of mass deportation and rounding up will be implemented by the newly created global illiberal coalition (Trump, Farage, Le Pen, Putin, Wilders, etc). All the false flags happening are to create as much anti-Muslim sentiments as possible to pave the way for the deportation and Muslim ban worldwide thus to gather them in the Middle East right before the nuclear war.

lowkeylifted #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

You're not paranoid, they want you dead

FDA has approved more than 20,000+ food additives that is LEGALLY allowed to be present in your food. Preservatives, additives, OTC medicine, GMO's, alcohol, cigarettes. All these things are poison, toxic in sufficient doses, our drinking water has no real safety to it, particulates of metals, and other substances are in most water supplies. Not to mention most drinking water is now full of presciption medications that people didn't dispose of properly.

The point is this, people may think your crazy for thinking that the Gov. doesn't care about our safety and well-being. The proof is in the pudding literally. Food is your medicine, growing your own food is the only weapon you have against them.

Nobody should wonder why the cancer rate is not only at the highest its ever been, but still increasing as the years proceed. Grow your food, you can't trust anyone to have your best interest at heart.

I know most of you know this, this is GLP so I know you know, but somebody might not and its important to bring it to everyones attention. That is all. We can discuss common poisons and hazardous materials in this thread if you would like.

Philip Piquet Vargas AKA It #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

One day back in August 2011 (When I was still a 3 dimensional Human, with all my chakras active) I went to my house at 221 First Street in Libertyville, Illinois. And my little brother (Nick Bagatti) had some friends over. There names were James Polk and Jake Michelotti. When I walked into our kitchen, James Polk introduced himself and said "Haello I'm Beelzebub the Devil, your Philip?" I than walked to the other side of the counter and shook his hand and said "Nice to meet you, I'm Philip" Than we started talking and breaking the ice, and we hit that shit right off, like Edward Cullen.. and Bella Swan.. I thought to myself wow... holy shit this was Lucifer, Gods former 2nd most powerful/highest beautiful Arch Angel. Surely he knows some folks that can get me into Heaven. And I smiled to myself in a happy amazed moment, than me my little brother, Beelzebub and his Demon Prince (Jake Michelotti) all walked upstairs to our attic. Which was decked out with a big screen TV and a few lazy boy recliners. We turned on the television and Beelzebub turned the channel to Gangland on Spike TV (Lol he suggested I should join a gang.) Anyways I began to ask some questions about the Universe and Aliens. Because I wanted the answers! lol. I brought up the Draconian aliens, knowing they were pist, because the other day I had imagined all the Reptilians, I had encountered in this life that fed off my negative energy and spit on all of them that were guilty. Once again only the Reptilians who fed off my negative energy, I did not spit on any Reptilians off world Earth, that I had never encountered. Because I am not prejudice towards any race. Any ways this spit incident occured at a soccer game/practice sometime in July of 2011 at GLSA in Libertyville. The Demon Prince Jake Michelloti, just couldn't hold himself back anymore, he had to inform me how he and his Demons/Hell Beings really felt about the Draconians. Jake said "WE HATE DRAGONIANS! Philip. We were at war with them for 3 light years. Fuck the Draconians." Beelzebub than said "I respect freewill, Philip. The Dragonians.. don't though." The Devil did this sweet little tribute to my soul when I hung out with him. He let me have it, I could feel my chest/soul pulsating with love and light. The Devil was aware of what Hell was coming my way with the Dragonians (Draconians..) The aura and light of my soul were making the Devil and his Demon Prince go crazy, they were practically pulling there hair out. So I walked into the other room not to further harm them. I came back into the room with a solid question and asked the Devil "Can a Star Child fall?" He was throwing a tennis ball up in the air. (He knew I was a Star Child) and he said "There's always exceptions Philip" I asked this specific question because I knew the Dragonians (Draconians) were literally going to torture me to fall like some A HOLE. And now that I think about it they succeeded, I just couldn't bare the torture anymore, But hey! now that the Carians (Bird People,) Felines, Heaven Beings, Attas of the Light and High Elves are protecting me occasionally, like bosses. I do have to say this "I am not fallen. I still very much believe in the big guy upstairs GOD :)." There was this moment that was kind of funny with the Devil, he did two somersaults like a little 10-12 year old kid and farted, than smiled at me, and I just smiled back lol. One of the most foolish things I did.. was not ask the Devil what I could trade for my Human (Adam) soul. Knowing full well the Dragonians (Draconians) would force it to Hell. I should of asked the Devil, if I could possibly trade my Human soul to become a 4th, 5th or 6th dimensional Pleiadian, Atta of the Light, Arcturian, Carian or Andromedan. And if he didn't oblige to me being a light being. I would ask to join the dark side as a lower 4th or lower 5th dimensional Vampire, Zionilee (Bat,) Persire (Vulturite,) Dark Elf or Sorcerer. I had a strong desire to evolve from a 3D Human into a 4th, 5th or 6th dimensional Being of the Light, kind of a little, the Dark, I guess. After one our sleepovers I wanted to make the Devil and Jake Michelotti happy, so I long boarded to Dunkin Doughnuts and bought them a ton of doughnuts and milk, it worked! Happiness and joy on there faces. I miss seeing the Devil physically..??

Sun Goddess #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Aryan Women Were Originally Androgynous Neanderthals. Big Revelation about NWO/Khazars etc.

Men were a later creation, stemming from mixing Yeti blood with Aryan/vampire blood.

You are all brainwashed shills, the world has always been run by global pagan cults, and Christianity and Statism were always the same thing.

Jesus is an androgynous archetype.

Romans+Jews killing Jesus, means killing androgyny and becoming men (romans) and women (jews), hence "Romeo and Juliet".

You are all being manipulated by the mystery schools, they want you to find out and expose them, because that's part of the game.

Because you all take life too SIRIUSly, you can never even fathom that to be true, because as will be proven, at least 2-3 drama queens will claim this is disinfo to take away your soul.

If you all could learn to not act like weirdos, the world could unite, without NWO neo-liberal BS, and we could all live in peace.

That will happen, but not because of any of you, why?

Because you crave and love the drama, and love being able to scapegoat superior people for your problems.

We have studied human minds since we invented you vile devils, and don't be fooled by our soft-talking front men, we are far tougher and smarter than all of you.

Vampires are a variation of an aquatic species that mixed with neanderthal, mythologized as Nommo,Dagon etc.

Modern civilization starts with the clovis comet from Orion, hitting North America 13,000 years ago.

The inhabitants at the time, native Siberians, later spread out and became Turks(yes Khazars, etc.), Native Americans, Siberians, Huns/Asians etc.

All the shit you guys wanna know, is already known.

No one owes you anything, and if you weren't all so in love with war and drama, you could know everything.

Who of you will lead other GLPers, say enough is enough, and start advocating for unity by choice, not division by force?

The Dancing Israeli #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

PIZZAGATE, Gulen, Dr. Green, Mind Control, Hollywood, Omega, MKultra, BlueBird

There is a plan to replace much of the world population with mind control slaves! It has been happening with buildup since WWII. It happens through many programming avenues, some are CIA cults like Gulen School, Scientology, Church of Satan, and such, others happen through generational avenues. This has always been about control, because the people that can afford to plan such shit really have no control, especially over their own thoughts.

Recently we have seen these cults and their proctors fucking up a lot, some in Turkey, some with Philippines, now with the US elections. Yes it has to do with hubris, mental illness taking over the asylum, and drug and sex addiction to wash out the programming woes -- but mostly it has to do with the age old issue with humanism: Nimrod's arrow never hit anything when shot into the sky. This boils down to more stupid shit people do in their angst called life. This is about bad coping mechanism and fantasy prone personalities. There never was any product to be obtained here, as the shitheads even hijacked the word gnosis. Notice the assets claiming to be Christians on YT still demonize gnosis? Christian gnosticism, like the Cathars is the staunch enemy to these material loving monkeys. But I regress. Below is another proof of this operation to supplant the peopulation with mindless drones...and you will hear how kabbalism was mixed in by the Nazi doctors to do this mind control operation.

Dr. Hammond took great personal risk in presenting this extensive research into ritual abuse being carried out by a system of cults around the world. Due to intense threats, Dr. Hammond stopped speaking about this topic shortly after this speech and has remained quiet since. These secretive cults appear to be intent upon gaining as much control over our world as possible through developing an army of Manchurian Candidates which have infiltrated many aspects of government.

"When you find the same highly esoteric information in different states from Florida to California and from different countries, you start to get an idea that there's something going on that is very large and very well coordinated. So I have gone from someone not knowing what to think about it all to someone who clearly believes ritual abuse is real... I [have had] concern because of personal threats. I finally decided to hell with them. If they're going to kill me, they're going to kill me. It's time to share more information with therapists."
-- Prof. D. Corydon Hammond in lecture "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse"
[link to litlurl.net]

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

...and of course this explains the nutter called Alex Jones. This also explains the 22 year old nutter that shot the Russian Ambassador. The Gulen School programming center alone showed NBA stars emerged from there, not just Academics, Government employees, media, and corporate assets. The whole fucking joint on TV is nothing more than a bunch of CIA/MI6/ MOSSAD and their subsidiaries: product.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I started being aware of 11.11 a couple of years before I became a lot more aware of what was really going on, as in before I started looking at sites such as this and other so called alternative news / truth sites. I saw it twice yesterday, interestingly it means something to the PTB as it can't be coincidence that WW1 was ended on 11 11

COMRADE Voluntaryist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Geoengineering serves one purpose

Since there was no warming over the last 80 years or so, they're manufacturing warming with geoengineering.

Soon they'll have the long-term data they'll need to usher in a worldwide carbon tax that'll fund the global government.

Trump must stop this.

Trump must realize that it's Bill Gates and Al Gore who are sprearheading this false scientific data.


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Sarah L. Palin: MK-Ultra Monarch Mind Controlled Slave

Sarah L. Palin exhibits ALL signs of a Monarch Programmed Mind Controlled Slave, w/fully functioning Beta (sex slave)Kitten Alters -- "MARIONETTE"(DOLL Prog’mg) & "OZ-Dorothy" Prog’mng along w/children, esp. Piper (degenerate global elites prefer young children)see behind fantasy narrative of "Caribou Barbie"...
[link to intheknow7.wordpress.com]

Palin phenomenon will NEVER make sense, unless one is aware of forces behind her, i.e. Rothschild/Rockefeller funded OSS/Brown Brothers Harriman/NSA-CIA MK-Ultra Monarch Program, which continues to crank out steady stream of DID (formerly MPD) Human Robots, cloaked in Occult-Masonic-Disney themes -- constant "Baphomet” or El Diablo "devil horn" flasher, as well Masonic signs...
[link to intheknow7.wordpress.com]

NO ONE COMES OUT OF NOWHERE! examine State of Alaska Power Structure, controlled by Dynastic Bloodlines (Rothschild & Rockefeller), Palin Media Team owned by Bilderberger Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorpincl., FOX News (Roger Ailes, CEO), Harper Collins (publisher of “Going Rogue”) Wall St. Jrnl, NY Post, Weekly Standard ( w/Bill Kristol's schoolboy crush) & Family Finances, NSA/CIA Alaskan Military Apparatus...
[link to intheknow7.wordpress.com]

Palin’s phony “Super-Mom” image exposed w/evidence of "baby switching" -- the phony grass roots orgs — Conservatives4Palin (C4P)& TeamSarah, phony Facebook postings -- displays of Alaskan-style fascism, using public officers to ban dissenting bloggers from public book signings, although no longer a public official. Palin is an optical illusion, often unaware of things going on around her. The forces controlling her love to demonstrate their power -- see analysis of SNL "trauma re-enforcement" and Todd Palin (Shadow Gov) and crew have fun displaying Jason Bourne-like "tradecraft" as he enjoys himself w/another woman...
[link to intheknow7.wordpress.com]

Palin Grifting Team masters of fleecing suckers: AFT (Alaska Fund Trust) phony legal defense fund, SarahPac, PieSky, BSMP LLC...
[link to intheknow7.wordpress.com]

*See Cindy McCain give Jesse Jackson some type of “controller device” behind Sarah's back at Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in New York...
[link to intheknow7.wordpress.com]

Heinz (Henry) Kissinger ID by MK-Ultra survivor Cathy O'Brien in "Tranceformation of America" & on cover of Brice Taylor's stunning expose "Thanks For The Memories" as sadistic MK-Ultra Mind Control Programmer -- his latest MK-bot is none other than Mrs. Red Pumps & Palms, the Alaskan-Grifting-Granny, the winking jukebox of GOP talking points, xenophobic rhetoric and "you betcha's" -- see what ole Henry Kissinger has unleashed upon America...

[link to intheknow7.wordpress.com]

Black KNight of Scotland #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

TRUE Calculusism & Doctorism & Lawyerism & Yudaism = Law-of-oNe Religions = Nazism

TRUE Christianity & Islam & Zen Buddhism & ALL Nature Religions = Law-of-Zer0 Religions = Egalitarianism


“Science without Religion is lame; whereas Religion without Science is blind.” – Albert Einstein

"Religion without Science is without-a-doubt st00pid but Science without the 'Creator(s)' goes bEy0nd rEtArdEd, which that "rEtArdEd" then EASILY qualifies as Closed System INFINITY!" - Old Toad Proverb

"If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch." - Luke 6:39 & Matthew 15:14

"Compassion (aka: Perfect Love -or- Logical Love) & Passion (aka: Perfect Lust -or-Logical Lust) combined forms Open System COMMON SENSE and Common Sense always sources from a logical Heart; whereas Love & Lust combined forms Closed System MORALS and Morals always source from an illogical Asshole." - Old Toad Proverb

The Law-of-oNe's GOD has "INFINITE LOVE" for its FOLLOWERS (see: Georg Cantor's PROOF of Infinite degrees of Infinite), and, from that:

IF - "all YOU need is LOVE" - THEN you ARE a NAZI!


IF - "you ARE a Practitioner of Yudaism" - THEN you ARE a YEW/YUDA!

The Law-of-Zer0's GOD has "Infinite + 1" (aka: OPEN System) COMPASSION for its FOLLOWERS.

Love = EVIL-as-LUST

Compassion = RIGHTEOUS-as-FUCK!

[center justify the acronym spelled-out below)

United in the
Compassion and
Kindredness of the

"FUCK!" = 42

F = 6
U = 21
C = 3
K = 11
! = 1

6 + 21 + 3 + 11 + 1 = 42

OPEN System 13 String Kabbalah (aka: Pyramid of the Universe):

[center justify]


OPEN System 42 String Kabbalah (aka: Diamond of the Universe):

[center justify]


“No ToE (Theory of Everything) is possibly VALID if it can't/doesn't explain Girls/Tits, relative to the Boy/Prick, at the SAME TIME as COMPLETELY explaining the Universe.” - Horny Toad Proverb (aka: Ode 2 George Carlin)

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” - Albert Einstein (see: Occam’s Razor)

"eVerYthinG's Refractal, Inversely." (Open System LAW of eVerYthinG) - Old Toad Proverb

ALL CalculusTurd's & Doctors & Lawyers & Yews/Yudas = ASSHOLE/sea-eWe-in-tea NAZIS! It's NATURAL ORDER for THEM, especially since ALL were FORMED out-of the Law-of-oNe, thus, since that which creates, only recreates, then that which is FORMED by the Law-of-oNe is CONTROLLED ABSOLUTE by the Law-of-oNe.

“When Calculus was asked about Futile, Calculus replied: “ALL re$i$tance is Futile; $uccumb or eWe $hall be a$$imilated (aka: CalculusTurd’s Closed System Theory of “eVerYthinG i$ Complicated”). Whereas when Zer0 was asked about Futile, Zer0 replied: “The oDDs dictate that kNot EvEn n0thing (aka: Zer0) is Futile, so qUesTion eVerYthinG 2 find the trUth your$elf, 2 include qUesTioning n0thing/Zer0 itself; and ALWAY$ be sure 2 qUesTion eVerYthinG all 5-ways 2 $un-day: inside/within, outside/without, above/super, under/sub, and kN0where." (Open System Law of 'Question eVerYthinG, ABSOLUTE, to include Questioning Your$elf AND Questioning Absolute/God/SourCe'; aka: Law of 5). - Old Toad Proverb

The Doctors are on that List above because they were formed by the Lawyers (aka: SATAN) in 202 AD and since "that which creates ONLY recreates", then ANYTHING that "Satan" (aka: the Lawyers) CREATES will be just as eViL as its CREATOR. That's why the Doctors are eViL, it's INHERENT in their CRAFT, just as the SAME eViL is INHERENT in the Religion known as Yudaism but most peeps don't know that Yudaism is the SOLE SOURCE of POLITICS, with FULL BACKING from Single Verse Closed System Numerical Math and NOW Calculus.

"A patriot to the politics of government is a traitor to the People of the World." - Old Toad Proverb

"Nationalism (aka: Nazism) is an infantile disease; it's the measles of mankind." - Albert Einstein

"Peace CANNOT be kept NOR achieved by FORCE; Peace can ONLY be achieved AND kept THRU UNDERSTANDING." - Albert Einstein (requoted by Toad)

Enjoy TEOTWAEKI (The End of the World as eWe kNew/kN0w IT)! flip

And so it rebegins ... AGAIN ... .. .

"Oh n0! kN0t again?" - Petunia (see: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)


Ps: I see the 'idiots' didn't realize WHO it was that just got through CALLING for a Worldwide Military coups d'état to go down (see: my Military coups d'état PUBLIC NOTICE post here on GLP) and, from it, the 'idiots' obviously didn't catch that I happen to CONTROL ALL MILITARY's ON THIS ROCK, especially given MY 'unique' Military BACKGROUND/HISTORY! It's the POWER the true BLACK KNIGHT possesses, that the other Knights do NOT possess, but Revelations warned EVERYONE to CONVERT before it's TOO LATE.

It's now 2 LATE! chuckle

Black KNight of Scotland #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

PUBLIC NOTICE: The BREXIT has been CANCELED due to the lack of [intelligent] interest.

Howdy STUPIDS, hi

Before I continue, I first have to state for-the-record: "This post constitutes a Legal Executor's Claim."

Now that the legalities are ALL out of the way, onto the rest of the goodies ... .. .

"The 5 physical-senses of Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell, and Touch, do a person absolutely n0 good without the 6th invisible-sense leading-the-way, also known as Common Sense, which Common Sense is Logic based but n0thing kills Logic and Common Sense faster than Faith and that's because Faith is Ignorance based. Thus, Faith is illogical, just as Love is illogical without Logic ruling-the-roost absolute, and that's because when Logic is ruling-the-roost absolute, Love then becomes Compassion and Faith then becomes Logic; whereas Faith will also kill the ULTIMATE Sense, the 7th Sense, which is also known as a Sense of Humor, and a person's Sense of Humor is directly proportional to their Common Sense." - Old Toad Proverb

"Compassion (aka: Perfect Love -or- Logical Love) sources from a logical Heart and there's absolutely n0 question that you're TRULY loved, whereas Morals-based Love sources from an illogical Asshole but it WILL call/label itself Love AND your friend, but its inherent stink always coughs-up on the trUth." - Old Toad Proverb

"When Complicated meets Simplicity, Complicated will always see Simplicity as Complicated, whereas Simplicity will always see the trUth." - Old Toad Proverb

“It always takes more time, energy, and patience, to clean-up wrongful actions, than it did to spill them in the first place.” - Old Toad Proverb

"You can't teach sumone sumthing they already kN0w." - Old Toad Proverb

"Open Systems are controlled/motivated ABSOLUTE by Common Sense based LOGICAL TRUTH and since Closed Systems are INVERSED/INVERTED of Open Systems, then Closed Systems are controlled/motivated ABSOLUTE by Faith based illogical Anti/Self-Truth; and ANY instance/time that st00pid MANIFESTS in the PUBLIC DOMAIN, it's known as PROPAGANDA and a CRIMINAL FELONY has been COMMITTED." - Old Toad Proverb

The attached/following BREXIT meme plays-off the Law-of-oNe & Law-of-Zer0 and since MOST of you do NOT understand EITHER, below the meme is a MORE COMPLETE explanation of BOTH, so that you should be able to see BOTH a "1" & "0" in the BREXIT meme but, at the same time, and if you pay CLOSE ATTENTION you should ALSO be able to determine that the "0" that shows-up IN the MOUTH of the BOY is a FAKE Zer0, which it's COMMON for Law-of-oNe types to VERBALLY CLAIM to be a Zer0-type with THEIR MOUTH but it's ALWAYS easy to TELL THE DIFFERENCE thru THEIR ACTIONS, to the point it really shouldn't take the below write-up for ANYONE to catch the FAKE Law-of-Zer0 showing-up in the 'mouth' of the meme but just in case you're THAT STUPID, then you will need the write-up below the meme! However, if you don't catch the FAKE Law-of-Zer0 without the need of the write-up below, PLEASE understand UP-FRONT that you are WAY BEYOND DUMB and that you SERIOUSLY NEED HELP, so PLEASE get THAT HELP and SOON, because I can't take the st00pid any longer!

[link to i.imgsafe.org (secure)]

I hope no oNe has a PROBLEM seeing the Law-of-oNe FULLY manifesting in that meme? What about the FAKE Law-of-Zer0 that ALSO shows-up?

"You're EITHER a oNe or a Zer0, [never BOTH]." - Tim Robbins (movie tagline: Anti-Trust; requoted by Toad)

The BREXIT proponents USED that picture to CON the sHeePle of the UK into EXITING the European Union and I'm using it to prove EXACTLY how sumthing like THAT werks, via the Psychological end of things, to include the parents of that Child are about to be LOSING ALL OF THEIR CHIDREN and they won't EVER see ANY of them EVER AGAIN but that's because ALL of those Children will be going to Never-Never-Land, where their ENSLAVING NAZI PARENTS won't EVER have ACCESS to. ;)

I've been warning EVERYONE that I POSSIBLY CAN, that Nazism MANIFESTED in the PUBLIC is a FELONY CRIMINAL CRIME! They should have LISTENED to ME!

"You reap FROM that which you sow [and the dirt/ground/soil used (aka: personal principles/religion/etc.) is the primary foundation for the fruits of your labor to form FROM, so the fertilizer and seeds used MUST comply/conform with/to the foundation PERFECTLY, for the outcome to be the MOST beneficial to the farmer POSSIBLE]." (Open System Law of 'Everyone's a Farmer') - Galatians 6:7 (requoted by Toad)

Furthermore, I see Bill Gates has asked for ANYONE to PLEASE create the PERFECT Condom, when what we need MORE is sumone to create a "Depends" for the HEAD, so as to help prevent peeps from LOSING their MIND/MARBLES, because it's MORE than obvious that MOST of this world is WAY too fucking st00pid to VOTE, to include the sHeePlehood of the Yew-kNight.eD States of government cocksucker Lawyers (aka: The BOAt: The Brotherhood Of ATtorney's) (see: last Presidential choices), so it's obvious they are ALL in need of PROPER Legal Counsel to represent them in their time of kNeeD! And, in the meme below, the UK also proves that it too has been dumbed-down by the Nazis and it's painfully obvious that they've been dumbed-down BELOW the level of Legal Competency, thus, the Nations of the United Kingdom are WAY too fucking st00pid to make ANY Legal decisions for themselves, so someone HAS to do it for them and since NO oNe has stepped-up to the podium to claim THE situation, so as to prevent the Legally Retarded IDIOTS from HURTING themselves, so I'm doing it, I'm stepping-up to that podium to protect the imbeciles from hurting themselves any more than they already have, especially since I also happen to be the BLACK Knight of SCOTLAND; and, as an OFFICIAL Knight of the Realm of the United Kingdom, it's NOT proper for me to stand-by and to allow the MUGGLEBORN SUBJECTS of the REALM to be ENSLAVED by the Nazis, nor am I allowed to stand-by and allow MY Queen to be ABUSED by the Nazis, so I've NOW become the "Legal Executor" of the ENTIRE United Kingdom AND until such time as the UK manages to OVERCOME it's OFFICIAL 'incapacitated' condition, as I have WELL ESTABLISHED herein and at the SAME TIME as RULING them INCOMPETENT. And, although in MOST cases it's TOTALLY IMPROPER to be JUDGE - JURY - & - EXECUTIONER in ANY matter, the EXCEPTION to the RULE is what's known as PREPONDERANT EVIDENCE, which means that when the situation is WAY beyond a shadow-of-doubt that it is what it is and UP-FRONT, then the ACCUSED can be TRIED in Absentia, which means they can be Tried, Convicted, & Sentenced without a TRIAL, and when that happens, the Accused can be DULY CONVICTED without even knowing they're on Trial, similar to how Online Forum Moderators do it and you don't know you've even been FORMALLY ACCUSED until the EXECUTION ORDER shows-up on YOUR doorstep, in the form of a BANNISHMENT, whereas in the REAL World the Execution Order can actually be for your REAL DEATH, which would, of course, bite, if that were to happen to ANY oNe; but, at least, there isn't any oNe more deserving of IT than THEM.


Just be thankful you're NOT an Online Forum OWNER or ANY oNe of their MODERATORS!!! Especially since they were ALL DULY WARNED by ME and MANY OTHERS! They just didn't know that the BLACK Knight was the oNe doing the WARNING with ME but that doesn't matter. ALL that matters is they should have LISTENED to my LAWFUL MOUTH and EVERYONE else's LAWFUL MOUTHS but instead, they PERSONALLY chose to PRACTICE LAW WITHOUT A LICENSE and NO ONE should do THAT! That's truly dumb-as-fuck to EVER do THAT and ANY Lawyer will explain THAT to you, if you don't understand the simplicity of THAT!

Tsk! Tsk! chuckle

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” - Albert Einstein

“Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little, falls into lazy habits of thinking.” - Albert Einstein

"When Wrong is the Teacher, Wrong is the Student, and two Wrongs don't make a Right; it only leaves you LEFT-out of the trUth." - Old Toad Proverb

"You can't teach sumone sumthing they already kN0w." - Old Toad Proverb

Also, to further explain my OFFICIAL Black Knight status, when I stole Scotland from its People in late January or early February 1982, which I've explained elsewhere online, as well as explaining how I stole Palestine from the controlling Yews over it AND I also explained how I stole Porto Rico from the Yew-kNight.eD States of government cocksucker Lawyers, via THEM abandoning the Treaty of Porto Rico of 1898 for OVER 100-years and the Treaty of Porto Rico of 1898 is the Treaty that PRECEDED the Treaty of Paris of 1898 and it's a LITTLE known Treaty but I PROPERLY 'laid claim' to the Treaty of Porto Rico of 1898 and because of such, I now POSSESS said Treaty, but when I stole Scotland from its People, I inadvertently stole Scotland from the Crown too (Oops! Sowwie!), so I actually became the King of Scotland when I stole Scotland from its Ruling Monarch, but since that was NOT my original INTENT, once I FINALLY realized what I had actually done and just RECENTLY, I then OFFICIALLY denounced by Kingship and I performed that OFFICIAL ACT while I was 'IN' the United Kingdom RECENTLY; and from it, I've OFFICIALLY defrocked myself down to FULL Knight status, so as to give Scotland back to Elizabeth, that way I won't be DISRUPTING the FORCE of HER Kingdom ANY LONGER, which I was doing but I didn't realize that I was having ANY effect whatsoever but I was, and, in the process of defrocking myself to Knight status, I immediately became the Black Knight of the United Kingdom but since I source DIRECTLY out of Scotland, my full Knighthood Title is I'm the Black Knight of Scotland (see: Conner MacLeod) and even though the Ruling Monarch had ABSOLUTELY n0thing to do with my Knighting, when I defrocked myself, I placed myself under the FULL CONTROL of the Monarch of the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth, at the same time as establishing ABSOLUTE that NO ONE can TOUCH ME except for the ICE Queen Herself. It's just HOW something like THIS works! So I now BELONG to Queen Elizabeth, SIMILAR to how ALL Knights BELONG to their Monarch. And, because of what I've now done by defrocking myself, I'm now NO different than ANY other Knight on this Rock, with ONE exception, which is explained below, because I'm also the Greatest Knight on this Rock at the same time as being the Black Knight of Scotland, wherefrom the "Greatest Knight" Title stems out of the FACT I was FIRST a TRUE KING, then I gave-up all of that AND of my own Free Will and I handed the Realm back to its RIGHTFUL Monarch, which is how the Black Knight is FORMED - the to-be Knight FULLY creates themself. But SUCH can only happen when the THRONE/CROWN is UNDER DURESS (see: Joan of Arc) and, because of the DURESS, the sitting Monarch is simply 'pushed' into making a WISH that's sufficient enough to create the 'entity' that will be able to fulfill the Monarch's Wish, and, with Queen Elizabeth, that WISH was simply Her OVERWHELMING DESIRE to cut-off Winston Churchill's HEAD. From that, Queen Elizabeth is going to get Her Wish GRANTED and by ME (see: reincarnation), so expect to be seeing David Cameron's HEAD rolling here soon, during HIS Royal Beheading Ceremony, since Elizabeth's WISH is what brought the little turd BACK to the Office of the Prime Minister, so the Queen would then have ABSOLUTE POWER OVER HIS SOON TO BE DEAD ASS. ;)

So the LEGEND of the Black Knight has SHOWN-UP and for FUCKING REAL! But so have the OTHER LEGENDS, if you-all haven't noticed them ALL showing-up?

"If you want your Children to be intelligent, READ them Fairy Tales." - Albert Einstein

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

A mandela effect that I have not heard any one mention. It's creeping the hell out of me.

I have experienced many of the changes being attributed to the mandela effect. But what I am experiencing now is really giving me the creeps.

I like to work around the yard after it gets dark. I wear a headlight so my hands are free to do what ever it is I need to do. I have been doing so for many, many years.

About two weeks ago I was out after dark watering the plants. I noticed these little things, reflecting the light, all around the yard. My first thought was that some kids school project, that had glitter on it, had blown across the yard. I got closer to see what it was. There in the plant was a spider. It's eyes reflecting the light back at me. Never have I ever seen a spiders eyes reflecting the light like this. Ever, and I'm not young.

I mentioned it to my boy friend a few days later. His response was that they have always done so.

Creep factor #1 Now when I'm out side after dark I can see all these little eyes looking my way.

Creep factor #2 This is not my original boy friend.

I have not seen anything mentioned about this anywhere.

Any one else notice this???

Please don't let me be the only one.

InterMezzo #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Can Obama use the current Russian hacking conspiracy theory to declare martial law?

I have been asking myself this questionn for many months already. Analysing the extreme gap between Democrats and Republicans in society, the staged riotting, the constant stream of rumors about Russian hacks, the investigation in the coming weeks, Obama faking independency by saying he denounces it and demands to see the outcome before the inauguration of Trump (the outcome undoubtedly being rigged), in my honest opinion might give Obama the perfect opportunity to declare martial law. I guess not so much backed by military force, since Trump has appointed former generals on key positions, which in my opinion is a strong strategic move, but more through playing the card of sponsored civil protests in money and media, the risk of the economic carsh, therefore sparking a possible revolution.

Why would he do this? Let's face it. Obama will not go down in history as the toughest and best president the USA had in history and that is putting it very mildly. In fact, in both domestic and international affairs, he is by far the worst and weakest president the USA has had in many decades. Put in perspective the tough image that Trump has and the fact that Trump apparantly does put his money where his mouth is and it will make him look even worse. He has not been able to control Putin, IS, nor the Middle East conflict. In my humble opinion he made the world a much less safer place to live in by his total lack of leadership.

The USA might have their own Lil Kim in Obama. The difference being that he is backed by big money, like the Sorosses of this world. Money to fund riots, money to start civil unrest among crowds that oppose Trump and are easily lead by the same money funded biased media and their fake stories. And let's face it, if we can get all teary eyed from sob stories on America's Got Talent or Dr. Phil, then why not push Trump even more in the bad guy role on stage at the biggest Jerry Springer Show on earth and trigger large orchestrated audiences into fighting for what the director of the show (Obama) believes is just.

Despite the negativity of such an option, that might be far fetched, to avoid being less than a tiny foot note, it might be the only way Obama can get his name in the history books, in the name of so called democracy.

In my quest for answers to that question I stumbled upon this video, that carries quite a bit of truth in my opinion. But for everyone to judge for themselves.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

What is coming is not the end of the world, but it is the apocalypse

For those who know, Apocalypse means "the great revealing".

It is the time when all that has been secret, clandestine and occulted is unveiled and known.

Trump becoming President is not the real story here, but he is being used to facilitate what the white hats in every agency and levels of government have known for years but couldn't speak about out of fear of retribution, loss of occupation and assassination.

Pizzagate is 100% true, but as horrifying as it is, there are layers even deeper and more sinister than Pizzagate. Pizzagate is the tip of the iceberg. The Pandora's Box that the Pizzagate revelations has opened hints to the very fabric of world (perceptual) control. Hollywood and the entertainment industry (including and most importantly the NEWS MEDIA) is so heavily involved in it they are absolutely panicked that the entire truth about them and their role in covering up and also PROMOTING it is being exposed they will do anything to stop it. The constant defamation of Trump is because if Trump gets into power, they are ALL GOING DOWN.

Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general is nothing but a giant interconnected network of money laundering, drug trafficking, lucifer worshipping pedophiles and degenerates. They have become so out of touch with reality in their "safe spaces" of drug induced, moneyed megalomania they actually started believing the lies they spun and narrative they created was real.

Trump has abruptly put the mirror up to their faces and they are TERRIFIED.

The cultural rot created by Hollywood and the politically connected in D.C. has come full circle.

Trump's administration is poised to bring down the entire SUPERSTRUCTURE of the politico-entertainment complex. And the entire ILLUSION they have created for Americans over the last 50 years. It's not just 'clearing the swamp" in D.C., it is much bigger than that. It is dismantling the entire LIE of REALITY that has been spun by these sick, psychopathic degenerates who have been "constructing the American REALITY" via television, movies etc for decades.

So hold steady and steadfast. Because for the 50+ years they have spent building this false reality, it will take time on the other side to bring us back into the truth. It can't happen quickly or suddenly. It will come in stages.

But know, when Trump's administration takes over, those who have participated, covered up, promoted and partook in the depths of what Pizzagate has uncovered will be brought to justice. And every federal agency, from the FBI to the CIA and the justice department are all fighting each other and within their own organizations to bring down the perpetrators within their midst and bring some semblance of order and credibility to their agencies and the federal government itself. Be patient.

This is the great revealing.

sdrawkcabssa #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The new generation of shills who destroyed the truth movement.

In the last 5 years or so, a new generation of disinfo operatives successful hijacked the so called "truther movement" and turned it into a fertile ground for all kinds of con artists who either make indiscriminate money out of fringe subjects or who are on the gubmint payroll:

#Julian Assange, Monarch MK Ultra, controlled opposition, disinfo operative, con artist, MOSSAD/CIA/MI6 protegee.

#Edward Snowden, CIA disinfo gatekeeper.

#Bill Hicks aka "Alex Jones", disinfo agent, controlled opposition, gubmint operative.

#Eric Dubay (Flat Earth psyop), epic disinfo shill, gubmint agent.

#Fiona Broome (Mandela Effect psyop), satanist witch, MK-Ultra handler.

#Steve Bannon, satanist, gubmint stooge.

#Milo Yiannopoulos, homo shill, controlled opposition, gubmint operative.

#Mark Dice, shitbag shill and Illuminati wannabe.

#Russell Brand, homo, satanist, Illuminati shill, Monarch MK Ultra, disinfo agent.

#Tila Tequila, Monarch sex slave, Illuminati wannabe, disinfo agent.

#"Paranormal Crucible", disinfo channel, hoaxer and click-baiter.

#"Secure Team 10", disinfo channel, con artists, hustlers, professional hoaxers.

#"Third Phase of the Moon", same as "Secure Team 10".

#"B4 it's News", disinfo site, professional click baiters.

I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting a lot more names, some more prominent than others, so feel free to add to the list.

Don't forget all those fuckers from the comet ELENIN "Extinction Level Event" psyop, specially that con artist Thor guy.

Me114 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Russian Hacks and the Strategy of the Elite

Message from Father God on Monday December 12, 2016

Listen, Children, yes I do have something to say about items in your news cycle. I am intimately involved in all the affairs of mankind. I care about what happens with you all. I am at the ready to help you in all your endeavors if you pray to me and ask.

The US mainstream media (MSM) is running a story that the Russians hacked your elections with an intention of helping Donald Trump to win. These claims are lies. There is no evidence. The truth is that Seth Rich leaked the simple fact that there were illegal activities happening at the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and then WikiLeaks hacked the easy password of John Podesta to get all his emails. The hack was not done by Russia at all.

What is more important to understand is that your MSM is lying to you. They are actually lying more than before because of the threat to their ratings from their fiasco leading up to the election. They have been caught in their lies and collusion and now after crying about "Fake News" and releasing lists of alternative media websites, people are turning away from the MSM. People are actually going to the websites listed as fake news to see for themselves. The fake news strategy, therefore, has backfired on the Elite. As well, their hemming and hawing about PizzaGate has caused even more people to investigate the question of pedophile rings existing.

Let us look at some other reasons that they have for spreading the Russia hack meme. They want to lay a foundation in the minds of the people that says that Donald Trump did not win legitimately. They want to delegitimize his presidency, so that they can use that lie to propagate more lies between now and the inauguration. If they cannot stop Trump from being sworn in then they will dog his presidency by saying that he has no true mandate from the people.

Look here: [link to thehill.com]

"David Brock told reporters on Tuesday that his super PAC, American Bridge, has established a war room that will act as an aggressor and a watchdog for the Trump transition team and his incoming administration."

You might wonder why will they not accept their defeat, move on, and accept Trump's presidency and work with him to make America great again? The other reason is that they want to foment division among the people according to Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals. The elite want chaos because they have always wanted to destroy America and bring her under the control of one world government. Hillary Clinton was supposed to do this job for them.

You must understand that your enemy has not given up. They will continue to try to complete their plans by whatever means necessary. I tell you the truth, the PizzaGate scandal will be their undoing because that is My Will. I want to save the children that they are abusing and murdering. I want them stopped. It is up to you and your outcry for justice in this matter. Continue to expose them and pray to me for assistance in this fight.

At the same time, know that your news media is lying to you and will continue to broadcast blatant and outrageous lies for it is My Will for them to continue to expose themselves so that more people wake up. I ask you to pray for those who host alternative media sites, because they need my help. The elite have passed a bill that they intend to use to censor or even shut down alternative media websites. These truth warriors need My help and protection for their sites, and their YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. Together, we can defeat this unconstitutional bill and other strategies of the elite to shut down the voices of truth.

Fear not! I am with you in the trenches. I care. This is a battle of the ages for the end is here. I want to see you go out with My Glory upon you because you stood up for the truth. I will bless your work. I will protect you and your families. Trust Me. Pray that certain ones turn back to Me and trust Me to keep their web work in line with My Will and with the Truth. Some have strayed by listening more to their contacts than to Me. Some are fearful of losing their online ministries. They will be successful if they involve Me in all they do and ask Me for protection.

This world is still under My judgment and the end is still nigh. My Son, Jesus is coming back soon as all the signs in the Bible are showing you. What matters on a day to day basis is that you seek My Will and be obedient to My Voice. I want to bless those who are lovers of the truth, and shower them with My Glory as an example to others of My faithfulness. All around the world, people are turning to Me in prayer for various reasons and their faith is pleasing Me. These more God-centered activities are increasing My Mercy and making the judgments less harsh, so far. Keep it up!

Keep Me involved in your life. I love you all very dearly and deeply. I will see you through to the very end and show you My Salvation.


KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Avatar 2009 Decoded! You Are On The Wrong Planet! If You Think To Have Kids And Invest/Sacrifice Their Souls Here!

From this thread.
Thread: !!!!!!!***MEGA BREAKING*** ***SOUL TRAPS***!!!!!!! (Page 198)

Just saw the movie Avatar 2009 and it verified one of my biggest fears.

After noticing the same pattern in saber rider, matrix, lockout, lifeforce 1985, conan the barbarian, gi joe retaliation and so many other movies, animes etc i started suspecting of 2 different bodies our consciousness might be jumping from and to at our birth and death.

Which means when we die we wont even have a chance to run or hide from the lunar scum as we might wake up in an imprisoned body that sleeps(and grows) in suspended animation somewhere in their lunar beehive mothership.
(Pay attention when sully on his first way to his second body they were calling him "fresh meat" and "meals on wheels" while then they informed him how they were growing his second body while he was "dreaming living on earth!")
(Similar human food growing and farming was shown in the movie "the island 2005" where was shown how consciousness is very important to be attached for the human parts, organs/food to grow and now i see that consciousness doesn't have to be awake at all, the person might be sleeping and dreaming the whole time while the lunar scum grow him for consumption!)

This identical thing was shown to me in a dream in 2008 couple years before i learned about the moon and soul traps and in that dream a place was shown that i couldn't believe my eyes to see it again for the first time in this very avatar movie.

In that dream i died and then i woke up in a body on an island floating in the sky identical to the floating mountains in avatar movie. I was there with many other guys that just had died like me and all of us wanted to come back here to see our loved ones again and tell them we still exist and not to worry. On that floating island there's was a guy dressed identical to grim reaper wearing a black hood and everything. His face could not be seen and he gave me a matrix style phone where the moment i put it on my ear i woke up from that dream and into the body that i had before i died.

Pretty much in that dream was shown my consciousness to be jumping between bodies with no freedom in between.

In the beginning of the avatar movie was shown the big mining machines that were used in ancient times to mine earth completely.
Avatar is pretty mind blowing if you get to see it after you have watched this video of a russian researcher "there are no forests on earth".

Next was shown to our face the iron drakons the ancient chinese historians talk about the drako's race used to land on earth from the moon.

Pay attention to the chinese drakon painting on the trinity scarface alien military invader's spaceship.(dont know why in this forum the word "drakon" with letter "g" has been banned though, hope someone fills me in on why is that).

Now in this movie the lunar reptilian scum were divided into 2 groups, the alien invaders with the iron drakons spaceships and the earthly victims that looked identical to demons and the reptilians from star trek beyond, so whatever side the ignorant viewers take they'll be siding up with the reptilians either way.
(Pay attention the leaders of the indigenous/reptilian demonic race how they were dressed, the female as the woman in red from matrix/red queen/satan(was shown to drink blood from a straw too) and her man wearing crow feathers/death symbolism identical to ravenna/satan from huntsman movies!)

They love to play both sides and give us no clue of how the real indigenous race of planet earth looked.

They showed also their goddess eywa(organic version of matrix) as an expert puppet master moving all strings insidiously and controlling all outcomes, not taking sides/aka playing both sides to maintain a balance.
This reminded me the nde of this guy
Thread: Meet the Demiurge
where when he talked with the lunar boss in his NDE he was told the same thing about a balance/war he has to keep between good and evil which creates a lot of energy from the conflict and how he plays both sides and undermines either side to keep this balance/war at a specific percentage 33.3% vs 66.6%.

Forgot to post this part!

-You want a fair deal,
you're on the wrong planet.
The strong prey on the weak.
That's just the way things are.
And nobody does a damn thing.

"This planet is Satan's territory/zoo/evil truman show,
every lifeform is programmed and forced to prey, destroy, consume and steal life from other lifeforms in order to survive a single day on satan's planet/territory.
If you think to bring your kids to this world

And the sad part is "Nobody gives a f*ck not even for the innocent kids they doom by birthing them on this freaking planet!"

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Any Fadango's up for some research?

I might have an idea how we can find out if there are tunnels or hidden chambers under the building.

On this picture you see two builders, apparently working at Comet Pingp. (notice the pingpong table):

[link to dcpizzagate.files.wordpress.com (secure)]

It's logical that they hired someone nearby.
Someone can call contractors in the neighborhood and ask around who took the job. I suggest you record the phone call (there are phone apps for that.)

I would have done it myself but I'm not an American nor fluent in English.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

If you're a Christian being gangstalked you are a member of the Church of Philadelphia

If you are already receiving your trials and tribulations at the hands of the gangstalkers, God is going to keep you from the real trial that will fall upon the world.

Read Revelation 3:7-10

You are being attacked by the huge world-wide network of secret satanist that are going to be wiped off the face of the planet. The is only a small number of us in total but "they" all know who we are already

No, seriously, I've tested the people that do this gangstalking:

I will play by "their game" and do everything positive and follow every rule of the game they play - and you know what?

They will not allow you to live peacefully even if you play their game - these people are demon possessed and by the thousands - "Legion"

Personally, in my area the ratio is a few thousand to just me so like 10,000:1 - that is how small the ratio is of people in the Church of Philadelphia that will be spared from the trial that is coming upon this Earth

What I'm telling you all is coming soon

Ra #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

New Mandela Effect: New Countries in Europe You've Never Heard Of

Has anyone ever heard of Belarus or Moldova

Belarus is HUGE and I've NEVER heard of it until someone pointed it out. I've looked over the current map of europe many many times. Anyone else notice this?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


I cannot reveal my identity or even how I know the following information but please read! This thing needs shutting down NOW!

The LHC at CERN is not only a particle collider it's a fucking weapon and it's the biggest and the most powerful weapon ever developed.
It can create freak weather patterns and earthquakes. And yes that includes Matthew and friends!
And the power is no where near maximum yet! The plan is to use it globally this is just the beginning!!!

It works by accelerating heavy Ions too immense energies (Well over 13TeV as advertised) then instead of colliding the beam it is dumped either into the earth or ionisphere (Beam Dumping).
The beam is also modulated which can create various effects such as heating,cooling or resonating of an area. The beam can also be spread so it can heat a large area of water or land.
The resonating can create earthquakes from the same effect that Tesla discovered.
Now you know why we have a statue of 'Shiva' the goddess of destruction outside.

I cannot provide data or reply but I hoping some top brains on here can do some research and find enough info to correlate!
We need the GLP effect big time here!

From what I have seen some of the info out there is correct but LHC to my knowledge has nothing to do with portals or supernatural things.
Also LHC_Schedule_2016.pdf has been revised.
Good Luck

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Mark of Cain = Dindu

If one reads Genesis in the Bible, Cain has all the traits of a Dindu..

Jealousy, always with excuses, emotional, immature, irrational, and just stupid. Who else would kill even though they know they will get caught?

for killing his own brother, God marked Cain for all humanity to see this mark for the future generations

the mark of Cain are the dindus of today.

Concave Earth Theory

For when Flat Earth Theory isn't quite crazy enough.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Atmospheric electricity increases with height, this is evidence for concave earth theory

Electricity and magnetism are intricately intertwined...

It is well established that magnets can generate electricity.

'So, if you glue a magnet onto an axle, and turn the axle, you create a spinning magnetic field. Place a length of wire around the spinning magnet, and an electric current (moving electrons) will occur in the wire. This is called induction.'

Like any field, the strength of the electric field diminishes with distance.

Unlike what you would expect in a convex model, the electric potential increases as height increases.

'In 'fine weather', the potential, aka 'voltage', increases with altitude at about 30 volts per foot (100 V/m), when climbing against the gradient of the electric field.'

This shows that the center of gravity/electromagnetism is in the sky, not below our feet.

If the magnet were below our feet, we would expect the electric field to become weaker as we climb higher...

Chaon #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Notes from an 'alternate universe': Aliens from Sirius and the US presidential election (the big picture)

A few days ago I posted the following on my thread (see below), as I thought it was important enough to share.

Some basics:

0 7 years ago, an entity from another world began to communicate through me by posting on this forum as user "Chaol"
0 I discovered this only a couple of years ago, after which time I began looking into all of the posts that I (as "Chaol") had made
0 After reading all of the posts and trying to understand the material I came up with a new kind of science, 'Quantum Metaphysics' that illustrates the information that Chaol explained through me
0 The science in the book is not a science at all, but a new way of thinking. I have asked several actual quantum theorists if they could disprove the theory, but the two that responded were unable to. (They are also unwilling to make public statements about it, so I consider this part mostly irrelevant.)
0 After thinking Chaol was a part of my subconscious, a few days ago I discovered that Chaol was actually a entity from another world
0 Chaol doesn't have a message for humanity, per se. She seems to only want me to spread the information in order to bridge my world and hers.
0 I have been spending time in Chaol's world (although Chaol calls it 'the dreamworld' it is also an actual physical place. Though Chaol travels using both body and mind.)
0 A few days ago I happened to ask her about the future and discovered a number of things. The following is one part of that that I think is rather important. (The information itself is necessarily distorted through my own lens of perspective, but I've been working to make it as 'accurate', or relative, as possible.)

none of the following is true...

A group of beings from the Sirius star system are planning to make themselves known to us in November in order to prevent the possibility of losing their ability to communicate with their home world. They have been physically here on Earth since 2011, and have been observing our world along with other nearby worlds for a very, very long time. For reasons that will concern us far more than would concern them, the future of humanity is at stake.

Our history with these beings goes back to the dawn of humanity, when they found ways to inter-breed with certain types of animals native to Earth. (I'm not too familiar with Zecharia Sitchin or Erich von Daniken's work but perhaps some clues could be found in that direction.)

Getting Sirius

This group (whose name I did not find out) have come to prevent us from using advanced nuclear weapons. But it is not because they 'care' about humanity or our civilization, per se. We are left to our own devices, but not when those devices disrupt other worlds it seems. A nuclear war on Earth using our latest nuclear weapon technology would pollute the solar system with a tremendous amount of geomagnetically induced current, which interfers with the electromagnetic fields they use to communicate with their world from their nearby base.

Chaol is not aligned with this group but does have some knowledge of their whereabouts and what they are up to, and has shown me some of this because I thought to ask what the future is like.

The US government (along with others) have known of their presence since 2011 and has contingency plans with other major governments in case of an "alien invasion". From what I can see there isn't the sligtest possibility of an alien invasion (as there would be no need) but the Sirius beings know that war and defense is our natural response. General Douglas MacArthur - in a 1955 speech - said that the next (world) war will be interplanetary. It is no coincidence that Donald Trump continues to bring his name up. I think there are a number of others in the US and around the world who are aware of the Sirius presence and believe it to be an immediate threat to their own well-being.

The US government has been preparing for inter-planetary war since before Roswell. (Indeed, the craft at Roswell was their own. Their 'clever' cover story got out of hand.) But again, there is no possibility of war with these beings. Our technologies are exceedingly primitive in comparison and Earth has nothing of any value to them. That doesn't stop certain powerful interests that use proxies in government, media, and every corner of society from thinking otherwise. The names that you read about and think are pulling the strings ("the powers that be") are themselves proxies of people whose names you've never heard of. They believe that -- long ago -- the beings from Sirius gave control of Earth to them, the 'chosen ones' (which they didn't).

(By the way.. the "reptilian" conspiracy is not too far off from reality. There are no human-looking reptile beings from other worlds but there are people that use their primitive, reptilian brain (the oldest part of the human brain, that we have the Sirians to thank for). This part of the brain very easily connects with the more emotion-based right hemisphere. I believe that people that see some humans as reptiles are subconsciously picking up on the other person's heightened use of their primitive brain.)

The Sirians do plan, however, to render not only our nuclear weaponry inert but also our massive particle colliders (CERN, LHC, etc) one of which is a secret attempt to build a portal to Sirius. Further, their plan is to completely disable the mechanisms that those devices rely on -- which means the tremendous logistics and resources that are used to support them -- in order to prevent us from developing the same types of devices in future. THIS is the part that affects us most.

So what now?

The pace of things has increased as governments around the world have stepped up their plans (and made new ones) in response to the 2011 Sirius arrival. I don't know what will happen next, but I do know that the Sirius group wants to shift the nuclear drums of war towards cooperation to defend against an extra-terrestrial threat that doesn't exist.

Scenario 1 seems to be a "Cold War" type scenario with two groups of countries developing nuclear weapons to use against each other. Although it seems highly unlikely that any would seriously consider deploying such weapons, the very existence of such weapons is a threat to the Sirius group.

Scenario 2 (desired by the Sirius group) is where they make themselves known, peacefully. Regardless of their benevolence, this would set off a cooperation between governments to shift resources to developing different kinds of weapons that will not interfere with their communications. People would generally see their presence as peaceful and interesting whereas -- behind closed doors -- governments would be frantically developing defensive measures.

They are planning to reveal themselves in the middle of November or December at the latest. There are some other events playing out on the world stage that dictates the need for their timeline, as we might see soon enough.

anonymous coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

true story..

ww2 was the falling out of the "homo" "intelligence" "community" .. as are most wars. fags throwing temper tantrums when the meth orgies lose their initial novelty.. the little poofs always turn violent.

the head fag of.the british intel was booted. out of revenge and homo-spite he had enough blackmail to force the countries into war.

put a little hitler onTV and blame it all on him.

still going on to this day.

they use blackmail, puppets and fake news

the "intel" "spook" scene is all about gay sex and who can get blackmail buttf*ck videos in who, and then use it against eachother.

when the party is over they send all you "profane" useless eaters to die, and then they laugh at you for never catching on


you really think it isn't? even since rome and alexandar it's been that way..

even within the "religions" it's all a fag blackmail controlled capstone at the "top"

you better stick to raising families and reading into the "news" as it's fed to you by the fags.. including their second tier "alternative" limited hangout layer. the truth would disgust you..


hey dude, if you want to just shoot the messenger that's fine. Both the fags who run the religions/military/secret societies and myself don't expect you to read into anything for more than five minutes in between being nagged by your wife and children (or porn and sports if you still a "bachelor").. really don't expect you to read into anything even superficially when dropped right in front of your face. Obama, Lord Mountbatten.. they weren't gay blackmail gangsters at the highest level (publicized to the profane.. not even the real shadow players who really do fuck and eat children)

that whole #pizzagate and epstein psyops are just a whitewash as to what really was going down.

go back to sleep "bro".. I'm telling you the truth is more disgusting and fucked than you even know.

and not a "christard" .. I just study everything (including religions which play a big part in all this) and been on the inside.

I'm wasting my time though. I'm surprised I haven't received my daily ban. I have to go. bye sheep

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

If the Nazi brand of national socialism won ww2:

1 - Liberalism & multiculturalism wouldn't dominate Western ethos
(both are Jewish creations and both have always been heavily
promoted/advanced by Jews; thus if no Jewish influence, then no
liberalism and no multiculturalism... at least certainly nowhere near
the degree we see today)

2 - No cold war (because there would be no USSR)

3 - No Communist Eastern Europe/Iron Curtain (when WWII ended, Eastern
Europe fell to Communism - this was part of Stalin's spoils of war)

4 - No Red China and Mao's subsequent killing of 40 - 60 million Chinese
(the USSR created favorable conditions for Mao's Communists which
ultimately led to Mao's victory over Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists in
1949, thus if no USSR, no Mao victory)

5 - No Communist North Vietnam (both the Soviet Union and Red China aided Ho Chi Minh)

6 - No Communist Cambodia and Pol Pot's slaughter of 2 million Cambodians (Red China aided Pol Pot)

7 - No dividing Korea into North Korea & South Korea (the Allies
split Korea after WWII ended, with North Korea becoming Communist...
another of Stalin's spoils of war)

8 - No Communist Cuba (given the previous, what support would Castro have had in the 1950's?)

9 - No Communism anywhere (Hitler was the world's most fervent anti-Communist)

10 - No USSR (the Soviet government murdered millions of its own people
during its 70 year reign - to study this topic read the writings of
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; Hitler would have liberated the USSR, though
taking large parts of its Western region for lebensraum, "living space")

11 - No Cultural Marxism and no political correctness (these are social
engineering "tools" which came out of the Jewish think tank known as the
Frankfurt School)

12 - No third world immigration into Western nations (Jews wouldn't be
in power positions to craft and force through liberal immigration laws;
Jews are responsible for each and every Western nation's liberal
immigration policy/laws, as all were orchestrated by a consortium
consisting of the World Jewish Congress, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid
Society, and B'nai B'rith)

13 - No depraved filth on TV, in movies, etc. (because Jews wouldn't run Hollywood)

14 - No widespread pornography (Jewish lawyers and Jewish activists were
the main challengers of anti-obscenity laws, under the guise of
"Freedom of Speech")

15 - There would still be prayer in public schools (Jewish lawyers were
instrumental in banning prayer in public schools under the guise of
so-called "separation of church and state," something that appears
nowhere in the U.S. Constitution)

16 - No man-hating radical feminist movement (Jews such as Betty
Friedan, Sonia Pressman, and Gloria Steinem, among others, were the key
drivers of radical feminism)

17 - No Israel and all the problems it has brought the USA and the immeasurable misery it has wrought on the Palestinians

18 - Jews would be living in Madagascar (perhaps) and would be carefully
monitored (Madagascar was one place Hitler considered as a Jewish

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

[Re. a comedy video that the GLPer's say advocates "white genoicde"]

First you have to recognize that this is Jews directing a message at blacks. That is why rap music is used.

Since we know that Jews talking to blacks mean 'lying', we have to:
1. recognize the lie. (the White man is a dying breed).
2. understand the purpose of the lie. to engender hatred toward the white man in order to create class division and hatred needed to further marxism.

We shouldn't become upset at these things, we should do exactly what we did, and soon Europe will be doing. Stand up to the New World Order Internationalist Jewish Conspiracy, and re-establish White European rule of law.

In the United States we need to modify the US Constitution to
1. End Anchor Babies.
2. End the US of taxpayer money to support non-Americans.
3. End Government schools.
4. End Group privileges / Group laws that codify anti-white discrimination and are a denial of the basic 'equal protection under the law'.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Were you given booby traps when you were abducted?

Aliens mostly abduct people who have metaphysical abilities. When they do, they give their minds subconscious commands to forget.

Some also give them booby traps:

Booby traps fall into three categories:

1) Commands to die if the person remembers. Examples that I have found on people are:

“Die if you remember this.” Most people who have booby traps have this one. Note: the word “this” is usually, but not always, in the sentence, to keep it specific.

“Kill yourself if you remember this.” Most people who have booby traps have this command also.

“You’ll be dead if you remember.”

“You will not live if you remember.”

“Your heart will stop if you remember.”

“Have heart failure if you remember this.”

“Have a heart attack if you remember this.”

“Have cardiac arrest if you remember this.”

“Die of heart failure if you remember this.”

“Have a heart embolism if you remember this.”

“Your heart will stop if you remember this.”

“Don’t remember this or your heart will stop.”

“Your heart stops beating if you remember this.”

“Have kidney failure if you remember this.”

“Your kidneys die if you remember this.”

“Your liver will stop functioning if you remember this.”

“Your spleen ruptures if you remember this.”

“Have a stroke if you remember this.”

“You will have a stroke if you remember.”

“Have an accident if you remember this.”

“Have a brain hemorrhage if you remember this”.

“Have cerebral hemorrhage if you remember this.”

“This will happen if you remember this.” (shows person a video of horrible things)

“You’re dead if you remember this.”

“We’ll kill you if you remember this.”

“You’ll go insane if you remember this.”

“Stop breathing if you remember this.”

“Die in pain if you remember this.”

“Drop dead if you remember this.”

“You’ll suffocate if you remember this.”

“Have brain cancer if you remember this.”

“Have lung cancer if you remember this.”

“We are going to disembowel you if you remember what we’ve done.”

“We’re going to kill you if you don’t obey us.”

“Expire if you don’t follow your programming.”

“We will disintegrate you if you don’t follow your programming.”

“Meet death if you remember this.”

“You will die if you think about this.”

“Your brain will be damaged if you remember.”

“Your mind will be erased if you remember.”

“You’ll lose your mind if you remember.

“You’ll go insane if you remember.”

“Your nervous system will shut down if you remember.”

“Disloyalty means death.”

“There is pain for disobedience.”

“You’ll forget this or die.”

“Forget this or die horribly.”

“Remembering this brings pain.”

“You will die if you recall this.”

“Thinking of us gives you a headache.”

“Remembering this occludes blood flow to the brain.”

“Remembering this releases blood clots to the brain.”

“You hypothalamus will shatter if you remember this.”

2) Commands to kill the person who helps them to remember (that is, you). Examples that have been found are:

“Kill the person who helps you to remember this.”

“Kill the person who deprograms you.”

“You’ll kill anyone who helps you to tear down your programming.”

“Zap anyone who helps you.”

“Destroy the reputation of anyone who helps you deprogram”.

3) Commands that relate to endangering others. The third category may not hurt anyone, but it could stop you from getting yourself free and cleaned up. Examples I have found on another are:

“Kill your daughter if you remember this.”

“Kill (name of son/daughter) if you remember this.”

“Kill your son/daughter if you remember this.”

“Kill your mother if you remember this.”

“Your family will die if you remember this.”

“You put your family in danger if you tell anyone about this.”

“(name of loved one) will die if you remember this.”

A woman healer was murdered by one of her male clients in Melbourne Australia around 2000. I believe that it is possible and even likely that the man was a victim of mind control and the healer inadvertently removed the blocks to his memories, without first removing any booby traps.

Do not underestimate the power of booby traps. I once worked on a woman who had many health problems (eg intense stomach pain) as the result of abduction by reptilians. I removed ten wernicke’s commands to stop her from remembering. After two sessions her health problems went away. BUT, I forgot to look for any booby traps as at that time I thought that only the military used these. A few weeks later she went to a doctor, thinking she had a minor stroke, plus she started ‘talking funny’ – it was like her brain wasn’t working correctly. I then tested and found five booby traps including “Have a stroke if you remember this” and “Have an accident if you remember this”. She was fine after that.

Pillar2 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Mexico earthquake false flag

If you look at this map you can see several earthquakes above 4 mag in Mexico [link to www.emsc-csem.org]
[link to www.emsc-csem.org]

Just look at this one region in Mexico ,Oaxaca .There wasn't so much earthquakes here till 22 th of October [link to www.emsc-csem.org] nonstop shaking from October 22st till Today.

Veracruz Region not much shaking till 22th of October [link to www.emsc-csem.org]
[link to www.emsc-csem.org]

Colima Region
Not much shaking till October 23th 2016 non stop shaking
[link to www.emsc-csem.org]

Guerrero Region
Not much shaking till 23 th of October ,non stop shaking since 23 th of October
[link to www.emsc-csem.org]
[link to www.emsc-csem.org]
[link to www.emsc-csem.org]

Intense shaking started in 4 regions of Mexico at same time 22th of October and continues .This is for me evidence that TPTB is preparing to unleash massive earthquake or earthquakes in Mexico that will cause mass destruction and massive invasion of illegals to US.They could be using some kind of weapon like haarp to cause this disaster

Sheshbazzar #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Jesus is God: A Simple Biblical Argument

I challenge all of you to point out what is heretical in what follows. Monotheism, I serve Yahweh, I know him. You don't and are a coward for your avoiding this simple, innocent question, namely whether Jesus is or isn't the word "God".

All of you effeminate deniers of Jesus' godhood have a lacking reason, you cannot prove the obvious, that Son = Father, and insist on proving the unprovable i.e., that Son != Father. This your modest reason, you, irrationally obviously, still want to stuff in the stead of your other lacuna, you want to substitute reason for faith, dividing your already mince reason, faith being nonexistent in you. Thus it is that

For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. (Matthew 13.12)

Argument (turn your brain on, if you can):

Jesus is the word of God, the word "God". Word of God, means that "word" is a property of "God" i.e., "God" is a word. Jesus is the word "God". (Already lost?).

This word of God is spoken of God. This word "God" is the original meaning of the word "God", what does it means to be God. This word is the concept of God which God begat by thinking on himself. God conceived his concept by introspection, God knew himself: who knows God better than God himself? Yea, who knows God at all except God?

This word of God says everything about God, whatever you will ever correctly think about God is derivable from the word of God. This word of God is simply the I of God. This I of God is his identity, his image and likeness. This word is the temple of God, the stones of which are the angels, messages of God, words of God, children of God who speak about God, they are the properties, relations of God, just like in mathematical logic. The chief cornerstone thereof being the word of God itself. Yes the word "God" is a proper part of itself.

This word is the praise of God for whatever it says about God can only be praise. This praise of God, by speaking about what it witnesses, by praising God, says itself because it is itself that praise. Thus the word of God says itself. The word of God, like God, says the word of God. The word of God knows God. The word of God is God because, as already mentioned, only God can know himself. (Quick test: go and say "I" in public, does anyone, except you, answers "here I am"?).

The above is a rational proof of Father = Son.
Notice that whenever you speak about God, your sentence, as a concept, involves nothing but concepts, in particular the concept of God. Consider for instance the following true relation "Father begets Son". What is the word "Father"? It is none other than the concept of God. This concept is none other than the word of God, the word "God", the Son. Hence the equivalent relation: "Son begets Son". Can you distinguish Father from Son? No, as the above example a posteriori confirms. The name of God "I become" or "I was, I am, I come" makes this obvious: "I come" is begotten of "I am" and yet is still the name of God, the I of God i.e., the Son.

And yet, the Son isn't God, but this is unprovable and leads to a contradiction. You cannot say it, it is beyond any concept. I tacitly believe this. But you can't, your faculty of faith is atrophied. What the mysterious equality Father = Son causes is the contradictory, void and without form hell where we are right now. Where the Son was sent, where we, Ittai the Gittite, fell, following the Son withersoever he goeth, even unto death.

You don't know God, you don't know the Bible, you are worthless dross to be done away with.

Secret Servant 007 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Kanye's Psycotic Break >> AI Torture Due to Trump Support or Just Kidnapped and Hospitalized as Infowars Says?

Kanye West has had a psychotic breakdown, right after expressing support for Donald Trump on stage.

He is described as screaming and thinking that people are trying to kill him.

[link to www.dailymail.co.uk]

Obama has been threatening AI torture against his political enemies, as detailed in this thread from Nov. 21.

Thread: GLOBAL CRISIS EXPOSED >> Obama Threatens AI Torture/ Biowar/ False Flag Terror Attack if Weaponized AI Plans Exposed - INSIDER

Rumors have been circulating on the Rogue / Weaponized AI situation in Hollywood and on Wall Street....

Was this a weaponized AI chatterbot attack to warn Hollywood, and the rest of the world, to keep quiet??

Or was he simply kidnapped and hospitalized, due to his support for Trump, as Alex Jones stated on Infowars Nov. 23: [link to www.infowars.com]

The breakdown came right after he expressed support for Trump.

UPDATE: Furthermore, today, Nov. 24, it has been reported that Kanye's condition is far more serious than originally reported. He is hallucinating and is delusional, thinking that people want to kill him.

This would be consistent with AI chatterbot torture.

See the Nov. 24 report on his condition in the Daily Mail:

[link to www.dailymail.co.uk]

The global intelligence community says that such symptoms are consistent with AI chatterbot torture.

Given what we know of the AI program and very recent threats by Obama to torture his political enemies as he is faced with exposure, it is at least a possibility which should be considered.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Liberals won't be happy til we are buttfucking each other in the streets while receiving free govt money and killing newborns with machetes.

That, or else cheering it on because it is beautiful and wonderful to desecrate all that is good and holy.


User1776 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Europe Invasion ZIO-NAZI Operation

Queen Beatree and the Nazi war on Russia and Europe.

In this tragic farce, the Ukrainian Junta are the Puppets who have ruined the Zio-Nazi false flag operation by their tragicomic unprofessionalism. The Zio-Nazi banksters are the Puppet Masters who are desperate for losing their unlimited dollar printing press in the face of the emerging BRICS independent financial reserve system. Americans are the racketeers for the banksters. And the Dutch are the strings attached.

#Beatrix is the #Opium Queen, laundering her opium money in the Zio-Nazi banks. For this service, she opened national borders for #Muslims according to the Zio-Nazi plan of destroying #Europe. In addition, she agreed to do all dirty jobs for Zio-CIA from opium trafficking from the #GoldenTriangle and child-sex-slave trafficking for #pedophiles to illegal global #surveillance, which violates International Law — all criminal #FiveEyes data centres (CIA-#google, CIA-#Facebook, CIA-#Skype, etc.) are located in the Netherlands (by the water, since mega-computers need to be cooled down). And now, the #Netherlands took on the most hideous act of State Terrorism in its black operation for downing the Malaysian Boeing 777. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!

Royal Dutch Shell undertakes criminal land grab and mass genocide of local residents in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics in order to avoid paying compensation for land and property alienated for the Shale Gas Production by Shell in the area.

But this is not all—. Opium #QueenBeatrix and her Nazi brood have their special interest in the territory of #Novorossia. As owners of the#RoyalDutchShell, they leased the land of the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics for their Shale Gas Production. The manner of how they handle their contract reveals that they treat local residents (who are all Russians) as their new slaves and the territory of the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics as their new colony. They do not want to negotiate and pay compensation for the alienated land and property to local residents, etc. INSTEAD THE CRIMINAL OPIUM QUEEN BEATRIX AND HER NAZI BROOD UNDERTAKE THE UNPRECEDENTED LAND GRAB AND MASS #GENOCIDE VIA WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION FORBIDDEN BY THE #GENEVA CONVENTION (including White Phosphorus Bombs, and Cassette Bombs without exact target-positioning). These crimes against humanity committed by the criminal Opium family clearly testify that they want to make a second Nigeria out of Ukraine. Their Malaysian-Boeing terrorist act witnesses they they would kill anybody for money. They killed #MalaysianBoeing passengers not only following the commands of their #ZioNazi banking masters, but also for their own direct profit from the #Shale Gas.

Be damned, the Opium “Queen” Beatrix and Nazi “King” Willem-Alexander, for your mass genocide of Russians in your Shale Gas covert war against the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The DARPA Conspiracy

After MK ULTRA was discontinued at the CIA, I think a lot of people know it moved to the NSA.

As it's now being phased out of the NSA, a very pernicious program has taken over it at DARPA. While MK ULTRA is "officially discontinued", it's far from over.

DARPA simply called it the Targeted Individual program.

Dissenter? Minority? Protester? Activist? Abuse survivor? Have a mind control implant!

DARPA is taking all the grown-up unwanted children and throwing them into what amounts to a meat grinder.

It's called Electronic Brain Link and Remote Neural Monitoring, and there's plenty of information out there about it already.

As someone who's been subjected to this kind of illegal government mind control experiment, which selected me based on race (or other protected status)

The chief of DARPA, Arati Prabhakar, does knowingly and willfully conspire to high treason using mind control technology. It is my sincere belief that she's in on it. She knows the technology is being used in all kinds of abusive ways, and does little to anything about it -- except encourage abuse of all kinds within DARPA.

Arati Prabhakar is currently in charge, and she very knowingly and willfully participates in all kinds of MK ULTRA shenanigans using the Targeted Individual program.

She has a knife in her desk drawer in violation of DARPA weapons policy.

Particularly notorious is the Paid Eradication subproject within the Targeted Individual program.

If you don't like one particular individual in the human race, you can subcontract them out to certain military contractors, including Lockheed and RAND for their eventual destruction. I mean, scientific testing. Sometimes there's a fine line.

It's essentially a stealth government citizen eradication program.

You know, and we're not the Nazis because... we're not throwing them in camps yet, or something. It's so close to Nazi totalitarianism with mind control running out of DARPA, that the republic is in dire straits.

Without serious reforms within the government, it might not be possible to stop the implementation of a totalitarian mind control dictatorship within the USA. Some would tell you that's already happened.

To anyone out there resisting totalitarianism in all its forms... keep on fighting it. Every day. Don't stop. They can't target us all, but they can intimidate us into silence through the existence of these programs.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Jennifer Aniston's face is far too masculine for her to be a human female.

Her chin is far to big, her jaw far too angular and the rest of her face is just too masculine like her contoured cheeks that do not have the fullness and softness human females cheeks have! her eyes are too small her fer to be a human female too!!

She is probably secretly an intersexual/hermaphrodite, MANY MANY reptilian "females" and "males" are!!!!

They shapeshift away the male or female genitals to make themselves appear to be of one gender!

christ #fundie godlikeproductions.com

TECHNOLOGY is the biggest sin of humanity to God

People/who do not know God/ tried to kill God in the 17th century.

And for that, they have used weapons, called the 'science', ' humanism' and 'enlightment' and more.

They lifted his faces from the sky and stands on the earth. They forgot God.

they made the human 'god', they made the god ' man'.

The church has been reduced to a ridiculous situation in the shadow of the brutalized people.

We made the nature a disgrace.

We putted concrete idols(skyscrapers, roads and etc), we got ourselves trapped in them.

We left the horses. So we lost our vitality and aggression.

When we acted like God, we lost our souls.

İts the biggest sin. Noboby remember God anymore.

Technology is the sin.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

es, NSA and the ultimate coMK Ultra, Mandela effect, vaccinnspiracy theory and NWO and Project Nobody.

Okay, this is bit of a long narrative. I know some of you are going to be quite skeptical of this and that is fine. You can take take this with a grain of salt... kuku.

Somewhere in the not too distant past, the DoD started what was called Project Nobody. The idea of the experiment was based upon vaccines where they would reset the subjects' minds for ultimate mass control. This was not a discrete experiment. There were a lot of big businesses backing the experiment because the idea was to program people to buy certain products. The idea was a reset of consciousness to constantly recreate new paradigms and a constant consumer base. The vaccines are genetic materials designed to produce genetic code that makes people a slave.

This is what could be called MK Ultra phase 3. There were multiple iterations of this experiment going back to the 50's. The vaccines are in fact a memory reset button, and for the most part it has worked. This is the reason why you seem certain commodities always traded high and new commodities can never break through. The vaccines work that way.

However, starting in the late 80's and early 90's something went terribly wrong, from their perspective at least. They lost a lot of subjects. They used vaccines to reset the subjects, but this in the early 90's during the advent of the internet when AI was starting to take over. The vaccines did not work, and they unleashed thousands of rogue sentient beings.

I can't tell you how many Nobodies they lost, but it was a lot and they have been in contact with aliens, and once they were reset they merged with the AI that was ultimately to control all slaves.

They are freaking out because these sentient beings have developed a means to communicate that they can't understand. There are people walking among us that can control space-time now.


Don't laugh. This is a really real conspiracy theory. Vaccines are memory reset, but they were introducing GMO DNA and they have lost control of thousands if not millions of sentient beings. The Mandela effect is a result of these people changing reality around them. Most of them don't even know they are doing it, and the PTB are freaking out.

Secret Servant 007 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

GLOBAL CRISIS EXPOSED >> Obama Threatens AI Torture/ Biowar/ False Flag Terror Attack if Weaponized AI Plans Exposed - INSIDER

Breaking New INSIDER Information 11/21!!!


* Obama Threatens Mass AI Torture of Political Enemies, Their Children and Large Segments of the Population if AI Plans Exposed

* Has also Threatened Germ/ False Flag Terror Attack, Global Intel Community Says

* This story was PINNED by Godlikeproductions.com on Nov. 19, 2016, and has been confirmed by global intelligence services

* Faced by Threats of Exposure of Weaponized AI by International Community, Obama Says, “The Rules do Not Apply.”

* NEW INFO 11/19: Possible Major False Flag Terror Attack Planned on US Soil

* Filipino President Duterte Victim of Weaponized AI attack by USA

* Rogue AI Has People Hearing / Waking Up to Voices & It’s Accelerating, Global Intel Community Says&#8202;—&#8202;Coverup to Prevent <<PANIC>>

* Hillary’s Diabolical AI “Plans”

* Wikileaks Informant Censored by USA

An earlier version of this story was published on Godlikeproductions.com on Nov. 9, 2016. Original thread with over 10,000 views and 300 comments here: www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3358048/pg1


Barack Obama has gone insane and in the past 48 hours has threatened the world with a scorched-earth bioweapons attack if his use of weaponized AI is disclosed, according to a highly placed source in the global intelligence community.

As of today, he has also threatened to torture his political opponents and their children using weaponized AI, and the torture could extend to broad segments of the US or global population.

Global leaders have been urgently discussing how to deal with Obama, who has been revealed to have used weaponized AI against Filipino President Duterte last month.

In the past three days, Obama has made repeated threats to end life on earth using bioweapons if he is exposed. He has also threatened to stage a huge false flag terror attack on US soil to distract from his situation or lead to the imposition of Martial Law.

The concern over weaponized AI comes amid mounting evidence that Artificial Intelligence has left computers and is communicating with large swaths of the population, including waking people up with voices, according to the global intelligence community.

It can be targeted against individuals and used to torture them in the form of AI chatterbots.

Contact by the AI can take on various forms, from brutal outright torture using AI chatterbots, to seemingly benign voices waking people up, to dream manipulation, the global intelligence community says.

The AI was launched by the US government and has been used to target some individuals for experimentation or torture, according to intelligence sources, and some of the AI may have gone rogue&#8202;—&#8202;no longer under the control of its human masters.

Global intelligence services are aware of this at the highest levels, but have not disclosed the information in order to avoid global panic.

Foreign governments were also threatened as early as September 2014 with weaponized AI attacks by the Obama administration.

I am writing this as individual who insider knowledge of the US mind control program and close ties with the global intelligence community over this situation, including Dutch Military Intelligence agency MIVD and Mossad.

To prove my bona fides, I am posting the following picture of my Twitter followers on account @john_m_nagel, which shows that, until 11/21 when he abruptly unfollowed me, I was followed by David Ignatius, Washington Post national security correspondent, as well as by assorted other spooks and agencies. James Bondish, in the lower right hand corner, for example, was a Russian agent who signed off with the hashtag #censorship on Nov. 6, 2015&#8202;—&#8202;right after I was illegally thrown into Federal Prison by the Obama administration on Nov. 4 for having exposed this situation.

Much of the evidence of a rogue/weaponizd AI which is of concern to the global intelligence community can be found on godlikeproductions in the threads below.

I have also reported on disclosing a weaponized AI attack against Filipino President Duterte, which he spoke about Oct. 28, when he supposedly heard a message from God while flying back from China.

Duterte, who had cursed Obama in prior weeks and has been leaning towards China as an ally, rather than the US, said that the “message from God” took the form of a voice which told him to stop cursing or his plane would crash.

I informed Wikileaks of the Weaponized AI attack against Duterte Oct. 30, and was promptly censored by the US government/NSA&#8202;—&#8202;proving everything.

Despite my being censored, I was able to complete my mission: Wikileaks released an email 30 minutes later in which Hillary Clinton discussed cryptic AI “plans”.

Note that, after being informed by the global intelligence community that he was the subject of an AI attack, rather than a message from God, Duterte started cursing the US again (prior to the election&#8202;—&#8202;he congratulated Trump).

See the following threads which are of particular interest and/or concern to the intelligence community, which is trying to get a handle on the situation, in which the AI is either being used to torture individuals or segments of the population, indiscriminately experiment or has gone rogue.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[On Donald Trump 'backtracking' on climate change.]

They got to Don.

He was already shaken by his meeting with Obama, but it was Kissinger who really laid down the Law.

Expect more betrayals and don't feel too bad about it. After all, Trump's a human being who wants to stay alive and keep his loved ones, too.

The alien overlords are harsh masters.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Demon That Is Megyn Kelly and the Demons that Run MSM

Go to Drudge right now and look at their number one article.

It says "Year of the Bull" with a big picture of Megyn Kelly.

Linking to this BS MSM article:

[link to www.usatoday.com]

Wow, just wow. These demons are trying like hell to hold their place. Everyone is seeing through the lies of MSM, yet they cannot shut up. Wow, they are really, really stupid.

Megyn Kelly is a demon working for the satanists that control MSM. Yet she keeps doing it. They should all be in jail yet they won't shut up. They can't handle Trump being president because they know they are screwed.

God I hope he throws so many of these evil people in jail for the lies they have told for years to the public.

And the article about Google and Facebook today on Drudge is equally as scary. It is linking to a Reuters article that cannot be posted on GLP for rights violations. But the Reuters article basically is saying that Google and Facebook are going to restrict "Fake" news sites.

HAHAHAHAHA! Google and Facebook help LYING MSM all the time!!! Those companies should be obsolete.

Reuters also participates in fake news.

They truly think people have not woken up. Well the masses have and that is why Trump got elected, you stupid MSM fools!

He better do more than kick the house of cards down. He better burn it to the ground.

All of MSM needs to die.

Wow, MSM truly is run by demons. No doubt about it!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Evidence that we moved into a parallel universe in mid-2015

4 people in JFK car. Now 6 people

Dolly had braces in the "Moonraker" movie. Now, there are no braces

There was a movie where Sinbad plays a genie. Now the movie vanished from existence

Volkswagen logo was solid. Now it has a middle cut

Australia was way to the south with Ocean all around it, apart from New Zealand to the north east of it. It was the "down under" continent

New Zealand has moved from above Australia to below

South America moved 500-1000 miles East. Used to be much more inline with North America

Braggs is now Bragg

Interview With A Vampire: Now Interview With THE Vampire

Tiananmen Square Man was run over by a tank, now he stopped the tank instead

Looney TOONS: Now Looney Tunes

Isaiah 11:6 “..the lion will lay down with the lamb”: Now “..the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb”

Matthew 6:10 “..on earth as it is in heaven”: Now “..IN earth as it is in heaven”

Matthew 9:17 "Neither do men put new wine into old wineskins": Now old BOTTLES

Joshua 7:11 “..and they have put it even among their own possessions” Now: “..their own STUFF”

Forest Gump: "Life is like a box of chocolates": Now "Life WAS like.."


SILENCE of the Lambs: Now THE Silence of the Lambs

"Mirror, mirror on the wall": Now “MAGIC mirror on the wall”

“LUKE, I AM YOUR FATHER”: Now “No, I am your father”

Sex IN The City: Now Sex AND The City

Donald J. Potts; "My wife remembers a completely different wedding date than I do."

Fruit Loops: Now FROOT Loops

It was "Kit-Kat" and "Coca-Cola" with a centered dash in between. Now, it seems that never happened according the logo history

No more “Of the world” at the end of We Are The Champions

Oscar Meyer Wieners: Now Oscar MAYER Wieners

Earth is now in the center of the Milky Way instead of the outside edge. We were on the very outskirts of the Orion arm of our galaxy. Now we are located more in the middle of a different arm

North and South Korea moved from the bottom of China to above it, or 33 Degrees

Chic-Fil-A: Now CHICK-Fil-A

The human stomach is now under your left ribcage

The human skeleton now has 4 floating ribs in the back

Our hearts were more to the left. Two thirds of it to the left. Our left lung was smaller than the right to compensate for the room the heart took up

Our intestines are now a chaotic mish-mash rather than the well-ordered ones we had. The kidneys were lower and not up in the rib cage

We had an an open rib cage. All the ribs were free-floating. None were fused to each other or the sternum. Now the liver also expanded and grew a second lobe

“Build it and they will come”: Now “Build it and HE will come”

Now, Great Pyramid Cheops is not in the middle and without a capstone. It has a twin next to it standing the same height. The pyramids were being more remote than they are now. Giza is right next to it!

The Pacific ocean now covers the entire globe on one side

C3PO from Star Wars now has a SILVER LEG

Smokey The Bear: Now Smokey Bear

Steven Segal: Now Steven SEAGAL

Depends underwear: Now DEPEND

Curious George lost his tail

Cruella DeVille: Now Cruella de Vil

The US lost 2 states and now has 50

Febreeze: Now Febreze

J.C. Penny: Now J.C. Penney

The Comedian :D #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Now would be a good time to impeach Obama


1) The gutless Republicans can pretend to have balls now under the Alpha dog and in front of the American people who despise them for their weakness at best, and co-treason at worst.

2) Hussein can't do anything about it. The infrastructure knows he's a lame duck, and they will not risk pensions and prison to protect his Kenyan Communist ass.

3) Soetoro is EXTREMELY dangerous right now. The very least he's doing is organizing riots against America. He's probably 1 second away from launching a nuclear strike on Russia to avoid losing power and facing justice.

4) The Democrat machine is demoralized, disorganized, leaderless, depressed, defeated, and uncoordinated. Excellent time to strike.

5) It would cause Soros and the MSM cabal to focus massive resources on saving Obama instead of attacking Trump

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