Skraip aka Elazur #fundie
If you believe what the Bible says, you won't go on some killing spree.
Jesus Christ is not some scapegoat, believing is a way of life.
If you believe what the Bible says, you won't go on some killing spree.
Jesus Christ is not some scapegoat, believing is a way of life.
Barack Obama may be the Antichrist, he has risen up out of no where, he mesmerizes crowds, people are gathering in huge numbers, he is likely becoming the next President of the United States. Do not look only to what I say, but look to your Bibles, to passages in John, Daniel, and Revelations.
Obama is the Anti-Christ. This is the evidence:
1.- He will come as a man of Peace (Obama promises peace in Iraq, defeat for the US)
2.- He will come mounted on a white Female horse(Obama mother is white who had 6 African husbands)
3.- He will come to deceive( Obama says he's a Christian but in fact he was born a Muslim, practices the Islamic religion, prays Friday’s facing Mecca)
4.- He will make himself the most powerful man on earth, if elected
5.- He will try to destroy the Jewish People and Israel( Obama has said he loves the Arabs specially the Palestinians, hates Israel and Jews. Admires Hitler, Osama etc)
6.- He will present himself as good and righteous but in fact he's Satan himself. Violence is in his heart
7.- Obama will help Al Qaida in its evil projects.
8.- Barack Hussein Obama is the “King of the South” predicted in the Bible.(Daniel .11, Kenya is south of Jerusalem)
9.- Obama comes to implant muslim Sharia Law upon America.
10.Obama hails from chicago whose zipcode is 60606.
11.Obama would be a "black" president in the "white" house (satan is described as black in attribute and who seeks to take over the white mansion known as heaven).
12.Nostradamus prophesized the name of the antichrist is "Mabus." This can relate to why Obama is the antichrist. If you write obama+bush, you end up with obamabush.
Obama is the Anti-Christ, beware of him.
Watch him and don't let you be deceived by Him.
There is not one contradiction in the Bible.
I dunno, maybe they want to take your sperm and mix it with the ovum of a female fallen angel, in order to create a bastard human-fallen angel hybrid creature, known as the "antichrist."
Just a guess though.
Don't go to sleep tonight, and wear a gun.
Well I am a Christian. I know that Allah did not create the world. the Lord my God, ????, Yahweh did.
I'm sorry, but this country doesn't need a muslim (a black muslim at that) president. Nor do we need a woman. It needs to be a white male, just as it has been.
If we get a muslim... well hello 9/11 of 2008! He'll probably say "Because allah told me I'd get 70 virgins in heaven"
Oh god if this turns into a Holocaust thread, I'm siding with Faletha to the end. Despite our different views on how other races should be handled and couple spots on religion, gonna have to say the Holocaust never happened.
dumb wars? you mean like darfur, rwanda? man, at least when white people wage wars, the arent uncivilized monkies bout it.
Q u o t e:
SO then why are you calling blacks destroyers when its white people?
when whites do it, people benefit. killed some natives? created america! killed some muslims? prevented terrorism.
when blacks do it, they do it for pure destruction. a groid kills another groid for stupid shlt like "Not giving respect".
Creationism does require faith, but there is also substantial proof to its authenticity. For instance, the Bible.
There's no reason a human CAN'T survive in a whale's stomach
[Commenting on the "kidnapping" of a eucharist]
You DO know he committed a crime right? Stealing something of religious value is dick like. Also, saying "it's just a damned cracker" shows lack of understanding of Catholicism, meaning I don't care about any death threats you may get.
[Regarding university professor who commented on the same issue]
And by the way, that's a hate crime. Crime motivated by hate. Hello, prison, good bye, useless cushy job!
[This is his signature]
Satan used to be an angel but he turned evil into Satan
a Guy from GWAR is an athiest and sometimes dresses as satan in concert
so he is an athiest that worships satan
so athiest=satan
First- Christianity is not a religion, it's a faith. Catholicism is a religion. There's a difference.
The reason why I threw out logic is because people think it is the bastion of secularism when in reality it is a religious belief unto itself.
I find it funny when people say you need to prove that God exists before believing.
You're going to use logic, a rule of reality, to deny the existence of God who created this reality?
If we have a gravitational field, than why doesnt man get pulled, or atleast influenced to bigger masses than ourselves? STRIKE ONE
If electricity were real, and we really had an electric potential of 200 volts from head to toe, why arn't we being zapped by lightning every living second? STRIKE TWO
Why do bacteria and viruses change and evolve by the scientists terms? It's because of God trying to punish the sinful, the scientists are the median between God giving his vengeance to the sinful, so when the scientists cure a so called disease God changes the structure so it can continue killing the sinned. STRIKE THREE
You can't even prove that God doesnt exist, look at Africa, they don't worship the Savior so they have famine thrust upon them
The way I have heard it, is that Dinosaurs (as reptiles) grow throughout their entire lives. And before the flood, the atmosphere had like 2x the oxygen, and science has shown that most extremely old fossils/bugs that have been found in sap had 2x the oxygen and lived alot longer. (more than 2x longer) Therefore, dinosaurs used to live really long, and therefore grew really big.
There have been tons and tons of finds of smaller dinosaurs, but most of the time they're put to the side for the big ones. So, some dinosaurs died in the flood, and others lived, but could not grow to be as large, in which case became similiar/the same as the reptiles we see today.
Also, reptiles as large as some prehistoric dinosaurs have been found in more recent days too, there was a dinosaur pulled out of the ocean and they have pictures of it, and a video, and it was still breathing, but had been injured or something and the people on the boat through it back out and kept some samples... will try to find article.
EDIT: If you want to bring Noah into this... he probably would've taken younger (~ smaller) animals on the ark.
EDIT: Found article:
I don't know if I should ever start this..
He said he created the world.
He has to use preexisting matter.
He cant just conjure up mass.
So he took existing matter from other places.
And some of it had dinosaur bones on it.
The end.
PROOF evolution is a bunch of bull *!%#
look at the colecanth fish, its %##!ing 380 million years old and it still loks the same. and the earth was pangea 300 million years ago. therefore the geology was different so it had to addapt and put up with that evolution bull#%%%. but it didnt happen...
[Talking about evolution of eye]
Just think about this, id evolution was correct, then why even create eyes at all? I mean think about it, what initially decided that eyes were so great? Srsly. Did the goop we all came from all of a sudden just go "hey, I wanna invent seeing stuff"? I mean, if initially nothing had eyes, why decide it needed eyes in the first place? Why dont we just feel stuff like trees and blind bats and crap?