
Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

I want to make a distinction between effeminacy and, for the sake of clarity, “swishing faggotry”. Most men today are still, in fact, heterosexual. But they are extremely effeminate. Whilst being sexually oriented towards heteronormative acts (simply put, they “like girls”), their mode of being, of addressing the world, is almost completely feminized. When confronted with a problem, their method of dealing with it is to first DENY THAT THE PROBLEM EXISTS. Eyes down. Look away. DON’T TALK ABOUT IT. Pretend nothing is wrong, and eventually the problem will either go away, fix itself, or someone else (namely “a man”), will solve the problem for us, out of sight, and then we won’t ever actually have to deal with it. This is how females are generally wired, because women are physically weaker than men, and the best way for a woman to keep from getting raped and murdered is to AVOID combat situations in the first place. This is what today’s post-Christian western man has been trained to do and be since infancy.

The other profoundly feminine mode of avoidance is something I observe on a near-daily basis. It is the strategy that says, “Let’s wait to do anything until it is too late to do anything. Then it won’t be our fault, because it will have been too late to do anything.” This is such transparent cowardice, but oh, so attractive to the effeminized men of today. It is painted not as the abject cowardice and impotence that it is, but rather as “prudence”. It is now believed that the prudent man is not the man who discerns and does the right, but rather the man who does NOTHING.

I am reminded of Bonhoeffer’s quote: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

No, the hallmark gesture of today’s effeminized man is not the limp wrist and swishing hips of the “faggot”. The hallmark gesture of today’s effeminized post-Christian western man is the SHRUGGING OF THE SHOULDERS. Devoid of virility, devoid of potency, and at its core, devoid of CHARITY, today’s man, when confronted with evil, turns his head away to the side, shrugs his shoulders, and bleats out his twin mottoes:



And so, many people look at the oligarch class, these nefarious characters infecting every corner of society, from the halls of academia, to the corporate boardrooms, to the halls of government, to the halls of the Church, and they see, generally, drooling imbeciles. And they then think that surely these drooling imbeciles will do themselves in – all we need do is wait for them to trip over their own thingamajigs and beat themselves. But that isn’t going to happen. They will continue to roll. They will continue to march down the field, because not only are we not mounting an effective defense – MUCH LESS any sort of counter-offense, WE AREN’T EVEN FIELDING A TEAM.

If two teams are playing, and one team is the “NFL Dream Team of All Time” and the other team is comprised of a blind, mentally retarded three year old, the blind, mentally retarded three year old, ALONE, can beat the NFL Dream Team of All Time IF the Dream Team never comes out of the locker room. The blind, retarded three year old can literally run up and down the gridiron, scoring at will, so long as the Dream Team remains in the locker room, watching the blind, mentally retarded three year old cross the goal line time after time, shrugging their shoulders, declaring, “There’s nothing we can do about it. Whatever. It’s not my problem.”

And what is never shown on camera or discussed is the “coach” (satan) and “assistant coaches” (demons) on the sidelines, coaxing and calling the mentally retarded three year old down the field to uncontested score after uncontested score.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

1. The March ARSH 2015 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for my Benefactors will be on March 19th, which is the Feast of St. Joseph! I thought it most fitting, considering the Novena we all did together last month to St. Joseph. He did indeed find me a new parking spot for the Van, and while more expensive in absolute terms, it is an excellent value, and much closer to my job where I Clean All the Things. I won’t miss the commute, such as it was.

I hope all is going well for youse guys, both supporters and enemies. I pray for you every day, specifically that you make it to heaven, because in the end, that is really all that is going to matter. The interim details I leave to God.

2. Many people have asked about specific courses of action. Let me re-post my list of action items:

1.) Media strike
2.) Education system strike (or, put another way, not engaging in child abuse by sending your kids to Marxist-Sodomite indoctrination centers.)
3.) Financial market strike
4.) Tax strike (Max out withholding (if not self-employed) and then don’t file. DO NOT file a false return.)
5.) General strike
6.) Armed counter-revolution

Failure to engage in options one through five GUARANTEES the necessity of number six. Sadly, that is where we are going.

3. Of course, prayer and fasting are antecedents to the six points above. Inspired by the tremendous number of folks who joined in my St. Joseph Novena last month, I have put together a special Rosary – the Sorrowful Mysteries – in Latin, for the “Crushing of and in Reparation for the Heresy of Modernism”, which I have been saying daily for a while now. Modernism is the “synthesis of all heresies” as Pope St. Pius X called it, and it pretty much covers everything. Pope Francis and all of the infiltrators of the Church are Modernists.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

I do not think that Francis’ horrific rhetoric should be ignored, but rather explained, because what every one of his episodes provides is an opportunity for catechesis. Even if just one or two people learn and have a lightbulb go on above their head when unpacking his staggering, malignant stupidity, it is worth it. It is certainly better than nothing. For example, when he was recently in the Philippines, a little girl asked him why God permits terrible things like child prostitution to happen. And, of course, Francis, being dumb and apparently profoundly uncatechized in Catholicism, said, “She is the only one who has put forward a question for which there is no answer—.”

Um, no. The answer is because God Almighty, because He LOVES US, holds our wills SACRED and will not ever overcome our will or coerce us, because the second He does that, we are no longer subjects, but objects. Plastic chessmen. Love CANNOT be coerced. It has to be freely given and freely returned, and that freedom includes the freedom to reject The Lover and to choose evil. A third of the angels chose evil. We choose evil with every sin. And, paradoxically, it is precisely in that reality that we KNOW that we are loved more than we can ever, ever comprehend.

But now somewhere in the Philippines there is a little girl who thinks that God is an indifferent “divine watchmaker” and that the Church has no answer to her question, when in fact it is a children’s Penny Catechism 101 topic.

This is why I pray for God to remove Pope Francis from office.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

The aberrosexual NFL washout Michael Sam “proposed” to the guy whose body he uses for masturbatory friction on the cupola of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome – exactly, directly over the tomb of St. Peter. Because there was no other place on the surface of the earth that these shameless sodomites could have mocked and aped the sacrament of marriage. They had to do it whilst LITERALLY dancing on the grave of St. Peter.

Folks, the objective of these people and their satanic agenda is not, never has been, and never will be a “peaceful co-existence”. The order of progression, once sodomites are given even the slightest quarter in a culture, is:
Tolerance, acceptance, ratification, cooperation, participation.

Now you might be asking, “How can they force people to PARTICIPATE?”

The actor Billy Crystal, who actually played the first open sodomite character on teevee on the creepy sitcom SOAP in the ’70s, said recently that he really doesn’t care to watch sodomite sex scenes on teevee and in movies and was attacked and “forced” to apologize. Watching pornographic depictions of sodomite activity is a form of participation. Crystal was “punished” for stating that he preferred not to participate.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Let’s speak bluntly about abortion vis-a-vis the black community. The average American black, immersed in, sympathetic to and morally crippled by the rap/hip-hop culture, isn’t going to be moved or persuaded by the fact that Planned Parenthood was founded by the eugenicist Margaret Sanger specifically for the purpose of exterminating first and foremost blacks, and let it also be said, low-IQ whites. But Sanger’s main target for genocide was blacks – no question.

Here’s the crap-cutting: Today’s black culture is so degenerated that even when confronted with objective evidence of their own genocide, they will COOPERATE with it because the ability to have mindless, loveless, promiscuous quasi-animal sex without “being punished with a baby” trumps absolutely everything. Blacks in the west today WANT to kill the children they conceive every bit as much as their champagne-communist masters, and will happily crawl into bed with people who are explicitly and openly desirous of genociding the entire black race – SO LONG AS THEY CAN KEEP SCREWING MINDLESSLY.

You know I’m right. You know that Dr. Alvedea King is preaching to a cinderblock wall. And before you declare me a racist, remember that the entire point I’m trying to make is that there should be far, far, far MORE black people alive today than there are. The SMALLNESS of the black population in the west is a problem, and we wouldn’t be in this mess if our society was still Christian and people – ALL PEOPLE – were getting married and being blessed by God with big families.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

I see that there have been many protest marches and gatherings in France wherein people are holding up signs saying, “Je suis Charlie.” “I am Charlie.” Um, I’m not Charlie. These people were not the pillars of society or role models, as evidenced by their pro-sodomite blasphemy linked above. Satan frequently uses these multi-vectored attacks because one has to be able to process multiple datasets simultaneously AND identify and maintain the connections (and disconnections) between them. And, as we have discussed before, modern western man has been so dumbed-down and contra-educated that holding ONE premise and following a single-track logical progression is nearly impossible for most people today. In this case, we have to juggle multiple subjects and then tease out the truth and the morally upright position and reaction. Let’s see if we can do it.

A.) These people did not deserve to be murdered. Obviously.
B.) They are not martyr saints.
C.) Freedom of speech is not a “god” unto itself. Only God is God, and His rights trump ours. Americans, in particular, have a tendency to worship the Constitution and the American governmental paradigm, particularly with regard to the “rights of man” over and above God. Careful with that. It’s a very slippery slope.
D.) The issue here is islam, and the fault, blame and culpability for these murders lies squarely in the lap of islam and nowhere else. No excuses can be made, no justification can be fabricated, no quarter can be given. Islam cares not a whit about our arguments amongst ourselves regarding freedom of speech or anything else. All islam cares about is complete earthly submission to islam, and it will happily let us argue amongst ourselves while it slaughters us where we sit.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #sexist barnhardt.biz

I saw a story about a twelve year old boy who recently murdered himself. This boy behaved in extremely effeminate and flamboyant way, and was, by all appearances, an enthusiastic aspirant to the sodomite lifestyle. He was teased a bit at school. And I say “a bit” because by the sounds of it the majority of people not only tolerated his deviant behavior (yes, DEVIANT), but enthusiastically encouraged him in it.

This kid was TWELVE.

I would just like to say, just so it is on the record when years from now people are sifting through the rubble and ash of this godforsaken culture, that this boy’s parents, teachers, and so-called “friends” — but most especially his parents — have his blood all over their hands. They failed him so profoundly that he murdered himself. In what sense?

THEY DID NOT CORRECT AND PUNISH HIS DEVIANT BEHAVIOR. In fact, they apparently bent over backwards to encourage their son to be an aspiring sodomite. Who drove this boy to CHEERLEADING PRACTICE? Who paid for CHEERLEADING lessons? Who said, “yes” to his request to be a CHEERLEADER in the first place? And don’t tell me that male cheerleaders in college are macho and that this kid was analogous to them. Bull. Those guys are POWERLIFTERS who figure out that they can hang out and get their hands literally ALL OVER hot-bodied, scantily clad chickie-poos whilst showing off to the other dudes that they can do repeated 100 pound one-armed overhead presses. This kid was monstrously, monstrously effeminate. Not a libidinous heterosexual powerlifter, so don’t even try that.

Who indulged his hobby of fashion design? Who took him to the fabric store and encouraged a hobby that TODAY is utterly saturated and defined by SODOMITES? Who paid for the cable teevee that this YOUNG BOY sat in front of for the last twelve years, watching all of the satanic, sodomite-glorifying agitporn and allowing those seeds to be sown in his mind?

Do you realize, or for most of you REMEMBER, when fathers and mothers actually did their jobs and corrected and punished deviant, perverted behavior in their children instead of wallowing in it as they derived a twisted self-satisfaction in watching their own offspring psychologically and spiritually self-destruct?

Are any of you still able to comprehend the fact that schoolyard teasing for deviant, self-destructive behavior is actually a GOOD THING that keeps people from becoming self-destructive aberrosexuals? – but that’s redundant because aberrosexuality is by definition self-destructive. You know why? Because it is SIN.

Do we or do we not believe that sodomy IS A SIN, in fact, one of the sins that cry out to heaven for God’s vengeance? DO YOU BELIEVE THAT OR NOT? If you do, then to say that a parent should not only NOT aggressively correct and punish such wicked (yes, WICKED) behavior, but encourage and ratify all of the egregious signs of a child or young adult falling into the sodomite psychosis, which can only lead to misery, despair, and eventually hell, is self-contradicting nonsense.

That boy would be alive today had his parents DONE THEIR JOB and refused to indulge and facilitate their son’s obvious and profound bewitchment by the sodomite culture which they pumped to him via the family cable feed. He would be alive today if at the first instance of him vying for attention by acting camp and feminine he had been given a good hard smack and sent to his room, with the stern, crystal clear warning that any further repetition of such wickedness would be punished swiftly and severely.

Barring supernatural intervention, prepare to see the percentage of the population that is sexually deviant skyrocket parabolically, because as the musloid culture proves beyond a shadow of a doubt with its sky-high rates of man-on-man and man-on-boy perversion, deviant sexuality CAN be inculcated with great “success”, and that is precisely the objective of both the education system and the media. And the populace has been brainwashed into believing that happily sacrificing their own children to satan on the altar of aberrosexuality is the pinnacle of virtue and nobility. Having an aberrosexual child is now a badge of honor, and when they murder themselves they are made saints, when the truth is probably exactly the opposite, not that anyone genuinely cares or is bothered by the thought of that young man being lost for all eternity to hell.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

[These are the opening lines. Seriously, read the whole thing. It's bloody hilarious]

Obama used the known deserter/traitor/musloid convert Bergdahl for the release of the top five most valuable Gitmo detainees because the entire former American government, now fronted by the imbecile-puppet Obama, along with the Clinton machine, and a massive contingent of bureaucrat operatives loyal to the megabanks saturating all three branches and the military, has been overthrown and is explicitly allied with islam.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Paul VI then oversaw the near-but-not-total destruction of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, allowing Marxist-sodomite infiltrators to run absolutely hog-wild in the Novus Ordo paradigm. He also sat silently and watched clergy all over the world openly defy his teaching in Humanae Vitae that contraception was grave mortal sin. The subsequent result was the de facto apostasy of well over 90% of western Catholics, and the collapse of Western Civiliaztion, which you, dear reader, are living through at this moment.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

It has to be said: what kind of parent would send their child to a public school today in the first place? I’m dead serious here. Public school is handing your children over to Marxist, satanic psychopaths because you (the parents, and let’s face it, grandparents too. If I was a grandparent, I’d offer to help with the home schooling myself OR chip in to pay for private tutors. Hey. Two BRILLIANT ideas in one sentence: something for the old folks to do besides watching the damn TeeVee AND the call for the resurgence in the private tutoring business!) are too damn greedy and/or lazy to homeschool. ”We can’t AFFORD it.” Yeah. The immortal souls of your OWN CHILDREN are of little to no value. Way to go, post-Christian denizens of the Iniquitous Gutter Kleptarchy. Way to “take up your crosses.” Nice hustle.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

Back to my old job of STATING THE BLOODY OBVIOUS: Barack Obama personally and the entire Obama regime is in an EXPLICIT ALLIANCE with the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama personally is a product of the MB and has connections from his university days, Chicago and his putative Kenyan relatives – Malik Obama (putative half brother) is a high-ranking MB player in Africa. Further, Hillary Clinton’s right-hand-man and possible lesbian concubine Huma Abedin (Mrs. Anthony Weiner) is the daughter of two of the MB’s highest-ranking members. The MB has massively, massively infiltrated the United States, the FEDGOV bureaucracy, the intelligence agencies, most particularly the FBI, and the Congress and Executive branches of the post-American regime. Further, nothing will be said about the Christian genocide in Egypt (well over 80 Coptic churches and monasteries burned in the last three weeks) because these people in Washington are evil, evil people and HATE Christianity and the Church. They WANT Christianity and Christians to be exterminated. They relish in the death of the Copts in Egypt. [And the slaughter of Christians in Syria, and the near-total elimination of Chaldean Christians in Iraq, and the non-response to the genocide of Christians in Nigeria, including the non-response to the kidnapping of the 230 Christian schoolgirls by Boko Haram on April 15th.] They relish in the genocide and are preparing to carry out the same thing in the former United States eventually, in an axis with Sodomites, musloids and militant Marxists – and many of the Sodomites and Marxists will SELF-IDENTIFY AS “CHRISTIANS”. You mark my words. This war is going to be so unlike anything ever before seen, because the lines of battle are going to be almost impossible to conventionally demarcate. Every population center will be its own discrete theater, and the players, with the exception of gang-bangers, will be almost impossible to visually sort. And yes, there will absolutely be white, middle-class suburban people among the enemy. Been to the airport lately? TSA much?

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

First, if you are Catholic and under the age of 60 or so, it is because the Church has been infiltrated by Marxist-homosexualists tasked with destroying the Church from the inside. Their father, satan, wants to convince as many people as possible that abortion is “morally neutral” or “contingent on the circumstances”. Beyond that, satan actually does want people to believe that aborted babies go to heaven so that eventually he can convince people that abortion can be a MORAL GOOD (like the woman above). Satan gets two things out of this.

A.) He maximizes the number of people who murder their own children and then DO NOT REPENT, thus dying in mortal sin and going to hell.

B.) The second thing satan achieves is keeping as many human beings from achieving that which he himself rejected and RAGES against: The Beatific Vision. Satan is willing to compromise and cut his losses. He’ll take the baby going to the Limbo of the Innocents, never seeing the Beatific Vision PLUS the damnation of the unrepentant mother AND the damnation of the apostate priests, nuns and clergy who told the woman that her abortion wasn’t a sin because “the baby is in heaven.” Why? Because NONE of those people is in heaven, and that is what satan wants.

If you are Protestant, you have never heard anything about this because Protestantism is intrinsically stupid and insipid. That’s it. Superfun Rockband church. Jimmy Swaggart. Brain dead Methodist “we’re just here to keep up appearances”. Don’t believe me? Okay. Ask your preacher/presider/facilitator/host on Sunday if aborted babies go to heaven, and after reading this, stand back and bask in the bumbling ignorance of his (or her, shudder) answer. Yep. You can almost visualize it right now, can’t you?

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Dear post-Christian Iniquitous Gutter Republic:
You aren’t repenting, and thus God cannot extend His mercy to you. To not be sorry, and to not do penance – real penance, not just giving up chocolate – and thus to do nothing to stop the sins and offenses against God, indicates that you A.) don’t believe that that your sins are sins, and/or B.) if you do actually realize they are sins, you just don’t care that you are offending God. Either way, you, by your ongoing failure to repent and do anything to stop the unprecedented offenses against God, are telling Him in no uncertain terms that His Mercy is neither required or desired. And so shall it be.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

[Comment on Fr Timothy Dolan's approval of Michael Sam coming out]

For the sodomites, and ultimately their father satan, mere toleration was never, ever the goal. The goal is full ratification and publicly-stated approval, followed by the outlawing of non-ratification and/or non-participation. Dolan has now explicitly and undeniably ratified sodomy with the words “Bravo” and “Good for him.” And why did he do it? Because he saw the wild mainstream popularity of Pope Francis and he wants in on it too. Let’s quit dancing around the reality of the situation. Pope Francis is popular for one reason and one reason only: his moral laxity, permissiveness, moral relativism and compulsive downplaying of the gravity of sin. Duh.

We are clearly now in the extreme end-stages of this culture. It is now “illegal” to not participate in the cult of child sacrifice, and it is likewise also almost completely illegal to not participate in or service the cult of sodomy – and jackasses like Dolan will be in position, squarely behind the people, continuing to place his foot firmly in the smalls of their backs and pushing them straight into hell, quoting Pope Francis Bergoglio all the way. The staggering, unquantifiable damage that Pope Francis Bergoglio has done and continues to do is utterly unprecedented. Pope Francis’ litany of active statements of permissiveness makes the mere silence of Paul VI seem like “the good old days”. Heck, at least Paul VI had Humanae Vitae. Er, or should that be “at most”? Either way, the poop well and truly does roll downhill.


Sweet Jesus, please do absolutely whatever it takes – WHATEVER IT TAKES – to make this stop. We know we deserve not only this, but so much worse. We know it will hurt – badly. But we know that you have and will provide us with the tools and strength we need to weather the storm. We have the Church, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and You Yourself in the Eucharist. We have Your Mother as our mother and advocate, and her Most Holy Rosary to keep us focused and mindful of Your life, death and resurrection every day, as well as all of your Holy Saints and Angels. But please, for the sake of your Sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us, and on the whole world. Show us Your Mercy by showing us Your Justice. PLEASE MAKE THIS STOP.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

The Romans of the 4th century were pagans who either knew very little or nothing at all of Christ. They had the Natural Law as their only guide. We, in the starkest of contrasts, have Christ Himself, physically present in the Eucharist, with our culture *allegedly* built on Him, and yet we have utterly denied and rejected Him and have reverted and descended all the way back to the worst pagan cultures, and in some ways have plumbed even greater depths of depravity. The only revolt that is worse in enormity and scope than ours against God is the revolt of Lucifer. Even the Jews of the Old Testament in all of their many episodes of falling away from God, didn’t have the knowledge of Christ (obviously, because the Incarnation had not yet happened) and did not have the Physical Presence of God Himself to be taken into their own bodies, in the Eucharist.

We have nailed Christ to the Cross, and when He looks at us and asks us why, we have the unmitigated gall to say, “It’s not my fault. I didn’t see You there. You should have spoken up.”

WE are going to burn like no other culture has burned before, including Rome, because we have, by far, the most guilt. Ignorance due to laziness in the face of unprecedented freedom and license, wealth and leisure time, potential education, technology and availability of information, and the knowledge of and physical presence of Christ Himself is why we must and we WILL burn. No one has ever, ever deserved it more.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

There is basically a media blackout on the counter-revolution in Ukraine, but y’all better pay close, close attention, because A.) decent human beings are being slaughtered in the streets for standing up to an illegitimate government and this ALWAYS merits attention as a function of simple charity and B.) I think the events in Ukraine are a foreshadowing or prototype of what will eventually play out in North America. The two situations have many similarities.

Please note that I used the term “counter-revolution” with regards to Ukraine. Remember, “revolution” refers to any movement that turns AWAY from God. Without doubt or question, the tyrannical Ukrainian oligarchy executed a cold revolution in which it turned away from God and toward Moscow, Putin and their own personal enrichment. The “revolution” is a fait accompli. What the people of Ukraine have been and are now doing is COUNTER-REVOLUTION. They are sick and tired of being used and abused by a cadre of oligarchs who are toadies of Putin. They want to turn back toward justice, honesty in government and the rule of law. Again, Putin is an evil, evil, evil man. You people who are still falling for his garbage need to wise up. He is playing you for a fool. Just because he goes into a church and crosses himself and makes token gestures against sodomites doesn’t make him good. It makes him politically savvy and nothing more. If Obama learns to cross himself (assuming that the action wouldn’t cause him to burst into flames or melt), are you going to fall all over him too? Guys, Putin and Obama are cut from the same cloth. It is not impossible that Obama has explicit ties to Moscow, and may have even been in Moscow for a time during the missing two years in the early 80's when he claims to have been at Columbia in NYC, but was almost certainly nowhere near that sulfuric hive of iniquity.


Now, let me post a quote from a piece published today about Ukraine titled “Bloodlands”, and I will put in red [curly] brackets substitutions in the U.S. context and tell me that the two situations aren’t eerily similar:

—It is far more a criminal syndicate than a classic totalitarian regime. The tactics Yanukovych {the Obama regime} has employed as president — forging alliances with oligarchs (who have funded the president’s political party and also made him vastly wealthy personally); hiring gangs of brutes to cow potential opponents; assassinating opponents who didn’t get the message from the thugs or who refused to kowtow; aggregating power in the hands of a single party held together by greed, the lust for power, and the fear of retribution; the thoroughgoing corruption of the justice system and the courts; the eventual strangulation of parliament {Congress} — were all previewed in the late 1990s and the early years of the new century when Yanukovych was governor of the Donetsk oblast in eastern Ukraine {an Illinois state representative and then U.S. Senator}. There, Yanukovych {Obama} honed his capacity to acquire, and then hold on to, a form of power that is cemented together by personal loyalties, financial cupidity, and fear rather than by any common ideology. Call it clan politics; call it Mafia politics; call it whatever you like, only don’t call it “democratic.” Yanukovych {the Obama regime} may have come to power through the formal mechanisms of democracy (although the legitimacy of recent elections in Ukraine {the former United States} is certainly open to doubt). But as EuroMaidan leaders {screeching American harpies} such as former world heavyweight champion Vitaliy Klychko {Ann Barnhardt} have long insisted, Yanukovych {the Obama regime} has destroyed constitutional governance in Ukraine {the former United States}, and Ukraine {the now-overthrown United States} can no longer be considered a democracy.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

In my video in which I burned the Koran, I bookmarked the various pages with strips of raw bacon. Why did I do this? Is it because I actually believed that I was thumbing my nose at a non-existent pagan moon deity? Nope. People, there is NO SUCH THING AS “ALLAH”, so therefore what sense would it make for me to “offend” or “bait” a non-existent entity?

And a book is just a book. The paper is made out of tree cellulose and the ink is made out of petroleum and probably some sort of soy derivative. The bacon itself was composed of muscle tissue, fat tissue and connective tissue. The components of these tissues are water, protein, fatty acids and collagen. Break it down further and we’re talking carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen in various configurations. Touching a piece of bacon, or any piece of pork or pigskin to a book does not result in anything except making a bit of a greasy mess of the book. No pagan moon deity is roused from slumber and filled with murderous wrath. Do you know why? Because THERE IS NO PAGAN MOON DEITY.

So why did I bookmark my koran with bacon? Because it was WITTY. Because it pointed up the absurdity of the West’s groveling before musloid superstitions – specifically the U.S. Military’s rules and protocol for handling korans, namely handling with the right hand only, and preferably with the hand or hands gloved.

Yeah, because the people who actually use toilet paper and DON’T wipe their butts with their bare left hands are the ones with the “dirty hands”. You betcha, General Petraeus.


Christ, on the other hand, is Real. Not only is He real, but He was there, in the septic tank with Thomas Vander Woude. Christ knows all about diving into tanks of shit, because that is exactly what He did for us. He was literally born in shit, in a cave that acted as a shelter for livestock. The floors were covered in shit, as were the walls. Don’t think that wasn’t symbolic and carefully planned by Him. You don’t think He could have worked it out so that there was one room left at the inn? Sure He could have – but He specifically chose the shit. He chose the shit because humanity fell into the septic tank, and we are all, every single one of us, drowning in our own shit. We just call it “sin”. The funny thing is, most of us don’t feel Jesus underneath us, holding us up. It just feels like we are standing on a solid base. You know why? Because like Thomas Vander Woude, Our Blessed Lord isn’t struggling. He isn’t squirming or flailing as He sucks our shit into his lungs. He’s just down there, supporting us, holding us up, drowning in our shit, with more solidity than the foundations of the earth, so that we can have life. I reckon the challenge in day-to-day life is to never delude one’s self into thinking that we are standing on the bottom of the tank and holding ourselves up. We aren’t. That’s Our Blessed Lord down there, whether or not we perceive it, or even believe it.

Remember this the next time you hear some musloid waxing philosophical on ritually clean death and admission criteria to “allah’s paradise”. And don’t belittle Christ, His Incarnation and His Sacrifice by encouraging such stupidity of thought. The fates of men’s souls aren’t trivia, and it sure as heck isn’t a game of tag played with pork products. Shooting someone with a pork-coated bullet doesn’t make you the judge of mankind, determining who goes to hell and who doesn’t. That task belongs to Christ and Christ alone, since it is Christ and Christ alone who has willingly drowned in the shit of every human being. And for that we should feel nothing but gratitude.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

Dread. From the moment the white smoke appeared, it has just been dread. Every day I dread what he is going to say or do. What must be remembered in all of this, and what I have been saying since day one of the Franciscan pontificate is that we MUST understand and remember that Our Lord is ANGRY. Very, very angry. And as St. John Eudes told is in no uncertain terms, when God is angry with His people, we get bad clergy. Given the unprecedented sins of the once-Christian world, it should be no surprise whatsoever that we now have not just bad priests, but a bad pope. Hey, if we had the pope we deserved we would have Pope Snoop Dogg right now, so— yeah. Sigh.

If you have listened to the first podcast, you heard the discussion about the criticality of thinking and arguing from the foundation a TRUE PREMISE. That is what we have to do here when unpacking Francis’ latest mess. Let’s establish some TRUE premises and compare them with the FALSE premises that people are trying to use.

False premise #1: Pope Francis is intelligent, because only an intelligent man could ever rise through the Church and be elected pope. (This sounds eerily familiar somehow—)
TRUE premise: Pope Francis is not a terribly intelligent man.

We want to believe that the people who are in charge or in positions of authority are competent to wield that authority, and that the world is a perfect meritocracy. It is not. It is consoling to one’s self to think that there are people out there who know and understand more than we do and can thus take care of us and handle problems. This is not always true, and as our culture rots and corrupts, the less frequently this is true. Academia is filled with idiots, liars and abject incompetents. The business world rewards psychopathy and elevates stupid people and the unqualified who present no real threat to the able psychopaths, and are regarded as easily controlled pawns. Once you shake off your innate, and quite frankly FEMININE, bias toward believing that occupying a position of authority PROVES competence, it is actually quite easy to spot people who are “the real deal” and, conversely, the poseurs. One simple metric? Real Deals answer questions clearly and directly. Their “yes” means yes, and their “no” means no. Poseurs are evasive and rely heavily on slogans and buzzwords; “speaks much, says little”. Pope Francis’ main buzzterms are “humility”, “dialogue”, “encounter” and “the poor”. I’m not convinced that he has a thorough or even adequate understanding of even one of those terms.

False premise #2: Pope Francis understands economics and the financial system.
TRUE premise: Pope Francis understands little to nothing about economics and the financial system.

This cannot be overemphasized. Taking economic advice from Pope Francis is like taking advice on deep sea oil drilling or the proper playing of the French Horn from me. For those of you who have watched my 2.5 hour video series on YouTube about the financial system and economics, do you honestly believe that Pope Francis knows ANYTHING about any of that? Do you think he understands the situation with regards to the banking system, the debt bubble or the massive global derivatives exposure? And that is just barely scratching the surface of the topic. Do you think Pope Francis even understands or has thought about what money actually is? Let me answer that question clearly. No. Pope Francis’ entire economic platform is, “Give poor people more free stuff forevah.” That’s it.

False premise #3: Pope Francis is politically conservative or completely non-political.
TRUE premise: Pope Francis is a Peronist-Fascist which is a particular subset of Marxism in South America that believes that the state should control the economy and redistribute wealth.

Being that he is not terribly intelligent, he does not understand or have figured out that all political agitation for state-driven, forced coercion of “redistribution of wealth” has NOTHING to do with helping the poor and EVERYTHING to do with consolidating wealth and power among a cadre of oligarchs precisely by creating and then looting a massive underclass. Lenin called these people who actually believe that Marxism genuinely cares about the poor, “useful idiots”. Trapped by his own misguided belief that the poor are somehow INTRINSICALLY SPIRITUALLY SUPERIOR, when he sees the inevitable results of Marxism, namely the proliferation and spread of material poverty throughout a culture, he reconciles it in his own mind by canonizing the underclass and telling himself that they are spiritually “better off” for being materially poor. This is not a malevolent position, but it is a deeply stupid position.


Now, I am going to Mass of the Ages to encounter Our Lord, physically present in the Eucharist, as have so many saints before us. Please God, let me grow ever-more intransigent in my faith.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

With regard to the counties in Colorado voting to move forward in the process of forming a 51st state, no I’m not impressed. First, the FEDGOV will never, ever approve such a thing because it would dilute the Senate and the two new diluted Senate seats would both be conservative. Not that the legislative branch has any actual power anymore. What a joke. The Legislative Branch is simply a lapdog to the Tyrant Executive, and of zero consequence to the Judiciary, which has usurped the role of authoring legislation for quite some time now. But more importantly, why is forming a new state that still exists inside an Iniquitous Gutter Republic any sort of improvement? This is the working definition of peeing into the wind. Bottom line: When someone starts a movement to SECEDE FROM THE UNION, then and only then will I pay attention. Anything less than that is simply the rearranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic. Anyone with a brain knows that you need to get your butts in a lifeboat and row away from the sinking monstrosity as hard and as fast as you possibly can.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

The interesting factoid released last week was that cable/sat licensing revenues comprised 80% of CurrentTV’s revenue, with the other 20% coming from on-air advertising. I did not realize that these channels were THAT budgetarily dependent on the cable/sat fees. I would have thought that advertising revenue was in excess of 50% of their total revenue. I was very, very wrong in that assumption.

The point is, you people are paying for this crap, and they are TOTALLY dependent on your monthly pinches of incense. You and your tacit consent via your continued patronage of the cable/sat market are absolutely, positively, without question the entire driving force behind all of it. If they lose the cable/sat licensing revenues, it’s lights out, right now. The ad revenue is not even close to sufficient to keep them afloat. That’s just the walking around money to them.

How ironic that they are making the lion’s share of their money off of people who never, ever watch their channel, but are too apathetic to withdraw their consent and their dollars. And it isn’t just Algore and CurrentTV. It is MTV and their utterly satanic sewage. It is the “gay” channel. It is Oprah’s neo-pagan cult channel – rotting the brains and souls out of one middle-aged suburban Kathy at a time. It is MSNBC. It is FoxNews and its insidious ploy to dupe people like you into thinking that the Republic is still intact, and that “Republicans” are actually fighting against the Obama regime, and that all of this will be straightened out once we “take back the Senate and maybe even the White House!”, and that the Obama regime is merely an incompetent, left-of-center historical speedbump. Rah! Rah! Yay America! It’s bread and circuses for people like you – people with 20 IQ points on the average “Dancing With the Stars” viewer. O’Reilly, Krauthammer, Kelley, Hannity – none of these people will touch the truth with a ten foot pole, and never will. Because the Truth in days like these leads to toilet scrubbing. ”Centrist moderation”, aka lying by both commission and omission, leads to eight-figure annual pay packages. They have made their choice, you must make your choice. I damn sure have made mine.

Anne Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

[Pope] Francis is a scourge. He is a chastisement upon us, and we deserve it because we have done basically NOTHING while the Church has been all but destroyed, the Mass turned into an abomination and a mocking of Our Blessed Lord upon the Altar and in the Tabernacle, and Western Civilization destroyed as a direct result.

50 million children are murdered every year in the world. Sodomy and fornication are destroying lives and souls at a clip never before seen in human history, and now have as their goal the total and complete destruction of the family unit and the sacrament of marriage. The financial system has been destroyed and the livelihoods of billions of people are, as we speak, being stolen and the loot being distributed amongst a cadre of oligarchs. Mohamedism is running totally unchecked and is now explicitly supported by the maggot-infested carcass of post-Christian civilization, led by the former American republic.

Every day souls are lost forever to hell in numbers that are far too horrific to comprehend.

And Pope Narcissus I just said that the two greatest problems in the world are youth unemployment and lonliness among old people.

Well, let’s see, I’m technically unemployed, and now poor, and am terrified of what will become of me if I should live to old age. Gee, I wish I had been torn limb from limb and then had my brains sucked out of my skull. If only I wasn’t so hindered by OBJECTIVE MORALITY, I might have gone to a nightclub and assuaged, even if only temporarily, my loneliness. Because, you know, good and evil are just “conceptions” in my mind.

Even if the Holy Spirit strikes Francis dead tomorrow, the fact that he has said these things and has given the enemies of God and His Holy Church these rhetorical cudgels will live on until Our Lord returns in Glory. These quotes will be used henceforth to discredit and sow confusion. We will be beaten with them non-stop from now on. Paul VI remained silent in the face of abject insubordination and sat and watched as the Mass and Christian culture were dismantled in the 1960s and 70s. But Paul VI wrote Humanae Vitae. As horrible as his silence was, even Paul VI can be defended because his words, when he said anything, were Catholic. Francis is making positive statements, albeit NOT ex cathedra statements, but still private statements made important by the massive dignity of his office, that are now clearly outside of Catholicism and are textbook Modernism. That is a whole ‘nother level of ugly, friends.

Go to confession early and often. And remember, there is no salvation outside the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. If you leave and reject the Church, you are leaving and rejecting Christ. Period. The separation of the wheat from the chaff, the sorting of the sheep from the goats, the sorting of the catch in the nets. That’s what this is.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

The fact that the ObamaCare website is a complete clusterbungle that is totally inoperative is 100% INTENTIONAL.

This reminds me exactly of the Ukraine under Stalin in the early 1930s. The Ukraine is the breadbasket of eastern Europe. Tremendous farming and wheat production was centered in the Ukraine. Under Lenin, and then Stalin, all farms and food production were seized and controlled by the state. The Soviets hated the Ukrainians and wanted them all dead.


This ObamaCare website is similar in tactic. You are going to be punished for failing to comply with ObamaCare, even though the regime has specifically and maliciously seen to it that compliance is impossible – not that any person of conscience should even attempt to comply with the satanic ObamaCare anyway.

It’s intentional.
It’s intentional.
It’s intentional.

History rhymes. Like an Irishman’s dirty limerick.

You people had better man up and do something real and concrete to depose these neo-Stalinist psychopaths. Mere talk and hand-wringing leads straight to mass graves.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #homophobia barnhardt.biz

" But my hairdresser is so CUTE, and he always tells me how cute my outfit is. I can't judge him! But my nephew is such a sweetie, and he always played with dolls, even when he was little. How dare you say he can't have sex!"

Because what your hairdresser and your nephew do with other men when you aren't there, namely jamming their penises up into each other's feces-laden colons and mouths and using that as a point of masturbatory friction, is so depraved and so incredibly evil, inhuman and disgusting that it makes Our Lord NAUSEOUS, and is so twisted that even the demons choose to withdraw instead of staying around and witnessing it.

Remember 20 years ago before you allowed yourself to be desensitized to sodomitical behavior by the agitporn on the teevee? Remember when the sight of two men or two women in even the slightest homosexual activity, or even the IMPLICATION of homosexual activity, made you nauseous, frightened, sad and disgusted all at the same time? That is healthy. That is the way it is supposed to be. If you have become desensitized to this evil, beg God to regenerate that part of you so that you once again can have a right-ordered and Godly response to it. Because if you are indifferent to it, satan wins, because not only will no one help people with same-sex attractions carry their cross in chastity, but now we will have the very people who should be helping them (the Church) actually sticking their foot in their back and PUSHING THEM down the road to hell.

So, when you see and hear people on the so-called "right" saying that we have to throw in the towel on this, understand that they are fully in the service of satan, whether they realize it or not. And STEER WELL CLEAR.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

I'm not psychic. I'm not a prophet. I don't hear voices. I simply am NOT STUPID, I have read history, and I have the stones to acknowledge obvious, objective reality. How anyone could NOT see all of this stuff coming is completely beyond me. You can see all of these things coming miles and miles away.

And by the way, this applies to my fears about Obama being assassinated. Seriously, how stupid and balless do you have to be in order to honestly argue and believe that COMMUNISTS are not capable of killing anyone? How stupid and balless do you have to be to convince yourself that COMMUNISTS, who murdered AT MINIMUM 250 million people in the 20th century alone, would be incapable of murdering a dim-witted, drug addicted homosexual puppet in order to completely overthrow and cement power over the largest economy and largest military force the world has ever seen?

IF Obama is false-flag assassinated, there won't be any "chain of succession" issues. Joe Biden will never, ever be POTUS, no matter what. If Obama is false-flag assassinated the Constitution will be suspended, a "provisional government" will be announced and martial law declared.

I shouldn't be surprised by the abject and complete ignorance of history - even recent 20th century history, the normalcy bias and tunnel vision anymore, but I still am.

I am worried that Obama will be taken out by his own people for exactly the same reason that I called this phoney-baloney unemployment crap months and months ago - because it is ALL SO INCREDIBLY PREDICTABLE, and the populace is too stupid and deluded to even see how predictable it all is.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

1-2-3-4. I don't owe Caesar a damn thing, and it is now to the point where the continued subsidizing of this utterly lawless and illegitimate government puts me in violaton of the

First Commandment (I AM the LORD thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before me.)
by forcing me to break God's Law - the Natural Law - in order to follow the laws of the state; the

Second Commandment (Thou shalt not take the Name of the LORD thy God in vain.)
by punishing and imprisoning my fellow citizens (See Lakin, LTC Terry) who attempt to uphold their sworn oaths, and by forcing me to subsidize a government that is, to the man, populated by oathbreakers; the

Fourth Commandment (Honor thy father and thy mother.)
by actively and consciously destroying the family, discouraging right-ordered marriage through the welfare state, legislating perverted “false marriage” paradigms, facilitating the murder of children by their parents, and pitting society against their parents by encouraging or even mandating euthanasia via ObamaCare; the

Fifth Commandment (Thou shalt not murder.)
through the “legally sanctioned” and MANDATED taxpayer subsidizing of the holocaust of preborn children via abortion as well as the premeditated murder of thousands of Mexican civilians via Operation Fast & Furious; the

Sixth Commandment (Thou shalt not commit adultery.)
through the forced “legalization” of sodomite faux-marriage and the discouragement of chastity and marriage itself via the HHS contraceptive and sterilization mandate as well as welfare state; the

Seventh Commandment (Thou shalt not steal.)
via the government sanctioned, legalized and protected con?scation of private property, the illegal nullification of contracts by the federal government, and the stirring-up by the government of envy and the sense of entitlement to the property of others; the

Eighth Commandment (Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.)
by forcing me to subsidize and give my tacit approval to the lie of Barack Obama's presidency and the fundamental dishonesty of the Eric Holder Department of Justice, in addition to the mathematical lies regarding the state of the banking sectors and the mathematical impossibilities of the government run entitlement ponzi schemes; and the

Tenth Commandment (Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.)
by forcing me to subsidize a government that is built on a premise of and is attempting to fully convert to a system based wholly upon coveting the property of one's neighbor and the forced redistribution of private property.

We're batting .800. Enough is enough. You CANNOT subsidize this government and still claim that God is “first” in your life. It is mathematically, metaphysically and morally impossible. You must choose your allegiances NOW. You must NOW choose who or what it is that you truly worship. Do you worship God or do you worship your wealth? Here's a simple litmus test for you: are you or are you not willing to give up all of your wealth in bearing witness to God in His Truth? If the answer is no, then stop calling yourself a Christian, because you very simply are not.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Q: Ann,
What advice would you have for Tim Tebow?

A: Retire. Get out of that cesspool. You have already accomplished a tremendous amount culturally. You done good, Boy. Now get out of there. The money IS NOT WORTH IT. The single greatest Christian example you could set is to walk away from the NFL right now.

Q: Ann,
Where should I go to college?

A:You probably shouldn't. The people who are going to be in the best shape after this collapse are people who know an honest-to-goodness TRADE. 95% of college degrees are utterly useless. Further, the Marxists are trying to gin up a sense of entitlement amongst the young by stating that a college education is a "human right" and that everyone should have a college degree. What they are really trying to do is enslave everyone with student loan debt. If everyone has a college degree, then a college degree will be, by definition, utterly meaningless. If the guy who scrubs the toilets at Burger King has a bachelor's, then what meaning does a bachelor's have? None. I would recommend learning by apprenticeship something like plumbing, welding, engine repair, carpentry, masonry, animal husbandry, petroleum extraction, machining, fishery, etc. College is over. Most degrees are intrinsically useless. Skip it.

Q: Ann,
What do you think of the Marines who peed on the dead Taliban?

A: I have little sympathy for men who live their lives wiping their anuses with their bare hands after bowel movements, and who view as the pinnacle of human pleasure inserting their genitals and depositing their semen into the feces-laden rectums of boys and other men, who suddenly get squeamish about dead bodies being sprinkled with a bit of urine - which is sterile by the way. Those dead Taliban were probably the cleanest they had ever been in their adult lives after being showered with the righteous tinkles of those Marines. Ooh-rah. That is all. Carry on.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

On May 5th I had an email conversation with a retired military man with spook contacts. All were in total agreement that the Bin Laden episode was pure theater. The SEALS were sent into a compound as evidenced by the lost chopper on site. But Osama Bin Laden wasn't in that compound. Osama Bin Laden has been dead for years. Bin Laden had a genetic condition that caused renal failure (this genetic condition is common among deeply inbred Saudi arab muslims). Bin Laden had been on dialysis BEFORE 9/11. Dialysis is difficult enough for people in first world countries who can have it done in outstanding facilities. Bin Laden was having it done either in caves or in homes post 9/11. People in renal failure having dialysis done in fricking caves do NOT live for ten more years. Period. There was no dialysis equipment found in the compound the SEALS raided on May 2. Of course there wasn't. Bin Laden wasn't in that compound because Bin Laden has been dead for years.

This is why the "body" was declared "positively identified" faster than any known DNA testing process in existence - and this DNA testing was carried out not in a lab mind you, but inside Chinook and/or V-22 Osprey helos en route to the USS Carl Vinson. The body was then dumped into the Indian Ocean in a mad dash to ensure that "burial" took place within 24 hours of death in order to "honor" musloid burial traditions. Not a single picture of the so-called "Bin Laden corpse" has ever been released - and never will.

The entire Bin Laden episode was stagecraft. It was pure theater that was designed to give Obama a boost in the polls and give distraction and cover. Distract from what? Cover from what?

April 20, 2011: The release date of Dr. Jerome Corsi's book, "Where's the Birth Certificate" is announced as May 17, and pre-sales begin on Amazon.com. Corsi's work is known to be extremely thorough and meticulous. Within hours, Corsi's book is #1 on Amazon.com - fully 28 days before its release. The Obama regime is panicked.

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