
Ann Barnhardt #fundie #racist #quack #crackpot #kinkshaming barnhardt.biz

[From “Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” can’t be truly appreciated and understood until you know that it is the story of the miraculous healing and conversion to Christianity of a Diabolical Narcissist Jew”]

Thanks for the patience with all of the reposts this week. Unpacking takes ten times longer than packing, and doing it in the run-up to Christmas is… logistically challenging. It’s Christmas Eve, and that means the traditional viewing of “Scrooge” from ARSH 1951[…]Let us pray with Holy Mother Church:

for the faithless Jews: that Almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord[…]

The ARSH 1951 film “Scrooge” starring Alastair Sim is the definitive film version of “A Christmas Carol”[…]
“A Christmas Carol” took on a whole new life and depth of meaning for me when, after my in-depth study of Diabolical Narcissism several years ago, I realized that the reason why “A Christmas Carol” is such a compelling story[…]
The pre-conversion Scrooge character is a classic DN. He is a cerebral narcissist – highly successful in his profession, a miser, caring for nothing but “his work” – which just happens to be usury (Usury? In London? Nooo…)[…]
Scrooge descends into psychopathic usury, and, as we have discussed, even descends into that horrific sexual perversion – ASEXUALITY, by dumping his fiancée and living a life of LOVELESS, MISERABLE, ELITIST SOLITUDE[…]
The other point here which is TOTALLY lost on the modern world is the fact that EBENEEZER is quite possibly the most HEBREW name ever, and that EVERYONE understood when Dickens wrote the book that Scrooge was one of the many JEWISH USURERS in London[…]
The story closes with the words, “And it was always said that he knew how to keep Christmas well”[…]

That, friends, means that Ebeneezer Scrooge, an ethnic Jew and atheist (as almost all ethnic Jews today are), received baptism and became a believing Christian

Ann Barnhardt #sexist #fundie #homophobia barnhardt.biz

[From “Ladies: To be beautiful is your DUTY as well as your right.”]

This wafted in gracefully over the transom. This is from a Catholic girls’ high school newspaper in the mid-west from the late 1940’s

Look upon this and let it sink in that our culture is truly, literally INVERTED

spoilerAd for Jean Nolan

Teenaged girls today are, as a rule, revolting ugly slobs by their own choice. Beauty is actively, openly despised. Most girls today do not own ONE pretty dress. Not one. The notion that striving to always present oneself beautifully in public – and beauty is OBJECTIVE and REAL, being a constitutive quality of God Himself – is considered hate speech against fat, ugly dykes and really ANY actual females. You do notice that the only acceptable manifestation of “feminine” beauty is now transvestitism; in MEN masquerading as women[…]
And folks, this is about EFFORT. Speaking as a rock-solid 4 on the 1-10 scale, I turn heads on the daily NOT because I’m some great beauty. What turns heads in the EFFORT. Just being put-together and dressed in actual clothes[…]
Physical beauty is obviously the most worldly of these qualities, BUT it is therefore also the most readily identifiable, relatable and accessible. So, start there. Showing a fundamental respect of oneself and of others by ALWAYS appearing in public with a SOLID EFFORT towards beauty will lead to higher, non-physical qualities and virtues IF one is so oriented and has a proper, solidly Christian conception and proper ordination of true, objective beauty commensurate with one’s sex

Also over the transom from a long-time reader (and a VERY spiffy dresser) is this link to the beautiful coat as seen here

Ann Barnhardt and Art Decco #fundie #racist barnhardt.biz

[From “Barnhardt Podcast Episode #211: Israel is The Catholic Church. Period.”]


In this episode, Art and Ann first review the Deputy Barney Fife Protocol for nipping cold and flu viruses in the bud. Then Ann, like, totally goes off on the modern verbal tics, “like” and “I just feel like”. Finally, Ann gives a full on rant against the ridiculous notion of “Zionism”, with Trump’s Zionist appointees Huckabee and Hegseth as the point of departure. It takes a special kind of heretical obtuseness to not instantly recognize that the references in Holy Scripture to Israel, Zion and Jerusalem are prophetic references to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, not the atheist monstrosity which cropped up in the Holy Land in the late 1940s.There will be no peace in the Middle East until both sets of squatters are either kicked out or all are converted to The One True Faith.

Option Two has a name: The Great Commission. It’s either The Great Commission, or the Deep State Military Industrial For-Profit Meat Grinder. The choice is clear.

The only “Israel” that exists today, and for the past nearly-2000 years, is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is no salvation. PERIOD.

Ann’s extremely short list of scripture citations:
Joel 4: 20
Malachi 3: 12
Psalm 146: 2
Psalm 121
Psalm 134: 21
Psalm 121: 6
Jeremiah 3: 14
Isaiah 37: 32
Genesis 28: 16
Deuteronomy 8: 9

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #forced-birth barnhardt.biz

[From “Musical Interlude: “If We Make It Through December””]

Will the Secret Service successfully assassinate him under orders from the CIA? Third time’s a charm, and all that

Who will provide security for him since the Secret Service is comprised of treasonous and incompetent CIA patsies?

Will he free the Jan6 political prisoners immediately upon being sworn in?

Will he pardon Hunter Biden?

Why was Bruce Jenner at the campaign headquarters last night wearing a dress and makeup?

Another wave of inflation is coming- it’s inevitable. What, if anything, can or will he do about it?

BigPharma is still out of control. And we’re all still waiting for him to apologize for “Operation Warp Speed”

Will his radical pro-abortion wife get her way?

Will his staff and cabinet appointments be as awful as last time?

Keep praying, folks

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #homophobia barnhardt.biz

[From “Asheville, North Carolina: The Sodom of the Appalachians.”]

I’ve never visited and have almost zero knowledge of the Southeast. Apparently, Asheville, NC was a sodomite hellmouth. And now, it is a muddy ravine

Don’t be surprised if the Deep State redirects a few billion from Ukraine to the city of Asheville… just to get the gay bars and bathhouses reopened. Maybe rebuild a library so the trannies will have access to the children again

And remember, as St. Paul made clear in his letter to the Romans, it isn’t just the physical practitioners of sodomy, it’s also those who TOLERATE it, that share in capital crime:
@Romans 1: 24-32

Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen

For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error[…]
Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them

Ann Barnhardt #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia barnhardt.biz

[From "Incredibly Sad, Blunt Words on Queen Elizabeth II"]

I delayed quite a bit – as many noticed – because one simply doesn’t “heckle at a funeral”[…]
There of so many examples of “canonization” of Queen Elizabeth, but here just over my transom is the reliable contra-indicator about anything Catholic, the cringe-inducing George Weigel[…]makes the completely irrational argument that Queen Elizabeth displayed heroic decorum by not catering to public opinion… BY HAVING THE FLAMING SODOMITE “SIR” ELTON JOHN SING HIS RE-LYRICED ODE TO MARILYN MONROE DURING DIANA’S FUNERAL[…]
Let us pray for her soul as we do all people outside the Church[…]Let us leave to the side for a moment any discussion of the legitimacy of the Saxe-Coburg Gotha Mountbatten “Windsor”[…]The Jacobite situation is profoundly bleak anyway, as the Duke of Bavaria is a wretched, open sodomite[…]
Queen Elizabeth[…]proudly claim to be the “pope” of the Anglican schismatic sect. Queen Elizabeth was the “popess” of A SCHISMATIC MONSTROSITY[…]
Queen Elizabeth II[…]presided as monarch over the most rapid and profound societal, cultural, religious and imperial collapse in human history[…]When Elizabeth took the throne, it was literally true that “the sun never set” on the British Empire[…]Today, almost every colony and territory has declared total independence[…]
But more importantly, as “Head of State and Head of Nation”, Queen Elizabeth signed off on the largest race-replacement scheme in human history. Today, the city of London IS LESS THAN HALF WHITE – not merely “British”, but WHITE[…]
Queen Elizabeth bestowed countless honors and knighthoods on the most open, disgusting sodomites and moral monstrosities, and British culture went[…]to the totally degenerate, revolting Brit culture we see today ON HER WATCH

Karl Denninger and Ann Barnhardt #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #psycho barnhardt.biz

Dr. Brytney Cobia: I’m admitting young healthy people to the hospital with very serious COVID infections. One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late," she wrote.

"A few days later when I call time of death, I hug their family members and I tell them the best way to honor their loved one is to go get vaccinated and encourage everyone they know to do the same.

Karl Denninger:This sort of lie should cost Ms. LIAR her license and everyone who ran this bull**** should be ruined.

Her "hospital" -- any agency or entity that allows her to infest their premises should be flat-out destroyed along with every single person who works in any such place and gives her credibility by doing so.


This story is from Alabama.

Now I want you to look very carefully at this table.


According to that table not one person has died since the end of April in Alabama from Covid-19 according to that graph which goes through 7/20 -- yesterday.

What is "99% (unvaccinated) of ZERO (all people who died of Covid in Alabama SINCE APRIL)"?


But yes, Ms. Smiling Crazy Bitch is imploring people to get jabbed for what, she says, will stop becoming part of a wave of death that is happening right now.

Ann Barnhardt: The post-Christian culture is converging with the musloid culture more and more every day. Lying (taqiyya), child sex, child mutilation, honor killing, and on and on…

This Dr. Brytany Cobia lying psychopath brat is EXACTLY what Dr. Beep and Nurse Claire have warned us about. These millennial doctors are dishonest, unethical, emotionally incontinent, entitled, narcissistic brats that would kill you in a heartbeat without the slightest compunction in service to their Marxist, sodomitical, luciferian, post-Christian ideologies.

Ann Barnhardt #racist #fundie barnhardt.biz

One of the greatest acts of counter-revolution today is LICITLY BREEDING (said the Spinster). Also, adopting and raising ethnically pagan children as devout Catholics. A married couple, even in their mid-to-late 30’s, can still have as many children as they want. Have as many of your own as God grants, and also ADOPT. The only horror stories I have ever heard about adoption were from Canadians who adopted already-sentient children (4 years old and over) from muslim Africa (in Canada, it was the trend for years, whereas in the US the trend was Chinese babies). I would NOT advise that. The African musloid children were already essentially demoniacs inculcated with murderous – LITERALLY MURDEROUS- intentions, and a deep-seated hatred of women.

MAN, if only someone had made a video presentation about EXACTLY THIS years ago so we all could have had a heads-up…

Seriously, if you have never seen this… yeah. It has aged in these eight years like the finest wine of the Pays-de-la-Loire. Sadly. It’s spooky, now. Now that’s IT’S ALL LEGIT HAPPENING.

(Followed by links to a series of video presentations)

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

[From "Expansion on the Queen Elizabeth Piece: The World Has Been Conditioned To Accept That Their Visible Leaders Have No Actual Authority (cough, Biden, cough)"]

All of us today have been conditioned to not only accept but casually and easily take it for granted that the people we see presented as heads of state have no real power or authority[…]
Presidents had real power, and ran the Executive Branch. Queen Victoria[…]wielded massive power and caused a real constitutional crisis when she refused to have new ladies-in-waiting[…]
High-ranking public officials, heads of state, monarchs and THE POPE (and I’m talking about actual Popes, not Antipope Bergoglio) used to wield genuine authority. Pope Benedict’s catastrophic failure was a lack of faith in the authority that he possesses[…]
Pope Benedict himself, a product of the 20th century German/Nouvelle Theologie school, fell for this Modernist lie that the Pope has no REAL authority, because monarchy is a supposedly “expired” paradigm in the “modern, democratized world”[…]
Pope Benedict to this day has universal jurisdiction over the entire world, even the entire physical universe, literally. Pope Benedict is the Pope on the moon, and in the Andromeda Galaxy, and on every point of light the the James Webb telescope is showing us[…]
It seems “natural” for Trad Inc partisans, not to mention Novus Ordo Catholics, to justify their totally irrational and self-contradictory insistence that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope and that Pope Benedict validly resigned (which he CLEARLY, OBVIOUSLY did not) by citing, even if just internally, the fact that leaders in the post-Christian west are understood and assumed to be figurehead puppets[…]
The Pope has REAL AUTHORITY, because it was given to him by Jesus Christ Himself in the Gospels[…]Look at every Protestant and Schismatic church on earth – the one word that sums it all up is CHAOS

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

[From “The Petrine See has been vacant for a year. Plus, Dr. Mazza sends a quote from Antipope Bergoglio from August ARSH 2019 which strongly indicates his foreknowledge of the CoronaScam”]

One year ago this morning the one and only living Vicar of Christ on Earth (whether he liked it or not) died of renal failure. Isn’t it interesting that Antipope Bergoglio mashed the throttle – attempting to suppress the Mass in the Venerable and August Rite of Gregory the Great, the attempt at Sodo-blessings – once the Pope was dead. It’s almost like the Pope was a RESTRAINER. You know, like the RESTRAINER in 2 Thessalonians 2. Hmmmmmmm… ??

Here’s a picture of the absolutely Luciferian treatment of Pope Benedict’s corpse, being loaded into the back of a beat-up grey cargo van. But the thing that really jumped out at me about this picture when I saw it this morning was THE DOME. My lands. I’ve seen pictures of the dome of St. Peter’s taken within the past week, and folks, it’s black. The fact that the dome is oxidizing is not in and of itself any kind of miracle, BUT the fact that it turned black so rapidly after Pope Benedict died. It … gives one pause:[…]
And now from Dr. Mazza, apropos of yesterday’s time capsule post about Antipope Bergoglio beating that Chinese lady in St. Peter’s Square[…]

And as for Bergoglio beating the Chinese lady, when you watch the longer version of the video it becomes clear he stopped shaking hands to deliberately avoid HER. I say because she was Chinese and he was afraid to get Covid (running rampant in China exactly 4 years ago)

August 8, 2019 La Stampa interview: “What do you fear most for our planet?” Bergoglio: “The disappearance of biodiversity. New lethal diseases. A drift and devestation of nature that can lead to the death of humanity”

Yup. Antipope Bergoglio was almost certainly informed and enjoined as an integral cooperator in the CoronaScam by his WEF NWO Freemasonic Luciferian buddies

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy #homophobia barnhardt.biz

[From “Black comedian Katt Williams tried to warn about Sean “P Diddy” Combs running a black, gay Epstein extortion operation TWENTY years ago.”]

Remember, whistle blowers in intrinsically evil institutions and paradigms are never going to be morally pristine themselves. This is where prudence, discernment and the ability to judge soundly comes in

And yes, rap/hip-hop has been sodomitical since the very beginning. Yet another reason the rap/hip-hop culture must be exterminated. It cannot be reformed or rehabilitated or improved. All sodomitical cultural practices and traditions must be purged, preferably from within by the victims themselves

Sodomy is civilizational cancer. Death to sodomy, always and everywhere


Ann Barnhardt #fundie #homophobia #wingnut barnhardt.biz

-As God warns us constantly in Scripture and otherwise – such as the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, given to us through Pope Leo XIII – the demonic is real, and we are to guard against it. There are beings “prowling throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.” While most DNs [Diabolical Narcissists] are not consciously serving satan, they are consciously looking to hurt other human beings as hard as they can, thus looking to cause a “spiritual death”, even if they don’t explicitly acknowledge what it is they are doing. If you are aware of a DN, you do have an obligation to warn those directly in his sights of what he is. For example, a spouse of a DN, or a child of a DN, should warn especially children of sufficient age, or anyone that they see a DN grooming for abuse. This would also apply especially to anyone with a sex pervert (likely a homosexual) in their family. Remember, ALL homosexuals and aberrosexuals are a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO CHILDREN. Remember, every person who ever had their children molested by their “gay relative” would have sworn up and down that the sex pervert relative or friend was “harmless” and “would never hurt my kids”. And yet look at how many people in our culture have been abused and had their lives ruined by the “gay uncle/brother/cousin/family friend”. Another example might be a coworker that is being groomed and then abused by a DN boss. Apparently, all three Clintons, Hillary, Bill and now Chelsea, are notorious for abusing staffers to the point of making them suicidal. Once a DN is identified and acknowledged for what he is, he loses almost all power over a person.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #kinkshaming #homophobia barnhardt.biz

The cause of homosexuality, and all aberrosexuality is DIABOLICAL NARCISSISM.

The further one descends into Diabolical Narcissism, the freakier and freakier the aberrosexuality becomes. Think Charlie Sheen. Think Miley Cyrus and Linsey Lohan. Think all musloid cultures – musloids openly screw blood relatives, children and infants, animals and dead bodies, and islam ratifies this.

Celibacy and chastity have nothing to do with it and are red herrings. Don’t fall for it for a second. There is NOTHING harmful or risky about a psycho-spiritually normal person, fully and normally capable of love and thus BY DEFINITION heterosexual, directing the energy of their sexuality toward a life espoused and in service to Christ and His Holy Church.

Taking a vow of celibacy does not make a man or woman “asexual”. ASEXUALITY IS HIGHLY DISORDERED, AND A RED FLAG SIGNAL OF CEREBRAL DIABOLIC NARCISSISM. Asexuality, or CLAIMS of asexuality – which are frequently a cover for homosexuality – should be a DISQUALIFIER for the priesthood and holy orders.

The one and only normal “sexual orientation” is HETEROSEXUALITY. Period. Everything else is diabolical. There is no such thing as a “benign” homosexuality, asexuality or aberrosexuality of any stripe. ALL are derivatives of Diabolical Narcissism, and thus extremely dangerous to souls, not only of the individual, but also to the people the Diabolical Narcissist comes in contact with.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

The Only Three Things I Called That Have Not Yet Happened

So, beginning in ARSH 2008 when it became clear that the Constitutional Republic was in the process of being overthrown in a cold putsch, and then forward as I continued to blog here, I called a series of things, in no particular order, except for the last three, which are obviously end-game events, and thus placed at the end of the list:

1. Reformation of the islamic Caliphate facilitated by the Washington DC regime
2. Total economic war executed by the Washington DC regime against the American people, specifically the Cloward-Piven Strategy, namely driving as many people as possible out of work and onto the welfare rolls in order to collapse the system
3. Severe price inflation, especially for food
4. Nationalization of healthcare delivery for the purposes of controlling and coercing the masses
5. Dissolving the Mexican border in order to bring in millions of socialist Latin Americans in order to help overwhelm the welfare system, corrupt the electoral process where it still possessed integrity, and to provide a means for soldiers of the Caliphate to invade and colonize the former United States
6. Criminalization of Christianity
7. Race riots/ defacto civil war with every urban area becoming its own discrete theater
8. Complete evanesence of the Rule of Law and the ascendancy of a tyrannical, kleptocratic oligarchy
9. Nuclear war centered on Israel
10. Obama being assassinated by his own people in order to seize total power – the ultimate Reichstag Fire
11. People’s Liberation Army (Red China) boots on the ground on the North American landmass, probably under the guise of “peacekeeping”

Ann Barnhardt and Carlo Viganò #fundie #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

This is Viganò’s presentation that the Trad Inc “Catholic Identity Conference” in Pittsburgh censored and refused to show.

Viganò says at the 29:00 mark that Bergoglio’s acceptance of the Papacy was INVALID. Just previous to that at the 27:40 mark he states that there cannot be two popes – one prayerful, and one governing.

Earlier, beginning at the 13:04 mark, he utterly torches the ridiculous “Universal Peaceful Acceptance” trope with St. Catherine of Siena’s restoration of Pope Urban VI to the Papal throne over Antipope Clement VII. If you remember, it was Antipope Clement VII that even St. Vincent Ferrer mistakenly backed and named daily in his Mass at the Te Igitur, until St. Catherine’s correction.

Trad Inc refused to show this video presentation which was highly touted in the marketing for the Catholic Identity Conference. I understand the attendees and online subscribers were NOT pleased.

Well, far, far more people will see it here – FOR FREE – than would have ever seen it at the CIC or behind a paywall. Please spread, share and repost aggressively.

Remember, the reason Bergoglio is an Antipope is because Pope Benedict obviously never validly resigned. All of the other stuff subsequent to Pope Benedict’s invalid attempted partial resignation in February ARSH 2013 is historically interesting, and points to the fact that “something is terribly wrong”, but it isn’t the root of the problem or the FULLNESS of TRUTH. Jorge Bergoglio doesn’t need to be tried as a heretic or “deposed” because he is not and never has been the Pope. The Venn Diagram of “Bergoglio” and “Papacy” has ZERO OVERLAP. He is simply a criminal usurper. All that has to be done is to publicly state this, and then physically eject him from the Vatican. Give him a black cassock and put him on a plane to Buenos Aires. It would certainly be prudent to laicize him, but not essential.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #wingnut #homophobia barnhardt.biz

TOLDYA: Hillary Is A Lesbian, And Why These Things Matter
It seems that Hillary Clinton’s lesbianism is now being openly discussed. I think most people have at minimum assumed that she was a lesbian all along, or at least for many years now, so I suspect this will be yet another example of the 36 hour news cycle and effeminate indifference of the populace shrugging off yet another huge indicator.

“Hillary Clinton is a dyke. Yeah, also water is wet. So?”

Remember, as we discussed in the Diabolical Narcissism video, all sexual perversions are derivative of the overarching super-pathology of Diabolical Narcissism. Hillary Clinton, being a full-blown psychopath, was almost guaranteed to be monstrously sexually perverted.

This seems a good time to revisit a very hard truth that Christians need to face. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, Divinely Inspired Word of God. We believe that the first five books of the Old Testament, the Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses, are inerrant and Divinely Inspired and contain the Divine Law given by God to Moses under the Old Covenant. In this Law, it is clearly stated that homosexuality is a CAPITAL OFFENSE.

We have to ask ourselves, and ask ourselves precisely as believing, orthodox Christians, “WHY?”

WHY is homosexuality a crime meriting the death penalty?

The reason is because of the psycho-spiritual evil that all sexual perversion is derived from, and the clear and present danger that such people present to other individuals and to society at large. Homosexuals and all sex perverts are dangerous to the point of meriting execution by the state precisely because they are, by definition, Diabolical Narcissists to some degree. Hillary Clinton isn’t a psychopath because she is a lesbian. She is a lesbian secondarily because she is a psychopath primordially. The fact that she is a sex pervert CLEARLY POINTS to her murderousness, or at minimum the CAPACITY FOR MURDEROUSNESS. And she is a murderer. The Clintons have been having people killed for decades. As I wrote extensively on years ago now, Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered by Hillary Clinton and company in order to attempt to cover up, or at least silence a key player in Clinton’s gun-running and arming of the Musloid Brotherhood – agitated and heavily influenced by Hillary’s lesbian concubine and high-ranking Musloid Brotherhood operative, Huma Abedin. Do you see how these things all tie together? Further, the very MANPADs that Clinton/Abedin/Washington sent to the New Caliphate via Benghazi with Ambassador Chris Stevens as the point man, were almost certainly used to shoot down a Russian passenger jet over SYRIA as retaliation for Russia’s actions in Syria. Remember that? This is why Russia is gearing up for open hot war with the former U.S. in Syria. The hot war has technically already begun – it just isn’t “open” yet. My commentary on that from November of ARSH 2015 HERE.

You might ask how I can say that ALL sex perverts, ALL homosexuals are “murderous”. Oh, quite easily. Remember, people who go through life seeking to murder other people’s SOULS are murderers too. Remember, satan, who Our Lord called, “a murderer from the beginning”, (John 8: 44), is not known for PHYSICALLY killing human beings himself. The murderousness of satan is about the eternal, unending murder of the soul. If you haven’t already, read my essay, “HELL: So Much Worse Than You Can Possibly Imagine“.

Sex perverts are soul-murderers, and remain in the domain of soul murder, and generally on a micro level – that is to say the people immediately surrounding them – family members, spouses, “friends”, sex partners, coworkers, students, etc. Relatively few are, like Hillary Clinton, involved in physical murder. Hillary Clinton’s Diabolical Narcissism is of the most severe variety, what we refer to as “psychopathy”, and thus she is an Alpha Narcissist, very much desirous of personal power, all the way up to the national and even global level.

HOWEVER, this micro dynamic is also being discussed of late with regards to Hillary Clinton, specifically with regards to Vince Foster. Now I’m not entirely convinced that Vince Foster committed suicide, but I did find it interesting that FBI investigators openly discussed Hillary Clinton’s obscenity-laden raging tirades and degrading verbal abuse of Vince Foster as the reason for Foster’s suicide. Think about that. The FBI suspected that Hillary Clinton literally drove Vince Foster to suicide, or at least proffered it as the explanation for the suicide angle. As I mentioned in the big DN video presentation at the 01:12:06 mark, many DNs fantasize about hurting someone so badly that they commit suicide. In particular, DNs will fixate of people who LOVE THEM as primary objects of their murderous hatred. A woman reader who was involved with a DN man, after breaking free and asking the man WHY he did all of the truly evil things to her that he did, got the following answer from him: “I need to hurt the people who love me.”

Vince Foster was clearly attached to Hillary, dedicating his entire career to her service, and it is has long been rumored that Vince Foster and Hillary Clinton were sexually involved (most lesbians are bisexual and have sex with men, generally as a means of control and/or manipulation).

Hillary Clinton should have been executed by the state (under anti-sodomy statutes) a long time ago for her sexual perversion, precisely so that the broad society would have been protected from her DN psychopathy. Now she should be executed after arrest, speedy trial, conviction and being offered the sacraments, for her myriad crimes against humanity and peace, which have been allowed to eclipse her capital offenses against nature.

The point is, had she been executed by the state for her sexual perversion, as is called for in the inerrant and Divinely inspired Word of God, the broad society would have been spared some or all of her crimes against humanity.

If enough of these people had been identified and dealt with as they should have been, the Constitutional Republic wouldn’t have been overthrown, and the descent into the Kayfabe that we are all now witnessing might never have happened.

So long as a culture keeps telling itself that sexual perversion does not matter, that culture is doomed, and doomed to rule by psychopath despots, almost all of which are sex perverts of one stripe or another.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

1-2-3-4. I don't owe Caesar a damn thing, and it is now to the point where the continued subsidizing of this utterly lawless and illegitimate government puts me in violaton of the

First Commandment (I AM the LORD thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before me.)
by forcing me to break God's Law - the Natural Law - in order to follow the laws of the state; the

Second Commandment (Thou shalt not take the Name of the LORD thy God in vain.)
by punishing and imprisoning my fellow citizens (See Lakin, LTC Terry) who attempt to uphold their sworn oaths, and by forcing me to subsidize a government that is, to the man, populated by oathbreakers; the

Fourth Commandment (Honor thy father and thy mother.)
by actively and consciously destroying the family, discouraging right-ordered marriage through the welfare state, legislating perverted “false marriage” paradigms, facilitating the murder of children by their parents, and pitting society against their parents by encouraging or even mandating euthanasia via ObamaCare; the

Fifth Commandment (Thou shalt not murder.)
through the “legally sanctioned” and MANDATED taxpayer subsidizing of the holocaust of preborn children via abortion as well as the premeditated murder of thousands of Mexican civilians via Operation Fast & Furious; the

Sixth Commandment (Thou shalt not commit adultery.)
through the forced “legalization” of sodomite faux-marriage and the discouragement of chastity and marriage itself via the HHS contraceptive and sterilization mandate as well as welfare state; the

Seventh Commandment (Thou shalt not steal.)
via the government sanctioned, legalized and protected con?scation of private property, the illegal nullification of contracts by the federal government, and the stirring-up by the government of envy and the sense of entitlement to the property of others; the

Eighth Commandment (Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.)
by forcing me to subsidize and give my tacit approval to the lie of Barack Obama's presidency and the fundamental dishonesty of the Eric Holder Department of Justice, in addition to the mathematical lies regarding the state of the banking sectors and the mathematical impossibilities of the government run entitlement ponzi schemes; and the

Tenth Commandment (Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.)
by forcing me to subsidize a government that is built on a premise of and is attempting to fully convert to a system based wholly upon coveting the property of one's neighbor and the forced redistribution of private property.

We're batting .800. Enough is enough. You CANNOT subsidize this government and still claim that God is “first” in your life. It is mathematically, metaphysically and morally impossible. You must choose your allegiances NOW. You must NOW choose who or what it is that you truly worship. Do you worship God or do you worship your wealth? Here's a simple litmus test for you: are you or are you not willing to give up all of your wealth in bearing witness to God in His Truth? If the answer is no, then stop calling yourself a Christian, because you very simply are not.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #wingnut barnhardt.biz

Pope Francis and Obama are eerily, eerily similar, both in their personages, their regimes and in their regimes’ tactics. If you have noticed that too, you’re spot on. They are both stupid, babbling fools, completely incoherent when not reading off a script prepared by others. Both are Marxists. Both are media darling fronts for a thuggish regime, and it turns out that the powers behind Francis may have engaged in electioneering and quid pro quos before the Conclave of ARSH 2013. Both sic their bureaucratic henchmen on their enemies. Both are in bed with the sodomites (i.e. Ricca and Barros). Both despise and are hellbent on destroying the respective institutions which they rule, presumably “in service to mankind in order to bring about utopia.”


First, I penned a piece back in February of ARSH 2012 based on a Fulton Sheen exegesis of satan’s three temptations of Christ in the desert from his book “Life of Christ”, and how these three temptations mapped exactly to Marxism, and the Obama regime specifically. Well, I went back and re-read the piece not long ago, and was shaken to the core to realize that Pope Francis Bergoglio maps to the three temptations of satan every bit as much as Obama, and in some cases, even more directly. But the fact that the two men and their respective regimes are so similar and, apparently “simpatico” with each other (i.e. their coordination on the Cuban detente), is a HUGE indicator. Briefly, here are the three points:

1. Temptation number one from satan was telling Jesus to turn stones into bread. This is the Marxist ploy of winning the mob by giving them free stuff, and equating material abundance with salvation. Given what has happened economically over the last 50 years, and in particular the political mindset today of the government magically providing abundance for the people by blowing an enormous, unsustainable debt bubble that is going to destroy everything, can we not see the parallel?


2. The second temptation of Christ by satan was to win the mob via pride, vanity and egomania. In the case of Christ, the temptation was to perform an actual public demonstration of His divinity so that no one would have any choice but know that He was God. In the case of Marxists, it is to con people into believing that they will work miracles, and that they are “god”.


A few days ago Francis announced in a Papal Bull, in what can only be described as the thinly-veiled threat of a complete thug, that he is creating “Missionaries of Mercy” – clerics that will be sent out to “pardon even those sins reserved to the Holy See”. (There no longer are any sins whose pardon is reserved only to the Holy See, but in another analogue to the Obama regime, these people are mostly morons – bold and aggressive, but morons.)


What this is is a direct analogue to the Obama regime’s use of so-called Executive Orders and Executive Actions to end-run the other two non-compliant branches of government. In the Church, the Synod, and really the entire college of Bishops, would be analogous to the Congress and state legislatures, and the Supreme Court is analogous to the Apostolic Signatura, which Francis removed Cardinal Raymond Burke from last year. Cardinal Burke was the analogue of the Chief Justice of the Vatican Supreme Court.

And so, like the Obama regime, the Francis regime has preached decentralization of power, but has, in fact, done NOTHING but concentrate and coalesce power around himself and his regime.

Typical. Marxists.

Last fall’s Synod Against the Family showed the Francis regime two things. First, there would be “refuseniks” to the diabolical Bergoglio-Kasper plan, and second, who those “refuseniks” are. So, in order to deal with these “enemies of the revolution”, Francis is simply going to send these “Missionaries of Mercy” out into the bishoprics of the ACTUAL, BELIEVING CATHOLIC BISHOPS, and make no mistake, their marching orders will be hold “marriage tribunals in the confessional” that would ratify all manner of adultery and concubinage. And you know what? I doubt there is a single bishop on the planet who would tell these so-called “Missionaries of Mercy” to stay away. Because that is the only real option because the confessional certainly cannot be miked to ensure compliance with the teaching of Jesus Christ and His Church.

So yeah. Francis and his puppet masters observed their fellow Marxist thug Obama’s success in using unilateral, illegal tyrannical edicts and siccing bureaucrats onto the supine underlings, and are simply copying the play in their quest to destroy the Sacrament of Marriage and thus “force” priests to desecrate the Eucharist within the Mass itself.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #homophobia barnhardt.biz

Hey, You Know Why There Is a Shortage of Priestly Vocations??

The sole reason there is a shortage of priestly vocations is this:


No heterosexual man in his right mind or not under demonic oppression wants ANYTHING TO DO WITH FAGGOTS.

The entire problem is FAGGOTS.


Until the faggots are purged, from the left, and the right, and the Trad-right, there will be no recovery. None. You cannot declare a kitchen infested with cockroaches “clean”. Ever.




And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #homophobia barnhardt.biz

" But my hairdresser is so CUTE, and he always tells me how cute my outfit is. I can't judge him! But my nephew is such a sweetie, and he always played with dolls, even when he was little. How dare you say he can't have sex!"

Because what your hairdresser and your nephew do with other men when you aren't there, namely jamming their penises up into each other's feces-laden colons and mouths and using that as a point of masturbatory friction, is so depraved and so incredibly evil, inhuman and disgusting that it makes Our Lord NAUSEOUS, and is so twisted that even the demons choose to withdraw instead of staying around and witnessing it.

Remember 20 years ago before you allowed yourself to be desensitized to sodomitical behavior by the agitporn on the teevee? Remember when the sight of two men or two women in even the slightest homosexual activity, or even the IMPLICATION of homosexual activity, made you nauseous, frightened, sad and disgusted all at the same time? That is healthy. That is the way it is supposed to be. If you have become desensitized to this evil, beg God to regenerate that part of you so that you once again can have a right-ordered and Godly response to it. Because if you are indifferent to it, satan wins, because not only will no one help people with same-sex attractions carry their cross in chastity, but now we will have the very people who should be helping them (the Church) actually sticking their foot in their back and PUSHING THEM down the road to hell.

So, when you see and hear people on the so-called "right" saying that we have to throw in the towel on this, understand that they are fully in the service of satan, whether they realize it or not. And STEER WELL CLEAR.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #sexist barnhardt.biz

I saw a story about a twelve year old boy who recently murdered himself. This boy behaved in extremely effeminate and flamboyant way, and was, by all appearances, an enthusiastic aspirant to the sodomite lifestyle. He was teased a bit at school. And I say “a bit” because by the sounds of it the majority of people not only tolerated his deviant behavior (yes, DEVIANT), but enthusiastically encouraged him in it.

This kid was TWELVE.

I would just like to say, just so it is on the record when years from now people are sifting through the rubble and ash of this godforsaken culture, that this boy’s parents, teachers, and so-called “friends” — but most especially his parents — have his blood all over their hands. They failed him so profoundly that he murdered himself. In what sense?

THEY DID NOT CORRECT AND PUNISH HIS DEVIANT BEHAVIOR. In fact, they apparently bent over backwards to encourage their son to be an aspiring sodomite. Who drove this boy to CHEERLEADING PRACTICE? Who paid for CHEERLEADING lessons? Who said, “yes” to his request to be a CHEERLEADER in the first place? And don’t tell me that male cheerleaders in college are macho and that this kid was analogous to them. Bull. Those guys are POWERLIFTERS who figure out that they can hang out and get their hands literally ALL OVER hot-bodied, scantily clad chickie-poos whilst showing off to the other dudes that they can do repeated 100 pound one-armed overhead presses. This kid was monstrously, monstrously effeminate. Not a libidinous heterosexual powerlifter, so don’t even try that.

Who indulged his hobby of fashion design? Who took him to the fabric store and encouraged a hobby that TODAY is utterly saturated and defined by SODOMITES? Who paid for the cable teevee that this YOUNG BOY sat in front of for the last twelve years, watching all of the satanic, sodomite-glorifying agitporn and allowing those seeds to be sown in his mind?

Do you realize, or for most of you REMEMBER, when fathers and mothers actually did their jobs and corrected and punished deviant, perverted behavior in their children instead of wallowing in it as they derived a twisted self-satisfaction in watching their own offspring psychologically and spiritually self-destruct?

Are any of you still able to comprehend the fact that schoolyard teasing for deviant, self-destructive behavior is actually a GOOD THING that keeps people from becoming self-destructive aberrosexuals? – but that’s redundant because aberrosexuality is by definition self-destructive. You know why? Because it is SIN.

Do we or do we not believe that sodomy IS A SIN, in fact, one of the sins that cry out to heaven for God’s vengeance? DO YOU BELIEVE THAT OR NOT? If you do, then to say that a parent should not only NOT aggressively correct and punish such wicked (yes, WICKED) behavior, but encourage and ratify all of the egregious signs of a child or young adult falling into the sodomite psychosis, which can only lead to misery, despair, and eventually hell, is self-contradicting nonsense.

That boy would be alive today had his parents DONE THEIR JOB and refused to indulge and facilitate their son’s obvious and profound bewitchment by the sodomite culture which they pumped to him via the family cable feed. He would be alive today if at the first instance of him vying for attention by acting camp and feminine he had been given a good hard smack and sent to his room, with the stern, crystal clear warning that any further repetition of such wickedness would be punished swiftly and severely.

Barring supernatural intervention, prepare to see the percentage of the population that is sexually deviant skyrocket parabolically, because as the musloid culture proves beyond a shadow of a doubt with its sky-high rates of man-on-man and man-on-boy perversion, deviant sexuality CAN be inculcated with great “success”, and that is precisely the objective of both the education system and the media. And the populace has been brainwashed into believing that happily sacrificing their own children to satan on the altar of aberrosexuality is the pinnacle of virtue and nobility. Having an aberrosexual child is now a badge of honor, and when they murder themselves they are made saints, when the truth is probably exactly the opposite, not that anyone genuinely cares or is bothered by the thought of that young man being lost for all eternity to hell.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

[Gives series of quotes from Donald Trump and asks who said them]

I’d just like to also mention for the record the fact that we are all up-in-arms about Pope Francid and his Franboys getting ready to eviscerate the sacrament of marriage later this fall, but don’t even bat an eyelash when public figures have a string of ex-spouses. I guess I’m just being completely unreasonable, unrealistic and— wait for it— IMMODERATE to expect any degree of intellectual consistency from anyone, ever. After all, it’s a post-modern world, and the essence and battlecry of modernism is, “WE DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE WHAT WE BELIEVE!”

So here’s the answer. All of the quotes above are from the second coming of George Washington, or Constantine – oh, no wait. The second coming of Constantine is Putin—

—That developer of mirror-penis skyscrapers which he then names after himself, because that is so totally NOT indicative of anything even remotely problematic:

The only function I would attend with Bill and/or Hillary Clinton, people who are rapists, murderers and guilty of capital crimes against humanity, would be their public executions.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

What I would submit is the great crime against God committed by His People over the past 50 years is our SILENCE – our passive, impotent, effeminate acceptance of the profound violence done against Him, His Church, and His Liturgy. We, our parents, our grandparents, our great-grandparents, sat in silence and watched as sodomites turned the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass into a neo-pagan low-rent cruise ship floorshow. Our response was either the silence of apostasy, as more than 90% of Catholics in the West simply stopped going to Mass, or the silence of tacitly accepting the obvious abuse and overt hostility toward Our Lord and His Church by diabolically narcissistic sex perverts and their truly pathetic, co-dependent hangers-on. The collapse of our culture, the abortion, the ascendancy of sexual perversion, the collapse of the Rule of Law – all of these things are DERIVATIVE of the destruction of the Liturgy, a destruction that we sat, wallowing in our collective effeminacy, and watched – and continue to watch and even cooperate in. How many people today, well aware of the perennial traditions and disciplines of Holy Mother Church prior to ARSH 1965, still go to Novus Ordo Masses having observed only a one hour fast, women with heads uncovered, and receive the Most Holy Eucharist standing, in the hand because they “don’t want to stand out” or “make a scene”? Lots. Lots and lots and lots.

So my question, in rebuttal to the commentariat’s responses to my “Vocem Alienorum” piece is this: If we all agree that it has been precisely our inaction over the past 50 years that has brought down this scourge upon us, how can it possibly, possibly make sense that the proper response to the Bergoglian Antipapacy is MORE SILENCE? MORE RETREAT? MORE SHOULDER-SHRUGGING? MORE FATALISM? MORE EFFEMINACY? MORE SLOTH? MORE INDIFFERENCE?

And that brings us, somewhat paradoxically, to Our Lord’s incomprehensible Love for us, and His Mercy.

The reason Our Lord is letting the Bergoglian Antipapacy happen, is because He is giving us ONE. LAST. CHANCE to cease the very crime we have committed against Him for lo these 50 years, one last chance to come to His defense. One last chance to shake off our effeminacy and instead rise up in virility and fight for Him.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

As I suspected from the very, very beginning, and alluded to in the “When Bad People Get Murdered By Other Bad People—” post, Orlando Jihad Boy was a stone-cold fag.

How did I know? What were my clues?

Well, he was a musloid. So that’s numero uno.

Second, he was Afghani. So, the assumption is that not only was he a fag, but so is his daddy, who probably raped his own son throughout his childhood. Boy rape and adult faggotry is NORMATIVE in Afghani culture. I cover Bacha Bazi (boy sex auctions – as popular in Afghanistan as NFL Football is in the former U.S.) in the video above at length.

So let’s take what we have learned so far about Diabolical Narcissism and tie everything about Orlando together, because only when understood in light of Diabolical Narcissism does any of it make sense – and then it all makes PERFECT sense.

First, islam is the most effective system on earth, even surpassing Communism and the other Marxist milieus, for creating Diabolical Narcissists. Islam, being a satanic political system masquerading as a religion, with the driving force behind it (N.P.I.) being supernatural – that is, satan and the demons – exists to make human beings into DNs. Islam’s primary function is to purge all love from the hearts of those under its jackboot, making them into loveless automatons, mercenaries of hell capable of only anger, hatred, jealousy and fear. Islamic culture is the quintessence of the Alpha-Beta dynamic, with a micro-oligarchy above (imams and recently super-rich oil sheiks), and a MASSIVE Beta underclass below. As a DIRECT COROLLARY, islamic culture is THE MOST SEXUALLY PERVERTED CULTURE on the planet. The men are all fags, pedophiles, goat humpers, dead body humpers, and transvestites. Faggotry is EVERYWHERE. I posted a quote I heard recently: “I’ve never met a gay Arab – but I’ve never met a straight one either.” It’s funny because it’s TRUE.

Just ask anyone who has served a tour of duty anywhere in the musloid world. They will tell you the same thing: THEY’RE ALL FAGS. In Iraq, MPs complained about the number one challenge in the detention facilities being KEEPING THE MALE INMATES OFF OF EACH OTHER. In Afghanistan, our Boys in Uniform are being driven into PTSD and suicide because they are ordered to TURN A BLIND EYE TO CHILD RAPE. How many of our servicemen have walked up on one of their Afghani “allies” ass-raping a little boy, and then been ordered to ignore it, and then just a few minutes later have to “train” and “mentor” the very man they just saw ASS RAPING A LITTLE BOY?

You want to know why these guys come home psycho-spiritually cacked, and eventually blow their own brains out? It’s because of the soul-crushing, despair-inducing scandal of that – not combat trauma.

And this applies to the female population too. Most of the women have had clitorectomies, AND were sexually abused as children. Remember, sexual perversion is derivative of Diabolical Narcissism, so most sex perverts will abuse both sexes if given the chance. So, the females become DN too as a result of the sex abuse, and as will be the topic of an upcoming essay, because women are literally built by God to love, when a woman goes DN, the results are often even more cruel and more vicious than a DN man – which is saying something indeed. Have you noticed how most suicide bombings involve a woman – usually the MOTHER – egging her own child on into committing murder-suicide? Have you not noticed how most of these “honor killings” are egged on, if not explicitly ordered by a woman, again, usually the mother of the victim? Do you realize that it is the mother who holds down the daughter to have her clitoris cut off with a razor blade? Yeah. When women go DN, it is the worst.

So, now to the confusion and hand-wringing over Orlando Jihadfag “killing his own”. Yeah. They all do this. We see the near-daily reports of ISIS and other musloids throwing fags off of buildings and the like. Well, sure. It’s exactly like the Nazis. The high-level Nazis, including Mr. Hitler himself, were all super-pervy fags. They were into drag, boys (what do you think the Hitler Youth was about?) and Hitler himself was into perverse sex acts involving bodily waste. The origins of the Nazi Party and the SA especially, were in the homosexual underworld. If you haven’t read “The Pink Swastika” , do so now.

Fags hate fags. Fags kill fags. What do you expect? As we have already learned, sexual perversion is derivative of Diabolical Narcissism. DNs are capable, by their own free choice, of only anger, hatred, jealousy and fear. As we pinned down in the post about Hell and the Damned, the damned hate each other, most especially those that cooperated, enabled or didn’t warn them about their sin. So, as we discussed, those guilty of sexual sins, if they end up damned, will spend eternity in close proximity to those that they engaged in those sins with, and will hate them for eternally for it.

Look folks, these sodomite sex clubs like Pulse aren’t pubs where people go to hang and and talk. These places exist and are designed to facilitate and enable SODOMITICAL SEX ACTS. Orlando Jihadfag was a regular at this place. He had probably had sex with some of the other sodomites that were there that night. Like I said, it was an image of hell on earth – the damned hating the damned, the people who cooperated in their sin. Anger. Hatred. And Fear. Fear that they could expose him. Of course he hated them and wanted to kill them. Of course ISIS throws fags off of buildings. Of course the Nazis killed Ernst Rohm and the SA on The Night of the Long Knives in ’34, and of course they rounded up fags and sent them to the camps. OF COURSE THEY DID. What else would you expect? What part of “hearts utterly devoid of love” are we not understanding?

Remember, a hallmark trait of DNs, and a pillar of islam, is LYING. Mendacity. In islam it is called “taqiyyah”. Lying is specifically ratified “so long as it is in service to a goal”. Well, isn’t it always? The koran calls “allah” not just a deceiver, but THE BEST AND GREATEST DECEIVER. Over and over and over again. As an aside, whenever any dumbass heretical priest or bishop blasphemes about allah being “the same God we worship”, the fact that the Catholic Church teaches as infallible dogma that God can neither deceive nor be deceived should be rubbed in their faces until they either shut up or repent of their blasphemy. The father of lies is satan.

The reason I bring this up is HYPOCRISY. Yes, this whole dynamic with regards to islam and fags is about as hypocritical as it gets. And hypocrisy is a subset of MENDACITY, or lying, as St. Thomas teaches in the Summa. DNs lie. DNs are hypocrites on a sometimes hard-to-believe scale. Islam is the purest transmission vector on earth of Diabolical Narcissism. And almost 100% of faggots are DNs. Thus, hypocrisy should be expected and anticipated. Being surprised or thrown by it, especially in this context, is just inexcusable at this late stage in the game.

Finally, if you have watched the DN Video, can you determine what kind of Narcissist Orlando Jihadfag was? Somatic or Cerebral?

SOMATIC. Somatic narcissist adult men TAKE SELFIES. And, Orlando Jihadfag was also a user of steroids – CLASSIC somatic narcissist behavior.

Not only is this stuff EASY to understand, it is highly predictable – IF one understands and acknowledges the OVERARCHING GLOBAL PATHOLOGY: DIABOLICAL NARCISSISM, of which islam is THE most perfected transmission vector.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

On 11 February, ARSH 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would resign the papacy effective 28 February ARSH 2013 at 8:00pm Rome time. After his “resignation”, Ratzinger still wore the papal white cassock, still referred to himself as “Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI”, and continued to live in the Vatican.

On 20 May, ARSH 2016, Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger’s personal secretary and confidant Archbishop Georg Gänswein delivered a speech at the Gregorian University in Rome in which he described in detail Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger’s views on his status as pope. Gänswein stated openly that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger considers himself still to be a participant in the Petrine Ministry, which by his “resignation” he “expanded”, with his role being “contemplative”, while his successor’s role is “active”. He further stated that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger believes that his resignation was “quite different” to that of Pope Celestine V, and that it is specifically for this reason that Pope Benedict XVI did NOT revert to his given name and continues to wear the papal white cassock while living inside the Vatican Walls.

They key here lies in Canon Law, specifically Canon 188.

Canon 188
A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

They key here is the up-until-now almost incomprehensible and ignored provision for “substantial error”. What could that possibly mean? Up until now, it was speculated that if a pope were to resign thinking erroneously, for example, that he were OBLIGED to resign at a certain age, or some such, that this was what was being referenced. But to think that a pope could be so ignorant is ridiculous, indeed. No. We now know what “substantial error” is. Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger made a “substantial error” in believing that the papacy could be “expanded” – in this case, bifurcated into a diarchy. Pope Benedict XVI submitted an invalid resignation not because he was coerced, but because he mistakenly believed and continues to believe that he could at once resign, thus allowing for the election of a successor, and yet still remain a Pope – note the use not of the definite article “the”, but of the indefinite article “a”. This is SUBSTANTIAL ERROR if ever, ever there were so, and thus, according to Canon 188, Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger’s resignation of 28 February ARSH 2013 was “invalid by the law itself”, and thus, he remains the one and only Roman Pontiff, whether or not he believes it or likes it.

As a corollary to this, it might be argued that since Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger has publicly acknowledged Bergoglio as Pope, that Ratzinger has himself promulgated schism by acknowledging a man he knows to be an antipope as pope. My response to this is that Ratzinger truly believes his SUBSTANTIAL ERROR. Ratzinger truly believes – wrongly – that BOTH he and Bergoglio are “participants in the Petrine ministry”, and thus that he does NOT think that he is schisming the Church.

At this point, let me make it clear that I am in no way trying to paint Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger as blameless or “the good guy” in all of this – his error and his actions have been catastrophic and have led directly to countless souls being scandalized unto damnation by Antipope Bergoglio. Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger’s ontology is CLEARLY warped, and in retrospect, we should not be altogether shocked by this given his activities and associations during the mid-20th century, specifically during the failed Second Vatican Council, and his lifelong defense of that clearly failed council. However, he was validly elected Pope, and, according to Canon 188, having submitted a resignation made out of “substantial error”, still is the one and only Roman Pontiff, and I do not believe that it was his malicious, malevolent intention to schism the Church, or to consciously promulgate an antipope. I think that Joseph Ratzinger simply made one of the biggest mistakes in the history of the Church. And he will answer for it.

I further anticipate that in the days and weeks following the publishing of this piece, that I will be called a “sedevacantist”. If and when you see this, take it as certain proof that the person in question either did not read this essay, or is dishonest. I clearly do NOT believe the See of Peter is vacant. I believe that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger is still the Roman Pontiff, and will be until he either dies, or VALIDLY resigns.

The “Election” of Bergoglio

The trail of breadcrumbs continues as we look at the conclave and “election” of Bergoglio in March of ARSH 2013. In September of ARSH 2015, Cardinal Daneels, a notorious Belgian pro-sodomite and protector of incestuous pedophiles, who is one of Bergoglio’s top lieutenants, openly, proudly revealed the existence of a “mafia” – his term – which calls itself the St. Gallen Mafia. It is a group of Cardinals whose agenda was the opposition of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI. Daneels happily admitted that this St. Gallen Mafia openly electioneered and campaigned outside of the conclave for Jorge Bergoglio to be installed as “pope”, and that once installed that Bergoglio would then radically and permanently transform the Church.

This is an excommunicable offense, according to none other than Pope John Paul II’s document Universi Dominici Gregis. While this alone does not appear to invalidate an election, in combination with the other evidence streams, it adds to the overall dataset indicating that something is terribly, terribly wrong, and that a satanic corruption is present at the very, very highest levels of the Vatican, and is especially concentrated around the very person of Jorge Bergoglio.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

First: Ann Barnhardt is a cuckoo-pants conspiracy theorist who has finally “gone sedevacantist and left the Church”

I respond: I believe that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger is still the Roman Pontiff and thus the See of Peter is occupied and has been all along, and I am still very much in the Church, and went to Mass and received Holy Communion this morning from a priest in a community 100% in unity with the See of Peter. Antipope Bergoglio was commemorated in the Canon, and I know this not because I could hear it (obviously – the Canon is said silently in the Venerable Gregorian Rite), but because I have specifically discussed this with the priest who offered the Sacrifice, and I know his position vis-a-vis Bergoglio as of 24 hours previous.

Further, the accusation of mental instability or a detachment from reality with regards to me is something I am by now used to – from the very closest of associates all the way down to the saddest of internet combox trolls, and I offer it to Our Lord, carrying His Cross to Calvary, bearing the scoffs and affronts, reproaches and calumnies that He suffered. If I am wrong, please God let me be corrected. If I am right, thank God for consoling me with the truth.

Also please remember that it is a frankly brilliant “chess strategy” that satan has set up and executed in forcing people who call out actual, genuine “conspiracies”, hidden crimes and societal abnormalities to be instantly lumped in with the truly mentally impaired people who believe in such things as chemtrails, shape-shifting lizard-Jews, underground civilizations and pretty much every other plot device from Star Trek: The Next Generation. I know I will be lumped in with these people, and view it as, to continue the chess analogy, sacrificing a pawn, knight or bishop in order to liberate the queen. So be it.

Second: “No one else is following you. No one else is saying this, most especially no one with any authority.”

I respond: Truth is not a democracy or a popularity contest. Either Bergoglio is the Pope or he is not. My thoughts on this do not determine Bergoglio’s status. All I am doing is conforming my rational intellect to the truth. If Bergoglio is not the Pope today, then he never was. Bergoglio did not “cease being the pope” when my rational intellect definitively apprehended that he was an Antipope. And the same goes for everyone else. If Bergoglio is Antipope, even if the entire human race now alive on earth unanimously says that he is the Pope – that does not matter. The ontological reality is outside of the human mind – no matter how many minds may believe in a certain proposition. And in this case, we are talking about a supernatural reality.


And so, in the hopes that this will help the countless people who are now, and will be in the future scandalized by Antipope Bergoglio, who look at the evidence and simply cannot explain how it is that his heresies and blasphemies can possibly reconcile to the supernatural reality of the See of Peter, I offer the simple answer that explains every question and clarifies every confusion, and eliminates every scandal:

Jorge Bergoglio is not now and never has been The Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth. Jorge Bergoglio is an Antipope, and Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger is the true and only Roman Pontiff alive today, and will remain so until his death, or his valid resignation.

I will conclude with today’s Communion Verse, the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, Psalm 26: 4:

“One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.”

St. Athanasius, pray for us.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
St. Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

First, the serious consensus is that Pope Francis is NOT the Antichrist. He is, without question, the Spirit of Antichrist, but not the individual Antichrist himself. Why? The Antichrist will be A.) extremely intelligent, which Bergoglio is not, and B.) teaching and tradition with regards to the Antichrist holds that he will be a layman.

What the serious consensus today is, however, is that there is a very, very high probability that Francis is the False Prophet forerunner of the Antichrist, who is paving the way and laying the groundwork for the Antichrist.

John the Baptist was executed for defending the sanctity of Marriage vis-a-vis the state, namely King Herod. Bergoglio is himself attacking Marriage, and not only fails to speak out against the state, but is openly cooperating with it as an ally.

John the Baptist was genuinely unconcerned with the material and everything he said and did was in regards to the human soul and its eternal fate. Francis is an utter materialist who frames everything up to and including the slaughter of preborn children in material terms, and says hardly anything about the eternal fate of the soul – and was reported to have confessed in an interview his belief in the heresy of Soul Annihilation, which has gone uncorrected in any way to this day.

John the Baptist proselytized the One True Faith, and the essentiality of baptism. Francis condemns proselytization, tells people he has no interest or desire to convert them to Christianity, and openly embraces false religions.

John the Baptist preached repentance. Bergoglio denies the need for repentance and casts this as “mercy”.

John the Baptist’s charge was to “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight His paths.” Francis has stated and has as his motto “hagan lio”, which means in Spanish, “make a mess” or more colloquially, “raise hell”. Francis proudly sows utter chaos.

John the Baptist diminished himself so that Christ might shine. Bergoglio diminishes Christ so that Francis might enjoy more worldly popularity and “power”.

Now, read the following quote from this glowing article from a New Jersey newspaper about a sodomite priest at a local parish and then sit in stillness with the full horror of what damage Francis has done in just over two years. He now has people denying that GOD HIMSELF will judge us for our sins. Stop and think about that. Use logic and progress your way through that. If “p”, then “q”. If “q” then “r”. If “r” then “s”.

Where it leads, and leads quickly, is to nihilism (the utter rejection of all moral principles, and the belief that life is meaningless), utter hedonism and mass murder.

Hoboken resident Caren Rankin, a parishioner of Saints Peter and Paul Church, was similarly unfazed and supportive of the news [that the new parish priest is an open, unrepentant sodomite]. She didn’t think it would bother her friends in the church, either.

“I believe as the pope believes,” she said. “The pope said God doesn’t judge, so I don’t judge.”

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Islam is a criminal racket, pure and simple. It was conceived by a cadre of warlords – I am skeptical that “mohammed” even existed – as a pure scam to muster an army, seize landmass and capital, both physical and human, assert political power, levy taxes and amass enormous wealth as oligarchs. Oh, and also get as much freaky, perverted sex as the oligarchs wanted. Interestingly, the word “mohammed” was not only a proper name, but also an honorific title. I suspect that these warlords fanned out and were called “mohammed” by their respective gestapo toadies as a title/honorific, and the name stuck and was used as the fake “biography” of “the prophet of islam” when it was written over 100 years later. Then, stories were passed down throughout the Arabian peninsula of ancestors having seen “mohammed”, who was, in fact, just one of these numerous warlord oligarchs.

The warlord oligarchs – perhaps we should call them “the mohammeds” – drew on local pagan, Jewish and Christian themes and motifs in order to give their evil scam the whiff of legitimacy that comes with religion qua religion. One of the key things they did was to “simplify” three core revealed truths of Christianity, or mysteries, in order to appeal to the masses: they deny that God is Triune, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Because that’s HAAAAAAAARD. Who can understand that? You don’t actually expect us to believe that bullshit, do you? (Sound familiar?) Next, as an obvious corollary to denying the Trinity, they deny the Incarnation of Jesus Christ as True God and True Man. Because that’s HAAAAAAAARD. Who can understand that? You don’t actually expect us to believe that bullshit, do you? (Sound familiar?) And as a final corollary, they deny the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Because that’s HAAAAAAAARD. Who can understand that? You don’t actually expect us to believe that bullshit, do you? (Sound familiar?)

And then, kill everyone, especially the people of the book (Jews) and the idolators (Christians – the term “idolator” is a direct attack on the Eucharist). But really, just kill everyone who doesn’t join up so that the oligarch warlords can seize those assets and landmass, and rape the cute ones.

It really is that simple. To approach islam in a scholarly way as a development of an actual Christian heresy is utterly ridiculous. It is like having a serious Catholic scholar dedicate his life to studying Mormonism or Scientology as “Christian heresies”. Um, Mormonism and Scientology are pure, straight-up racketeering enterprises, founded by psychopathic arch criminals. The absurdity of “studying” the “theology” of either racket cannot be quantified. Both criminal enterprises were set up in order to amass money, power and sex for the upper-echelon oligarchs. The pathetic attempts at religion are nothing more than a pose for the gullible – a facade so thin I describe it as sticking a piece of wet toilet paper to the wall. Wet, DIRTY toilet paper. (Ew. Right?)

Also falling into this category, but inside the Church Itself, is the satanic cancer called “The Legionaries of Christ” and its arm, “Regnum Christi”. Or as I refer to it, “The Evil Sex Cult”. The Legion of Christ / Regnum Christi was founded, like islam, mormonism and Scientology by a psychopathic archcriminal named Marcial Maciel Degollado, who was a Mexican priest. This piece of shit was a DRUG ADDICT BISEXUAL INCESTUOUS PEDOPHILE RAPIST. Yeah. He spent his entire life conning stupid, wealthy, oftentimes politically connected women out of their money (think John Edwards-Bunny Mellon), and screwing pretty much everything with a pulse, including his own children both male and female. He recruited other psychopaths into the oligarchy to share in his work of fleecing stupid and/or morally depraved rich and/or influential people with the promise of decadent living and unlimited sex (especially with pretty-boy seminarians!), while imprisoning and psychologically abusing thousands upon thousands of young people over the years in one of the most transparently obvious brainwashing cults of the last century – and the 20th century had some real doozies. I could go on, but bottom line and a stern warning from me in these incredibly dark days in the Church, NEVER EVER HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE LEGION OF CHRIST OR REGNUM CHRISTI. The whole evil mess should be suppressed, disbanded and liquidated, the empty shell burned to the ground, and then the earth where it stood should be salted and plowed. And then, all of the kingpins should be arrested and tried under the RICO statutes (or local equivalent) and imprisoned. The fact that this cancerous crime syndicate operates INSIDE the Church makes the crime that much more severe. Maciel used the complete legitimacy of The One True Church to imbue legitimacy upon his criminal cult – not merely coopting themes and motifs. This is why he has been called perhaps the greatest ecclesiastical villain since Judas Iscariot. But back to the original iteration of the evil sex, power and money cult, islam.

To “study” islam as anything other than the criminal enterprise that it is and always has been is to give it a false legitimacy that does nothing to advance the REAL goal, which is its utter, complete extermination from the face of the earth, and as soon as possible. We must stop this drive by the academia – especially the Christian academia trying to prove itself “ecumenical” and “tolerant”- to wallow in these ridiculous mental masturbations, and start calling this monstrosity for what it is – an obvious, transparent criminal racket AND NOTHING MORE. If you want to study islam as a “heresy”, you will be engaging in something every bit as ridiculous as studying the “space alien gods” of Mormonism, the “space alien volcano ghosts” of Scientology, and the personal piety and sanctity of Marcial Maciel and his money and sex grubbing henchmen and their sordid, fetid “(bowel)Movement”.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

The Washington DC regime has done nothing but game the system in a quest for personal power and wealth. We now know that they view the entire world’s economy and stability as a no-limit game, wherein the chips are in denominations of billions and trillions of dollars and billions of human lives, that they view as theirs for the taking. The Obama regime is nothing if not power hungry, is ramping up rhetoric with an eye towards inciting widespread violence, and perhaps hot war both at home and abroad, and is seemingly devoid of human empathy. For a dog to befriend these people would be a massive condescension on the part of the dog.

In short, these people, with Barack Obama first among them, are arch-criminals. Obama himself is one of the greatest criminals in all of human history. He has illegally usurped the single most powerful office on the planet. He has illegally and fraudulently insinuated himself into the office of Chief Executive of the largest, most powerful economy in all of human history by orders of magnitude, an economy so large and so powerful that its inevitable collapse will affect nearly every person on the planet in a tangibly negative way. He has also criminally commandeered the most powerful military force the world has ever known – also by orders of magnitude. He has hijacked a military arsenal that has the capacity to kill most of the people on this planet. He has also used his criminally-acquired power to destabilize an entire region and culture and foment what will probably become the first truly nuclear world war, centered on Israel and Iran, in which the death toll will be ultimately counted in the hundreds of millions. The scope of this crime is so large that it is difficult for the human mind to grasp it.

We are now firmly in the domain of the Stalin Principle. Josef Stalin famously said, “One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.” Obama, and the entire political class in Washington, and really, our entire culture collectively, now obviously determine the moral licitness of an activity solely by its scale. Once a crime surpasses a certain level in terms of scale, it ceases to be constrained by ANY moral matrix.


This apathy and moral impotence is why our nation is crumbling before our very eyes. This is why Western Civilization is imploding. There is no justice, or even a THIRST for justice. In terms of Obama, the worst consequence anyone can bring themselves to discuss is impeachment. Impeachment would be a disaster, because it would unjustly confer legitimacy and Presidential status upon Obama when he is, in fact, NOT the President. Impeachment is the constitutional remedy for removing a legally seated, legitimate President. Obama is neither. But the impeachment proceeding itself, because it would be executed by the House, Senate and Supreme Court, would give Obama a legal “stamp of approval” that he MUST NEVER be given.

Further, the Senate would be charged with voting to convict, and we all know that the moral cowards and outright criminals that now populate the legislative branch would never, ever vote to convict – no matter what the evidence. But let’s assume just for a moment that the Senate DID vote to convict. What would be the consequence to Obama? He would retire either to Hawaii or somewhere in the Middle East to live a life of extravagant wealth, of lazy days filled with ESPN, hard drug use and sodomy. This is exactly the same result that would come from Obama’s defeat in the 2012 election, or Obama’s decision to not seek re-election, OR Obama’s decision to resign at noon tomorrow.

We can no longer permit arch-criminals to evade justice. We MUST shatter the Stalin Principle if we expect our civilization to survive. Barack Obama MUST be arrested, tried as a non-state, non-uniformed enemy belligerent, convicted and punished accordingly for his crime. The MINIMUM punishment possible is a life sentence at the super-max federal prison in Florence, Colorado. Again, this is the MINIMUM acceptable punishment for one of the greatest crimes in human history. The appropriate punishment is that after trial and conviction, he be offered the Sacraments, and at dawn the next morning be put against a wall and shot. His body should then be hung and publicly displayed.


If we surrender Obama to a life of ill-gotten luxury and continued depravity, we will not only be clearing the path and scattering the rose petals for the next arch-criminal, we will also be failing Obama PERSONALLY. This is the truth of Christian Charity, which has exactly nothing to do with being “nice”.

Real Charity is ferocious, fecund and awesome in its vigor and persistence.

Real Charity does not impotently shrug its shoulders and turn its back and walk away. Ever.

Real Charity never says, “Oh, f*** him/her.”

Real Charity says, “Let justice be done upon him.”

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

1. The March ARSH 2015 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for my Benefactors will be on March 19th, which is the Feast of St. Joseph! I thought it most fitting, considering the Novena we all did together last month to St. Joseph. He did indeed find me a new parking spot for the Van, and while more expensive in absolute terms, it is an excellent value, and much closer to my job where I Clean All the Things. I won’t miss the commute, such as it was.

I hope all is going well for youse guys, both supporters and enemies. I pray for you every day, specifically that you make it to heaven, because in the end, that is really all that is going to matter. The interim details I leave to God.

2. Many people have asked about specific courses of action. Let me re-post my list of action items:

1.) Media strike
2.) Education system strike (or, put another way, not engaging in child abuse by sending your kids to Marxist-Sodomite indoctrination centers.)
3.) Financial market strike
4.) Tax strike (Max out withholding (if not self-employed) and then don’t file. DO NOT file a false return.)
5.) General strike
6.) Armed counter-revolution

Failure to engage in options one through five GUARANTEES the necessity of number six. Sadly, that is where we are going.

3. Of course, prayer and fasting are antecedents to the six points above. Inspired by the tremendous number of folks who joined in my St. Joseph Novena last month, I have put together a special Rosary – the Sorrowful Mysteries – in Latin, for the “Crushing of and in Reparation for the Heresy of Modernism”, which I have been saying daily for a while now. Modernism is the “synthesis of all heresies” as Pope St. Pius X called it, and it pretty much covers everything. Pope Francis and all of the infiltrators of the Church are Modernists.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

I want to make a distinction between effeminacy and, for the sake of clarity, “swishing faggotry”. Most men today are still, in fact, heterosexual. But they are extremely effeminate. Whilst being sexually oriented towards heteronormative acts (simply put, they “like girls”), their mode of being, of addressing the world, is almost completely feminized. When confronted with a problem, their method of dealing with it is to first DENY THAT THE PROBLEM EXISTS. Eyes down. Look away. DON’T TALK ABOUT IT. Pretend nothing is wrong, and eventually the problem will either go away, fix itself, or someone else (namely “a man”), will solve the problem for us, out of sight, and then we won’t ever actually have to deal with it. This is how females are generally wired, because women are physically weaker than men, and the best way for a woman to keep from getting raped and murdered is to AVOID combat situations in the first place. This is what today’s post-Christian western man has been trained to do and be since infancy.

The other profoundly feminine mode of avoidance is something I observe on a near-daily basis. It is the strategy that says, “Let’s wait to do anything until it is too late to do anything. Then it won’t be our fault, because it will have been too late to do anything.” This is such transparent cowardice, but oh, so attractive to the effeminized men of today. It is painted not as the abject cowardice and impotence that it is, but rather as “prudence”. It is now believed that the prudent man is not the man who discerns and does the right, but rather the man who does NOTHING.

I am reminded of Bonhoeffer’s quote: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

No, the hallmark gesture of today’s effeminized man is not the limp wrist and swishing hips of the “faggot”. The hallmark gesture of today’s effeminized post-Christian western man is the SHRUGGING OF THE SHOULDERS. Devoid of virility, devoid of potency, and at its core, devoid of CHARITY, today’s man, when confronted with evil, turns his head away to the side, shrugs his shoulders, and bleats out his twin mottoes:



And so, many people look at the oligarch class, these nefarious characters infecting every corner of society, from the halls of academia, to the corporate boardrooms, to the halls of government, to the halls of the Church, and they see, generally, drooling imbeciles. And they then think that surely these drooling imbeciles will do themselves in – all we need do is wait for them to trip over their own thingamajigs and beat themselves. But that isn’t going to happen. They will continue to roll. They will continue to march down the field, because not only are we not mounting an effective defense – MUCH LESS any sort of counter-offense, WE AREN’T EVEN FIELDING A TEAM.

If two teams are playing, and one team is the “NFL Dream Team of All Time” and the other team is comprised of a blind, mentally retarded three year old, the blind, mentally retarded three year old, ALONE, can beat the NFL Dream Team of All Time IF the Dream Team never comes out of the locker room. The blind, retarded three year old can literally run up and down the gridiron, scoring at will, so long as the Dream Team remains in the locker room, watching the blind, mentally retarded three year old cross the goal line time after time, shrugging their shoulders, declaring, “There’s nothing we can do about it. Whatever. It’s not my problem.”

And what is never shown on camera or discussed is the “coach” (satan) and “assistant coaches” (demons) on the sidelines, coaxing and calling the mentally retarded three year old down the field to uncontested score after uncontested score.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

In my video in which I burned the Koran, I bookmarked the various pages with strips of raw bacon. Why did I do this? Is it because I actually believed that I was thumbing my nose at a non-existent pagan moon deity? Nope. People, there is NO SUCH THING AS “ALLAH”, so therefore what sense would it make for me to “offend” or “bait” a non-existent entity?

And a book is just a book. The paper is made out of tree cellulose and the ink is made out of petroleum and probably some sort of soy derivative. The bacon itself was composed of muscle tissue, fat tissue and connective tissue. The components of these tissues are water, protein, fatty acids and collagen. Break it down further and we’re talking carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen in various configurations. Touching a piece of bacon, or any piece of pork or pigskin to a book does not result in anything except making a bit of a greasy mess of the book. No pagan moon deity is roused from slumber and filled with murderous wrath. Do you know why? Because THERE IS NO PAGAN MOON DEITY.

So why did I bookmark my koran with bacon? Because it was WITTY. Because it pointed up the absurdity of the West’s groveling before musloid superstitions – specifically the U.S. Military’s rules and protocol for handling korans, namely handling with the right hand only, and preferably with the hand or hands gloved.

Yeah, because the people who actually use toilet paper and DON’T wipe their butts with their bare left hands are the ones with the “dirty hands”. You betcha, General Petraeus.


Christ, on the other hand, is Real. Not only is He real, but He was there, in the septic tank with Thomas Vander Woude. Christ knows all about diving into tanks of shit, because that is exactly what He did for us. He was literally born in shit, in a cave that acted as a shelter for livestock. The floors were covered in shit, as were the walls. Don’t think that wasn’t symbolic and carefully planned by Him. You don’t think He could have worked it out so that there was one room left at the inn? Sure He could have – but He specifically chose the shit. He chose the shit because humanity fell into the septic tank, and we are all, every single one of us, drowning in our own shit. We just call it “sin”. The funny thing is, most of us don’t feel Jesus underneath us, holding us up. It just feels like we are standing on a solid base. You know why? Because like Thomas Vander Woude, Our Blessed Lord isn’t struggling. He isn’t squirming or flailing as He sucks our shit into his lungs. He’s just down there, supporting us, holding us up, drowning in our shit, with more solidity than the foundations of the earth, so that we can have life. I reckon the challenge in day-to-day life is to never delude one’s self into thinking that we are standing on the bottom of the tank and holding ourselves up. We aren’t. That’s Our Blessed Lord down there, whether or not we perceive it, or even believe it.

Remember this the next time you hear some musloid waxing philosophical on ritually clean death and admission criteria to “allah’s paradise”. And don’t belittle Christ, His Incarnation and His Sacrifice by encouraging such stupidity of thought. The fates of men’s souls aren’t trivia, and it sure as heck isn’t a game of tag played with pork products. Shooting someone with a pork-coated bullet doesn’t make you the judge of mankind, determining who goes to hell and who doesn’t. That task belongs to Christ and Christ alone, since it is Christ and Christ alone who has willingly drowned in the shit of every human being. And for that we should feel nothing but gratitude.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Because remember, Diabolical Narcissists, like the fallen angels they mirror, are INVETERATE AND FACILE LIARS. Projection is a specific form of lying.

Unless you have been in a very, very deep coma for the past half century, you have seen this on a daily basis out of the political class. If I may be so bold, every day I see you all who still cling to the legitimacy of the political system trying to square the circle and process these events as if the Constitutional Republic still existed and this isn’t kabuki theater entertainment, and the term “mind screwed” leaps to mind, indeed.

Every time a politician puffs himself up and starts bloviating about “fiscal irresponsibility”, “disregard for the Constitution” or any such thing, whilst committing capital crimes on a near-daily basis – crimes of treason, crimes against humanity, and crimes against peace that literally merit execution, this is the quintessence of “projection”.

Having the people who exposed the PlannedParenthood baby parts trafficking prosecuted for attempted baby parts trafficking is societal end-stage projection.

Hillary Clinton railing that all women who report rape should be assumed to be telling the truth while she has spent her entire adult life character assassinating (and possibly having murdered) women who were raped by her serial rapist husband is societal end-stage projection.

Judas Iscariot lecturing Our Lord and the other Apostles about THE POOR (TM) and how the flask of spikenard Mary was anointing Our Lord with should be sold and given to THE POOR (TM), while being himself a thief (John 12: 3-6). Yeah, that’s projection. Just a l’il bit. L’il bit.

When our lord and savior jorge bergoglio, a textbook diabolical narcissist and likely sociopath, rails, for example, against “namecalling” and “labeling”, whilst delivering homily after homily doing exactly that – Hor-hay project-ay. The best example of this is in Bergoglio’s um, document, Evangelii Gaudium, specifically the jawdroppingly oblivious paragraph 94. Behold:

94. This worldliness (said the man who is completely obsessed with being adored by the world) can be fuelled in two deeply interrelated ways. One is the attraction of gnosticism, a purely subjective faith whose only interest is a certain experience or a set of ideas and bits of information which are meant to console (like Soul Annihilation, or false ecumenism, or “who am I to judge?”, for example?) and enlighten, but which ultimately keep one imprisoned in his or her own thoughts and feelings. The other is the self-absorbed promethean neopelagianism of those who ultimately trust only in their own powers (I’m in charge around here! All authority rests in me! I’LL TAKE THEIR HATS—!) and feel superior to others because they observe certain rules or remain intransigently faithful to a particular Catholic style from the past (like 1974?). A supposed soundness of doctrine or discipline leads instead to a narcissistic (wheee!) and authoritarian elitism (WHEEEEEE!!), whereby instead of evangelizing, one analyzes and classifies others (“O God, I give thee thanks that I am not as the rest of men—” said the inveterate namecaller, literally AS HE IS NAMECALLING), and instead of opening the door to grace, one exhausts his or her energies in inspecting and verifying (said the pathological, persistent namecaller). In neither case is one really concerned about Jesus Christ or others (like when he refuses to genuflect to the Consecrated Host, and tells atheists NOT to convert so that they can continue to amuse him). These are manifestations of an anthropocentric immanentism (said the man who openly preaches humanism). It is impossible to think that a genuine evangelizing thrust could emerge from these adulterated forms of Christianity (said the most violent and enthusiastic adulterer of Christianity, well, since his homeboy Luther).

In micro terms, a Diabolical Narcissist will tell you that you are insecure, needy, self-absorbed, judgmental – whatever the DN is, he will accuse you of being that. If he is a liar, then YOU are the liar. If he is a cheater (assuming a romantic relationship or marriage), then he will inevitably accuse YOU of cheating. If he is stealing from you, he will accuse you of stealing from him. If he is acting like a child, he will accuse you of acting like a child. If he is lazy, he will accuse you of being lazy. If he drinks too much, he will accuse you of drinking too much whether you do or not. I could go on like this ad infinitum.

Ann Barhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Humility – TRUE humility, not the false Pope Francis perversion of the concept – is honesty about one’s self, BOTH in terms of what we are, and what we are not. Those of us who have been given much, as Our Lord said, have proportionally greater societal duty, and we are expected to discern this. Now Pope Francis and his ilk, being Marxists, nincompoops, and moral cripples, take these words as purely material, twisting them to falsely justify progressive taxation schemes and forced wealth redistribution, but the material sense is at the bottom of the list. Closer to the top of the list are the intellectual gifts that God has bestowed upon us very, very unequally.

The point of this is that unless and until the intelligent, wise, morally upright people on this earth stop cowering in shame before psychopaths, imbeciles and moral degenerates, and face up to the fact that they must reassert themselves and reclaim their place in society WHICH IS THEIR DUTY, there is no non-supernatural remedy to any of this, and it will continue to spiral into hell.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

I leave comments on blogs hardly ever, but I did leave a quick comment making the point that it is quite a commentary on today’s culture when a flamboyant sodomite – as Noel Coward was – displays the kind of virile moral leadership in calling out the descent of western culture that we can only FANTASIZE about today. Put another way, things said by queeny, British fags of 60+ years ago are now so far to the “right” socially that they would be characterized by the howling moonbat SJW’s as “fascist” or “Nazi” or whatever the non-sensical pejorative du jour is.

This, in turn, spurred a conversation about homosexuals in art and how decent, moral people should relate to such. The key question is this: Is it morally licit to consume art (music, painting, dance) that we know, after the fact, was made by sodomites? My thesis is this:

Consuming art created by sodomites is permissible so long as the art in question does not have a “sodomite aesthetic”, and does not point to nor glorify sexual perversion.

The Russian classical composer Tchaikovsky was a sodomite. Is it okay to listen to his music? Here is the Pas de Deux from the Nutcracker Ballet – one of my favorite pieces of Classical music. Does this have a sodomite aesthetic or glorify sexual perversion? I would say no.

In the spirit of self-correction, the critique of Noel Coward that has to be made is that his entire persona, like that of Liberace or Elton John, was, as the Brits say, “camp”, that is, queeny. Noel Coward inspired the chorus boys in the West End (London’s theater district, like Broadway in New York), to openly manifest as fags, which carried on through the years into the growing cancer of “poofterism” in British culture. THAT is a problem.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Lifesitenews.com has all manner of reportage on the truly despicable Danneels. You can start here, in which there is an audio recording of Danneels telling a boy to keep his mouth shut about being raped by a bishop – who also happened to be the boy’s uncle. Yeah. This Danneels is a real piece of shit.

Bergoglio has also HANDPICKED Danneels to be the NUMBER TWO MAN at the upcoming Synod on the Family, which is expected to drive the Church into schism.

And it all stands to reason. As we have discussed here over the last 2.5 years, Bergoglio is a thug, and the Church is pretty much completely infiltrated with people who DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE ANY OF IT. So, why would a power and earthly glory-hungry thug like Bergoglio, or a bunch of filthy, child-raping fags WHO DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN ANY OF IT be even the tiniest bit affected by the Law of the Church? It’s a PUNCHLINE to them. Why would we think that these people are internally constrained in any way for fear of a paradigm in which they DO NOT BELIEVE???

This effeminate, pollyanna worldview can no longer be defended. It’s just stupid. This has been prophesied by none other than THE MOTHER OF GOD, and frankly, how could one NOT want for this nightmare to be somehow thwarted? Is normalcy bias so strong that the systematic destruction of western civilization and the Church has to be not just ACCEPTED, but defended as NOMINAL?

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

3. Personal update. Scripture is replete with references to the “good people” fleeing to the hills and mountains. Flattering myself, I have taken that seriously and have procured a new parking spot in remote highlands. So now, my name is Ann Barnhardt, I am thirty-nine years old, and I live in a “van” down by a — crick. I will make sojourns into Urban Babylon for a while as I tie up loose ends, but the truth is, I can see, smell, and feel the satanic cloud descend on the city, and, for me personally, I simply can’t stand the faggots anymore. FAGGOTS. EVERYWHERE. I don’t want to see them. I don’t want to hear them. I don’t want to be anywhere near them. Let history record that ARSH 2015 was officially the year in which Ann Barnhardt HAD ENOUGH OF THE FAGGOT CRAP.

So Lot went out, and spoke to his sons in law that were to have his daughters, and said: Arise: get you out of this place, because the Lord will destroy this City. And he seemed to them to speak as it were in jest. And when it was morning, the angels pressed him, saying: Arise, take thy wife, and the two daughters which thou hast: lest thou also perish in the wickedness of the City.

And as he lingered, they took his hand, and the hand of his wife, and of his two daughters, because the Lord spared him. And they brought him forth, and set him without the City: and there they spoke to him, saying: Save thy life: look not back, neither stay thou in all the country about: but save thyself in the mountain, lest thou be also consumed.
Genesis 19: 15-17

4. As is typical, rent rates in remote areas are fractional, and indeed my rent is now 40% of what it was. I now hope to get out in front of and pre-paid on rent by at least twelve months as a security cushion. There is wild game out the gazoo here, and a thriving hunting culture. Even if cut off, starvation won’t be much of a concern. And my place is set up for wood heating and cooking, and for the growing of vegetables.

So that’s what I have been doing for the past ten days – executing the “I’m Not Gonna Stay Here And Get Greased With All Of These Faggots Mountain Evacuation Protocol”. With Christmas right smack dab in the middle. Much Turkey, stuffing, and HAAAAAM was et. Carols were sung, and merry was made.

5. Video recording of the “Diabolical Narcissism: Remember Lot’s Wife” presentation has been delayed because we determined that we needed professional lights. They have arrived, and now it is just a matter of getting Christmas wrapped up and back to a regular working schedule. In your charity, if you think of it, pray for the project and for protection for myself and the video crew. I can tell you right now that Powers and Principalities and their human mercenaries are REALLY not going to like it.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

I receive many emails from people who have watched the big Diabolical Narcissism video, and report that it has brought into sharp focus massively painful relationships, usually with a spouse or parent, but occasionally with a child, sibling, friend or co-worker.

I would like to take this opportunity to caution against “seeing a Diabolical Narcissist behind every tree”. Just because someone is a jerk, or even a narcissist in the sense of being selfish and self-absorbed, that doesn’t make that person a Diabolical Narcissist. DN is an extremely grave pathology, and while certainly exploding among the populace (as evidenced by its direct corollary, homosexuality and all forms of sexual perversion), DN is still a very small percentage of a given populace. Remember, a DN is a human being that has consciously and freely chosen to purge himself of all love. That is no small thing. DNs are thus incapable of any emotion derived from love, such as happiness, pleasure, genuine sadness, and are utterly devoid of empathy. Thus, they are capable only of the demonic emotional palate: anger, hatred, jealousy and fear.

Put another way, a mere narcissist wakes up thinking about themselves: “Me, me, me, me, me, me.” A DN wakes up thinking, “Who can I hurt next? Who is my next victim? Who can I destroy?” That’s a big distinction. Mere narcissists certainly do damage to others, but it is usually “collateral damage”. With DNs, every aspect of every attack on their chosen victims is meticulously planned, set up, fantasized about and executed. As with spouses in particular, the grooming phase may last years.

So, what is my advice to people who have found themselves in the situation of loving a Diabolical Narcissist?

The key to processing such a situation is, I think, to meditate on how God must feel about satan and the fallen angels, or as they are commonly known, demons.

Now, the analogy is very imperfect for obvious reasons. First, a person who loves a DN is not the DNs CREATOR. And thus, we realize that God’s pain is in a category infinitely above ours because our pain is a parity-level pain, between existential equals. God’s pain is that of the Creator, rejected, despised and warred against by His own creation. Second, we can never love with the perfect purity of God, obviously. Still, we can love.

A few preliminary words about the angelic beings. First, the more we learn about the universe, the greater the number of angelic beings seems to be implied. I read a news story just a few weeks ago that the Hubble Telescope has revealed that there are at MINIMUM 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, an increase over the previous estimate by a factor of ten. Now, each of these galaxies has, let’s say, an average of 100 billion stars. We know that every human being that has ever existed, including fertilized eggs that lived only a few hours, have had a guardian angel, and that angels are not “recycled”. So that puts the number of angels JUST assigned a human being into the hundreds of billions. Now, if we also take sacred tradition that every star in the universe has an angel assigned to it, we are looking at something like 200 SEPTILLION angels – just looking after stars. The “Second Sphere” of angels consisting of the three Choirs known as Dominions, Powers, and Virtues, would be charged with looking after and safeguarding the physical universe. See Ephesians 1:21, Colossians 1:16, and 1 Peter 3:22. If you have ever wondered why the demons don’t just destroy the earth, well, it is because there is an army of angels double their size defending the universe. And no, when there is an earthquake or other natural disaster, that isn’t “demons beating God”, that is The Divine Providence permitting chastisement in order to turn sinful men back to Him. I wrote about this recently in my post about the earthquake that struck Norcia, Italy.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

The aberrosexual NFL washout Michael Sam “proposed” to the guy whose body he uses for masturbatory friction on the cupola of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome – exactly, directly over the tomb of St. Peter. Because there was no other place on the surface of the earth that these shameless sodomites could have mocked and aped the sacrament of marriage. They had to do it whilst LITERALLY dancing on the grave of St. Peter.

Folks, the objective of these people and their satanic agenda is not, never has been, and never will be a “peaceful co-existence”. The order of progression, once sodomites are given even the slightest quarter in a culture, is:
Tolerance, acceptance, ratification, cooperation, participation.

Now you might be asking, “How can they force people to PARTICIPATE?”

The actor Billy Crystal, who actually played the first open sodomite character on teevee on the creepy sitcom SOAP in the ’70s, said recently that he really doesn’t care to watch sodomite sex scenes on teevee and in movies and was attacked and “forced” to apologize. Watching pornographic depictions of sodomite activity is a form of participation. Crystal was “punished” for stating that he preferred not to participate.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Dear post-Christian Iniquitous Gutter Republic:
You aren’t repenting, and thus God cannot extend His mercy to you. To not be sorry, and to not do penance – real penance, not just giving up chocolate – and thus to do nothing to stop the sins and offenses against God, indicates that you A.) don’t believe that that your sins are sins, and/or B.) if you do actually realize they are sins, you just don’t care that you are offending God. Either way, you, by your ongoing failure to repent and do anything to stop the unprecedented offenses against God, are telling Him in no uncertain terms that His Mercy is neither required or desired. And so shall it be.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Bergoglio earlier this week delivered a sermon at Casa Santa Marta in which he called Judas Iscariot a poor, repentant man, victimized and driven to suicide by unmerciful lovers of the law. This stunning attempt to rehabilitate Judas Iscariot, the greatest, most wicked traitor in history and despairing self-murderer, is beyond unprecedented. It reeks of supernatural evil.

This coupled with Bergoglio’s repeated statements that there is no hell, that the worst that can happen to a human soul is that it be simply annihilated at death, and that the possibility of eternal damnation is not part of “the logic of the gospels”, and Bergoglio’s relentless push to keep people from confessing their sins TO CHRIST by convincing them that not only are their sins not sins, but are, as we saw in the Paragraph 303 quote above, God’s will, can not but make one think that Judas Iscariot could be a big player in all of this.


I don’t think people understand how Bergoglio’s serpentine words denying the reality of hell and eternal damnation tie into his Marxism and materialism. Bergoglio casts everything in earthly, worldly, material terms. Bergoglio constantly preaches that material poverty is the worst thing that a human being can experience, and even that “discerning the Body and Blood of Christ” means NOT that a person believes and confesses the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, but rather that one has “greater fellowship with the underprivileged”. What this all does is plant the seeds in the minds of men that any suffering due to lack of material wealth or earthly suffering COULD justify suicide. Life on earth COULD become intolerable, or even just enough below the mean to put suicide on the table as a viable option (no pun intended). Because, after all, the WORST that could happen is the sweet relief of the “big lights-out”, because eternal damnation is “not part of the logic of the gospels”. From here, it QUICKLY becomes an act of “mercy”, and by that I mean the monstosity of “FrancisMercy”, to abort a child that might have to live a life of so-called “underprivilege”, or to “ease the suffering” of a sick, lonely old person.

Finally, Bergoglio, like Judas Iscariot, gives every indication of being embarrassed to rage by the reality of the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist (see John 6), but also goes out of his way to not only backhandedly deny the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist (as in Paragraph 186 of “The Exuberance of Buttsecks”), but also to encourage and incite as many people as possible in open, unrepentant mortal sin to defile the Blessed Sacrament by sacrilegious communion, with the full cooperation and assent of Christ’s priests – the very men tasked with defending Our Lord’s physical substance, like the angel with the flaming sword stationed at the Gates of Eden.

During the exorcism referenced above, it was recorded that Judas Iscariot was the worst offender against the Blessed Sacrament, “constantly trying to somehow destroy or defile it. To manipulate or mutilate it would represent everything [he] had attempted to do in life, and would be in league with the diabolical activity of attempting to taint anything Holy.”

That pretty much describes Bergoglio’s agenda over the past three years.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Pope Francis hates “fundamentalist” Catholics and rails against them, that is Catholics who ACTUALLY BELIEVE in the most basic fundaments of Christianity. In fact, he has already destroyed a very successful and thriving order called the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. What was their crime? Rampant sodomy? No. Teaching heresy? No. Escorting women into human abattoirs so they could slaughter their infant children? No. Their crime was that they believed in the Church and Her teachings, and preferred the Traditional Form of the Holy and August Sacrifice of the Mass. They celebrated both forms, but preferred the Traditional Mass. And they were growing exponentially. Until last year, when Pope Francis destroyed them. What is worse, he is refusing to let the Friars be released to go elsewhere, for example back to their home dioceses, where their bishops want them and could use them. Again, their crime? They ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN CATHOLICISM. They are FUNDAMENTALISTS.

So when Pope Francis goes before musloid leaders and tells them to “clamp down on fundamentalists”, he has street cred, because he has already destroyed one “fundamentalist” order, which has put terror in the hearts of every other genuinely, authentically Catholic order and fraternity out there. There is a palpable “lay low” mentality out there that simply did not exist two years ago today.

Terror, rape, murder, theft, looting, pillaging, lawlessness, aggression and the establishment of a decadent, jackbooted micro-oligarchy are FUNDAMENTALS of the islamic political system. The koran is an explicit manifesto of this. The faux-religious facade – the promise of sex in the afterlife, the submission to a capricious, evil faux-deity – is just that, a facade, taken seriously by only by those of below-average intelligence (due largely to centuries of inbreeding) and by those who are demonically oppressed or possessed, of which there are likely tens if not hundreds of millions worldwide today.

The difference here is the one thing that we are not allowed to speak about or even think in the rotting carcass of post-modern western civilization, (and now we see that this thoughtcrime also applies within FrancisNewChurch): There is ONE TRUTH. And what’s more, that ONE TRUTH resides in the Body and Bride of Christ – the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. One. There is ONE TRUTH. There is ONE TRUE RELIGION. One. The entire notion of “multiple truths” is self-contradictory, abject drooling nonsense.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

[Chilean bishops resign en masse over sex abuse scandal]

Remember how in the early months of the Bergoglian antipapacy in ARSH 2013 that there were rumors that Antipope Bergoglio wanted to ultimately abolish or otherwise liquidate the College of Cardinals? Remember how those rumors popped back up last year?

Remember how I have been screaming for almost as long that EVERY ONE OF THEM is blackmailable because they are either sodomites themselves, or have turned a blind eye to sodomites both around them and under their authority? EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. THEM.

Do you now see how Antipope Bergoglio, after receiving the en masse resignation of every bishop in Chile, COULD conceivably abolish or liquidate the entire College of Cardinals?

Anyone who says, “This can’t happen,” or, “That can’t happen,” should be dismissed. ANYTHING can happen. Anyone who says, “Bergoglio can’t do that because he’s as guilty as sin himself and so that would be — HYPOCRITICAL!” needs to be sent to the childrens’ table and offered a bowl of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and a sippy cup.

I’m waiting for Antipope Bergoglio to form a blue-ribbon commission to study the sodomite problem, with Monsignor Ricca in charge. We will, of course, need laypeople on this blue-ribbon panel, so I’d nominate Gustavo Vera and Ariana Grande.

Remember, folks:

Bergoglio is not and never has been the Pope. Pope Benedict XVI is the one and only living Pope – whether he likes it or not.

Pope Benedict was coerced out by these people (“Pray for me that I not flee for fear of the Wolves.”), and from thence came his failed, invalid attempted partial abdication.

The Church and the Antichurch currently occupy the same sacramental, liturgical and juridical space. The Antichurch is in ascendency, and when it finally decouples from the True Church completely, it will take every square inch of real estate, and be unanimously recognized by the world’s governments as “the catholic church”. Get your head around this now.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

The fact that the ObamaCare website is a complete clusterbungle that is totally inoperative is 100% INTENTIONAL.

This reminds me exactly of the Ukraine under Stalin in the early 1930s. The Ukraine is the breadbasket of eastern Europe. Tremendous farming and wheat production was centered in the Ukraine. Under Lenin, and then Stalin, all farms and food production were seized and controlled by the state. The Soviets hated the Ukrainians and wanted them all dead.


This ObamaCare website is similar in tactic. You are going to be punished for failing to comply with ObamaCare, even though the regime has specifically and maliciously seen to it that compliance is impossible – not that any person of conscience should even attempt to comply with the satanic ObamaCare anyway.

It’s intentional.
It’s intentional.
It’s intentional.

History rhymes. Like an Irishman’s dirty limerick.

You people had better man up and do something real and concrete to depose these neo-Stalinist psychopaths. Mere talk and hand-wringing leads straight to mass graves.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

Back to my old job of STATING THE BLOODY OBVIOUS: Barack Obama personally and the entire Obama regime is in an EXPLICIT ALLIANCE with the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama personally is a product of the MB and has connections from his university days, Chicago and his putative Kenyan relatives – Malik Obama (putative half brother) is a high-ranking MB player in Africa. Further, Hillary Clinton’s right-hand-man and possible lesbian concubine Huma Abedin (Mrs. Anthony Weiner) is the daughter of two of the MB’s highest-ranking members. The MB has massively, massively infiltrated the United States, the FEDGOV bureaucracy, the intelligence agencies, most particularly the FBI, and the Congress and Executive branches of the post-American regime. Further, nothing will be said about the Christian genocide in Egypt (well over 80 Coptic churches and monasteries burned in the last three weeks) because these people in Washington are evil, evil people and HATE Christianity and the Church. They WANT Christianity and Christians to be exterminated. They relish in the death of the Copts in Egypt. [And the slaughter of Christians in Syria, and the near-total elimination of Chaldean Christians in Iraq, and the non-response to the genocide of Christians in Nigeria, including the non-response to the kidnapping of the 230 Christian schoolgirls by Boko Haram on April 15th.] They relish in the genocide and are preparing to carry out the same thing in the former United States eventually, in an axis with Sodomites, musloids and militant Marxists – and many of the Sodomites and Marxists will SELF-IDENTIFY AS “CHRISTIANS”. You mark my words. This war is going to be so unlike anything ever before seen, because the lines of battle are going to be almost impossible to conventionally demarcate. Every population center will be its own discrete theater, and the players, with the exception of gang-bangers, will be almost impossible to visually sort. And yes, there will absolutely be white, middle-class suburban people among the enemy. Been to the airport lately? TSA much?

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

[Ann Barnhardt's video, "Diabolical Narcissism," is banned by YouTube]

As I have been screeching for years, all of this talk of “tolerance”, especially with regards to the faggots and other sex perverts, is no such thing. In fact, tolerance is the FIRST STEP on the road to total infiltration and societal collapse. The progression is: Tolerance, Acceptance, Ratification, Participation.

Think about the word “tolerate”. We tolerate something that is DISORDERED for some logistical reason – but then only temporarily. For example, if your toilet eats its pigs in the middle of the night, backs up, and won’t flush, you TOLERATE the nasty, disgusting poopy commode until the next business day when you can call a plumber and get it fixed. You don’t call a plumber at three in the morning. You TOLERATE the BROKEN, MALFUNCTIONING, THOROUGHLY DISGUSTING, NAUSEATING, AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FO’ DAT crap-filled toilet nonsense.

Same thing with sex perverts. Of which faggots and dykes are the largest constituency.

No, no. They had no intention EVER of being tolerated. Their objective, because of the diabolical nature of their psycho-spiritual pathology, is to vampirically destroy as many other people as possible. Which is why they so desperately, desperately want your children. You must give them your children. That’s the “participation”. Oh yeah. We’re already there. AND, why they will censor every critique, much less full-blown exposure and explanation of their evil, evil nature.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

[Comment on Fr Timothy Dolan's approval of Michael Sam coming out]

For the sodomites, and ultimately their father satan, mere toleration was never, ever the goal. The goal is full ratification and publicly-stated approval, followed by the outlawing of non-ratification and/or non-participation. Dolan has now explicitly and undeniably ratified sodomy with the words “Bravo” and “Good for him.” And why did he do it? Because he saw the wild mainstream popularity of Pope Francis and he wants in on it too. Let’s quit dancing around the reality of the situation. Pope Francis is popular for one reason and one reason only: his moral laxity, permissiveness, moral relativism and compulsive downplaying of the gravity of sin. Duh.

We are clearly now in the extreme end-stages of this culture. It is now “illegal” to not participate in the cult of child sacrifice, and it is likewise also almost completely illegal to not participate in or service the cult of sodomy – and jackasses like Dolan will be in position, squarely behind the people, continuing to place his foot firmly in the smalls of their backs and pushing them straight into hell, quoting Pope Francis Bergoglio all the way. The staggering, unquantifiable damage that Pope Francis Bergoglio has done and continues to do is utterly unprecedented. Pope Francis’ litany of active statements of permissiveness makes the mere silence of Paul VI seem like “the good old days”. Heck, at least Paul VI had Humanae Vitae. Er, or should that be “at most”? Either way, the poop well and truly does roll downhill.


Sweet Jesus, please do absolutely whatever it takes – WHATEVER IT TAKES – to make this stop. We know we deserve not only this, but so much worse. We know it will hurt – badly. But we know that you have and will provide us with the tools and strength we need to weather the storm. We have the Church, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and You Yourself in the Eucharist. We have Your Mother as our mother and advocate, and her Most Holy Rosary to keep us focused and mindful of Your life, death and resurrection every day, as well as all of your Holy Saints and Angels. But please, for the sake of your Sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us, and on the whole world. Show us Your Mercy by showing us Your Justice. PLEASE MAKE THIS STOP.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

It’s a red-letter day when an operational arm of the Washington D.C. regime puts out a fatwa/hit on you. The SPLC is hand-in-glove with both the DC regime’s so-called Department of Justice (snorf), and the musloid Caliphate (but I repeat myself), and what this is is a very, very thinly-veiled (pun intended) call for the jihadis already in place to hunt and kill me and the other eleven ladies on the list. The DOJ and FBI will look the other way should the retards (not a mere slang pejorative – their family trees are straight lines) actually get lucky, and it will all disappear down the gaping maw of the 36 hour news cycle, so the green light is given.

So be it. In fact, I was just thinking about how it has been too, too long since I have done a koran conflagration/bacon fry. In fact, I think the next koran burning I do should be IN PUBLIC. I hear Montgomery, Alabama is just lovely this time of year.


Interestingly, every word of the text is true except for two errors. The foreclosure sale of my office/condo was at the price of the balance on the mortgage, so the IRS got nothing, and my tax lien has not only NOT been satisfied, it has continued to grow. Heh. Second, I did not burn the koran with “a” bacon bookmark. I burned the koran with FOURTEEN bacon bookmarks. I sacrificed an entire package of perfectly good bacon, defiling it by touching the koran with it, in service to mankind. I had to throw away all of that bacon. No BLTs. No hot bacon vinaigrette. No pancakes fried in bacon grease, with crisp rashers drizzled in maple syrup. DO NOT MINIMIZE THE BACON SACRIFICE.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

Let’s speak bluntly about abortion vis-a-vis the black community. The average American black, immersed in, sympathetic to and morally crippled by the rap/hip-hop culture, isn’t going to be moved or persuaded by the fact that Planned Parenthood was founded by the eugenicist Margaret Sanger specifically for the purpose of exterminating first and foremost blacks, and let it also be said, low-IQ whites. But Sanger’s main target for genocide was blacks – no question.

Here’s the crap-cutting: Today’s black culture is so degenerated that even when confronted with objective evidence of their own genocide, they will COOPERATE with it because the ability to have mindless, loveless, promiscuous quasi-animal sex without “being punished with a baby” trumps absolutely everything. Blacks in the west today WANT to kill the children they conceive every bit as much as their champagne-communist masters, and will happily crawl into bed with people who are explicitly and openly desirous of genociding the entire black race – SO LONG AS THEY CAN KEEP SCREWING MINDLESSLY.

You know I’m right. You know that Dr. Alvedea King is preaching to a cinderblock wall. And before you declare me a racist, remember that the entire point I’m trying to make is that there should be far, far, far MORE black people alive today than there are. The SMALLNESS of the black population in the west is a problem, and we wouldn’t be in this mess if our society was still Christian and people – ALL PEOPLE – were getting married and being blessed by God with big families.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie barnhardt.biz

The interesting factoid released last week was that cable/sat licensing revenues comprised 80% of CurrentTV’s revenue, with the other 20% coming from on-air advertising. I did not realize that these channels were THAT budgetarily dependent on the cable/sat fees. I would have thought that advertising revenue was in excess of 50% of their total revenue. I was very, very wrong in that assumption.

The point is, you people are paying for this crap, and they are TOTALLY dependent on your monthly pinches of incense. You and your tacit consent via your continued patronage of the cable/sat market are absolutely, positively, without question the entire driving force behind all of it. If they lose the cable/sat licensing revenues, it’s lights out, right now. The ad revenue is not even close to sufficient to keep them afloat. That’s just the walking around money to them.

How ironic that they are making the lion’s share of their money off of people who never, ever watch their channel, but are too apathetic to withdraw their consent and their dollars. And it isn’t just Algore and CurrentTV. It is MTV and their utterly satanic sewage. It is the “gay” channel. It is Oprah’s neo-pagan cult channel – rotting the brains and souls out of one middle-aged suburban Kathy at a time. It is MSNBC. It is FoxNews and its insidious ploy to dupe people like you into thinking that the Republic is still intact, and that “Republicans” are actually fighting against the Obama regime, and that all of this will be straightened out once we “take back the Senate and maybe even the White House!”, and that the Obama regime is merely an incompetent, left-of-center historical speedbump. Rah! Rah! Yay America! It’s bread and circuses for people like you – people with 20 IQ points on the average “Dancing With the Stars” viewer. O’Reilly, Krauthammer, Kelley, Hannity – none of these people will touch the truth with a ten foot pole, and never will. Because the Truth in days like these leads to toilet scrubbing. ”Centrist moderation”, aka lying by both commission and omission, leads to eight-figure annual pay packages. They have made their choice, you must make your choice. I damn sure have made mine.