
Michelle Meyer and another employee #fundie patheos.com

In a horrible case of real religious persecution, a 7-year-old boy in Indiana was punished and ostracized by his public school teacher after saying he did not believe in God.

Disturbing details are emerging from a lawsuit filed against teacher Michelle Meyer at Forest Park Elementary School who allegedly punished her 7-year-old student with “banishment” for not believing in God.

According to the lawsuit, Meyers forced a second grade boy (identified as A.B. in the lawsuit) to sit by himself at lunch for three days as well as ordering the boy not to talk to any of his classmates after the boy told another student he doesn’t go to church and doesn’t believe in God.

The following is an excerpt from the lawsuit, via the Washington Post:

"9. On or about February 23, 2015, A.B. and his classmates were on the playground during
the school day immediately before lunch when A.B. was asked by one of his classmates if he attended church.

10. A.B. responded by stating that he did not go to church and did not believe in God. He also stated that it was fine with him if his inquiring classmate believed in God.

11. The classmate said that A.B. had hurt her feelings by saying that he did not believe in God and started to cry.

12. A playground supervisor reported to Ms. Meyer what had happened.

13. At that point the students were going to lunch and Ms. Meyer asked A.B. if he had told
the girl that he did not believe in God and A.B. said he had and asked what he had done wrong.

14. Ms. Meyer asked A.B. if he went to church, whether his family went to church, and whether his mother knew how he felt about God.

15. She also asked A.B. if he believed that maybe God exists.

16. [The teacher] told A.B. that she was very concerned about what he had done and that she was going to contact his mother — although she never did.

22. On the day of the incident and for an additional two days thereafter, [the teacher] required that A.B. sit by himself during lunch and told him he should not talk to the other students and stated that this was because he had offended them. This served to reinforce A.B.’s feeling that he had committed some transgression that justified his exclusion."

In addition to Meyer’s punishing her student for saying he did not believe in God, another Forest Park Elementary School employee also harassed the little boy for saying he did not believe in God:

"8. A day or two after the initial incident, A.B. and his fellow-student who had become upset with his comment on the playground were sent to another adult employed at Forest Park Elementary School.

19. This person asked them what the problem was and A.B. indicated that his classmate had become upset when, in response to her question, he had said he did not go to church and did not believe in God.

20. Upon hearing this, the adult employee looked at A.B.’s classmate and stated that she should not be worried and should be happy she has faith and that she should not listen to A.B.’s bad ideas. She then patted the little girl’s hand.

21. This was, again, extremely upsetting to A.B. as it reinforced his feeling that he had done something very wrong."

To sum up, one student told another student he doesn’t go to church and doesn’t believe in God. Apparently that upset the other student, who said the statement hurt her feelings. As a consequence, the student was punished by his teacher and another school employee for simply articulating the fact that he does not believe in God and does not attend church.

The district, who for some reason is not named in the lawsuit, released the following statement about the unfortunate affair:

"It is clear that it is not the province of a public school to advance or inhibit religious beliefs or practices. Under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, this remains the inviolate province of the individual and the church of his/her choice. The rights of any minority, no matter how small, must be protected."

The most tragic part of the story:

"31. A.B. came home from school on multiple occasions crying saying that he knows that everyone at school — teachers and students — hate him.

32. Even now there are some classmates who will not talk to A.B.

33. Even now A.B. remains anxious and fearful about school, which is completely contrary to how he felt before this incident."

“He was publicly shamed and made to feel that his personal beliefs were terribly wrong.”

Dave Armstrong #fundie patheos.com

Truly obscene, crude, sexually-oriented language is beneath the standards of the Bible and the Catholic Church. The way some (many!) talk today was confined to locker rooms, bars, and bachelor parties when I was in college 35 years ago (and mostly just to men). And I think that was a good thing.
Oh, for sure we had Woodstock and George Carlin and R-rated movies and punk rock. But it wasn’t everywhere; in-your-face, mainstream, on TV, inane, and obscene hip hop songs blaring from the next car over at the gas station . . . People instinctively knew that it was to be confined and strictly limited. It was “behind closed doors.” It wasn’t the stuff of public articles and Thanksgiving dinners. People were scandalized in 1972 when they learned (through the notorious Watergate tapes) that President Nixon said “GD.” They really were! It wasn’t just prudes and 70-year-old ladies in purple tennis shoes who taught Sunday School. I’m old enough (58) to personally remember all that.

Society has regressed, as it has in so many other ways. Now women can swear like sailors or pimps (even publicly, even in Catholic circles!). “You’ve come a long way, baby.” People not only see nothing wrong with that, but wonder how anyone possibly could, as if objection to it were the strangest thing in the world and confined to the most ridiculous, antiquated, almost self-parodied “fundamentalists.” Thank God for Netflix, used DVDs, and many cable channels, so parents can still get good quality TV and movies for the family, amidst the nearly universal cultural decline of language.

I think it’s pathetic and disgraceful. Men have so looked up to women and admired them, traditionally, precisely because we feel they are on such a higher level (morally) than we are: the finer creatures. It’s why there is such a huge fuss made about Mother’s Day, while I always joke that Father’s Day is about on the level of Groundhog Day. “Mom, baseball, and apple pie”, etc. I have always sincerely believed this. If that’s now considered old-fashioned and quaint, so be it. Count me in. It used to be called “chivalry” till the radical feminists (not feminism per se) did all they could to mock and destroy it as a cultural norm. My wife and all the women I admire are up on the pedestal.

St. Paul stated that “there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28; RSV). It’s not an unequal scenario at all. We’re equals under God. I’m not advocating at all that there should be a double standard: with women held to a higher level. Let’s get that straight. A few people on Facebook, reading an early version of this post mistakenly thought that.

I’m not against women having freedom to act as they please, as men do. I’m disappointed when they become coarse and crude like so many men are. What a shame. Why in the world would women seek to emulate men’s worst characteristics? Even the Catholic / Christian / cultural notion that one doesn’t speak a certain way “in mixed company” is now lost. That was out of respect for women, in deference to them as finer creatures: not as crude and vulgar as men are. Now women join right in, and talk the same way themselves!

We all fall short in many ways. I’m not talking about the occasional slip, use of strong language in an outburst of passion, or in tragic situations, exclamations when we hit our head, etc., not even the relatively minor “swear words” (though obviously those should be tempered in any sort of professional or church setting), but rather, about brazen, consistent use, vulgarity, obscenity, sexual gutter language, and (above all) trying to rationalize it away as a non-issue, as if it is perfectly fine, and unfathomable that a Catholic organization would ever consider dismissing a writer on the grounds of persistent bad and insulting language.

My friend Patti Sheffield, on my Facebook page, outlined some of the biblical data regarding proper language:

"Ephesians 5:1-5 is pretty explicit on the conduct expected of Christians, and verse 4 specifically condemns “obscenity or silly or suggestive talk”, not just taking God’s name in vain. Ephesians 4:29 [“Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear”], included in the list of rules for new Christians, explicitly forbade foul language. James also warned in his writing that we must learn to bridle our tongues. That means, simply put, have a filter. If someone is going to proclaim the Gospel (by being an apologist or a writer), then at least, have a filter."

"If we can’t be bothered to do that, we’re just conforming ourselves to the world instead of transforming it in Christ. And as Christ warns us in Matthew 12:36-37, we will be called to account for every careless word we make, and that will be a big factor in our final judgment. Why risk it for the sake of what some call humor?"

And let’s not forget the sage, stinging advice in the book of James:

"James 3:3-11 If we put bits into the mouths of horses that they may obey us, we guide their whole bodies. [4] Look at the ships also; though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. [5] So the tongue is a little member and boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! [6] And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is an unrighteous world among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the cycle of nature, and set on fire by hell. [7] For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by humankind, [8] but no human being can tame the tongue — a restless evil, full of deadly poison. [9] With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who are made in the likeness of God. [10] From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brethren, this ought not to be so. [11] Does a spring pour forth from the same opening fresh water and brackish?"

Again, I’m not saying that women are held to one ethical standard and men to another: the old ridiculous double standard. No! It is us admiring women because they voluntarily chose to be more moral than we knew ourselves to be. It has to do also with men and women being fundamentally different in the first place. Ideally, we look up to each other, because of the complementarity that God designed.

The Catholic tradition is what taught the beauty and necessity of waiting till marriage, while the sexual revolution has brought us wonderful things like ubiquitous pornography. That really raises women’s stature in the eyes of men, doesn’t it? We need to understand what chivalry is in the first place and what has gotten our society into the sad, pathetic state it is now, after 50 years of wonderful sexual liberation. Everyone’s ecstatically happy, aren’t they? Families and marriages are better than they have ever been. Not! How’s the culture doing on marriage and treatment of women, post sexual revolution? How well has that pitiful social experiment / wholesale rebellion against sane, sensible tradition worked out?

As long as women continue to give out the “benefits” without demanding the commitment, we’ll be in the mess we’re in. That’s just about the root of it: caving into mens’ sinful sexual desires and emotional manipulations. It’s what has caused illegitimacy rates in the inner cities to rise to an astounding 80%. That and the broken home that usually results are some of the leading sociological indicators (my major) of poverty and a life of misery.

In practice, traditionally, women have been more moral sexually than men have been. Whether that was due to the double standard or the fear of pregnancy or the social stigma, or actually understanding the goodness of waiting till marriage, or various combinations of the above, it is a demonstrable fact. That has now mostly broken down.

And in practice, traditionally, women controlled their language much better than men did. All I’m saying was that men admired that. You admire what someone does better than yourself. I’m not in any way, shape, or form saying that men get a bigger pass and have less responsibility to follow Scripture and the Church. I’m simply describing the usual sinful reality of it. It’s the distinction between prescription (the should and ought) and description (the actual fact).

I still think women have the edge in sanctity: in practice. But radical feminism and unisexism are working very hard to make sure that women are equally as sinful as men in all areas. For the most radical feminists, their working philosophy has been to “hate men and to simultaneously do everything possible to be exactly like them in every way.” Sort of the “identifying with the oppressor” routine.

Language is one of these areas. Premarital sex is another. This is my point. There used to be a pronounced difference [no pun intended!] in how women talked. So we men admired them for that. Now that distinction is rapidly diminishing, and I think it’s a shame, because it means that women are relatively more sinful (as a generalization) in this area than they used to be, and that’s a very sad thing and a loss of yet another element of Catholic tradition and the traditional relationship between the sexes.

Feminism (mainstream, not radical) actually gives credence to my argument here, by its own rhetoric and self-understanding. If women are not higher creatures than men in some sense, how is it that feminists are (and indeed the thrust of the secular culture also is) always urging men to be more like women: more sensitive, nurturing, and communicative in particular? This presupposes that women have these traits that men desperately need to learn and emulate. Now how could that be if women were not indeed “higher” than men, for whatever reason, in those respects? And that leads back to my point. We look up to y’all because you really do have characteristics that we lack.

It can work both ways, though. My wife often complains about groups of women going right into gossip and complaining about their husbands. This is a major fault in women, and one where they can learn from the generally better example of men. Men almost never run down their wives in public; hardly even in private, one-to-one. They instinctively regard that as low-class, cheap, utterly inappropriate, and a bad reflection on them (since they chose to marry this woman). It’s just not done. So this is an instance where women could be raised up a bit by imitating what men almost always do. Both genders have their characteristic besetting sins. I would say that the biggest ones are lust for men and nagging / complaining for women.

But this is another instance of women themselves thinking they are superior to men. If they didn’t, the many women who do this wouldn’t sit there for hours gossiping about their husbands and assuming they are dolts who “don’t get it” and who don’t grasp the simplest things, like being able to openly, honestly express their feelings (like most women do), and often assume at the same time naively, foolishly assume that they are perfectly innocent as to the origin and continuance of various marital difficulties: as if it doesn’t take two.

Of course, historically, there was indeed the dreadful double standard, with the “good girls” and the “bad girls.” That was because men demanded immoral sex (this being our leading fault). It was very wrong, and it was primarily men’s fault. There will always be women willing to take advantage of men’s weakness and leading sin, for profit. Hence, prostitution.

Likewise, the Victorians went too far in terms of being anti-sex (though this is often exaggerated). The devil exploits everything to his ends. If a culture adopts a fairly Christian outlook that premarital sex is wrong, then there will be the tendency, because of sin, to go too far and get to the place where sex is regarded as “dirty” and “evil”: even marital sex.

That was what started ancient gnosticism. But this isn’t the Catholic position. The Church Fathers strongly tended towards this error, too. I’ve read them. I compiled three books of their quotes. They were opposing the rampantly sexual pagan Romans, and so they sometimes went too far in the other direction. This is the human tendency, and the devil exploits it to the max. The true biblical view is found in the Song of Solomon: unashamed sexuality within the bounds that God set for us, for our own good and pleasure.

Skeptical Realist #fundie patheos.com

Al Cruise: I think we are going on the wrong trail here. What my original question was , what would happen if conservative Christianity had total control over the state in all areas of civil life. This is the parallel that the author is talking about. The Nazis took control of every aspect of life in Germany and we saw what happened. What would happen if conservative Christianity had the identical same control and power in the USA?

Skeptical Realist: It is impossible to separate people from the equation, and people are evil. But is actual disciples of Christ ran all things, it would be wondrous. Love God, and Love People. Prayer of the generic type would be allowed back into school. Abortion would be much more restricted if not illegal. Gender dysphoria would remain classified as a mental/psychological disorder. The traditional definition of marriage would be restored. Civil unions would be available to same sex partners. Freedom of sincere religious conscience would be restored. Totalitarian Islamism would be declared an enemy of the state and subversive towards the Republic. The federal govt would be removed from the role of nanny and caregiver, and return that to the people and the states.

Mariam Sobh #fundie patheos.com

In a really awful attempt at humor, actress Mariam Sobh posted a video recently explaining why ex-Muslims speak out against the faith: They just want cash.

Not because they no longer believe in God.

Not because they think Islam in particular has tremendous potential for harm when people take the holy texts literally.

Not because they want other doubting Muslims to know there’s a safe place for them if they ever become “apostates.”

Nope. It’s only because they want to get in on some of that sweet ex-Muslim money.

It seems like everyone is looking for a way to make money fast! But what if I told you I could show you a way to make those dreams come true?

First, I have to ask you this. Do you happen to be a Muslim? If you answered yes, well, soon you won’t be. That’s because with this special program, you have to pretend you’re not one! Why? Well— hello! People who’ve had inside access to this faith are in high demand! You will be the go-to expert before you can say “Creeping Sharia.” All you have to do is join the “I’m Not A Muslim Anymore Tell-All Society” or INAMATAS.

She then lists the perks of being an ex-Muslim, including book deals, “six-figure speaking gigs,” VIP travel around the world, and political positions.

There are testimonials from two “members” of IMAMATAS who brag about some of those perks. In between, Sobh returns to say, “All you have to do is denounce your faith in a series of social media rants and wait for the trolls to bite! Once your story goes viral and receive at least one death threat, you’re a candidate!”

She closes with the line, “We do take a 90% cut on all speaking engagements.”

Lee Kaplan and the Stoltzfus parents #fundie patheos.com

Two parents from Pennsylvania have been sentenced to prison for up to seven years for “gifting” their six underage daughters to a man who claimed to be “prophet of God.”

Daniel and Savilla Stoltzfus unlawfully gave their young children to Lee Kaplan, who claimed to speak for God, after they left their Amish community. Kaplan was convicted just last month on 17 counts of child sex abuse for molesting and then “marrying” the six sisters.

A neighbor told CNN all about Kaplan, who was found living with 12 females (many of whom were underage) last year.

“My gut was telling me to confirm what I was thinking. I just knew. There was no reason why this older, significantly older man, any man, regardless of what they look like, would have this amount of children, all in blue dresses, never outside the house regularly, looking so scared— I knew that something wasn’t right.”

The neighbor’s gut was right, and now authorities have the evidence to prove it. They discovered that Kaplan met Daniel Stoltzfus at an auction in 2002 and laid the groundwork for a massive long con to convince the poor family he was speaking on behalf of their God.

Kaplan promised the family financial help, moved in with them, and ultimately took their six daughters as his brides. The eldest daughter had two children by Kaplan, including one that was conceived when she was just 14.

Clearly Kaplan was the mastermind behind this immoral operation, but the girls’ parents had to be held accountable as well. They put their daughters in direct danger and allowed this man to take advantage of them, all because of money and misplaced faith.

An attorney for Savilla Stoltzfus, William Craig Penglase, acknowledged this and expressed disappointment that she didn’t get a reduced sentence for cooperating with the prosecutors who brought charges against Kaplan.

“Individually, her sentence is completely appropriate— I understand the court’s outrage at their behavior— The struggle I’m having is she got no benefit for handing the government Lee Kaplan on a silver platter— She was the beginning, middle and end of the government’s case, and she got nothing back for it.”

Counsel for Daniel Stoltzfus said the father chose not to present any mitigating evidence at trial.

“He did want to take accountability— He understood the severity of the charges, and how the court had to view them— It’s really tough to make any sense out of what happened.”

The important thing here is that these girls are getting justice. Not just for the behavior of the man whom they were forced to marry, but also for the actions of the parents who allowed it to happen. It’s the silver lining in an otherwise tragic story.

Communist Party of China #fundie patheos.com

The Communist Party of China, the nation’s governing party, says its members must give up religious beliefs and “be firm Marxist atheists.”

Wang Zuoan, the director of the State Administration for Religious Affairs, wrote on Saturday that religious members should give up their faith in order to preserve party unity.

“Party members should not have religious beliefs, which is a red line for all members— Party members should be firm Marxist atheists, obey Party rules and stick to the Party’s faith— they are not allowed to seek value and belief in religion.”

Wang added that foreign forces use religion to “infiltrate China” and that extremism has “threatened national security and social stability.”

“Religions should be sinicized— We should guide religious groups and individuals with socialist core values and excellent traditional Chinese culture and support religious groups to dig into their doctrines to find parts that are beneficial to social harmony and development.”

This isn’t just one crazy government official banning religion and requiring “Marxist atheism.” Zhu Weiqun, chairman of the Ethnic and Religious Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, said it is “important” to remind party members not to have religious beliefs.

“Some people who claim to be scholars support religious beliefs in the Party, which has undermined the Party’s values based on dialectical materialism.”

Tamara Scott #fundie patheos.com

— those who come against Christianity want to destroy Christianity.

Our Founding Fathers created a Christian nation. We definitely have a Christian background. The Declaration of Independence. We celebrated it just July 4, and two days later, this city council is having an atheist come speak?! Can you imagine the men that sacrificed their families and their fortunes, and they mentioned not just several gods in the Declaration of Independence, but the one true God — four different times.

There’s no mistaking that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. And they did it because they knew what made better Christians made better citizens.

Because law only punishes crime but Christianity changes the heart and prevents it. And once you take those principles out, that’s when you start seeing what we’re seeing today, Jeff.

You see the Ferguson. You see the riots. You see the Antifa. You see the Resistance. And when you take away that heart of prevention, then government has to become more authoritarian and coercion—

Sheikh Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Maligi #fundie patheos.com

I will talk to you about female circumcision from the medical, religious, economic, and historical perspectives. So lend me your hearts and your ears—

The discussion about female circumcision goes back to the past century. The first time that this subject was debated extensively was in the past century. Who were the first to talk about it? The Jews. They do not want Islam or the Muslims to be pure, develop, and civilized, So they started talking about it. In The Protocols of the Elders of Zion it is written: “We must strive for the collapse of morals, so that it will be easier for us to dominate the world.”

They tell you that female circumcision causes infertility. Says who? How can female circumcision cause infertility?! Egyptian women are circumcised, yet they give birth more than all the other mothers in the world. So how can this cause infertility? It is the uncircumcised women of Europe who are infertile. Allah be praised!

Are there any economic benefits to female circumcision? Yes! What are the economic benefits of female circumcision? Female circumcision is a preventative medical measure. Someone who is uncircumcised will be afflicted with many serious diseases, which we will discuss later, Allah willing. Someone who contracts one of these diseases must spend money, and the state must spend money on his treatment, and so on. But we can save all this money and direct it elsewhere. So this constitutes preventative medicine.

June Griffin #fundie patheos.com

Terror for Jesus: A gun-toting, evolution-denying, Bible-thumping, Christian extremist is threatening atheists in Tennessee.

Long time Christian activist Pastor June Griffin of the American Bible Protestant Church is making “subtle and not-so-subtle threats” against atheists and other freethinkers behind a new statue of legendary lawyer and rationalist Clarence Darrow.

The statue is set to be dedicated on Friday, July 14, in front of the site of the historic Scopes evolution trial: the Rhea County Courthouse in Dayton, Tennessee.

Declaring that “an atheist is not on an equal footing with the Christian,” Griffin told WRCB that she is not happy with new statue, and suggested that she and others would take the law into their own hands if the statue goes up as planned.

During the interview Griffin said:

"All history proves the existence of God and Evolution is a joke for any thinking person. This is a very serious matter, the courthouse is a sacred place, you don’t turn it into a theater.

Well I know God is real and he’s not pleased with this. You can come in here with all kinds of French opinions of this, that and the other but this is not France and we don’t run on opinions and an atheist is not on an equal footing with the Christian.

You (commissioners) have betrayed the people of this county, you have betrayed them. There are people that live on the outskirts and they don’t make appointments with Channel 3, they just do things and I’ve heard talk of ‘well there’s always spray paint.’"

Griffin is vehement in her opposition to the Darrow statue. In addition to her interview with WRCB, Griffin also made some outrageous and concerning social media posts. On her Facebook page Griffins uses Psalm 149 to threaten atheists and other freethinkers: writing:

"(The non-prophet American humanist association and the non-prophet freedom from religion outfits think they are going to waltz into Rhea County and have all the Christians smile and love them. Here’s news for you: Christians don’t cowtow to the enemies of God. The God of David, Oliver Cromwell, George Washington and Wm. Gannaway Brownlow lives. You will get a nice surprise when you dare to step on sacred grounds of OUR Courthouse. You might bully your way around with our County’s advisor (we have no County Attorney),the historical society, the DA, and the Commission who are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. You are worse than devils; the 'devils fear and tremble,' but you have no fear of God. You come with your high-minded corruption and your boasted freedom but you will be brought to nothing when we get through with you. You come to us in the name of theatrical equality lawyers, but we come to you in the Name of the LORD OF HOSTS. The County property owners control this House – not you.Our God will bring upon your worst fear. This is not a threat – it is a Promise. Psalm 149. from a Christian saint. June Griffin. For God and Country.)"

Note: Psalm 149 is in part a call for the faithful to destroy the enemies of the Lord –

"May the praise of God be in their mouths
and a double-edged sword in their hands,
to inflict vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples,
to bind their kings with fetters,
their nobles with shackles of iron,
to carry out the sentence written against them—
this is the glory of all his faithful people.
Praise the Lord."

In addition to the above post, Griffin made other statements on her Facebook page suggesting violence was a legitimate option in her opposition to the statue that is being promoted by atheists and other freethinkers.

Also, Griffin told a local paper that she wanted to meet the sponsors of the statue without lawyers, suggesting a violent confrontation may be necessary if the atheists and freethinkers did not see the light. The following is an excerpt from the exchange:

"'No lawyers,' she said, 'only personal confrontation. Engage them in the debate right there.'

If not that, she said, the humanists should have to defend themselves in court, without lawyers, who she says feed on taxpayer money and have no concern for people’s rights.

And barring that, Griffin suggests the association form its own militia.

'If worst comes to worst, I will challenge them to meet us in their uniforms at King’s Mountain, just like John Sevier did, and we’ll settle it over there,' Griffin said.

During the American Revolutionary War, Sevier led patriots to battle against loyalist militias in South Carolina."

Writing for Friendly Atheist, Hemant Mehta spoke with Griffin about her subtle and not so subtle threats. However, despite being pressed, Griffin refused to say whether or not she would engage in violence to protest the Clarence Darrow statue.

Qiu #fundie patheos.com

An 80-year-old Buddhist woman forced the evacuation of 150 passengers on a Shanghai flight when she threw a handful of coins into the engine of the plane as she “prayed for safety.”

Throwing coins for good luck is common in Buddhism, but it is mostly directed at temples, statues, ponds, and wells. This time, one of the coins (worth 1.7 yuan— or 25 cents in the U.S.) hit the engine and caused the flight to be delayed for several hours.

The woman, only identified as Qiu, was taken away for questioning by police.

“After an investigation the involved passenger, surnamed Qiu, said she threw the coins to pray for safety. According to Qiu’s neighbour, Qiu believes in Buddhism.”

John MacArthur #fundie patheos.com

[On if gay Christians go to Heaven]

Well, I don’t know if [the question is] for me, but no one is gay.

If you mean by that, that that’s some hardwiring— no one is gay. People commit adultery, they commit sins of homosexuality, they lie, they steal, they cheat.

That’s like saying, “You know, I keep robbing banks, but I’m a robber. I’m a bank robber. What am I gonna do? I’m a bank robber.”

That is not an excuse for what you do. Are there certain kind of impulses that lead people in that direction? Yes. But I think one of the really deadly aspects of this is to let people define themselves as gay.

They are not gay any more than an adulterer is hardwired to be forced by his own nature to commit adultery. Those are all behavioral sins that are condemned in scripture. God didn’t hardwire anybody in such a way that they are not responsible for certain behaviors.

And so we need to cancel that out of the sin list and welcome them into the Kingdom of God, because you can’t do anything else.

But I think we do no service to people who are caught in the vicious sins of homosexuality by letting them define themselves by that sin.

Anne Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

It appears, from the general tenor of the internet, that there are only two choices of what to talk about today–Wonder Woman and Terrorism. Neither appeal to me at all, of course, because it’s not my job to stop the second one, and the first one is a movie, and I hate, join with me now, ‘all movies.’
Truly, I don’t get the super hero thing. Never have. Even after enduring two little boys who lived, each of them relentlessly, in various costumes–first Superman then Spider-Man and carrying on from there. I always wondered what they thought was happening as they daily donned cheap nylon and velcro unitards, usually over pjs and all manner of bulky little kid clothes. It looked like the most uncomfortable ensemble imaginable, but would only very rarely be removed.

My girls, of course, did occasionally don the Superman costume. But mostly they devoted themselves to big fat princess dresses. In this way, gender distinctions were rigidly preserved. And this must be my fault, even though I never bought a single one these items myself, and never told which child to wear which one. I never made a speech, ‘you wear the big dress, and you wear the skin tight unitard.’ They just knew—because of the patriarchy, probably.

I, therefore, pray and hope that I don’t have to go see Wonder Woman even though it will probably be one of those movies that I can’t avoid without trying really hard.

This morning I read a Mormon writer explaining how the movie is about Jesus, and then a feminist explaining about how the movie is about feminism. The first one surprised me. The second one not at all.

The second one said this, “She also won’t apologize for being a woman. The movie champions her femininity: Her power isn’t diminished by caring too much or experiencing her emotions. Instead, her love and kindness strengthen her.” That sounds perfect. I’m just curious, though, in how many places where this movie is likely to be shown is a woman having to apologize for being a woman? Will they be showing this movie to women in Mecca? And truly, how brave and courageous in this modern world to see brightly lit on a screen a woman ‘experiencing her emotions.’ What a counter cultural message!

For my part, I have always found the Super Woman meme to be a drag. The idea that a woman can have it all was predicated on the exhausting assumption that she could also do it all. And that has turned out to be a lot of work. Women have to save the world and cook the dinner and do the laundry and feel all the feelings and manage the man and be amazing at work. If you do all these things, you get to have a glass of wine at night and complain about how terrible your life is.

When really, no one person can do any of those things. One or two perhaps, but not all, and certainly not all at once. I dislike more than anything being introduced as someone who has Six Kids (! How is that even possible!) who Homeschools (! I know right!) and has written a book (! Can women even write books?) and blogs every day (! Every Day! That’s Crazy!). The list of my accomplishments goes on and on and as they’re going on, one of two terrible things happens. Either the person who is hearing them becomes overwhelmed and loses interest (this is more usual) or the person rightly begins to look quizzical, and with genuine curiosity says, ‘How do you do it all?’ Because that is a lot of things.

But here’s the thing, you have to be allowed to use the word ‘thing’ as a technical word whenever you want to, and, more importantly, You Don’t Do All The Things At Once. You do not, usually, have six babies in one go. You have one and then another and then another. And you don’t just wake up one day and write a book. You do it gradually. And you don’t do a lifetime worth of laundry in one single afternoon while you’re also getting your college degree and working three other jobs. You do a little bit of laundry every day, and you do one job at a time.

Accomplishments accumulate over the time.

And here’s the other thing, you don’t do them alone. You are not the savior of the world. You don’t have enough peace and light and beautiful world transforming feelings to end all the wars just by virtue of being female. That is not a thing. You are human. (I trust you all understand that when I’m saying ‘you’ I really mean me.) You need a savior and also some help sometimes. No person can do all the work ahead of her in life without any kind of help from other human people who also need help. The human experience is not a super hero one, nor a princess one (thank heaven).

It is a hard work intermingled with many disappointments and sorrows punctuated by bright moments of joy and amazement one.

We’ve had decades of the male superhero motif and we still have ISIS. Men couldn’t save the world. I guess we can try a decade of a female superhero but I’ve got some news for us all. She isn’t going to save the world. Being female is no better than being male. Both, male and female, are human, and fallen, and not able to save the world and themselves. They need God. But, you know, Wonder Woman, give it your best shot. You play Jesus for this year and we’ll see how it turns out.

And now if you’ll excuse me, I will go save my own house, Single Handedly! from disaster! Just kidding. I will make all my children help me. Because I can’t do things like that on my own.

Arkansas legislature #fundie patheos.com

After a two year battle, a Ten Commandments monument was finally installed outside the Arkansas State Capitol this morning— which also means Arkansas is one step closer to being sued for promoting Christianity.

State Senator Jason Rapert spent more than two years trying to make this happen, and he had help from government officials (who know nothing about how the law works) every step of the way.

As soon as the proposal began making its way through the House and Senate, atheists and Satanists applied to donate their own monuments, but this past February, House members passed a bill (unanimously) giving them final approval over any proposals.

Javier Soto #fundie patheos.com

[On using the gay pride flag as a rug]

I’m cold on my feet, so we’re going to put a rug in. This is a rug that I use in the shows I’m doing. This is the filthy rag I’m going to put here to do the show. This is a filthy rag that I always use.

Tianzhu #fundie patheos.com

This notion that Christians' belief in hell results in contempt for non-Christians is not something this old geezer thought up by himself, this is something he picked up from some of his young flunkies, the little snowflakes who have the Thought Police mentality and are certain that "bigots" (defined as "people we don't like") are out to get them. When you get down to it, liberalism is really just politicized paranoia. Someone who doesn't think like them must be a horrible person, and if that person believes in hell, he must be planning to treat unbelievers badly - and never mind that his actions have never shown him to be a bigot.

Denny #fundie patheos.com

[while debating on the concept of Hell, a commenter argued that Denny lacked empathy since he was fine with people suffering in Hell]

Denny: Really? So the only people who are full of empathy are people who are depressed or anxious? Christians should be writhing in agony because of God's justice? Quite the contrary, I would not want a God who did not punish sin. If Hitler and Stalin are not in hell, I think God is very bad.

A man who pretends to be a woman is not exactly in a position to judge others. You have some serious issues of your own.

Joslyn Renfrey: You think little non-christian children deserve to go to hell, including all the little jewish children that hitler gassed: to the same hellfire they go.
My issues are laughably tame compared to yours - you see, at least I'm not a sociopath.

Denny: So a "sociopath" is anyone who doesn't share your obsessions? Fella, you need strong medications and years of therapy.

Sven #fundie patheos.com

[=A comment on a post regarding Universalism=]

A god who saves everyone would not be one worth worshipping. He would be a monster. If God isn't just, I want no part of Him.

Warriors for Christ #fundie #homophobia patheos.com

Facebook has added rainbow flag emojis, and a Christian Facebook page is promising to ban anyone who uses them.

In honor of LGBT Pride month the rainbow flag is joining the “thumbs up” and “heart sign,” as well as “excited,” “shocked,’ “sad,” and “angry” emoji as a way to react on Facebook.

However, the Warriors for Christ Facebook page is not happy that Facebook has added a rainbow flag emoji to their list of possible post reactions, and issued a stern warning explaining that anyone using a rainbow flag emoji would be banned.

As one might expect, many reasonable people accepted the challenge, and bombarded the anti-gay Christian Facebook page with happy rainbow flag emojis.

In response, the Christian Facebook page issued the following public service announcement:

"Public service annoucement (sic).
Despite all the lies and false accusations here we are not being hateful to any person. We also will not back down from proclaimimg (sic) truth of God’s word.

Sin is sin period. Sin results in eternal seperation (sic) from God. Despite your lack of understanding of love, we here love everyone enough to speak the truth even in the face of so much hate.

So we speak the truth that sin leads to death, but we have a savior that can set one free from sin and give them a new life in Christ."

And this:

"Lord I know that right now many lost people are being sent here by the powers of darkness that control them to harass this page. I pray that when they come here that their eyes be opened up to the truth of your word. Your word is living and active and has the power to reach the heart. And even though these people are coming here as our enemies to hate us, I still pray blessings over them and pray you open their eyes to see the truth clearly. Satan has blinded many to the truth, but we come against any attack or insult or curse of the enemy in Jesus name."

Bottom line: The “Warriors for Christ” are feeling persecuted because their anti-gay rhetoric is being ridiculed. And all their prayers to a God that does not exist will never justify their pious bigotry and hatred.

Dave Armstrong #fundie patheos.com

A common tactic of biblical skeptics is to question the veracity and historical trustworthiness of the New Testament based on alleged numerous “contradictions” therein. But most of these so-called “problem passages” can easily be shown to be not contradictory, but rather, complementary. This is what might be described as the “1001 Bible contradictions” ploy.

In the desperation to find contradictions, any instance of a different report (not absolutely identical in all respects) is regarded as contradictory, when in fact this is not so at all, and obviously so, for anyone who will take a little time to reflect upon it. A simple example will suffice to illustrate this:

1. Joe says he saw Bill walk up to the Dairy Queen and buy an ice cream at 3:10 PM on a hot Saturday afternoon.
2. Alice says she saw Ed walk up to the Dairy Queen and buy an ice cream at 4:10 PM.

3. John says he saw Kathy walk up to the Dairy Queen and buy an ice cream at 4:30 PM.
4. Sally says she saw Bill walk up to the Dairy Queen and buy an ice cream at about 3:15 PM, Ed buy an ice cream there at about 4:20 PM, and Kathy buy an ice cream there at about 4:45 PM.

Now, according to these conflicting and contradictory reports, how many people (at least) bought an ice cream at the Dairy Queen between 3:10 and about 4:45 PM on a hot Saturday afternoon? Was it 1, 2, 3, or 6?

Actually, none of the above, because (in all likelihood) many more people went there during that time to buy ice cream. They just weren’t all recorded.
But skeptical hyper-critics look at the above data (lets say they represent the four Gospels) and see a host of contradictions:

1. Joe contradicts Alice as to who visited there in an hour’s time.

2. Joe contradicts John as to who visited there in an hour and 20 minutes time.

3. Alice contradicts John as to who visited there in 20 minute’s time.

4. Joe says someone visited at 3:10, but Alice claims it was at 4:10, and John says it was at 4:30.

5. Joe, Alice, and John can’t even agree on who visited the Dairy Queen in a lousy span of only 80 minutes! They are obviously completely untrustworthy! Probably two or more of them are lying.

6. To top it all off, we have the utter nonsense of Sally, whose time for Bill’s arrival contradicts Joe’s report by 5 minutes!

7. Sally’s time for Ed’s arrival contradicts Alice’s report by 10 minutes!!

8. Sally’s time for Kathy’s arrival contradicts John’s report by 15 minutes!!!

And so on and so forth. Yet this is the sort of incoherent reasoning which we get from so many skeptics of the Bible, who pride themselves on their reasoning abilities and logical acumen, over against the alleged gullible, irrational orthodox Christians, who accept biblical inspiration. Many examples of this sort of nonsense can be easily located in the usual laundry lists of biblical contradictions which frequently appear in skeptical and atheist literature, often exhibiting the most elementary errors of fact or logic.

Fair-minded and open-minded folks should be able to easily see through the shallowness of such proofs. The skeptical underlying assumptions are almost always assumed as axioms (reasons for this acceptance are deemed unnecessary), and the Christian assumptions are almost always frowned upon as irrational, impossible, etc.

We often hear, for example, the weak argument that John’s Gospel excludes a lot of the important events in Jesus life, which are recorded in the synoptic Gospels. But it obviously had a different purpose (it was more theological in nature, rather than purely narrative). In the world of biblical hyper-criticism, however, facts such as those are of no consequence. The usual predisposition is that contradictions are involved, per the above reasoning.

I’ve compiled many resources for Christians who encounter this sort of thing: Alleged Bible “Contradictions” & “Difficulties”: Master List of Christian Internet Resources for Apologists (Links).
I just had an encounter yesterday with a man who listed off four alleged contradictions in the Bible. I spent a significant amount of time offering counter-explanations in a combox on my blog, showing (I think) that contradictions were actually not present, complete with links to the material that answers the charges. I wrote at the beginning and the end:

"Since you are unwilling to look these up in my sources (which is why I provided them), I’ll do your work for you. It was not difficult to find possible and plausible solutions in a few seconds searching on Google . . .

Now, I just spent a bunch of my time doing work that you could have done just as easily. Next time, do it yourself. But something tells me you won’t, because if you were willing, you would have done it this time, rather than challenging me with it. As it is, you provide a classic example of the logical inadequacies and unfair attitude of the biblical skeptic, that I can now pass on to my readers, as an illustration of what I’ve been saying for years: atheists and other Bible skeptics approach the Bible like a butcher approaches a hog.

And so how did this man respond when I did all that for him? He deleted all his comments and split . . ."

Exactly my point: he doesn’t give a rat’s rear end about actually solving these alleged Bible difficulties, or giving the Bible a fair shake. He only wants to tear it down. He has no interest in defenses of an infallible, inspired Bible. Therefore, if a Christian seriously interacts with his criticisms, he wants no part of it, because that doesn’t advance his agenda, and he disappears. He’s not interested in either serious Bible study or serious discussion. If I’ve seen it once, I’ve seen it a hundred times.

Keith Gomez #racist patheos.com

we’re talking about 13 books in the Bible, Romans through Philemon. You ought to write that down. I could really shake you up now, but I don’t know if I oughta wake you up that bad— when you get in the Pauline — are y’all listening to me? — when you get into the Pauline epistles, you’re getting in the doctrine. So why would you get in Philemon when he’s trying to teach you how to treat your slave?— If they should be slaves.

[Makes a fake snoring sound] So you wanna go to sleep?

See, what you wanna do is turn in to TBN [Trinity Broadcasting Network] and listen to them odd birds who don’t know doctrine whatsoever. And then you hate slavery because we were taught to hate that. Because we’re so nasty.

And some of you little whities can’t get it either. If it wasn’t for slavery, those folks would still be in Africa with a bone in their nose fighting lions, and if you don’t like that, you can lump it any way you want. That ain’t a prejudice. That is factual and historical.

Robert Foster #fundie patheos.com

Conservative state legislatures have been hesitant to defy tyranny for many years. Most Christians in this country have been reluctant to fight against evil in my lifetime, although there is as much to fight for today as there ever has been. The soul of our nation hangs in the balance as we sit on our hands and complain about losing our country, all the while our enemies are mocking us and not just defying our Constitution, a set of laws created by man, but mocking and defying God.

I am not one to pick a fight, this fight began a long time before I ever got here. I firmly believe in the Constitution and the rule of law, which I have sworn an oath to uphold.

It is our duty as men and women of Christ to stand in the gap between tyranny and evil and those who are unable to defend themselves. There is one set of laws above all others and that is God’s law. Nine judges cannot override God’s law. They may defy it, but they cannot override it. I for one will no longer sit idly by as an elected State Representative for MS and do nothing while judge/s act as if they are more Supreme than God Almighty.

I am calling on the Mississippi Legislature to pass a law outlawing abortion after a heartbeat is detected, with the only exception being if the mother’s life is at risk. Some things are worth getting sued over and worth fighting for. No matter how many judges pass injunctions or what fines or penalties they try and threaten us with we must stay strong in the face of evil and defy their orders to allow abortion to take place in our state. The time to act is now. Young women should not be faced with this burdensome decision any longer, it should simply not be an option.

We must destroy evil before it destroys our nation and our children’s future. We must uphold God’s law in our land as well as the Constitution — for the latter cannot exist without the blessing of the first. If it is the last thing that I do as a state Legislator I will see to it that every last abortion clinic in this state is closed.

In His Service,

Robert Foster

Mr. Garrett #sexist patheos.com

[Excerpt from a discrimination complaint filed by the ACLU]

When M.S. asked Mr. Garrett why he was denying her daughter access to a valid prescribed medication, he told her that he was refusing to fill the prescription because of his personal beliefs. When M.S. asked for clarification, Mr. Garrett explained in a judgmental tone that he was refusing to fill the prescription because he had a “pretty good idea” for what purpose the medication would be used. Mr. Garrett’s statements left M.S. with the sound belief that he was refusing to fill M.S.’s daughter’s prescription because he believed the prescription would be used for M.S.’s daughter’s reproductive healthcare.

Jan Crouch #sexist patheos.com

In 2006, a 13-year-old girl named Carra Crouch spent a night in a hotel room with a 30-year-old man. They drank some alcohol and watched a movie. He also, she later testified, spiked her water and raped her after she passed out.

She wasn’t sure what to do, so she went to her grandmother and explained everything. And her grandmother did absolutely nothing about it— unless you count yelling at Carra. There was no phone call to cops, at least.

The reason all of this is big news right now is because the grandmother is Jan Crouch, the now-deceased woman who founded Trinity Broadcasting Network with her husband Paul Crouch.

The man who allegedly raped Carra was “a TBN employee at a Praise-A-Thon fundraiser in Atlanta.” And Carra has filed a personal injury lawsuit against the Trinity Christian Center (which runs TBN) saying her grandmother’s negligence caused her trauma and emotional distress. The trial just concluded yesterday.

The lawyer for Trinity says Jan Crouch was under no obligation to report anything to authorities because she was simply being a grandmother. She was off the clock. Carra didn’t come to her as a minister (which she was), making her legally obligated to report such a crime.

What really gets me is the reason Jan Crouch didn’t say anything, according to Carra’s lawyer.

"In Wednesday’s closing arguments, Carra Crouch’s attorney, David Keesling, said Jan Crouch, who died in May 2016, never reported the incident because she was more concerned about the 'bad press.'

'Jan Crouch, like her or not, her words mattered to Carra,' [Keesling] said. 'Carra went in fragile and she came out broken.'"

Now it’s up to a jury to decide whether Jan Crouch broke the law by disregarding what Carra told her.

Anne Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

(From the blog post "10 Funny Things About Climate Change")

So, because apparently I am single mindedly focused on our Lord, here are ten funny jokes I thought of about the climate change summit going on in Paris. Because if my main thing is Jesus, the western world’s main thing is climate change. If we don’t make some jokes, we’ll probably all perish from all the self righteousness.

1. Jesus promises to destroy and remake the earth and cosmos at his second coming, let’s cripple the world’s economy now so that he will forget and Never Return.

2. Boy it’s chilly out here in upstate New York, love me some global warming. (Sorry, I have to say that every time.)

3. Maybe if we feel more guilty about ourselves, the third world will have warm loaves of bread appear gloriously in their hands and all the children of the world will dance and sing forever.

4. And the Bread will be Gluten Free, GMO Free, Monsanto Free, and Warm, but not too hot. Just so long as it’s not The Bread that comes down from Heaven that Gives Life to the World, none of that, that can’t help anyone.

5. Hmmmm, nothing like the glorious steam rising off of a thousand corruptly rich politicians flying into the heart of France on private jets and opening wide their mouths to chat together about what Everybody In The World Should Do over a little bubbling champagne.

6. Instead of worshiping God and caring for each other and his creation, let’s foist that onto an uber big bureaucracy whose highest good is killing babies before they are born. (I guess that’s not really a joke.)

7. Maybe if we borrow some more money we don’t have and take some more money from people who don’t have very much we can Save Everyone from Total Destruction.

8. God must not exist and is stupid so it’s ok for us to lie lots and lots and lots and not look at the reality of the world’s problems at all.

Gosh, these aren’t turning out to be funny at all. I must be sounding bitter. Let me try again.

9. The Climate of the Earth has never heretofore changed and we know Everything about Science now and are very clever so shut up.

Oh never mind, I can’t really think of anything funny to say so for number ten, here’s Jesus talking about Climate Change.

10. “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” Mark 13:24-26

Good luck, powers and principalities and presidents of the world. Do your worst.

Patriarch Kirill #fundie patheos.com

Over the weekend, the WannaCry ransomware attack targeted Microsoft Windows systems across the globe, even disrupting hospitals in Britain.

But Russia won’t have to worry about anything like that happening because the Orthodox Church’s Patriarch Kirill apparently visited the Ministry of Internal Affairs and sprayed holy water on the computers.

They can hack our political campaigns, but they think spraying water on computers is a smart move— #Logic

It won’t do any good, obviously, and I suspect the government let Kirill work his magic because he’s a powerful figure in the country. I think the government official standing in the middle of the room with the “you’ve got to be kidding me” look speaks for all of us.

Kirill has previous blamed the rise of ISIS on the “godless, secular” civilization in which we live. Also: Pride parades. He also thinks marriage equality is a “very dangerous sign of the apocalypse.”
And now he’s adding to his bullshit-filled toolbox with holy water. Because who needs a white hat when you have religious headgear at your disposal?

Fr. Dwight Longenecker #fundie patheos.com

The surge for people of the same gender to be married now seems unstoppable in many parts of the world, and I have no doubt that the homosexual activists will not rest until they achieve this same victory wherever possible.

Just as “wearing a ten gallon hat don’t make you a Texan” and “saying you’re the King of England don’t make you the King of England.” So saying you’re married don’t make you married, or at least you may be married in the eyes of the state, but you’re not married in the eyes of God—not that most people will care about that.

What if you said you were a zombie and you were going to marry another zombie? You even went through the ceremony, but that doesn’t mean that zombies were married. It was all pretend.

You could say the pretend stuff is just fun, and why not let people have their fun? Okay, let them have their fun, but when it’s all over forgive me if I remind folks that zombies aren’t real, and neither is such a thing as a two men or two women marrying each other.

Anne Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

[=Context: Part 3 of Anne Kennedy's rant against Jory Micah=]

So, yesterday I chattered away about all the annoying possibilities for women in the church–the Duggar Option, the Ray Romano Option, the Giving Up Option, the Backing Furtively Away Option. I started with three but it looks like it morphed into four. We needn’t worry too much about how many there are and what to call them. The fact is, since that long lost edenic landscape, men and women have never been able to comfortably sort themselves out. Some millennia or other we’re going to notice this and lower our expectations.

I am going to get to the other annoying option for women in the church–showing her her place–but before I do that I want to talk about Tone, which means the other one will have to wait.

In the Land of the Internet–that great vast playground of everybody saying and being whoever they want to be–it’s very natural that we would want to bubble wrap ourselves in protective layers no matter what the conversation is. As human discourse has become technically easier, it seems to have become exponentially more tetchy. Anyone can talk, therefore we are all much quicker to have our feelings hurt.

This being so, I have some friendly counsel. I think if women want to be taken seriously in whatever sphere they hope to inhabit, it would be helpful for them to set aside many of their trigger warnings.

For example, one of the jarring thing about reading so much Jory Micah in one day is the vague feeling that she has Definitely Overcome. She has been victimized by the church and everyone, but she has gloriously overcome all the hideous persecution to forge a better and more enlightened way for herself, a way that actually fractures the body of Christ because she’s going off to start a new one. But me noticing this in the public writing that she is publicly doing, will doubtless bring cries of ‘don’t be so mean!’ Which shuts down the conversation. Either you can say something publicly, and have people respond to it publicly, or you can go hide in your cupboard. But we like to have it both ways.

As we are increasingly offended and hurt, the church becomes an impossible place to actually sort things out. What set of men will want, reasonably, to talk to women about anything, let alone what women can do, if the women are poised and ready to cry Foul at every turn? Men, for all they are so evil, are not usually spoiling for a fight. They want the women to be happy so that they will leave them alone sometimes. I jest—sort of.
What I’m trying to say is, the victimization tone needs to go away. There are some true victims in the world–lots of them actually, more of them women and children–but being in a church that doesn’t think you should, because of the Bible, preach the sermon, does not make you into an oppressed woman. And when you insist that it does, it actually only serves to close off other avenues where you might be useful in the kingdom of God.

If women want to be taken seriously in any sphere by men, I think it would be awfully helpful if they set the tone of the conversation in a more Gospel centered posture–with wisdom, grace, humility. I actually think this is already how things are trending. But the specter of hurt feelings mingled with the muddy heritage of feminism is always hovering.

Likewise, for the men, not assuming that every woman who isn’t squatting over her cooking pot adjusting her veil is the same as Jory Micah would go along way towards calming troubled water.

Someone has to be willing to leap in and talk through what might be seriously uncomfortable issues. Do we want to return to a golden, if not actually real, past? Where women stayed at home and men earned the check and little Beaver Cleaver pulled up to the dinner table in his collared shirt and his cheerful attitude? Where June was so taken with Ward and he was so clever and her pearls were so perfect? (Actually, I would not have minded this. Especially the air brushing.) Or shall we go back further still to the yet more glorious past where the man was probably cobbling the shoes in the front room and the woman was cobbling the meat pie in the back and when they went to church they knew it had been great when that nice bell rang?
Or, maybe we could start from where we are, with women and men both in the work force, women in even greater numbers in university programs, and children expected to all be geniuses by age three. None of these various ways of being are perfect. But we have to account for where we are, and we need to let go of the foolish ideals of utopia. And we need to center our gaze back on the scriptures. And if we want to really go forward we need to stop getting our feelings hurt every few seconds. I say we but I am obviously just talking about you. (JOKE)

Grayson Gilbert #fundie patheos.com

I find it puzzling that this topic is still up for debate, yet the sentiments of many Western Christians is that you can love Jesus without loving the church. Verbose arguments abound on the church not being confined to a building – that all spaces are sacred and therefore, filled with divine presence. The well-worn argument that the church does not consist of the physical space you occupy while worshipping God, but instead the body of believers, contains just enough truth to lure readers to their inevitable conclusion:
Church attendance is optional. Serving the brethren, again, is optional. Loving the brethren? Still optional. Feeling guilty about not wanting to go to church? Don’t worry about it; that’s the fault of institutionalized religion.

They then do a follow up post called The Real Reason Evangelicals and Millennials [insert people group] are Leaving the Church, where again, they pander to what people want to hear. So long as you subject the Scriptures to tokenism and appeal to sentimentalism, people will eat it up. Soon enough they’ll be in the woods celebrating “communion” with Coca Cola and cookies.

I’m not denying that some churches simply aren’t churches per the definition of Scripture; what I am speaking against is the underwhelming opinion that you can somehow be part of the universal church and reject the local church, or that the local church is made up of you and your family on a Sunday morning as you lay in bed and reject communion with the saints and sitting under the proclamation of the Scriptures.

The reality is that the entire New Testament presupposes you are going to be part of an institutionalized, local church. People wish to delve into semantics and separate the location from the body of believers, but that isn’t the point of defining what the local church is. Yes, the building could be demolished overnight and the church would still exist – however, that local church still meets in time and space. That local church still has a designated structure made up of elders, teachers, deacons, evangelists, etc., for the edification of the whole man until the saints reach unity in the faith and the knowledge of Christ (Eph. 4:11-16). The church is made up of living stones that is being built up as a spiritual house into a holy priesthood for service to Christ (1 Pt. 2:5) and they are members of one another (Rom. 12:5; Eph. 4:25, 1 Cor. 12:12-27), and are present within a local community.
Even still, the author of Hebrews indicates that we are to not forsake gathering with God’s people because of the hope we have in Christ, so that we might encourage one another to perseverance in the faith (Heb. 10:19-25). The idea being presented is that the confidence we have to enter the presence of God through Christ, being able to hold to the hope we profess without wavering, and drawing near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance, is directly related to the notion that we are intimately connected to this local body.

What’s more than all of this is that a local church is not a church without some semblance of this God-given functionality and structure. A group of three people without the headship of elders and teachers is not the church. They are part of the global church – but they are not a substitute for the local church. There are always exceptions to the rule, yet the exception does not prove the rule; special provisions do not institute a normative ecclesiology. The text never presupposes the rugged individualism indicative of American Evangelicalism.

We know Paul was prohibited from communing with the saints whilst in chains. We also know that many churches are confined to secret rendezvous, have gone without official teachers/elders for a period, etc. No one is speaking of things literally barring another from being able to be among the saints and sit under the Word, or a temporary, ecclesial detriment; it is the willful forsaking of the brethren and the eschewing of God’s good gifts.

While there are things worthy of introspection from the church – I don’t believe this to be one of them. There aren’t a host of reasons why people are fleeing from the church in groves. There aren’t many reasons why professing Christians are leaving the church. There may be healthy reasons why one leaves a particular local church, but when it comes to reasons why one leaves the church entirely, there’s really only one: they don’t love the church. Synonymously, they don’t love Christ.

The apostle John is about as straightforward as one can get in saying that the way children of God and children of the devil can be distinguished is that children of the devil are those who eschew righteousness and the love of the brethren (1 Jn. 3:10). This isn’t some strange new teaching – it is what they (and we) have heard from the beginning (v. 11-13). If that’s not clear enough, he then says that anyone who hates his brother remains in death and is a murderer (vv. 14-15).

Furthermore, he condemns mere tokenism toward brotherly love; one must demonstrate this love in action and truth (v. 18). Much like the author of Hebrews, John maintains that by these things we will not only have knowledge that we are children of God, but assurance of our salvation (vv. 19-20).

The modern notion that you can worship God just as much by yourself as you can within the confines of the church is patently false and anti-biblical. It flies in the face of the Scripture’s teaching on the importance of the body of Christ, the proper structure of the church, and the goodness of the spiritual gifts that God has bestowed for the benefit of His people.

I sense that if one were to have a conversation with the apostle John on this, it would go similarly:

Objector: But what if the church damaged me?
John: Go to church.
O: But what if people hurt me at one point?
J: Go to church.
O: But what if I feel like I connect more with God in nature than with people in the church?
J: Go to church.
O: But what if I—
J: [interjects] Are you dying?
O: No.
J: Are you imprisoned?
O: No—
J: Is there anything prohibiting you from going to church?
O: Well, I feel like—
J: [interjects again] You can’t love God without loving His people and loving His people means that you die to self, bear with one another in love, and obey the commands of Scripture for your personal and corporate edification, in order that God might be glorified. Go. To. Church.

While the church can often be a motley group, Christ has enduring patience with His bride. His death accomplished her redemption, yet we live in this eschatological tension wherein we still sin against one another. In the love of the brethren, sin can be properly dealt with through a biblical, disciplinary process, or simply in overlooking the offense of a brother or sister whose actions are not indicative of normal behavior. In similar character to our Savior, we must be willing to bear with one another, in love and patience, as we are all progressively sanctified. I understand deep wounds can be caused – yet the Scriptures give us no option to withhold forgiveness from an individual, or forsake the assembling of God’s people. Summarily stated, loving God is inseparable from loving those within the household of faith. You cannot demonstrate a love for the brethren by abdicating from fellowship with and participation in service to one another.

Anne Kennedy #sexist patheos.com

[[Context; a post that's more or less a continuation of her response to Jory Micah's church]]

So, I very meanly played to my base yesterday (I love y’all) which necessarily won me a couple of comments from them that are already haters. These can be summed up under ‘Who Are You’ which is almost as good as ‘I Can’t Even.’ I love modern discourse so much. As anyone will tell you, I wander around my house muttering, ‘I can’t even’ just for the way it rolls off the tongue. It’s like the perfect expression.
But, of course, one mean blog post about Jory Micah does not our substantial problems solve.

Thing is, Ms. Micah isn’t feeling anything that isn’t there. When she feels the call to be a pastor and then goes to the church and demands entrance, she’s only doing what she’s been brought up to do. As I’ve said more than once, when you educate all the women, you do have to decide what on earth to do with them. Are there any places that you don’t want them to be? Because you have basically opened all the doors wide, and it feels sort of weird when they don’t walk all the way through. Except that some denominations don’t want them to, and have real theological reasons for preferring they did not.

There are three responses to this problem. The first is to shout rather too loudly that it was a mistake to educate them and that they should turn right round and get back in the kitchen. And, I won’t lie, when I hear the word ‘complementary’ that’s vision that swims before my eyes. I’m going to call this the Duggar Approach to women in the church. The women are educated for the fate that awaits them. You cope with the problem by returning to a bygone era. Problem solved.
The other solution is to decide you just don’t care any more. Let the women in but then passive aggressively blame them when things go wrong. I really think this actually happens in the ‘egalitarian’ world sometimes but really, I’m seeing it everywhere. I read a whole lot of blog posts by Jori Micah yesterday and I found them utterly tragic. I’ve looked in from the outside on marriages like hers. And all the Shouting about it how wonderful it is when the man finally gives up and lets the woman ‘lead’ isn’t loud enough for me to miss the mute, hangdog look of a husband who has to obey his wife, who decides, for whatever reason, that he has no other choice. (Incidentally, she must welcome this examination because she’s blogging about it. Public writing=public response.)Bring that into the church and you find the true men drift quietly away. Essentially, the church gives up being the church.

The third response is where most evangelical women probably find themselves. And that’s that every one agrees that the woman shouldn’t preach the sermon. But then, because OMW this is such a terrifying topic and Someone is definitely going to be triggered either way, we will Never Speak of This For Real. The men nod kindly at the women, but there’s fear at the back of the eyes. This fear occasionally manifests itself in a very subtle, almost imperceptible patronizing friendliness. Are the women going to rise up? I mean, gosh, we educated them. They obviously have gifts.

Some of them are even pretty coherent. But, ugh, you know, if you let the coherent one do something, like teach someone something (anyone) she could take it and run and before you know it we have Jory Micah. So, let us all just smile and nod and hope for the best.

But also, maybe if we don’t make eye contact with the women nothing bad will happen.
I don’t have a name for this, but ‘complementary’ isn’t what comes to mind. Other words like, Can We Talk About It, do. The thing is, the women in scenario number three are educated and work in the world. They have their lives together and can be super interesting to talk to. Some of them are out there writing interesting books.

These women are educating their daughters. And their husbands are neither skirting around the margins saying ‘yes ma’am,’ and, ‘what do you want me to do for you today?’ but they’re not Jim Bob Duggar either. They’re just sort of ordinary people who talk to each other like humans.

The woman, in this picture, and this is so so so so important to me, doesn’t Ray Romano the man. She doesn’t put him down. She doesn’t think he’s a dummy. She doesn’t belittle him. When he fails, hilarity does not ensue. She treats him like a person. And this is good because he is not then bitter and angry at her, nor patronizing.

What does the Ray Romano marriage look like? You see it everywhere. These women are the saving stay at home wives who just have to put up with it all as best they can because of all the stupid stupid stupid dummy men. This isn’t ‘complementary’ either. The power is centered on the women. When it comes into the church, the man climbs shakily into the pulpit to face down a phalanx of ladies who, if he doesn’t preach what they want him to, will find he probably doesn’t have a job any more. If he is obedient to them, they cover his derrière in all his horrendous stupid mistakes. But this, the Ray Romano Model, is very often called ‘traditional.’

Honestly, I hate it more than the Duggar Model. Mostly because everyone is saying one thing and doing another.

As you can see, it is kind of a mess. In the places where the conversation is being had, many ordinary Christians recoil from the outcome. In the places where the conversation isn’t had, liberalism creeps in. In the places where the conversation is nodded to in a friendly way, but isn’t full throated, women and men who have sorted out their lives at home find themselves disoriented in the pew. They know what they believe, but they are not totally comfortable with life in the church.

This is too long, so tomorrow I’m going to talk about the problem of Showing the Woman Her Place and the even more icky issue of Tone. If you’re mad at me, leave an angry comment. I’m feeling pretty cheerful and I’m putting everything up.

Anne Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

Matt most kindly sent me something this morning to wake up. I’ll have to thank him later. If you have theological nerves of steel, you can go read all about how Ms. Jory Micah, with her ‘husband by her side’ is going to be packing up and moving to start a church. Here’s a taste of what you can expect if you decide to join up with them.

"God gave me the name, “The Table.” It will be a ministry that will start in our small apartment somewhere in the heart of the city, and we will invite whoever God sends our way. Luke and I feel that Jesus calls Christians to reach out especially to the marginalized, broken, left out, poor, and oppressed of society. So practically speaking, Luke and I look forward to inviting minorities, homeless people, college students away from their homes, lgbtq people who have been abandoned by their families, immigrants, single moms, widows, refugees, and really anyone who is hungry for food, conversation, and love, to our table once a week. We will invite Jesus each week to be our host. We think He will show up. We think this is exactly the sort of “church” Jesus hangs out in. Anyone and everyone is invited to Jesus’ table. The worst of the worst sinners are invited to sit among those who seem to understand how to walk out a holy life better than others. No one has to repent to sit at Jesus’ table. Everyone can come, sit, eat, drink, belong, and be loved, just as they are."

How will this be, given that it won’t have any marks of the Church? How will this incredible work be accomplished?

"You see, it is at Jesus’ table that each of us is transformed. As we sit with Him, and one another, love changes us from the inside out, and something happens. We find freedom. We find renewal. We find redemption. We find resurrection. We find God."

Wow. That’s so great. Sign me up. A repentance free church where we basically all just come together for dinner and a chat about our thoughts and feelings about God. Where, in the course of all the chatting and all the feelings, God affirms our deepest longings and hopes and dreams and destiny, and then a beautiful shiny purplish unicorn comes trotting through the door and kisses each lost soul on the forehead and says, ‘Ms. Jory Micah, you shall go to the ball.’

See, if you made it through her whole post, you would have discovered that this “church” (with all the scare quotes I can muster from every corner) is not about the old passé stuff that all those other boring churches are about–Jesus, Christianity, the gospel. It’s about Ms. Micah feeling left out of the church for her whole life. It’s about her sense of call to be a minister, about her having no official affirmation of that call. It’s about her disappointment and frustration. She describes herself as a ‘sad puppy’ looking for a church that will really feel like home. Everywhere she goes she just doesn’t really fit.

I initially felt really sad as I read about how homeless and unrooted she is. But then I began to attend to the reasons she and her husband just don’t "fit in." Reasons like, "In other words, Luke and I are dedicated to listening to the stories of the powerless, in a world that silences and oppresses those who are poor, voiceless, marginalized, excluded, and loveless."

And, "Our hearts burn for social justice in both the Church and in society."

You know, because all the dumb rubes sitting in regular pews on Sunday don’t care about the powerless, the marginalized, the poor. The church has literally never, in two thousand years, thought of those people. The church, see, was all confused, and thought it was just about the Beautiful and the Awesome and the Rich. Color me dubious. I’ve been to a lot of churches and I have yet to meet these jerks who care nothing for Other People.

Let’s read a little further. In all the care and anxiety for the downtrodden, we find this, "We have always searched for ways to combine our passions, but we have struggled to find a church home in which we feel our unique combination of gifts are seen and appreciated."

And this delightful gem, "Perhaps that is why we have such a heart for those who feel left out: because we know what it is like to have much to offer the Church and world, but to go unnoticed by those with influence and power."

And there we have it. Ms. Micah is the one who feels herself to be persecuted. She is the "marginalized." This is really all about her.

So, just to refresh ourselves so we know where we are. Jory Micah has, from the age of 13, known herself to be called to be a minister in the church. Jesus told her this and there is no moving her off this important divine revelation. She’s received some kind of theological education. She’s found herself a husband who will properly submit to her. And yet Still there is no church body that will affirm her incredible awesome call. So finally, having had enough, she’s going to start one herself, one that won’t even really be called a church—except that it Very Much Will, and it will be better than all those other stupid churches out there that haven’t recognized her great heart and great gifts.

So, I do have some real sympathy for Ms. Micah.
Skirting away from my great huge desire to say, "bless her heart," I want to remind Jory that, most tragically, the church is not about her. It’s not about any of us. None of us have the right to patter in an demand recognition and jobs because of how fantastic we are. Not a single person in church gets to be the center of it all and have accolades and triumphs. That’s not what it’s for.

The church, shockingly, is about Jesus. And the thing he cares most about is people, ordinary people, coming to hear about his saving work on the cross. The church is about Jesus. He doesn’t just come ‘hang out’ there. He doesn’t just sort of sit back and bless whatever we feel like doing. The church is his bride. It is the body of people he gathers and rescues from death to keep safe with him forever. It belongs to him, and so it has to listen to him and do whatever he says. Even the things he says In The Bible.

I must say, I’m sort of encouraged that somehow Ms. Micah has run up against a brick wall in her calling to be a "pastor." I have to wonder why she hasn’t yet checked out the Episcopal church, cough, although I wouldn’t wish having to cope with her on mine own enemy. She sounds deeply troubled and power hungry–the two things from which all sane church leadership runs screaming away.

And one final thing (although, don’t worry, there is a very high chance I will be saying more about this tomorrow) in the spirit of casting my bread upon the waters. Ms. Micah doesn’t have time for repentance and the traditional marks of the church in her headlong rush to fashion the church into the likeness of herself, but she might be surprised to find that Jesus himself, that wondrous man, could be enough for her when all other men have failed. He’s not going to congratulate her for being wonderful, but he can remove the incredibly burdensome trial of her ego, he can forgive her sin and show her the way of life. It is very hard to take the narrow, the unacclaimed way, the unknown way, the bitter way of the loss of the self that leads to eternal life. I hope you’ll join me in praying for her, and her husband, and the people they happen to meet, that God will break in and surprise them with the goodness of his Son.

Stacey Dash #fundie patheos.com

Why you can’t trust Snopes anymore

There’s a lot of bad information on the Internet. It used to be pretty easy to spot but nowadays, everybody’s putting out fake news.

Hoping to help us along is Snopes — the place web surfers go to debunk urban legends and to fact-check that annoying e-mail your grandparents send about cell phones causing brain damage. But they can no longer be trusted. Here’s why.

As it turns out, the site is run by leftists who want us to believe they’re objective. It’s hard to trust that with one of their latest entries.

When Ben Carson, now secretary of Housing and Urban Development, was speaking recently before his HUD staff, he compared slaves to immigrants and the entire Democratic Party imploded:

“That’s what America is about. A land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they, too, had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.”

Liberals everywhere jumped on Carson as if he had given a Nazi salute. Whoopi Goldberg was highly offended by Carson’s comparison and said on The View, “Were the slaves really thinking about the American dream? No, because they were thinking, ‘What the hell just happened?!’” Samuel L. Jackson said in typical fashion, “MUTHAFUKKA PLEASE!!!” and slandered carson as a “#dickheadedtom.” The NAACP was flabbergasted and posted to Twitter, “Immigrants???”

But where was all this selective outrage when President Obama said the same thing in 2012 and 2015? He, too, said slaves were immigrants. Yet, no one cared, because it was Obama.

Or, how about John F. Kennedy — certainly a favorite name to invoke for Democrats — when he wrote about immigrant slaves coming to America. No outrage their, either.

So, did Snopes bother to cite any of these comments in its take, “Did Ben Carson Liken Slavery to Immigration?” No, they did not. They were too busy “helping” Dr. Carson learn what a real “immigrant” is rather than dig up these other examples.

Looks like the fact checkers need fact checkers.

Order my Book, There Goes My Social Life: From Clueless to Conservative!

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

Ex-Planned Parenthood employee looking at abortion remains: “Why are there three arms?”

This literally makes me want to vomit.

The pro-life group Live Action has released another new set of videos from its interviews with former Planned Parenthood employees. And just like the others, this one further proves that the largest abortion provider in America is NOT about women’s “care.”

Live Action’s president, Lila Rose, interviews a former Iowa clinic manager, Sue Thayer, who detailed what she witnessed before, during, and after abortions. Thayer was one of the lucky few who didn’t pass out the first time she saw an abortion. Most clinic workers do. Thayer said it takes less than five minutes and once it’s over, the “products of conception,” as the baby is known at Planned Parenthood, is taken into a lab to make sure all the body parts have been removed from the woman.

One time, she noticed something strange:

“I remember standing there looking at that, and I said, ‘Why are there three arms?’ You know, and we’re looking, and the gal training me said, ‘Twins – it was twins.’ And I said, you know, ‘Do you tell the mom that she had twins?’ And she says, ‘No, it usually just upsets them.’ ”

Once all the parts are accounted for, the “products of conception” are flushed down a large sink.

“I just remember standing there thinking, ‘All these babies are in the Des Moines sewer system,’” Thayer said.

Thayer also noticed how some parts were kept in bags and stored in the freezer: “I remember kind of thinking, ‘I wonder what they’re doing with those? Because if there’s a buck to be made, they will sell those.’ ”

Then there’s Marianne Anderson who was a nurse at a Planned Parenthood in Indiana. She also witnessed horrifying things during her employment. She said some doctors were so into the abortions, they actually talked to the fetal remains while they were looking for arms and heads:

“I’ll never forget him saying, ‘Now, where’s your little arm? I didn’t see – I’m missing this arm.’ And he would sift through it, trying to find the pieces, make sure he had everything. And then he’d say — I remember him saying, ‘Oh, there you are! Now, where’s the head and where’s this?’”

Anderson heard another doctor say, “Look at this! This is so cool!”

That’s just sick and wrong and I’m glad this is being exposed.

Don’t ever forget what Planned Parenthood is all about. NEVER let anyone tell you anything different:

320,000 abortions per year

887 per day

1 baby killed every 97 seconds

Yet, CEO Cecile Richards wants us to believe she runs “women’s health care clinics.” That’s a lie.

Planned Parenthood does less than 2% of U.S. breast exams

Less than 1% of pap tests

Less than 2% of cancer screenings

But 34.9% of U.S. abortions.

Tell me again how PP is a health care clinic?!

Planned Parenthood Knows it’s Not Aborting ‘Clumps of Cells’
Planned Parenthood: Desensitized to the Killing
H/T The Blaze

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Anne Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

And, feminism, why should there be anything more said about this ever? Well, because other people are saying stuff, and so the conversation never seems to move on to anything else.

The question that’s been percolating in my own mind, that I suppose I should genuinely try to answer, is, What business do I have, rejecting the meme of Feminism, when I have surely benefited to the nth degree by its cultural priorities over the last century? Shouldn’t my gratitude extend to a more nuanced articulation of what it is and it’s importance for everyone, rather than a flippant, “I’m not a feminist” as I have fallen into the way of saying.

Because surely I have benefited. I have various higher levels of education. I’m not strapped to my kitchen (well, that’s not true, I am, but so is my husband). I am allowed to fling an impossible number of words around in this forum. I have the freedom to go around town driving a car and wearing whatever I want. I am allowed to vote and run for public office, and even, should I so desire, work outside the home. I am not belittled and maligned in anyway because of my gender.

Certainly, I would be willing to gather up a tepid offering of praise to the vagaries of the age, and a most sincere thanks to the women who worked so devotedly on behalf of women they would never meet, whose lives they wanted to impact. When I told my children, a couple of weeks ago, that 100 years ago women in this country couldn’t vote, they were rightly shocked, and it was nice to give honor where honor was due, to women who stuck their necks out and fought for something worthy.

But, like any good human endeavor and striving, feminism didn’t stay there, did it. Feminism isn’t any more about the freedom of women to comfortably inhabit the wide open space of cultural engagement, to get an education and strive after productivity and the betterment of humanity. If that was what feminism is, then we would all be fussing a lot lot more about women in other contexts who don’t enjoy our freedom, and in general be caring about the humanity of all people everywhere.

And that isn’t on the menu of modern feminism. Show me where I’m wrong. But my experience of the feminist agenda is that 1. It is stridently political and contrary to the Christian gospel 2. It includes the dehumanization of men and infants 3. It has fallen into the pit of embracing and promoting the victim status culture so much the rage these days.

Christian women, who take the bible seriously and don’t read it with their fingers crossed and Bart Ehrman in their pocket, have to acknowledge that the humanity of the individual is a gift from God, and that every single individual’s humanity matters. That’s the baseline. So there can’t be the de-gendering of men because of all the icky testosterone. But neither can there be the chattel-izing of children, neither killing them nor reducing them to virtue signaling. When we were The Other, the war was perhaps worth fighting. But we are no longer The Other. All the stubborn blindness to our humanity has been transferred to other groups.

More also, because the humanity of others is only one side of the coin, the divinity of God has been chucked by the wayside. God is God. But modern feminism doesn’t acknowledge that remarkable fact. And God being God, he is allowed to order humanity as he wills. When you make being a woman the main thing, and jettison the habitation of scripturally defined gendered roles, you are setting yourself above God himself, and making it impossible to see the central tenant of Christianity–the incarnation of God into the world, the cross, and the saving of the world. What everybody likes to call Egalitarianism subverts the images that God himself paints into humanity to reflect his own glory.

Now, we could disagree vigorously about what Biblically Inhabited Gender Roles look like. I’m only on chapter three of my Epic of Biblical Womanhood and am struggling mightily not to let the book fall from my nerveless fingers and give up. Ms. Evans giant straw biblical woman needs to be huffed and puffed and blown right over. And maybe I’ll get to it sometime. But it would sure help the conversation if we could agree, at least, that God is the Head, and we are all subordinate to him.

To say it in the plainest way possible. Modern feminist categories have fallen into the way of idolatry, the way all human categories eventually do. An idolatry that dehumanizes the other and breaks people and systems apart rather than putting them back together. And it’s gotten to be so bad that I, as a Christian, am unwilling to brand myself with that label. Feminism, at its core, is inconsistent with my Christianity. So while I’m grateful for the sacrifice of the women of yesteryear, I’m not willing to compromise with a rigid political agenda that doesn’t build up the humanity of massive portions of the human family.

The modern iteration of feminism has squandered its own heritage. It is in the pigsty of cultural rot. I prefer the clean, cool, rich comfort of the Father’s house, even though He identifies himself with male gendered pronouns. Better one day in those courts than a thousand spent elsewhere.

Anne Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

As I’ve been slapping paint around and filling my lungs with dust and anxiety (school room almost done), besides listening to the very funny Bertie’s Guide to Life and Mothers, I’ve been musing on the ridiculousness of Lena Dunham, and of modern feminism in general. I finally got to see her petulant tuxedo selfie, for the Met Gala, which garment I guess she hoped would allure and seduce, and simultaneously shock and dismay.

What, I asked myself, are the reasons a woman might wear a traditional man’s outfit to a fancy occasion? There might be all kinds. I tried to wrap my mind around some of them. Comfort? Being so settled in oneself that, preferring black shiny trousers and a tie you just went with it? Confusion? You were standing in front of your closet and accidentally took your husband or one night stand’s fancy dress pants and shoved them on and miraculously they fit? Only later you realized, Oh No, I’m out in public and I’m not wearing a dress! Or, more likely, you want everyone at the party to Notice You. And so you do what you think will be shocking.
Except, in the year 2016, a woman wearing trousers isn’t shocking. And for real, there are some sort of very beautiful neck tie, scarf like things that I’ve seen some women wear that have made me commit the sin of envy. But Ms. Dunham wasn’t trying, apparently, to be pretty, except that she was, because when she wasn’t noticed she took grave offense.

Maybe none of this matters, but I’ve been thinking about it because I think Christians tend to be just as confused about these sorts of things as little Miss Lena (as she is always acting like a child, it’s so hard to call her Ms. Dunham). Well, maybe not Just as confused, but close.

I mean, there’s that whole chapter in Ms. Held Evan’s Year of Biblical Womanhood (which I seem to have lost in the move, felicitously) where she bashes her way around the bible, sees the injunction for women to cover their heads, decides not to work her way out of her exegetical paper bag, puts on the scarf and then angrily goes and sits on her roof, all to show that the bible is so stooopid. The whole contrived scenario smacks of Lena’s petulant, childish refusal to deal with reality as it stands.

Men and women are different. And women, for the most part, are physically more delicate. And, would you believe it, many men like to look at women and find women to be physically appealing, not when they wear tuxedos nor also when they put on spandex, but when they look sort of ordinary and maybe even a little bit put together.

Like maybe some man’s wife shaped her eyebrows, and went the middle way between comfort and grace on the shoe, and applied a little product in the hair to make it look less frizzy. She put on something sort of pretty, but not skin tight, but not the ugliest most ‘modest’ thing she could find either. When she sat in her pew, struggling with her toddler, some of the men could see her collar bones. (Actually, you, when you saw her, weren’t thinking about what she was wearing because You, at least, were thinking about Jesus.

This, of course, is very evil. All men should only be attracted to pure womanhood divorced from any material form. Whether in a long denim skirt or a tuxedo, men must take what they can get. Oh wait, that’s too aggressive. They must just be silent and if a woman decides she wants attention, he might give it ever so meekly.

Christian purity culture, which, I confess, I don’t really understand, seems like it falls into the same sort of gnostic confusion. Don’t be bound by the body. So that means, unaccountably, covering it completely up. Because holiness. How is this very different from Lena Dunham expecting a hunky man to like her in the clothes of a man? The body is complicated and appealing. Shouldn’t you think about it, pray about it, try to work with it as it is? Frail, but sometimes glorious?

This is only half a thought. I have some things to say about femininity and self loathing. But I have to go on a horrid walk, because health, Not Vanity. Just kidding, it’s only vanity.

Anne Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

Here’s a thousand things that are wrong with not referring to God as a He.

1. It’s essentially disrespectful to the text, where God refers to himself exclusively as a He.

2. It makes men the enemy. You’ve already made God your enemy, by not referring to him by the pronoun he chooses for himself. It’s obvious, then, what you think of men. Should men, then, give up their male pronouns? I know you think so, but you’re devaluing and making an enemy out of the Other.

3. You’re ruining the English language, as indeed does anyone who insists on being referred to as “they” or “xe”. English deals in gendered pronouns. Other languages have an easy use of neuter pronouns, but we don’t. Of course, if you’re translating the Bible into those languages, and you can chose a male pronoun, you probably should, since that’s largely how God refers to Himself in the Hebrew and Greek.

4. If you feel like you’re cut out of the picture, as a female, because God is male, you have a dismal picture of yourself and God. Maybe this is the church’s fault for a thousand years, but I really doubt it. I think feminism has managed to make women feel cut out of the picture, when they haven’t been. Unless you take up the Whole picture, say some feminists, its like you’re not even in the picture. Which is foolish and selfish and wrong. The picture is actually of God, and you don’t get to be in the picture, much, except maybe as a tiny roughed out sketch in the bottom corner. And here’s the thing about God–which you would discover if you read the Bible–he is big enough to Know You As You Are. He isn’t limited by gender in the way that men and women are. You can’t understand the man, because the man is unlike you. You can’t understand God, because God is unlike you. You can’t understand yourself because you’re crazy. But God is not bound by these limitations. He doesn’t understand you, as a woman, imperfectly because he takes a male pronoun. He understands you better even than you understand yourself because he made you. Truly, a woman can approach the throne of grace, can come before the Savior, can be known and loved by God just as a man can. No difference, no distinction, no limitations. The trouble comes when you project your sense of humanity, of the broken gendered relationships of men and women, into the heavens. Which we do all the time.

5. When you get rid of gendered pronouns, for everyone, but especially for God, you actually increase the distance you have to go to understand and know each other. You force the Other to come onto your ground, your space, your sense of who you are, and know you in that space. Which they can’t do. They can’t. And truly, this is the opposite of love described in the Bible. Your tiny, impossible pronoun makes it impossible for you to love God, yourself, and others with the agape love of self sacrifice and self out pouring. You Cannot love the other, so focused as you are on your gender identity, which means you will never be able to love yourself. Whereas, if you address God as He, and other people in reasonable and normal ways, and don’t demand that people get on board with who you are, you shift your focus out towards the Other, towards the world. Which means that there is hope for you as a person. It’s all about love, it really is.

6. And finally, because six is the number of man and not of God, when you refuse to refer to God as He you really look catastrophically small and foolish. So ungracious, so unlovely, so tortured is the one shouting “Godself” over the din of a congregation mumbling along through the prayers that the sensible person shudders and slips out the back and goes out for a coffee instead of taking communion. What are you trying to prove? You who refuse to think of God as a man. Do you think you get an extra special blessing? Congratulations from your tribe? As I tweeted some weeks ago, “I take particular pleasure in referring to God as He, not only because the Bible does, but also because it makes all the right people angry.”

RedRaider #fundie patheos.com

It’s the region white evangelicals want their chosen president to carpet bomb, invade, and steal oil from.

They do? Who claimed that, anything about carpet bombing or invading or stealing anything? Anti-Christians liberals is who. And if you are claiming that, what does that make you, if you agree with anti-Christian liberals. Your whole article is based on liberal propaganda and lies.

And remember, as you are obviously choosing to forget, Obama said Afghanistan was the valid war. So it's OK if liberal Presidents do what you are claiming but not OK if Republicans do it.

Matt Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

Romans 13, God through Paul tells us the civil ruler is God's appointed minister to exact justice from the wrongdoer. In that function the ruler "bears the sword". That phrase means: bears the authority to execute. God has given that power to civil governments to restrain evil.
"Jumped for joy" is not simply my belief. The text explicitly says that is what happened. If you disbelieve the bible...that is your business, but that is what the text explicitly says.
re: "God has not revealed his judgment in the NT"...judgment against what? He has certainly revealed a lot of judgment in the NT. Hard to read anything in the NT and miss that.
re: "names for one supreme diety"...did this diety tell that to you or are you just giving your opinion. Do you have any evidence for this astounding claim? Why should anyone believe something so fundamentally contrary to what most religions actually teach? Do you have any rationale beyond the blind men and the elephant?

Matt Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

*Context; a response to a comment arguing with what the blog is saying. Specifically that a forgiving and loving God shouldn't be wrathful*

re: 1, see the update above
re: 2 actually God is angry at sinners all the time. read your bible. "God is a righteous judge, And a God who has indignation every day. If a man does not repent, He will sharpen His sword; He has bent His bow and made it ready.—"(Ps 7:11-12). The gospel is that God came to us in Christ to pay the penalty for our sins. But those who do not repent remain children of wrath (Eph 2:1-3, John 3:36)
re:3 You are apparently a Pelagian heretic who denies the fall.
re:4 Think there is a distinction to be made between filial love, the love of father to child, that God extends only to believers (see John 1:12) and the general love that God has for all creatures and all creation, which is what John 3:16 is getting at. The problem Anne points out is that the song is referring to filial love (father-child) when, in fact, God does not have that kind of love for the unregenerate.

Glad Anne has good theology and doesn't worship the culture shaped god of eternal affirmation who you seem to be promoting

Anne Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

1. Killing isn't murder when God commands it. In Genesis 9, he commands that a life be taken for a life. If you commit murder, and you recieve the penalty of death, your death is not murder.
2. The fetus, hereafter refered to as a baby, gets to have its soul at the moment of conception. John the Baptist, an unborn 6 month old baby, recognized Jesus, a days old unborn baby, by leaping for joy, in the womb.
3. God has judged and has been clever enough to reveal his judgment coherently in the scriptures.
4. Allah is not the same as God.
5. And yes, when God kills it isn't murder. When he commands the killing, it isn't murder. He can kill us all, because we have all vilely sinned against him. Some of us he spares by attributing the substitutionary death of his Son to us. The Son dies instead of us. Because the Son is God, his death is big enough to account for al the sins of the world.
6. Because the muslim version of God, Allah, denies the existence of the Son, the muslim does not worship the true God.
7. It doesn't take much, apparently, to gain wisdom these days. If knowing that abortion is murder is all it takes, I must have attained to the heights.

Anne Kennedy #fundie patheos.com

A number of critics attack the character of God’s love for all humanity by comparing Hell to Auschwitz. Would a loving God send his creatures there?

There are several differences between hell and Auschwitz, but two are dramatic and must be emphasized: 1. No one would choose to be in Auschwitz and 2. no one would choose to remain there if given the option to leave. Whereas scripture teaches us that the character of the human heart is such that unless God changes us, we would rather live in eternal torment than in harmony with our Creator.

First, our hearts are set against him. We suppress the truth about God (Rom 1:18-33). We willfully violate the laws he reveals in scripture and inscribes on our hearts (Rom 2). We do not seek to know or love God, but rather to replace him (Rom 3:10-20). We are, by nature, children of wrath (Eph 2:3).

Second, this hardened animosity toward God is stronger than our desire to escape anguish and torment. Observe that the Rich Man in Jesus’ parable in Luke 16:19-31 does not ask to be let out of the place of torment and ascend to be with Abraham and the poor man Lazarus. Not at all. He wants Lazarus to come down:
‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’(Luke 16:24)

He sees heaven, sees glory, sees Abraham and doesn’t want it. He wants relief but not redemption.
The parable of Lazarus and the rich man only illustrates the biblical pattern of rebellion. God provides life, love, sustenance, and virtue. Humans respond by repudiating God. As life becomes coarse and suffering increases, the rebellion only gathers steam. Torment does not lead to repentance and dependence but to increased hatred.


God’s wrath is, for those who reject God, preferable to repentance and surrender which would bring mercy and peace.

We must not, therefore, think of hell as a place where God imprisons people against their will. Hell is the place where the human will is fully actualized.

This leads, of course, to a deeper question. God is omniscient. God knew from eternity those who would be damned. Why did he create them?


We cannot say then that God created morally neutral beings and then caused them to rebel against him and then punished them for acting according to the evil he created in their hearts. That is, sometimes, the caricature that critics of Christianity like to paint. It is, also, a caricature that many would like to lay at the feet of Calvinism in particular. But the problem is not one that is unique to any one theological perspective. All Christians believe that God is omniscient. Therefore, all must wrestle with the fact that God created many millions of people knowing that they would reject him and live forever in torment.
So God did not create people and then cause them to rebel against him.

God did create people, giving them life, love, the blessings of his created order, truth, common virtue, knowing that they would harden their hearts against him and return his blessings with curses. In fact, he created all people knowing that every single one of us would despise him, his love and his many gracious gifts.

God would be fully justified in handing each of us over to this despising and allowing all humans to continue to hate him for eternity. This would be both consistent with his love – creating, blessing, delighting in the beloved and then giving the beloved the desire of her heart – and consistent with his justice – sinners would experience the consequences of sin.

Instead, he choose to rescue some from this fate and not others. He chose to draw some to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ (John 6:37-40, 44, Romans 8:29-31, Eph 2:4-10) and allow others to follow their own hearts to their own end. As RC Sproul has pointed out so brilliantly, no one is treated unfairly. Some receive mercy. Others justice. No one can complain that God is in the wrong. And no one can say that they have not been loved by him.

But, to return to the problem, God determined to create millions of people, knowing that he would shower them with love and truth and that they would nevertheless hate him and, here’s the crux, knowing that he would not to soften their hatred and turn them to love, knowing that in the end he would say to them, “thy will be done—”



Paul, as he often does, asks what appears to be a rhetorical question. But the question is not really an open one. God allows people to follow their hearts and choose hell over repentance so that his loving-kindness to his enemies might be displayed during their lifetimes and his justice might be displayed at the Judgment (Rev.20)

Just judgment makes God’s justice manifest and when his character is revealed. he is glorified.
So is this what it is all about? God’s own glory?

Yes. That is what everything is about. God is the origin and measure of all that is good. A truly good being will glorify all that is good and that means God will glorify himself and all his attributes above all things.

With regard to those who despise him and violate his law, his glory is made manifest in the outworking of his justice – his “doing what is right”

But even then, and this must be observed, God does not merely snuff them out. They bear his image. They are his creatures. He gives even those who hate him the desires of their hearts. They would not have it any other way.

Stacey Dash #fundie patheos.com

Audi unintentionally proved the gender pay gap is a myth in its Super Bowl commercial

The gender pay gap is a myth. I know it, you know it, and now, Audi knows it.

They tried hard, though, in their Super Bowl commercial to convince us it was real but even their own belief in it unraveled very quickly, though unintentionally.

First, here’s the ad:

Audi #DriveProgress Big Game Commercial – “Daughter”

Very moving, right? It was for some, especially celebrities and left-wing outlets who sang the praises of the commercial’s message. But for all this talk about gender equality, somebody found out something very interesting about the board members at the car manufacturer: they’re all male:

Charlie Kirk ? @charliekirk11
.@Audi the champion of women, has no women on their board.
1:07 PM - 6 Feb 2017

Audi had also bragged on Twitter about their commitment to “progress” and “equal pay for equal work” which left some wondering if that meant they currently pay their male and female employees differently. Their response to this criticism is where they lost the argument:

“When we account for all the various factors that go into pay, women at Audi are on par with their male counterparts.”

Conservative America let out a collective “thank you” when they heard this. I know I did. I get KILLED on talk shows every time I talk about this myth. Audi’s response is the exact argument that debunks the pay gap entirely: “various factors that go into pay” is WHY women and men aren’t paid the same.

The whole “women are paid 79 cents for every dollar a man makes” is based very misleading statistics. They got that number from the median earnings of all men and all women working all kinds of different jobs. Never mind that women generally choose jobs that will accommodate their desire to raise children — that means less hours — they also choose careers in fields that pay less out of the gate: education, social work, counseling, or aromatherapy. You’re not going to get rich in those careers. Men, on the other hand, tend to pick jobs that pay the most and they work more hours. So, yes, they get paid more than women but because they are working more. Men and women who work the same job with the same hours are paid equally.

Does that settle it, now, or do we need another filthy rich celebrity to tell us how life isn’t fair?

H/T IJ Review

Order my Book, There Goes My Social Life: From Clueless to Conservative!

Stacey Dash #fundie patheos.com

Planned Parenthood traded pizza for dead babies. Still think they care about women’s health?


Don’t let anyone tell you ever again that Planned Parenthood has anything to do with “parenthood.” Nor let them tell you that their clinics are all about women’s health. They’re not! They are in one business and one business only: abortions.

Former employees are speaking out against Planned Parenthood and revealing some of the sick and twisted things that go on behind the scenes — if selling fetal body parts wasn’t enough already — which includes selling abortions to get rewarded with pizza parties.

That’s what the pro-life activist group Live Action discovered when interviewing former employees. One of them, Sue Thayer who managed a clinic in Storm Lake, Iowa, said that her office had a monthly goal for abortions. Her specific clinic didn’t perform abortions but they would make referrals. Those were counted in the monthly quota and listed on a color-coded grid to keep employees motivated.

“We were really very goal-oriented,” Thayer said. “We would say things like, your pregnancy test, your visit today is X number of dollars, how much are you going to be able to pay towards that?”

You may want to stop eating right now to stomach what her office would tell these “patients” next:

If they’d say, “I’m not able to pay today,” then we would say something like, “Well, if you can’t pay $10 today, how are you going to take care of a baby? Have you priced diapers? Do you know how much it costs to buy a car seat? Where would you go for help? There’s no place in Storm Lake — or whatever town they were in — you know, where you can get help as a pregnant mom. So really, don’t you think your smartest choice is termination? We can take care of that and set it up for you.”


Besides pizza parties, there were other rewards for salesmen: more time off and lunches with upper management.

Thayer added, “It sounds kind of crazy, but pizza is a motivator.”

Yeah, it sounds real crazy.

Live Action president Lila Rose points out something else that sounds crazy but is the reality: “Planned Parenthood doesn’t have quotas for adoptions. It doesn’t have quotas for prenatal care. But quotas for abortions? Absolutely.”

Can we finally put to rest the idea that Planned Parenthood cares about anything other than aborting babies?

Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Quotas

H/T The Blaze

Scott Lively #wingnut #homophobia patheos.com

The Soros army of Communists is rioting at Berkeley and we conservatives are expected to take sides with the one whose speaking tour has sparked it. However, I have two words for conservatives being enticed to embrace attention-hog Milo Yiannopoulos as a hero of conservatism: run away! With Trump now in office we can take back the education system ourselves, thank you very much. We don’t need this poseur’s help.

What we are witnessing in the contrived “Milo Phenomenon” is not the answer to far left control of our university system but an attempt by so-called “gay conservatives” to hijack the cultural pendulum that is finally swinging our way after half of century of hard work. Not only is Yiannopoulos a recently minted political opportunist rushing to grab the spotlight just as the tide of battle is turning, he also represents the very antithesis of conservatism: the abandonment of the marriage and family foundation of civilization that conservatism exists to conserve.

Don’t fall for the “Milo” branding campaign by granting him Madonna-like single-name stature. Open homosexual Yiannopoulos does not represent conservatism. Like homosexual Adolf Hitler did in Germany, he represents the rise of American Nazism and embracing him will do nothing but empower and justify the Communists who are his true counterparts. To steer this nation back to the civil and manageable political framework of liberal v conservative, the liberals must shun the Bolsheviks, including the Berkeley rioters and the conservatives must shun the Nazis, including Yiannopoulos.

Is the leftist claim that Yiannopoulos represents Nazism credible? Yes! (as to him but not yet as to Trump). Because they know what conservatives do not: that Nazism was always about Nationalist “butch” homosexuals wresting power from Communist/Socialist “femme” homosexuals, first in the streets and then in the seats of government and the treasury. (Anti-Semitism was only incidental to the Nazi agenda for the first dozen or so years.) In that sense “Milo” represents the very essence of Nazism as will the Trump Administration if it aligns with the homosexuals instead of the Christians and Torah-faithful Jews. (By definition it’s an either-or choice for Mr. Trump.)

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

Quick, feminists, which rights will Trump take away? “Ummm” doesn’t count


Hundreds of thousands of women marched on Washington D.C. because they are so worried about losing their rights under President Trump. What rights, you may ask? Oh, you know, such and such and so and so.

First of all, I find it so funny how feminists show up in ridiculous costumes, or topless, holding crazy signs and shout about how their rights are being trampled. I mean, they’re in our nation’s capital without a top on, yelling curse words, and protesting the leader of the free world without the threat of punishment. How more free could you be? But if you corner them and ask them directly, they don’t know what rights are actually in danger.

Conservative funny man Steven Crowder made a new video highlighting this phenomenon and in only the way he can. He dressed up as a trans woman, acted like a feminist, and fooled everyone. His unique access got him up close and personal with these women where he asked them to name specific rights and they just couldn’t. He even talked with former Texas senator and abortion advocate Wendy Davis, and she couldn’t name a single thing. She’s also terrible at recognizing a spoof when she sees one! But like Crowder said, the Left will never question a man dressed as a woman. It’s an instant free pass.

So, was this just a reason to wear pink hats and yell the P-word? What did they actually accomplish?

We’ll probably never know, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the head-scratching spectacle.

'Women's March' Crashed By Crowder... IN DRAG! (Featuring Wendy Davis)

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Father Dwight Longenecker #fundie #transphobia patheos.com

The Devil of Detroit and Caitlyn Jenner

I was doing some research for an article on the statue of Baphomet which was unveiled in Detroit last weekend when I discovered some very interesting details.

For those of you who are not up to speed, the Satanic Temple unveiled a nine foot statue of Baphomet–or Satan.

As I looked at the image and read up on it I saw that the Devil is portrayed as transgender or androgynous.


Rising from his lap is the pagan Caduceus–the rod with two serpents entwined that the pagan god Mercury carries. According to Satanic lore, this is a phallic symbol with the earth powers of the serpent intertwined.

The winged goat headed figure not only has male genitalia, but breasts.

Furthermore, when you look closely you’ll see that the beast has two arms–one male and one female.

On the arms are the Latin words “Solve” and “Coagula”. These mean “Separate” and “Come Together”. These are occult words for the task of the alchemist who takes what is integrated and natural–breaks it and then puts it back together in a new (and perverted) way.

This is precisely what Satan is doing at this time with human sexuality. Through feminism, homosexualism , trans genderism, gender confusion and “identifying” as whatever gender a person wants the distinctions between male and female are being broken and put back together however it is desired.

...Does that mean Caitlyn Jenner is a demon? I’m not saying that, but the Jenner story is part of something happening in our culture.

Mark A. Siefert #fundie patheos.com

Below are several posts of his.

So? Why should our civilization be held hostage by the "wisdom" of bunch of wealthy, 18th Century slave-holders who thought that only white male landowners should be allowed to vote?

We've learned so much more about humanity and the world since then. Our concept of "freedom" needs to change along with that understanding.


I care more about civilization, equality, and objective reality than I ever will about "freedom."

Freedom is what got us into this mess. Freedom is chaos. Freedom is crime. Freedom is giving lies as much weight as truth. Freedom is putting more emphasis on the greedy desire of individuals than the needs of the species. Freedom is environmental destruction. Freedom is allowing superstition to grow like a cancer.

Freedom gave us Trump.

Don't sing me any songs about free anything. It will fall on deaf ears.


In response to a post by someone who said they were accused of racism for criticizing the religion of Islam:
Considering most of what passes for criticism of Islam is mainly calling anyone who vaguely looks Middle Eastern a "Camel Jockey" or a "Sand N*gger" followed by advocating the Sam Harris Doctrine of racial profiling, torture, and nuclear genocide, I don't blame them for coming to that conclusion.

If you don't think that racism is worthy of punishment, then I never want to hear you complain about racial prejudice.

Mark A. Siefert #fundie patheos.com

Excuse me, I need to vent my spleen as well as a few other organs, so don't take this too seriously.

"I don't think you realize all the Christians that consider my show to be "hate speech." It's a double edge sword. Be careful what censorship you support."

Then maybe we ought to be creating a society where Christians and other Right-wing barbarians aren't anywhere near bladed weapons(be they figurative or literal).

Unfair? Inconsistent? Double-standard?

Cry me a river.

It all boils down to what do you value more: Freedom or progress? You can't have the latter when you give the former to those opposed to the latter. That's why our country is in it's current mess. We don't have the ability to hold the bigots and know-nothings accountable for the damage they do society. Instead, we give them free speech/press/religion and are shocked--SHOCKED--when they use it to spread lies, racism, sexism, etc.

What's that? Left-wing authoritarianism rather than Right-wing? Again, my heart bleeeeeds for the Reaganomics-loving, gun-toting, Bible-humpers who might be "oppressed" by a government that doesn't seek a democratic "mother-may-I" to do what we know factually to be right. If creating a secular, scientifically-literate, society with racial, sexual, and economic equality means holding a gun to the heads of the morons who act as a millstone around our society's neck, so be it. I have no sympathy for them.

However, if you have another option, please tell me what it is. What we're doing now doesn't seem to be working.

Steven Anderson #fundie patheos.com

First of all, George Michael’s burning in Hell right now. He was a very wicked, God-hating sodomite reprobate, and he’s getting the punishment that he deserves right now. It’s been pretty sad to see even Christians in some cases saying, “Oh, we lost another great celebrity,” you know? “Rest in peace” and all this kind of garbage.

Clearly, George Michael hated the Lord Jesus Christ and he was a sodomite reprobate. But not only that, he provides a great example of what sodomites are actually like, okay?

He was found out to be a sodomite, for those who weren’t smart enough to just look at him in the ’80s and see right away that the guy was a total faggot, but in 1998, he was discovered to be a sodomite because he was arrested in a Beverly Hills restroom where he basically solicited sex from an undercover cop— because what these sodomites do is not what you see on TV, where it’s wholesome and they just want to get married and be normal.

What they actually do is they troll for anonymous sex in places like public restrooms, and that’s why George Michael was busted on three different occasions, in three different cities— That just shines a light on the sodomite lifestyle for you.

There’s a reason why, according to AIDS.gov, in the AIDS 101 section, they’re 50 times more likely to get AIDS than your average person. And, by the way, that’s why George Michael died at an age of 53 years old, when the normal life expectancy for a man is 76. Because of the fact that, on average, the sodomite death-style shaves about 20 years off of your life expectancy—

If you just look at the lyrics to one of his most famous songs, one of his biggest hits, you can just totally tell this is written by a pedophile. Listen to lyrics from his song “Father Figure”

Hakeem Muhammad #fundie patheos.com

Moreover, Imam Hamza Yusuf’s analysis obfuscates the manner in which the very judicial system discriminates against non-white ways of being in the world even in the manifestation of so-called anti-discrimination laws. Kenneth Nunn writes,”The very form that legal reasoning and legal analysis takes affirms white Eurocentric culture.”

Nunn argues that the law inherently portrays subjective, arational, intuitive thought as inferior and yet these ways of knowing are inherent in African and Native American culture. Thus, the judicial system of America is replete with Eurocentric ways of knowing which need to be addressed and combated instead of praised.

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