
Amambe #fundie patheos.com

Oh, get over it! The overwhelming material for teaching the theory of evolution far outdoes the Creationist materials, so stop whining about the minority of creationist books out there. Just because you believe in the religion of evolution, doesn't make it any more provable than the creationist side. Both sides require you to have faith, and both sides can find "facts" to support heir position. Here's the deal. If evolutionists are right, why do you care what they believe-It will make no difference in the outcome. If Creationists are corrrect, though-It makes a big difference in the outcome, so if you are a true evolutionist, then you need not worry about this-sounds like most of you are not true believers in evolution, though, just God -haters.

Ted McGriff #fundie patheos.com

Our religion is the religion of all of mankind. The purpose of Divine laws and rulings is for them to be acted on. If you think so lowly of us and our religion and our shariah, then have the guts to leave the Muslims alone and stop interfering in their affairs. Let them fight it out and whoever wins...you can sign a treaty with them (nobody is going to cross the oceans and invade a nuclear power like the US) and then when they are finally free to establish their own state you can sit back and say look at how they rule...this is why we are better and why were are more rational and logical. But I don't think that will happen (the Islamic Khalifah has existed for centuries and ruled over much of the earth) and I think perhaps your people will finally look and see that what they have been told in terms of power, authority, governance, freedom, liberty, economics, and so forth...that it was a terrible lie. A terrible lie serving the devil and in defiance of God.

You could copy and paste them for me, how about that?

Wellington Boone #fundie patheos.com

“Let me say something that will absolutely blow the gay community’s mind right now,” he said. “You really have been misnamed. Just like ‘African-American’ is a misnomer — that’s not a correct name — it’s black American. So is ‘gay’ or ‘homosexual.’ What you are, are eunuchs. You are a eunuch culture. And in the Bible you let the devil trick you, though, by making you think your issue is sex with the same gender, who is actually having a union with God. And there are many, many places in the Bible where you can see you’re a eunuch. — Look up eunuch in the whole of the Bible; you’ll see that you sold yourself for human pleasure when you were made to please God. You are eunuchs. And Jesus even spoke to that point, he says, ‘There are you who are born that way, there are eunuchs who made themselves that way, and then there are eunuchs who were made to be eunuchs by someone else.’”

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

Oregon Labor Commish who fined Christian baker $135K just got some sweet justice

It wasn’t just Hillary Clinton that was humiliated on election day. Sure, her devastating loss had the biggest impact because she was running for president, but there is one other person I’m glad suffered the same defeat: Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian.

Most have never heard of him or have already forgotten what he did, but not Aaron and Melissa Klein, the Oregon bakers and owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa. They were the ones who caused liberals’ heads to explode for living out their Christian beliefs and practicing their First Amendment rights. To quickly recap, the Kleins had no problem serving gay customers, but when a lesbian couple wanted a cake to celebrate their commitment ceremony, the Kleins politely declined due to their convictions on traditional marriage. The uproar aimed at their business by angry progressives caused them to have to shutter the doors. Aaron went from business owner to garbage man almost overnight just to make ends meet.

Adding insult to injury, Avakian’s labor bureau seized the Klein’s bank accounts and forced them to pay the lesbian couple $135,000 for “emotional suffering.” It’s important to be reminded of all of this to understand why his defeat is so sweet.

From The Weekly Standard:

Avakian had his eye on higher office. It was very likely the case that Avakian saw the publicity surrounding his draconian treatment of the Kleins as a launching pad for his campaign to become Oregon’s secretary of state. From there it would have been a short hop to governor.

But it didn’t work out that way. Avakian didn’t just lose his race—it was the first statewide victory for a Republican in the now-solidly blue Beaver State in 14 years. A Republican hadn’t been elected secretary of state since 1980. Compounding Avakian’s humiliation, Hillary Clinton won the state by 10 points. Merely having a “D” by his name should have dragged him across the finish line.

But it didn’t. He was put out to pasture not only by a worthy Republican opponent, Dennis Richardson but also thanks to his aggressive liberal tyranny that was solidly rejected by Oregonians. As TWS noted:

The limits of bake-me-a-cake-or-else liberalism have now been revealed. The sooner Democrats come to grips with the unpopularity of their punitive social crusades, the better off their party—and our country—will be.

Most Americans are just fine allowing bakers to run their businesses as they see fit. Christian bakers have the right to refuse to make a cake for a gay wedding just as much as a gay bakery has the right to refuse a cake for a straight marriage. No offense necessary. People have the right to take their business elsewhere. This isn’t something the government should force or penalize; it should be the small business owner’s decision!

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Nathan Rinne #fundie patheos.com

In the Western world, today’s “conservatives” are increasingly libertarian when it comes to matters of sexual morality. Whatever good might come out of a Trump Presidency (full disclosure: I voted for the man), it seems unlikely that the nation’s appreciation for the importance of sexual morality will deepen.

Increasingly in our society, the expectation for any romantic relationship is that it must be sexual or get sexual without much delay – married or not. Going hand in hand with this, political progressives and libertarians both seem basically united on the idea that the choice of each individual is the controlling principle. As some on the Supreme Court told us in 1992, “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”

This kind of thinking really does not seem all that alien from what the Trump-supporting “free speech fundamentalist” Milo Yiannopoulos has said:

Read what you want.
Watch what you want.
Play what you want.
Think what you want.
Say what you want.

That might not work in a marriage, but otherwise why the hell not? (marriage couldn’t be that important anyways, could it?) Political correctness can die the death it so richly deserves! The sky is the limit!

Yiannopoulos may say that some – by virtue of biological and psychological limitations – can’t be whatever they want to be, but with his emphasis on the individual’s rights, one is hard-pressed to argue why some, at least, shouldn’t give it a shot (please note I say all of this wanting to defend free speech to, while being concerned that not all of our speech is helpful).

And, tying this back to matters of sexual morality, why suppress human nature? Yiannopoulos regularly encourages college students to not hold back in exploring their sexuality with others. And, when asked here about Harvard’s men’s soccer team this past week – namely, about their recently revealed shared Google form treating their female counterparts as sexual objects – Yiannopoulos defended them to the hilt. One might think he could have said, at the very least, that the men’s behavior was to be strongly discouraged – even if the Harvard President had overreacted (read this and this for a balanced perspective). He didn’t say this though – he simply talked about our inability to overcome human nature: basically “men will be men”.

After all, as popular You Tuber Gavin McInnes says (language alert) all men act like this. And likewise, all men must surely know that they are incapable of waiting for sex – and they must be lying if they say they do! Guys like Tim Tebow (what has he accomplished lately?) are surely hypocrites, and evidently, most of the time, just aren’t manly enough to obtain the good things that come their way, grabbing them by the—.

But even if we perhaps should respect the real power of human nature here, we also cannot overcome the consequences of human nature. Even if you, by virtue of your social capital and financial resources, appear able to rise above some of the most socially deleterious effects of sexual licentiousness, many – particularly the most vulnerable – can’t. And all of this contributes to the fracturing and weakening of the family, which one would hope any conservative would understand. This glorification of our choices when it comes to matters sexual, of course, makes the goal of marriage – and the commitment involved therein – less and less of a possibility for many (listen to Jennifer Roback Morse here).

Yiannopoulos may have once written about the dangers of pornography in the past (see here and here), but these days, he seems to have left that concern behind (a necessary casualty of his message and newfound fame?). Now, ironically, it is some on the left (some!) who are bringing up the critical importance of this issue (see here and here for example). Speaking merely from a tactical standpoint, perhaps persons like Yiannopoulos should find a creative way to address this, before being outflanked by progressives concerned about the truth of these matters?

So, what does any of this have to do with the theory of evolution – and sophisty?! Hang on— we getting there right now—.

First of all, a popular meaning of the word sophistry is “the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving”. It is a simply a matter of fact that men are capable of controlling themselves (though, if I may say, we seem to live in an age that likes to play with the fire of temptation).

Second, in the theory of evolution, all is about sex (and death): everything comes down to being able to pass on one’s genes to the next generation. Supposedly, evolution “designed” us for this.

Third, and here is the meat of my point, in a recent edition of the Atlantic, an article called “The Case Against Reality” lays out the implications of the theory of evolution (spurred on by what I call the MSTM, the modern scientific and technological mindset) in a very helpful manner. An interview with cognitive science Donald D. Hoffman is featured, where he argues that “the world is nothing like the one we experience through our senses— the world presented to us by our perceptions is nothing like reality” (as the Atlantic sums him up).

In short, Hoffman believes that “evolution itself [is] to thank for this magnificent illusion, as it maximizes evolutionary fitness by driving truth to extinction” (italics mine). It is not accurate perceptions which helps us to effectively pass on our genes but “fitness functions,” i.e. “mathematical functions that describe how well a given strategy achieves the goals of survival and reproduction.” “Suppose,” he says, “there’s a blue rectangular icon on the lower right corner of your computer’s desktop — does that mean that the file itself is blue and rectangular and lives in the lower right corner of your computer? Of course not— And yet the desktop is useful.”[ii] Hoffman says that this is “conscious realism,” meaning that “Objective reality is just conscious agents, just points of view.”

And hence, evolution’s connection with classical understandings of sophistry is complete. Perhaps Christians taken with evolution should take evolutionists like Daniel Dennet more seriously when they assert that it is a “universal acid” that “eats through just about every traditional concept, and leaves in its wake a revolutionized world-view, with most of the old landmarks still recognizable, but transformed in fundamental ways” (see here).

The Sophists of the ancient world said that our base assumption should be that certain truth and goodness is unattainable. With change being the only constant and knowledge an illusion, everything is about building consensus through persuasion. The ethical sophist – assuming positing such a person is reasonable! – would persuade on the basis of arguing for things that are not true, but possible and perhaps probable—

How does this not sync perfectly with what Hoffman is saying, a “match made in heaven,” or hell, as the case may be? Can’t he – or anyone else – see the implications of this thinking for human reason itself?

Let’s break it down:

In brief, Hoffman, assuming temporal survival is what life is all about, says that it is our “fitness functions,” and not accurate perceptions, which help us to pass on our genes.
Therefore, it follows that being able to create grand, plausible sounding theories – whether they are true or not – also can be reduced to being about the survival value they have (in that they attract partners who know brains are valuable – and who can pass on genes).
Therefore, as long as one can avoid the impression one is totally disconnected from matters of concrete fact, disqualifying one’s self in other’s eyes, the sky is the limit!
As Hoffman says, our perceptions are “tuned to fitness, but not to truth”. Why would our capacity to construct narratives, our story-telling imaginations, not be as well? Why would this also not figure into the all controlling “fitness function”?
So, if this is the case, why believe the theory of evolution is true at all? It might be useful for passing on genes, but true?

And yet, of course, what Hoffman is doing in his interview – what he cannot avoid doing even if he might protest he is doing it – is putting forth a truth claim. Truth, in one sense, is “driven to extinction,” where, in another, it rises from the ashes reborn. “Believe me,” he is saying— “I am speaking with some real authority on these matters.” The ancient sophists played the same game— the truth is that we cannot not really know truth— what is important is that you listen to me, noticing how smart I am—

And so, as evolution and truth evolves, so does “our” (Not mine! Not yours I hope!) understanding of individuality, sex, and gender.

To state the obvious, given his assumptions, is that not just his “fitness function” speaking? And if he opposes me socially and politically and I fight back, evidently with my own fitness function that still falsely believes there is truth, just what hope for common ground do we now have?

I’m calling B.S. I’m calling out these new sophists for the danger to society and culture that they are. Absolute. Total. Nonsense.

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

How Hillary, the most robotic candidate ever, had to be prompted by staff to “smile”

Must. Get. Elected. Must. Say. Anything. To. Get. Elected.

These must be Hillary Clinton’s inner thoughts. She is the most robotic person I’ve ever seen! Every step in her campaign has seemed phony, every motion and emotion seems planned out to the “T.” Her leaked emails show a candidate and campaign that’s beyond “micromanaged, highly scripted, and poll-tested.” It’s clear she’s not a genuine person.

Recently leaked Wikileaks emails tell the sorry, odd tale of Hillary Clinton. Click here to read how she had to be reminded to smile, how it took multiple people and lots of time to get the “right tweet,” and how her staff said she lived in a bubble of privilege.

Do you think she really cares about the people she’s trying to win over?

Do you think she cares our children’s future?

About our military?

Or crimes we have in inner cities?

Do you think she cares about any of us hard working, middle class Americans?

Her team has to pencil in “smile” in her responses!!

I know Donald Trump is far from perfect – we all are – but I would rather have someone in office that fights for what is best for our country – and not someone in office who is so desperately willing to DO ANYTHING to get elected.

Do these professional politicians really think the American people don’t see behind their smoke screen? Does Hillary really think that those of us who work “menial” jobs to put food on the table – jobs like I have had in coffee shops, baby sitting, hardware stores, commercial fishing, etc. – believe for one second that her decade’s long – privileged lifestyle – connects her to us?

It’s not so much that this multi, multi, millionaire is pretending to understand middle class struggles by faking it for a few hours in our shoes, it’s that she shows disdain for our brains when assuming we’ll fall for this!

At least Trump doesn’t pretend to be something he is not. He’s been a builder and boss for decades, and he proudly, commendably wears that on his sleeve.

That’s the problem with typical politicians like Hillary. They’re so disconnected from our normal working class like that they have to conspire how to gin up the appearance of connection. We see right through it, it turns us off and causes too many voters to just stay home Election Day because this is seen as a phony actors in a really bad performance who disrespected our intelligence.

Hillary Clinton is exactly like Barrack Obama, they will tell you what they want to hear, but will get in office and do whatever is on their sponsored agenda. Whom ever they’ve made deals with!!

We’ve already had eight years of it!!!! Wake up! Aren’t you tired of it yet?

Buy our books!
Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far
By Dakota Meyer - Into the Fire: A Firsthand Account of the Most Extraordinary Battle in the Afghan War (8/26/12)

Steven Anderson #fundie #homophobia patheos.com

(An excerpt from Hannah Livingston's BBC Documentary, America's Hate Preachers. Bolding is from the original quote.)

ANDERSON: To normal people, homosexuality [and] pedophilia are disgusting. To a normal person.

LIVINGSTON: Why do you put pedophilia and homosexuality in the same group?

ANDERSON: They are in the same group! Because any man who would have sex with another man would have sex with anything. Period. Like, I’ll put it this way: Any man who would have sex with another man would have sex with an animal.

LIVINGSTON: That’s blatantly not true, though!

ANDERSON: It is true! That’s reality. Even if you don’t think it’s reality—

LIVINGSTON: What do you think homosexuals should do, then?

ANDERSON: Kill themselves, as far as I’m concerned, because they’re horrible, wicked people. They’re just gonna keep molesting and destroying people. So I don’t have any advice for homosexuals, except to put a bullet in your own head so that you don’t molest my kids or anyone else’s kids.

Pat Robertson #fundie patheos.com

Halloween: The day when kids dress up, get candy, and worship Satan.

Or at least that’s what Pat Robertson thinks they do.

In response to a question from a viewer worried about her son attending a haunted house that includes a “demon DJ” who “encourages people to dance,” Robertson warned her to stop her son before it was too late.

— Explain to him who the Devil is. Explain to him the Devil wants to destroy you. The Devil, you know, seeks who he may devour. He’s out to kill you. And he’s gonna put everything nice in your way that’s gonna seem like fun — there’s pleasure and sin for a season — but the answer is, mother, don’t let your babies grow up to be demon-worshippers, if I can quote from Willie Nelson. Don’t let him do it.

— There needs to be alternative Halloween celebrations in churches, where they have all the games, and all the fun, and all the nice, pretty girls, and all the handsome boys— and they’re praising the Lord instead of worshiping Satan.

Halloween has become a night when the devil rejoices

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

Why Hillary’s maternity leave proposal will crush our economy

Last week, I was sitting at my desk, working hard, when I came across Hillary Clinton’s latest campaign talking point. Her latest way to steal our freedoms and crush our businesses involved something near and dear to my heart – family and motherhood.

And I was blown away. I shook my head in awe of this stupidity.

Honestly, I’m not a political expert but I do have common sense. And motherhood, working hard, and small businesses are things that are key to my family and my life.

Hillary’s proposed plan guarantees 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave to care for a new child or seriously ill family member. Beyond this government mandate, it also mandates that the person taking leave get at least 2/3 of their current wages. It claims to impose no additional costs on small businesses. How is this even possible?

It’s going to “make the wealthy” pay “their fair share.” Whatever these words mean— which usually just means justifying socialist policies that harm hard workers.

Trump’s latest plan also would mandate six weeks of paid leave, but it has nothing on Hillary’s. I would love to see private businesses be able to voluntarily offer this tremendous, unheard of benefit, but never should we support government forcing this uneconomic, unrealistic boondoggle.

Does Hillary Clinton plan to enforce this latest mandate on every single business? Even the small businesses that truly make this country great and employ most of our people?

How does she plan on putting all of this in effect?

I think of my husband, who owns a construction company, and how much that would affect his business.

I think of the small doctor’s office I have been employed by for the last seven years, and I think of how much something like this would change us here.

My husband and I were talking, and figuring out the math and logistics behind this, and here is a basic way to look at Hillary’s proposed plan.

If this was in effect – and say I make approximately $60,000.00 (easiest math) and I had a baby. That is AT LEAST $9,200.00 and 12 weeks off of work that I would be “guaranteed” to have with Hillary’s plan.

CAN YOU IMAGINE?????!!!!! Where is this money going to be coming from? I know I will get bashed for this, but no one deserves that! I have been at my job for over seven years now, and I was thrilled to have even two weeks paid vacation time to use toward my month long “maternity” leave. Where is the common sense in any of these plans? Where is the connection to reality?

We should all be capitalists!! We need to get back to the basics. We need to work and not feel entitled to everything in life. We live in a world where everyone is looking for a crutch, where we compare everything to every other person and what they have, and trust me, I can be guilty of this at times too.

But when we keep up this “poor me” attitude and an attitude of entitlement, our country will go nowhere but down. And we have been going down fast! I look at what my kids will be growing up with, and what their society will be EXPECTING, and it really does leave me speechless.

All of these people yelling everything from “free birth control” to “free college.” Do they not realize that when things are guaranteed, the prices actually go up, and all of our taxes go up along with it in order to pay for it? Where is the work ethic? Where is the incentive to do it on your own?

This is just further proof that Hillary Clinton wants to continue to “spread the wealth” just like Obama’s main plan was – make us all EQUAL no matter what our work ethic really is.

This goes beyond maternity leave plans, or medical leave plans. It’s a bigger issue than all of that. We need to get back to the basics as a country and we as Americans need to realize not everything in life should be handed to you.

Buy our books!
Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far
By Dakota Meyer - Into the Fire: A Firsthand Account of the Most Extraordinary Battle in the Afghan War (8/26/12)

Angela Kaaihue #fundie patheos.com

Earlier this month, Angela Kaaihue won the Republican Party nomination for the U.S. congressional seat representing Hawaii’s 2nd District. She beat her closest Republican rival by six points.

Kaaihue is a big supporter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, with whom she has a great deal in common. Like Donald Trump, she’s an erratic bigot and a litigious bundle of grievances. Like Trump, she appears to lack any discernible political ideology or convictions, and seems to have entered politics mainly as a way to address personal grudges and the seething resentment that gnaws at her day and night.

Angela Kaaihue has chosen, like Donald Trump, to go full Breitbart, hoping to make up for her lack of widespread appeal through sheer outrageousness.
Kaaihue is good at sheer outrageousness because, like Donald Trump, she’s full-gonzo bonkers. This image, for example, is taken from an ALL CAPS post on Kaaihue’s candidate blog, “Hawaii’s Holy War 2016“:


For the record, the Antichrist, in Kaaihue’s opinion, is “CHRISTIANS TEARING DOWN CHRISTIANS.” This was Kaaihue’s first blog post following her Republican primary win.
But while Kaaihue has little patience for CHRISTIANS TEARING DOWN CHRISTIANS, she reserves most of her wrath for those she hates most of all: The Japanese. And also Hindus and Buddhists, but mostly the Japanese.
Confronted about her enthusiastically anti-Japanese Facebook post — which began, “F–k you J–s!! F–k you f–king J–s!! I hate you you f–king J–s! Go to Hell you f–king J–s!! F–k you you stupid f–king J–s!!” and then, believe it or not, went downhill from there — Kaaihue responded with an August 21 press release reading, in part:

"U.S. Congressional GOP Nominee and Candidate Angela Kaaihue responds back to HAWAII’s citizens rude, defamatory, ignorant remarks made to her through social media. She states, “Repent and ask God for forgiveness!”
It’s a shame HAWAII NEWS MEDIA uses Japanese reporters to report the racist bigot remarks towards Japanese people made by U.S. Candidate Angela Kaaihue.
HAWAII NEWS MEDIA is disservicing Hawaii’s people by NOT investigating WHY and HOW a locally raised woman of Hawaii, grew up and lived in Hawaii all of her life, grew to HATE the Japanese so much."

And it has all proved to be a bit too much for Republican Party officials in Hawaii, who are now denouncing their nominee in no uncertain terms, as Chad Blair reports for Honolulu Civil Beat:

“I want it understood by the general public and the media that the recent inflammatory comments made by candidate for Congress (CD2) Angela Kaaihue do not represent the views, values, or the sentiments of our Party and its members,” Fritz Rohlfing said in a statement issued late Friday. “Her vulgar, racially-bigoted, and religiously-intolerant descriptions of Democratic Party candidates are offensive, shameful, and unacceptable in public discourse.”
Rohlfing added, “I unconditionally denounce her despicable statements.”

Reached by phone Saturday, Kaaihue criticized Rohlfing for leading a “disenfranchised party” and suggested Rohfing had “slammed” her for her religious views.
“I am talking about God, preaching about God, restoring his kingdom back into Hawaii,” she said. “This is God’s country, America is God’s country. I am trying to educate people about that.”
Kaaihue said there was a war going on between “the righteous and the unrighteous, between God and Satan.” Rohfing’s denouncement of her candidacy, she suggested, demonstrated “how we are being deceived by Satan, the biggest liar and deceiver.”
She said Rohlfing needed to “be careful” because he was taking on “the messenger of God.”
“‘Angela’ means messenger of God,” she said. “My whole family is Christian.”

Bowling Green Fire Department #fundie patheos.com

A lawsuit filed this week by an atheist firefighter against the city of Bowling Green (Kentucky) has some damning claims about what he witnessed in the department.

Jeffrey Queen worked at the Bowling Green Fire Department for the past five years. But after several of his complaints were ignored, some by Deputy Chief Dustin Rockrohr (who is also named in the lawsuit), he was given a leave of absence earlier this year before being formally discharged in May.

Queen alleges in the lawsuit that he faced repeated harassment from co-workers because he is an atheist and was often called gay slurs. In one incident described in the complaint, a captain allegedly said he would burn down Queen’s house because he was an atheist, and in another a firefighter allegedly told him “if a homo works here, we’ll make sure he dies in a fire. We’ll chop his feet off.”

Queen’s complaint also alleges that both leadership and rank-and-file members of the fire department showed contempt for and used slurs to describe minority groups in Bowling Green, such as African-Americans, Muslims and the LGBT community. It refers to firefighters calling Muslims “towelheads” and “sandn—–” who should be deported or killed, and references a video — which is posted on the [law firm] Craig Henry website — of one burning the Quran in front of a fire station. The complaint also alleges that a captain said atheists “deserve to burn,” and several referred to a group of African-American men as “hood rats,” “n——” and “thugs.”

The complaint also alleges that firefighters repeatedly called LGBT people “faggots” and suggested they would not touch LGBT people because they “probably had AIDS.” According to the complaint, a crew allegedly put such words into action, declining to offer medical care to a man experiencing chest pain after determining he was gay.

James Pearce #fundie patheos.com

Look, there’s only one solution. A bunch of us anti-gun types are going to have to arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and make sure there are no survivors. This action might also require coordinated hits at remote sites, like Washington lobbyists. Then and only then will we see some legislative action on assault weapons. Have a nice day.

Theophile #fundie #homophobia patheos.com

I am not the one militantly insisting Christian artists in business enter into contracts to produce artwork OBSESSED WITH celebrating the marriage made in feces.
... But since you insist I celebrate this anal masturbation of yours in special contracted artwork, please answer one simple question:
# Since the homosexual idea of intimacy involves fecal matter, do homosexuals get sexually aroused down-wind from the outhouse?

MrsGrizzley #fundie patheos.com

[on Democrats who do not support Hillary Clinton]

It's misogyny, plain and simple. For a LOT of them, though I don't know how many, it all comes down to the 30 or 40 Year War against Hillary Clinton because she's a Woman in Politics and they'll vote for a man, ANY man, before they'll vote for a "damn woman who wouldn't even take her husband's name like a proper wife" and who, in some very painful ways, blame her for his philandering.

THAT is really why they're suddenly supporting Trump. It's not about the politics, it's about keeping a Woman out of the White House as the one in charge.

Ken Ham #fundie patheos.com

HAM: Now you said something in my office this morning — you nearly got thrown out — when you used the word “evolve”— What did you tell me about Pokémon and evolve?

STAFFER: Pokémon evolve.

HAM: What is that?

STAFFER: Apparently, you give them candy and they become stronger.

HAM: So they evolve.


HAM: — That’s no good for the Creation Museum.

STAFFER (laughing): It doesn’t take millions of years, though.

HAM: It happens immediately?

STAFFER: Pretty much!

HAM: So is that evidence against evolution or—? So Pokémon evolves—


STAFFER: You want to try to evolve one?

HAM: I don’t believe in evolution— Okay, so what do you do?

STAFFER: Press “evolve.”

HAM: Press “evolve.”

STAFFER: Press “Yes.”

HAM: Yeah— now what?

STAFFER: The bird is evolving.

HAM: Let’s see what happens. Okay—

STAFFER: It has evolved into a bigger, better bird, apparently.

HAM: But it’s still a bird! It’s still a bird! That’s not evolution! It should have evolved into something else!— It definitely shows that birds remain birds.

Pastor Steven Anderson #homophobia #fundie patheos.com

[On the Orlando shootings]

The good news is that there’s 50 less pedophiles in this world, because, you know, these homosexuals are a bunch of disgusting perverts and pedophiles.
That’s who was a victim here, are a bunch of, just, disgusting homosexuals at a gay bar, okay?

But the bad news is that this is now gonna be used, I’m sure, to push for gun control, where, you know, law-abiding normal Americans are not gonna be allowed to have guns for self-defense. And then I’m sure it’s also gonna be used to push an agenda against so-called “hate speech.” So Bible-believing Christian preachers who preach what the Bible actually says about homosexuality — that it’s vile, that it’s disgusting, that they’re reprobates — you know, we’re gonna be blamed. Like, “It’s all extremism! It’s not just the Muslims, it’s the Christians!” I’m sure that that’s coming. I’m sure that people are gonna start attacking, you know, Bible-believing Christians now, because of what this guy did.

Now let me just be real clear: I’ve never advocated for violence. I don’t believe in, you know, taking the law into our own hands. I would never go in and shoot up a gay bar — so-called. I don’t believe it’s right for us to just be a vigilante— But I will say this: The Bible says that homosexuals should be put to death, in Leviticus 20:13. Obviously, it’s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because that’s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, God’s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. That’s what the Bible says, plain and simple.

So, you know, the good news is that at least 50 of these pedophiles are not gonna be harming children anymore. The bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive, so they’re gonna continue to molest children and recruit people into their filthy homosexual lifestyle—

— I’m not sad about it, I’m not gonna cry about it. Because these— 50 people in a gay bar that got shot up, they were gonna die of AIDS, and syphilis, and whatever else. They were all gonna die early, anyway, because homosexuals have a 20-year shorter life-span than normal people, anyway—

John Williams #fundie patheos.com

I can attempt shut down any number of harmful ideas. It doesn't violate "free speech" as one commentor has repeatedly tried to explain. I am free to shut down the expression of ideas that I deem harmful. People who find my ideas harmful can attempt to shut me down as well. The government has to stay out of it. That is all that free speech means. This whimsical bullshit about free expression is what will lead to racist violence at the hands of a demagogue like Trump.
Lines must be drawn somewhere and I think as our country matures we will be free to admit it. Honestly lines have already been drawn, if an organization wanted to rent out a room to give a conference on how great it is to rape and molest infants we would shut it down. Free speech be dammed.

Dan McClellan #fundie patheos.com

[in response to a street preacher being attacked with a baseball bat]

This would be a legitimate concern if women and minorities had equal access to power and resources, but free speech has this annoying tendency to serve the interests of the powerful more than the interests of the underprivileged. Systemic oppression can't be defeated from within the system. That's not to say anything goes, or that this woman was justified, but prioritizing free speech over all just serves the system, not justice or equality.

Croco Dile #fundie patheos.com

"....All these years with Presidents from both sides issuing such directives...." even though a president has no authority of doing so.

He does not have any more authority to make or change federal law than JT does. He is an executive. He is not a law maker. He doesn’t have legislative power. Not some, not now, not ever and the people have not given Congress the power to give it to him even if they wanted to.
But all of this is a game. Nothing more. But the gullible voters, in their muddled minds, THINK this is something real.
The republicans are nothing but the system “tacking right” like any boat does as it sails to a destination. In case with any government the destination is total control. When you’ve been tacking "left" for a while, you tack back to the "right". That’s all elections are. We’d gone right for a while with Bush, so then we switched and tacked left with Obamao. Just as we had tacked left with Clinton after tacking right with the first Bush.
The course has not changed. Tacking is not a change of course it is how you get where you’re going. The people just don’t see that they are in fact ON COURSE.
The republicans play and integral and essential part of getting to prison island. Without them we would go too far left and people would jump up and realize they were headed in a crazy direction. That’s the purpose the republicans serve. They give the semblance of a counter balance. When all they really are is the other side of the steering mechanism.
And as president Obamao only has the RIGHT to do, as the president, what the CONstitution says he can, nothing more.
Is there any doubt that Obama is in fact acting illegally? No. Well, Timmy, the phantastically informed, is Google now the supreme law of the land ?
Tell me why I need to "google" ?
I thought the CONstitution is THE ultimate Document......
Can I find this strange "permanent majority" in this Supreme Document ?

Pastor Gene Lingerfelt #fundie patheos.com

Christian Pastor Says Men Who Play Video Games Are Losers Possessed by a “Retarded Spirit”

Hemant Mehta

Usually, when we see a pastor complaining about video games, it’s one of those retro clips from the 1980s. This one, courtesy of Faith Christian Center in Texas, is from just a couple of months ago.

Pastor Gene Lingerfelt goes off on men who play Xbox, blaming “that retarded spirit” for why beautiful young women in the church can’t find dates.


And don’t even get me started on the Xbox. And all of that. If you have callouses on your thumbs, you’re a loser. If you’re more than 18 years old and you’re still jackin’ around with that stuff— [does “L” gesture].

I curse that spirit in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

There are young gals in this church. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful young gals, and you know why they can’t get a date? ‘Cause that retarded spirit got onto young men.


Some of you women, you have my permission — blame me. He come home — I’m talking about your husband come home, and that’s gone. And don’t just throw it in the trash — he’ll go fish it out — you gotta put in the bathtub full of water before you throw it in the trash. Now don’t do that while it’s plugged in—

Ah, yes— throw away the thing that makes someone happy. Always the key to a great relationship.

Lingerfelt also called video games a “time waster.” Though if he knew anything about modern gaming, he’d know that it’s a way for a lot of people to socialize, talk to their friends, and just relax. (And that it’s not just men who play the games.)

But that would require doing a bit of research, and why bother with that when you know you’re already speaking for Jesus?

[Formatting in the original]

Marc #fundie #homophobia patheos.com

I’d first love to correct several blatant misreadings of Scripture, not for the sake of the Wannabe Gay Marriage Debate, but for the sake of Scripture, which deserves better.

1. “Jesus never uttered a word about same-sex relationships.”

True. Nor did he utter a word about rape. Or genocide. Or running a crystal meth lab. Or suicide. Or pedophilia. To assume a man’s approval of everything he doesn’t mention is silliness to the highest degree.

2. “The original language of the N.T. actually refers to male prostitution, molestation, or promiscuity, not committed same-sex relationships.”

Well, I guess we can just look at the New Testament for this one:

“Claiming to be wise, they became fools; and they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling a mortal human being or birds or four-footed animals or reptiles. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the degrading of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. For this reason God gave them up to degrading passions. Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and in the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error.”

Now it’s true that Paul wasn’t speaking of the committed homosexual relationships we speak of today, primarily because the idea of a homosexual relationship would have made no sense to the Apostle. That a man is defined as a homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual is a modern concept. For the Ancient World, homosexuality was an act performed, not a life lived, and certainly not the summative feature of your being. The idea of two men proclaiming “We are homosexuals, and we are in a committed relationship,” would have been utterly foreign to Paul.

Unfortunately, Paul’s claims cannot be dismissed on that basis, as the Apostle makes abundantly clear that homosexual acts are contrary to the natural law. Not homosexuality, but homosexual acts: “Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error.”

To explain what he’s talking about, we must understand his premise: Humans are meant to be happy. Good actions will ultimately make human beings happy, bad actions won’t. If an action is seen to be detrimental to the human person — that is, if it ultimately leads to unhappiness — then that action can be defined as contrary to our nature, and thus sinful.

This is what Paul refers to when he speaks of an act being “unnatural.” He does not use the modern sense of the word, which seems to define the “natural” as “that which has been observed to take place in the Jungle.” He uses the word “natural” in the philosophical sense, that which is aligned with human nature — that which makes humans happy.

(And to be clear, this idea takes for granted that many of the acts we spend our lives pretending make us happy do not. We might say that binge eating makes us happy, but ultimately it won’t — it brings pleasure, but it is detrimental to the human person. A man who sleeps around and must satisfy his every urge might say that he is “happy” with his life, but in reality he has made his “happiness” dependent upon having his urges satisfied. He is not happy in and of himself. So to the claim that drugs make us happy. They do not. They bring us pleasure, and they make our happiness dependent on them — again, we are not happy in and of ourselves.)

So when Paul says that men and women committed “unnatural” homosexual acts and “received in their own persons the due penalty for their error,” his claim is quite simple. The punishment for a wrong act is not God all up and smiting you from the sky. The punishment is naturally received within the human person. The homosexual act works against a human being’s natural end of happiness, and thus the human suffers for it. It’d be interesting to know if Paul was aware of what we are aware of today, that those performing homosexual acts are at greater risk for unhappiness, a risk that has not been directly associated with intolerance or hatred.

If what I say is true, that Paul is claiming that the homosexual act itself is contrary to the natural law, it does not seem reasonable claim to make, that he would have spoken differently were that act contained in a committed relationship.

But our graphic-maker covers his tracks on this one, by saying:

3. “Paul may have spoken against homosexuality, but he also said that women should be silent and never assume authority over a man.”

I would simply note the difference in quality with which these different words of Paul were made. In the former, which we have just discussed, Paul appears to be pointing out an act that is inherently detrimental to the human person. This is not something subject to change-over-time or an evolution of understanding or modern reinterpretation. In the latter, the author is referencing two different passages. The first is from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians:

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

What Paul is saying is clear: Wives submit to your husbands, husbands offer up your life and die for your wives, as Christ did for the Church. I understand that this rings harsh and alien in the secular ear — that authority within a marriage is not a 50/50 split, but the meeting of two distinct, gender-specific, and equally difficult duties — but I cannot apologize for it, other than to say that the secular world is wrong about marriage.

As to women remaining silent:

Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.

This passage is subject to change over time, as it is contained within Paul’s instruction on public worship which similarly — though not in substance — changed over time. This might be a problem to the Literalist Christian, but not to the Catholic, who with Pope Benedict can assert that the Paul’s passage must “be relativized.” Again, this is not the case with Paul’s assertion that homosexual acts are inherently detrimental to the human person.

4. “The Bible defines marriage as One Man Many Women, One Man Many Wives and Concubines, A Rapist and His Victim, and a Conquering Solider and a Female Prisoner of War.”

This is a prime example of the secular mind putting way more faith and trust in the Bible than the Christian is ever called to. The Bible is a library of history, storytelling, poetry, letters, and biographies: Something appearing in the Bible does not indicate that God endorses that practice. The only practices endorsed by God are — wait for it — those which we are told are endorsed by God.

More importantly, we need to look at the context. The Old Testament is fulfilled by the New. From Matthew 19:

Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?” “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

“Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?”

Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.”

Jesus says that it is for the very reason of maleness and femaleness that “the two will become one flesh.” He then says that the marriage rites established by Moses — which include divorce, polygamy, concubinage, etc. — were not condoned by God, but allowed for a time because of the hardness of their hearts, a time that Christ announces is over. Welcome to now. To ignore this and imply that because all sorts of immoral craziness happens in the Old Testament gay marriage should be considered a-ok, well, it’s a stretch.

Alright, those are the main ones. Now allow me to mention the real problem.

No one is claiming that because homosexuality is sinful, homosexual marriage shouldn’t exist. If marriage was an institution designated for the sinless there wouldn’t be marriages at all, for we have all sinned and fallen short. This graphic exemplifies a terrifying insistence within this “debate” — to argue on the most idiotic level possible. Ignoring the question of whether marriage is a definite Thing with a raison d’etre or a blank for us to fill, we waste our time with Scripture we don’t bother to understand, brushing the world and our intellects with varying shades of stupid.

Etothe2iPi #fundie patheos.com

Why do morons insist on calling islam a race ? It is an evil political cult. I'm sorry but you can't be a muslim and a human rights lawyer, by any realistic definition of the term "muslim". I hope Terry is not affleckted with the regressive virus, or he would shout "gross, racist" now.

Margaret Luna #fundie patheos.com

Wow, Satan has really made it more possible with these sites to collect even more souls. Do you think that brainwashing society with thoughts that have been twisted in to the bible makes your sexual perversion ok? You better best believe that I'm against your evil disgusting lies that try to let you off the hook, you are feeding and spewing this sewage and trying to compare what we eat and sexual perversion at being at the same level of sin. People can eat what God has intended for us to eat and may live many more years but the difference between the old testament is that note in the new Jesus now has died for our sins that would've taken us to hell we there we were sorry for our sins or not. Now we havea chance to repent from all, any of those sins and receive salvation and be forgiven. It doesn't mean that you can sin and you'll be forgiven if u keep sinning. You must be sorry for your sin and refrain from ever doing it again. And speaking about there being billions of people note breeding and that Adam and end were meant for the beginning only, that's your Satan putting false thoughts into people's minds, no matter how many people have bred it's not up to man to say that being a homosexual is OK now because of it. Anyone, from cheating spouses, molesters, rapists etc who've had sexual desires and couldn't control themselves are all guilty of this major sin. Trying to label people as homophobics only because they are doing rite by God by keeping good morals is an other way of Satan working on people's weak minds to feel guilty for not being progay. I love people no matter how lost they may be, it's not my job to judge nor is it gay people's jobs to try and change people's minds about what they believe in from the bible. It's like trying to push for molesters, pedophiles etc rights. Have self control from your sexual perversion, it's wrong, never do it again. And you'll be forgiven only because Jesus died on the cross for these reasons. When that day when the second coming of Jesus Christ arrives and your facing heaven or hell will you be this certain to hang on to those false fleshy beliefs still? You better study the bible more and quit stating your own thoughts in between. The devil is desperately trying to gain as many souls as possible in these last days we are living in, the blood moon signs, blood waters, all the predictions of many more from the bible have been showing to be true, the enemy is working harder on people's emotions, their weaknesses in every way to try and become ruler of the earth that God intended to be a peaceful garden for us to live in prefect harmony. When you see gay people they promote sex, it's not something we need in heaven or hell. Think about it. It's another test here on earth. The same goes for the greedy who'd rather spend $100. On a dinner while ignoring the hungry people outside. The people who feel that having riches isn't greed, but turninga blind eye to the man who's seeking shelter underneath a tree. You can't take materialistic riches to heaven or hell, and you won't have sex either. Our life's here on earth is short compared to eternity either in heaven or hell. There are people who've been shown where their actions here on earth will take them, if you are brave enough, then check out their stories, you'll find that each story is similar, but from different parts of the world have been experienced. Spiritlessons.com

Matt Cavanaugh #fundie patheos.com

Our past two presidents have expanded the surveillance state and revoked our 1st, 4th & 5th Amendment rights, and now you're whining about "existential threats to our liberties"? that boat sailed long ago, buddy.

Trump's call for a 'moslem database' of US citizens is as wrong as was FDR's actions against Japanese-American citizens. But he is the only candidate addressing in any way the legitimate fears of Islamic terrorism. He is also calling for strict enforcement of our existing immigration laws. Like it or not, Congress also long ago passed a law calling for the erection of a border wall. Trump's rhetoric, though flippant an hyperbolic, also addresses real concerns about the loss of jobs via bad trade treaties and abuses of work visas. Those are the main reasons behind his popularity, not racism.

I have not seen where Trump advocates that blacks be "poisoned or killed without consequence." Despite channeling Chicken-Little, ("They. Are. Out. For. Blood."), you have done nothing to make your case that the "raging mob" of Trump supporters is seeking to overthrow the rule of law, as opposed to calling for its strengthening.

Instead, it is you who seems to have declared a "race war" in effect, who promises a "mountain of corpses" if you all don't get your way on these policy issues. The 'militant fascist' in this picture is you, pal.

Cleric Sa’d Al-Ateeq #fundie patheos.com

Many women — many of our sisters and our daughters — decorate the food not for the sake of their husbands, children, and family, but in order to take a picture of it.
It’s very important to discuss this. Some women, Allah bless them, pay a lot of attention to decorating the food they cook. They sit for hours on end, “engineering” a cucumber or a tomato, and it is all done so that people will see it. But she never does this for her husband and children.
If it wasn’t for all those apps — Snapchat and others — she wouldn’t have done this.
Unfortunately — and this is a fact — many people were afflicted with envy because of this. By Allah, I have encountered cases of cancer caused directly by pictures posted on social media accounts. By Allah, I saw this with my own eyes. Children got cancer because of pictures circulated [online].
A picture might transmit sorcery. The proof is that if I took your picture, and applied sorcery to it, you will be afflicted accordingly.
So why do we find it difficult to believe that a sorcerer might take your picture from a social media account, print it, and cast sorcery upon it?

LifeLongAtheist #conspiracy patheos.com

Ok, I'll bite. The most convincing fascist? Shillary Clinton. She actually has the Left believing that she stands for the Left in economic areas... she will do exactly as she has done here entire career... whatever the coporatist fat-cats on Wall Street tell her to.

How the parties are the same:
1. Both support these endless wars of the last few decades.
2. Both Rs and Ds spend money like it grows in the grass.
3. Both ignore basic human rights (I.E. the right has it out for gays etc, on the other side Obama is happy to murder un-tried Americans with drone strikes).
4. Neither really respects the law. I mean, Gitmo is still open.
5. They are both self-interested in winning not on merit or argument but just to win to get their 'tribe' to the top. The issues DO NOT matter to these politicians, only winning the game does.
6. Both are bought and paid for by big business. We should make politicians wear sponsors like race car drivers.
7. Both parties expand government without real systems for paying for it.

I could go on and on...

Marco Rubio #fundie patheos.com

(Full transcription of Marco Rubio's latest TV campaign ad)

“Our goal is eternity, the ability to live alongside our Creator and for all time, to accept the free gift of salvation offered to us by Jesus Christ. The struggle on a daily basis as a Christian is to remind ourselves of this. The purpose of our life is to cooperate with God’s plan, to those who much has been given much is expected and we will be asked to account for that. Were your treasures stored up on earth or in Heaven and to me I try to allow that to influence me in everything that I do.”

Josh Moore #fundie patheos.com

[On whether breastfeeding in public should be an exception to a bill making breast exposure a criminal offence]

Who doesn’t support a mothers right to feed? Don’t give me the liberal talking points Amanda. If it’s a woman’s natural inclination to pull her nipple out in public and you support that, than you should have no problem with a mans inclantion to stare at it and grab it. After all—It’s ALL relative and natural, right?

Hope Not Hate #fundie patheos.com

How’s this for a little trip through the looking glass? In Great Britain, the “anti-fascism” group Hope Not Hate has compiled a long list of “anti-Muslim” campaigners that includes— devout Muslims.


Nawaz says, the list

— conflates genuine — anti-Muslim bigots, with academic, journalistic and intellectual critics of Islam — including beleaguered ex-Muslim voices — and further, it throws reform-Muslim activists into the mix for good measure. In a plot twist befitting of a Monty Python sketch, one of those — was a headscarf-wearing, devout Muslim American woman called Raquel Saraswati. Raquel’s crime, for which her life was deemed to be worthy of putting at risk, was that she campaigns against honor-based violence.

Concerned Muslims exposed that absurdity, and Hope Not Hate took Saraswati’s name off the list, casting doubt on the rigor and thoughtfulness with which it was compiled in the first place. Other Muslims remain:

[T]he authors kept others such as an Egyptian Muslim Koran exegete, and reform campaigner Tawfik Hamid, as well as right-leaning American Muslim Zuhdi Jasser.

Nawaz correctly points out that

Hope Not Hate cannot escape the fact that there are people in their list who are also listed by some of the world’s most determined terrorists, who want them dead for the very same reason — daring to criticize Islam. —

By being included on the same list as genuine anti-Muslim bigots, any Muslim, and any other intellectual for that matter, who wishes to hold a serious and genuine conversation about Islam and its place in today’s age, is smeared by association, and is intimidated from expressing themselves from fear of being labelled a racist or bigot.

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

Two Unintentionally Hilarious HuffPo Headlines

It must be hard to be a liberal. They’re always having to promote evil things by pretending they’re, well, not.

That leads us to two headlines in the Huffington Post that are absolutely laughable.



I totally get it. It’s hard to sell “abortion” since it is actually the murder of an unborn baby. How to put infanticide in the absolute best light?

Equate it to— adoption!

Even liberals realize that adoption is a great, virtuous thing to do. (Though they try their best to vilify it. Click HERE to see what they did to the new Kentucky Governor because he adopted children.) So that’s why the above headline struck me as particularly hilarious.

The article above is referring to a main character in the series Scandal, who gets an abortion of convenience on the show. (Click HERE for the details.) Instead of saying “Hollywood Pushes Abortion Agenda Down Throats of Middle American Viewers,” the HuffPo tries to lessen the shock of the evil that the show (and the magazine) is promoting, by using the language of “adoption” to describe it.

I’m not buying it.



I didn’t click through to this article — or the one above, for that matter — but this headline is just so oblivious. I guess “6,935,026* People Share How Planned Parenthood Ended Their Lives” just wasn’t as catchy. Well— or possible, since the interviews would be a little harder to come by.

*As of the moment that I’m writing this, that’s the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood since Roe v. Wade. The actual number of lives ruined would be much higher, if you could the devastated women and men who lost out on the chance to be parents and had to either live with the guilt of murder for the rest of their lives or freeze their consciences to stop thinking about what they’ve done.

Thanks, HuffPo, for the laughs!

afchief #wingnut patheos.com

Nope! Still wrong! A COURT DECISION IS NOT A LAW!! Do you understand that? Roe v Wade is NOT the law of the land. Roe v Wade was an OPINION handed down by judges. Judges and courts do not make laws, but rather merely render opinions.

Did you know that the Supreme Court once rendered the opinion that black men were inferior to whites? Did you know that the Supreme Court once ruled that women had no legal right to vote? Did you know that as recently as 1986 the Supreme Court ruled that there was no right to homosexual sodomy?

Courts only offer opinions. Opinions can change when judges change. The law cannot be changed by a “judge.” If that were the case, our “laws” would be as constantly changing as the “judges” are.

If “judges” ruled that sodomy was illegal in 1986, how did sodomy become “legal” today? Did the law change, or did the “opinions” of the “judges” change?

[An all-caps COURT DECISION is, however, still a binding legal ruling. Do you not understand that?]

NEGATIVE!!!! It is an OPINION!!!! Do you have any idea how our government works? Any at all?????

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

“Armor of Light” – One Sided Propaganda about Misguided Preacher by Pro-Abortion Producer

This post is part of a larger conversation on the subject of Christians and guns at Patheos around the new documentary, The Armor of Light. For more responses to the film, click here.

The above still is from a new movie called “Armor of Light” about a pro-life pastor Rob Schenck who is now a crusader against the so-called “gun culture” in America.

This post in Raw Story calls out my mom, because Schenck uses her as a great example of how Christians should NOT be:

The documentary, “The Armor of Light,” asks whether it’s possible to be both pro-gun and pro-life, according to the website Addicting Info. The film follows Rob Schenck, “an Evangelical minister trying to find the courage to preach about the growing toll of gun violence in America.”

In one scene, Sarah Palin tells a cheering National Rifle Association crowd not to waste ammunition on a warning shot.

In the clip, Palin warns about efforts to “strip away our Second Amendment rights.”

“When pastors, preachers, bible teachers, ignore these questions, it creates a vacuum,” Schenck says in a voice over. “And other voices fill that vacuum.”

At this point Palin goes into a disturbing tirade about shooting first and asking questions later.

“Speaking of which, Joe Biden, remember this, telling women before an assault just to fire a warning shot,” Palin tells the crowd. “Just aim up in the air, that was his directive—Gals, you know that nowadays, ammo is expensive. Don’t waste a bullet on a warning shot.”

The movie is nothing more than liberal propaganda camouflaged as “thoughtful commentary.” The pastor says he caters to the conservatives and Tea Party activists as the camera pans over some photos of the pastor with famous conservatives – including what looks like the Pastor Saeed prayer vigil with Ted Cruz and one of my mom and dad with (apparently) the pastor and perhaps his wife. It looks like it was taken in Alaska. (I asked Mom about it – she doesn’t remember taking that photo and doesn’t remember meeting them.)

You would think — based on the noise around the film — that this film includes some courageous spiritual and moral guidance on guns. Though the pastor says repeatedly that he isn’t trying to have a “political conversation” but a theological one, he never, ever, ever looks to the Bible (which DOES speak to this issue).

Instead, he only looks to politicians and political issues. He says not to get your spiritual counsel from Fox News or the NRA, but from “trusted spiritual authorities.”

What about the Bible as a primary source?

It speaks to the weapon issue, though he conveniently skips the Bible passages that talk about being armed and protecting one’s family. The pastor says he doesn’t want to be labeled as a “liberal,” though he spouts leftist talking points from the first moments of the movie.

The movie goes back and forth between the pastor’s “courageous” and “risk-taking” advocacy against the 2nd amendment and the tragedy that occurred when Michael Dunn shot a black child named Jordan Davis over the volume of music coming from his vehicle. This, of course, is horrible. Our hearts and prayers should go out to the family affected – demolished – by those bullets. (The killer was convicted and is in jail.)

Jordan’s mom Lucy becomes a spokesperson against the Florida “Stand Your Ground” laws, saying that it’s the “will of the Lord” to change that policy. She gets a message from God that people need to see God’s face and repent from the gun culture. “We’ve replaced God with our guns as our protector.”

“Wow. That’s a bold, courageous thing to say,” the pastor says.

“Jesus never advocated violence, ever,” she says.

“I assumed we all thought that way,” he says.

Jordan’s mom isn’t pro-life, but she decides it’s okay to work with someone who’s pro-life like Rob Schenk.

Here’s my question. Since the number of deaths per year by gun users is dwarfed by the number of people killed through abortions, where’s the moment in the movie when he turns to Lucy and challenges HER beliefs that allow babies to get killed? Oh, that’s right — because it’s produce by a pro-abortion activist.

The Pastor keeps asking the most inane question “Can Christians be pro-life and pro-guns?” Maybe he thinks that the swelling emotional music behind the words somehow make them more “important.”

In speaking of the Holocaust, he said, “this is what happens when good people do nothing.”

But how did the “good people” stop those “bad people?” By wearing hipster glasses, making movies, and “having tough dialogues?”

His version of “courage” and “risk-taking” are pretty sheltered.

He must not know the importance of guns to my family, and many other families just like us.

We use those guns to FILL OUR FREEZER. To “live off the land” if you want to call it that. We use those guns to PROTECT ourselves, like many, many other people. Gun’s aren’t used strictly for violence like people want to paint them to be. I carry and I know by carrying its keeping my kids and my household a whole lot safer from creeps like we unfortunately face everyday.

This pastor must have had a pretty sheltered life not needing, or knowing the importance of guns in many American homes.

When a more liberal African American church goer said that God doesn’t call us to be “warriors,” and he says he tends to agree with them more than his conservative Christian counterparts.

It must be nice to sit back in your pew and let others defend you.

But it just sounds cheap and cowardly to me. I think Christians have a DUTY to carry and protect the innocent.

If you want to know what the Bible REALLY says about topics like this, buy my Mom’s new devotional instead of watching this new film:

Sweet Freedom: A Devotional

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

Did Planned Parenthood Just Admit They Were Selling Baby Parts for Profit?

Since investigative journalist exposed Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling the body parts of aborted babies, Planned Parenthood has been denying that they have done anything wrong. Despite hours and hours of footage showing their doctors and staff haggling over the price of baby parts, they continually say they were not selling anything.

However, this week Planned Parenthood made its first major move that shows that they have known their actions were super sketchy all along.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards announced that they will no longer be collecting money for the baby parts they “donate” to medical procurement labs.

Bre Payton at The Federalist comments:

Despite its previous claims of innocence, Planned Parenthood’s announcement today suggests that the organization knew its activities were almost certainly illegal.

When the shocking videos of Planned Parenthood were first released, the taxpayer-funded abortion mill said it only accepted reimbursement for the cost of harvesting and shipping aborted baby body parts. According to the group, accepting mere reimbursement, rather than profiting from the practice, is allowed by law. The undercover videos, however, showed multiple senior Planned Parenthood staff haggling over the prices they would accept in exchange for aborted baby body parts. In one video, one Planned Parenthood executive said she needed a good price for baby body parts because, “I need a Lamborghini.”

David Daleiden, the investigative journalist at the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) who lead the undercover video campaign, agrees that Planned Parenthood’s latest statements signal an admission of guilt.

“If the money Planned Parenthood has been receiving for baby body parts were truly legitimate ‘reimbursement,’ why cancel it?” Daleiden asked. “This proves what CMP has been saying all along—Planned Parenthood incurs no actual costs, and the payments for harvested fetal parts have always been an extra profit margin.”

Daleiden also noted that there’s no way to monitor how, or even if, Planned Parenthood plans to enforce its new policy.

“Without releasing the text of the alleged new ‘policy’ and the exact model from the their Washington affiliate, Planned Parenthood’s stunt today tells us nothing,” Daleiden said.

It is clear that an organization that devotes so many of their resources to the murder of innocent children is not to be trusted. So it is not surprising to me that the truth is starting to come out by their own actions that they were in fact selling these baby parts.

The truth will always come out. Darkness cannot hide the light forever.

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

NEW VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Dr. Jokes About Harvesting Intact Baby Brains

Just when you think the ghouls at Planned Parenthood can’t possibly get more twisted, they do.

In the latest video clip released by investigative journalist David Daleiden, a top Planned Parenthood abortionist is heard joking about trying to harvest a whole baby brain!

The Christian Post reports:

In footage from the video presented during an interview with Live Action President Lila Rose on TheBlaze TV, Daleiden shows the abortionist identified as Dr. Amna Dermish laughing off the brain joke.

“If there’s a request for fetal brain, they’re always wanting both hemispheres,” says Daleiden, posing as a an organ buyer off-camera in the video.

“Um, I haven’t been able to do that yet —” replies Dermish.
“Oh, to get the calvarium [portion of skull with brain]?” asks the buyer.
“Intact” states Dermish.
“Maybe next time,” quips the buyer.
“I know, right? We’ll just give you something to strive for!” says Dermish, laughing.

So sick! This is the precious brain of a LIVING baby!

Later in the video, the doctor goes on to describe how to manipulate the abortion to get an intact fetus, a practice that definitely violates doctor’s medical ethics and is most likely illegal.

The abortionist goes on in the video to discuss how to get intact organs by manipulating the abortion procedure so the unborn child enters the “breech” position.

She explains that the torso of the unborn baby is kept intact by grabbing the spine during the abortion and then removing it “in alignment.”

“Of those two 20-week cases last week, for example, what was the intactness of the specimen like?” asks the buyer.

“It was trunk intact. They’re usually — what I’ll do — if it’s a breech presentation, I’ll remove the extremities first— the lower extremities — and then go for the spine and sort of break it down that way — if it’s a breech presentation,” explains Dermish.

You can watch David’s whole interview and his latest footage HERE:

I interviewed my friend, David Daleiden, about his important work exposing Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts trade on—

Posted by Lila Rose on Monday, October 5, 2015

The fact that we are still funding Planned Parenthood as they openly butcher babies, with a smile and a laugh, is completely shameful. When is Washington going to stop burying their heads in the sand, and start demanding justice for these precious babies?

Guest #fundie patheos.com

I'm no scholar, but in this instance there is no need. Your argument is so frail that a high school dropout could expose and defeat it. Your error is right up front and easy to spot. "Getting out of the whole Canaanite genocide thing". Why is there any need to get out of it? Did not God make clear, in the garden, what would happen? Sorry, I forgot, Adam, Eve and the whole garden thing is mythology to you. . .

What's telling is that the "Canaanite thing" is not a problem for me or for any Christian that I know. I've never heard a brother complain about it, but I've often heard an unbeliever rage against it. it's a huge problem for unbelievers, and that make sense. Only a criminal has a problem with a just judge.

If you are concerned at the judgement that falls upon the Canaanites, you should be far more concerned about the one that awaits you, but there is a merciful God who offers forgiveness to sinners, if you ever have the need of such a thing.

Truth Preacher #fundie patheos.com

(A Christian blogger compare God in the Book of Joshua to Megatron)

This is utter garbage. God is A RIGHTEOUS JUDGE. He can judge people, tribes and nations, and TAKE BACK the LIFE that HE GAVE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE, and NONE OF YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Who are you to accuse your Maker??? Let us take this EVEN FURTHER. In Genesis 6, we find a grieved and broken-hearted God deciding, based on the wickedness, corruption and violence of humanity TO DESTROY ALL LIFE ON EARTH. Every single man, woman, child and animal. HE IS GOD. HE IS HOLY. HE HAS THE SOVEREIGN RIGHT TO JUDGE WICKEDNESS AND PUNISH THE WICKED.
Gutless Christians DON'T BELIEVE GOD HAS THE RIGHT TO PUNISH SIN AND SINNERS, BUT HE DOES. Renew your minds before you become complete apostates.

Seathanaich #fundie patheos.com

Islamophobe: someone who fears Islam.

Yup, I'm an Islamophobe, and with good reason. All decent, free people should be afraid of Islam: what it is doing today in Europe is just a taste of what is to come. By the time I die, Muslim immigration coupled with suicidally-low "native" birth rates will place much of Europe under sharia law. Europe's second Dark Age is coming.

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

The Government is Paying for 10 Year Olds to Get Implanted Birth Control?!?!

Do you remember what it was like to be a 10 year old? I remember being an unabashed tomboy concerned with playing outside and acing 5th grade.

But life isn’t so innocent and carefree for some 10 years old in Washington State. This summer a report came out claiming that some schools in Washington were giving free birth control implants to children as young as 10 years old! These birth control devices are implanted in a girl’s uterus, and all of this can be done without a parent’s consent!

And now a public records request by Judicial Watch has confirmed the details of what is happening in Washington.

Judicial Watch reports:

JW filed a public records request with the Washington Health Care Authority after reading a [b]disturbing article[/b] in a pro-life news site over the summer about a Seattle high school that offers different forms of birth control without parental knowledge or consent. This includes implanting an intrauterine device (IUD) in a girl’s uterus free of cost. It’s part of an initiative offered by Medicaid, the joint federal and state insurance program for the poor. The article points out the irony that a teen in Seattle can’t get a sugary soft drink in high school but can have a device implanted into her uterus.

The data obtained by JW reflect increasing numbers of kids in all age groups receiving these birth control implants from 2013 to 2014. Figures can’t be compared for 2015 because the full year’s data is not yet available, but the records show that in 2014 and at least part of 2015, girls as young as 10 received the implants. The largest group of minors that got the birth control implants was 17 years old, according to the data, but girls much younger also received them. Four 11-year-olds got birth control from the state during the 2 ½- year period and so did more than 100 girls between the ages of 12 and 13. The numbers go up as the girls get older with 364 girls age 14 getting the implants and 744 15-year-olds. The records show that 2,336 girls ages 16 to 17 were given implants during this period.

It is crazy that the government is offering a controversial form of birth control that can have serious life-long side effects to 10-year-old CHILDREN, but then to do all of this behind a parent’s back is simply outrageous!

Benjamin #fundie patheos.com

Let’s make sure we start asking brides what they intend to do after the wedding. The bible is clear- women should be “keepers of the home.” If the bride is career minded or dislikes housework, just tell her “no cake for you!” because you wouldn’t want to endorse a lifestyl

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

TOLERANCE IN ACTION: Hit Kim Davis with Marriage Applications in New Android Game


Can you believe this!!!!!!!!?

Condemn Kim, a new android game from Endless Spiral, LLC, lets users throw marriage licenses at an animated Davis as she runs back and forth behind her clerk’s counter. Each time you hit her with a license, she turns red and cringes. Hit her with enough licenses and she goes to jail (So realistic!). If you earn enough credits, you can purchase other things to throw at Davis: A shoe, a tomato, the rainbow LGBTQ flag. You can also throw a divorce her way, which is a not-so-veiled reference to her own series of divorces.

The same people who shout “EQUALITY FOR ALL” will mock a Christian woman for not agreeing with them.

This is such hypocrisy. Shame on anyone involved in making this game and the LBGT community for accepting a part of this game.

Makes me sick.

Let everyone have their OWN BELIEFS – whether you agree or not.

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

#ShoutYourAbortion: Saying It Loudly Doesn’t Change That it’s Murder

Have you seen that #Shoutyourabortion is currently trending on Facebook and Twitter?

Are these women joking? You know they probably sit in bed at night pondering what their lives would’ve been like had they made the only RIGHT, clear, decision, and that’s to not MURDER the unborn baby they had inside them.

This makes my stomach turn.

Why would women be PROUD to have clearly made mistakes during intercourse and feel PROUD to end the life of a child. I AM MORTIFIED.

We need to defund Planned Parenthood, one day abortion will be looked back on and so much shame will come from anyone who supported it.

What happened to safe, rare, and legal? Now it’s abortion on demand for whatever reason you want?

We can love post-abortive mothers without celebrating their abortions. We can support these women without encouraging others to follow in their footsteps.

I love this blog post by a mom who has a beautiful message for post-abortive mothers:

You are not being judged. You are not being judged by me, for sure, but are you are also not being judged by the larger pro-life movement. This movement, and this moment, is not about judging you.

It feels that way, for sure. And I’m not trying to take that away from you, but I want you to grant the benefit of the doubt here and trust that I’m genuine when I say that for the vast majority of “us”, you are not being judged.

This is what is being judged: The practice and practitioners of abortion. Is it rare? (No). Is it legal (Apparently not, even with our embracing of it through our laws; even they are too stringent to be followed). Is it safe (for whom?). And, yes, is it moral? (No. Value attaches to human life at its beginning.)

We cannot let abortion advocates claim the narrative that they are the ones that are really pro-women. Asking women to share about a (hopefully) very difficult decision to terminate the life of their own child is not respectful to these mothers. It is not empowering. It is about pushing their agenda of doing whatever you want without any consequences above anyone and anything else. Millions of murdered babies are left in the wake. Millions of mothers are left devastated.

And shouting the story out on social media doesn’t change the past. It doesn’t heal the hurt of the babies who have been sacrificed or the hurt of the mothers who are struggling with the weight of their choices.

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

What’s the Difference Between Hillary Clinton and Anna Duggar?

Why are people so looking down on Anna Duggar for choosing what she thinks is best for her family, when Hillary Clinton stuck by her man?

Please tell me what is the difference?

I don’t understand why Anna is receiving so much criticism (where our opinions are really not needed). I was only 7 or 8 when Bill Clinton’s sexual affairs were being made public, so I don’t remember much about it. But it certainly seems like Hillary was empowered by her decision to stick by Bill, wasn’t she?

What is the difference? Is it Anna’s evangelical Christian faith?

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

Planned Parenthood Officials Brag About Selling “Fresh” Aborted Baby Genitals


As Congress gets set to debate the funding of Planned Parenthood, the investigative journalists at the Center for Medical Progress have released their 10th video uncovering more sickening actions of the abortion giant.

Life Site News reports:

Planned Parenthood officials are proud of being able to harvest “fresh” babies’ organs, including eyes and genitals, and admit such practices “generate a fair amount of income” in the latest video released by the Center for Medical Progress, released this morning.

The video, the fourth in CMP’s “Human Capital” series, captured abortion industry leaders saying that money for aborted babies’ body parts is a “valid exchange” – but the organization will not be “bullied by ridiculous laws.”

Leaders also admit the national office deliberately keeps all discussion of such activity at arms-length, and exposing the gruesome undertaking could be “a huge PR issue.”

The video shows just how widespread the practice of selling baby body parts is. Executives from many different parts of Planned Parenthood are caught boasting about the practice, and each seems more concerned about how it will make them look then if what they are doing is illegal or if it violates patients’ rights.

Later on in the video, one of the doctors goes on to say one of the most revolting things I have ever heard:

“We’ve just been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural—Oh my God, gonads,” Dr. Westhoff says.

Everything we provide is fresh,” she boasts.

Fresh? This is a tiny baby’s body, not some piece of meat!!! How can they be so cruel?

As Congress gets set to debate Planned Parenthood funding and a potential government shutdown looms, we must not be silent! We must continue to remind our lawmakers and all Americans just how evil Planned Parenthood is. We cannot let one more cent go to supporting an organization that is so full of corruption and is so clearly anti-women!

Lets continue to demand that Planned Parenthood be defunded once and for all!

You can watch the full video here.

Top Planned Parenthood Exec: Baby Parts Sales “A Valid Exchange,” Can Make "A Fair Amount of Income”

Ariahn Zirmohn #fundie #homophobia patheos.com

It is disappointing how inaccurate this review is. A notable thing that this blogger typed out was that the straight couple in the convenience store was harassing the homosexual couple. That did not happen. Secondly, the blogger twists many of Ray's and Peter's words to make them sound like hateful pieces of trash. That was expected. The biggest thing I noticed is that the blogger says that Christians have this weird idea that speaking out against homosexuality gets you more oppressed than if you didn't. My friend, I'm not sure if you keep up with statistics, but the number of people who support same-sex marriage in this nation has risen to around 56%. Whether you want to believe it or not, true Bible-believing Christians are a very small minority. God help this nation. Please watch the movie again, and instead of calling everything Ray and Peter say "homophobic" and "anti-gay", please try being a little more objective. God bless.

Bristol Palin #fundie patheos.com

GRAPHIC: “He Had a Beating Heart” – Planned Parenthood Harvests Brain of Child


In the 7th video released by investigative journalists from The Center for Medical Progress, Planned Parenthood officials admit to doing “custom abortions to get a superior product.” What does this actually mean? They are willing to alter their abortion procedures (which is illegal, by the way) so that they can obtain baby brains intact, and then sell them for a steep price.

It is absolutely disgusting!!

The Center for Medical Progress describes their video footage:

In this new video, which some people are calling the most disturbing yet, former harvesting technician Holly O’Donnell describes how the heart of a late-term baby boy at Planned Parenthood’s mega-clinic in San Jose, CA started beating again after her supervisor tapped on it. Holly was then told to cut through the baby’s face to get his brain.

CMP investigators learned during the 2.5-year-long Human Capital study that born-alive infants are a shockingly common phenomenon in the abortion industry. It is made more common when fetal organs are being harvested because doctors must not poison the baby, yet also extract him or her as intact as possible—intact, an intact and live delivery is the outrageous “best case scenario” for organ harvesting.

Here is the new video:

Human Capital - Episode 3: Planned Parenthood's Custom Abortions for Superior Product

How can someone look into the precious face of a murdered baby and only see dollar signs? How can they possibly bring themselves to cut that baby’s face open to retrieve brains? It is mind-boggling to me!

And yet it is happening all the time in Planned Parenthood clinics.

Please share this latest video and continue demanding that this evil be stopped! We can’t be silent until these precious babies are seen for what they actually are – human beings with infinite worth and dignity.

Samuel James #fundie patheos.com

If I had a dollar for every time Bill Maher got more cheers from conservatives than liberals, I’d almost have enough for a Little Ceasars Hot-N-Ready. Yet Maher is getting support from several conservative quadrants for his bold and non-compromising stance on the inherently violent nature of Islam.

It’s kind of amusing how host Charlie Rose keeps throwing Maher a lifeline (how many times does he say something like, “But you’re not really saying—”). Maher doesn’t take the hint, though; he doubles down, especially when Rose tries to make Christianity as primed for radicalization as Islam:

Maher: There are illiberal beliefs, that are held by vast numbers of Muslim people—

Rose: Christians too

Maher: No, that’s not true. Vast numbers of Christians do not believe that if you leave the Christian religion, you should be killed for it. Vast numbers of Christians do not treat women as second class citizens. Vast numbers of Christians do not believe if you draw a picture of Jesus Christ, you should get killed—Would most Muslim people condone [ISIS]? No, but most Muslim people in the world do condone violence for what you think.

Atheist Sam Harris agreed with Maher on his show recently, much to the animated dismay of actor Ben Affleck.

Affleck, however, called these characterizations “gross and racist” and argued that Maher and Harris were just conflating the minority views of radical jihadists with the beliefs of the rest of the world’s estimated 1.6 billion Muslims

I’ve seen a lot of posts from fellow Christians and conservatives saying something like, “Never thought I’d agree with Bill Maher,” or, “Maher gets it right for once.” Maher doesn’t like Christians–even in the Rose interview he makes a point of saying that all religions are stupid–but in this instance, he seems to be getting some unrequited support.

Samuel James #fundie patheos.com

I have to ask any pro-choice readers of this blog, as respectfully and gently as I can: What more would it take for you to see the humanity of the unborn? What exactly would you have to witness to be convinced that bodies in the womb are people? Is your position one of faith and dogma, that cannot be assailed by even the most convincing medical and video evidence? If not, what are you waiting to see?

Let’s be absolutely clear about one thing: The idea that these videos are “hoaxes” or are “deceptively edited” is a laughingstock. The only honest reason to look away, the only honest reason to not see, is to admit that you don’t want to.

Pastor Steven Anderson #fundie patheos.com

Evolutionary biologists did not design my smartphone! And astrophysicists did not design the car that I drive! Those are designed by engineers! Okay? Not “scientists.”

Now there are some scientists that have made legitimate discoveries and things, but guess what they weren’t? Evolutionary biologists. Guess what they weren’t? Astrophysicists. Because those people are just philosophizing about the origins of the species.

Hey! Here’s the origin right here. [Holds up Bible.] It’s called Genesis 1:1.

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