
Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #mammon exopolitics.org

Indigenous peoples from all over the world have talked about a return of the gods at a time of great turmoil and corruption. The Aztecs, the Incans, the Hopi, and Assyrians, are some of the sources of indigenous beliefs in creator gods who protected native peoples and helped establish the first laws, agricultural practices, and civilizations. These indigenous legends describe gods with supernatural or magical powers, which today we would recognize as advanced technologies. Many of these creator gods were, in fact, refugees from Atlantis, Inner Earth residents, or extraterrestrials (Elohim/Seeders) that were helping rebuild human civilization after the great flood around 9600 BC..
A key group in understanding the return of the gods and a second coming is the Anunnaki. Sumerian and Assyrian texts such as the Eridu Genesis and Atra Hasis both describe the rivalry and roles of Enki and Enlil in the creation of humanity. Enki was a geneticist and is clearly identified as humanity’s protector, while Enlil is described as a despot who wanted to either enslave or destroy humanity, which had become far too clever for his liking. After the departure of the Anunnaki, the minions of Enlil stayed to play a disruptive role behind the scenes with unscrupulous extraterrestrial visitors such as the Draco Reptilians and the Orion Grays, who are largely responsible for genocidal religious crusades throughout the ages.
In my upcoming webinar on Saturday, September 24, I will go into detail about this complex history, outline the agenda of government and military authorities regarding the return of the Seeders, and explain how all this relates to the idea of a Second Coming occurring very soon.
Webinar takes place on Zoom

Date: September 24, 2022

Time: 10 am US Pacific / 1 pm US East Coast

Length: 2 ½ hours (includes 30-minute Q&A)

Cost: $35 (All attendees will also receive access to the webinar recording)

Chris O'Connor/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #magick #mammon exopolitics.org

Chris O’Connor claims to have completed three “20 and back” tours of duty with secret space programs including one run by the United Nations. He says that he was born into a human family as an extraterrestrial starseed as part of a pre-life agreement with the US Navy/Air Force. In 1970, at age 2 Chris claims he was “age-progressed” to 25 years old where his past life memories as an extraterrestrial were fully restored, and he became a liaison/ambassador for different space programs.

Chris says that around 1990, he began serving with a United Nations run SSP that was based in the rings of Saturn that would conduct diplomatic negotiations with extraterrestrial civilizations. He asserts that many of the negotiations involved exoplanet populations that had been negatively impacted by SSPs such as the Dark Fleet. Chris says that he currently is experiencing two timelines as his third “20 and back” tour of duty completes in 2030.

According to Chris, his SSP memories began returning around 10/12 years ago, and he is currently doing hypnotherapy sessions to fully restore these. Chris says that one of the conditions he required in exchange for his SSP service was that he would be permitted to release advanced healing technology used in the programs. Chris subsequently invented an electrotherapy device he calls a Divine Evolution Electromagnetic Micro Singularity Device (DEEMS) publicly available.

Dr. Michael Salla/Andrew Basiago #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut exopolitics.org

Andrew Basiago, J.D., claims that from 1980 to 1984 he participated in a Mars teleportation project along with former President Barack Obama who was known at the time as Barry Soetaro. Basiago says that he was recruited into the Jump Room to Mars program by his father, Raymond Basiago who took him to Camp Siskiyous in Weed, California, where he met Obama and others including Regina Dugan (the future head of DARPA); Mary Jean Eisenhower (granddaughter of President Eisenhower); Admiral Stansfield Turner; and Buzz Aldrin.

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Basiago explains the training at Camp Siskiyous, the role of Major Ed Dames, Obama’s Muslim religious practice, and activities on Mars. He discusses others who have publicly come forward to confirm their participation in the Mar Jump Room program: William Brett Stillings, William White Crow, Bernard Mendez, and Ken Johnson.

There is discussion over the ultimate goals of the Jump Room program and anomalies with what Basiago and others experienced. The number of supporting witnesses, CIA involvement, and anomalies raise three possibilities. First, Basiago, et al., were really on Mars to establish a foothold presence for a secret space program under development. Second, Mars jump room program was an elaborate CIA run simulation designed to trick participants into believing they were really on Mars. Third, the Mars jump room was an elaborate cover program to hide the real secret space program taking place on Mars.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Multiple sources reveal the intergalactic fleet comprises approximately 24 civilizations from different galaxies that have been involved in the genetic seeding of humanity stretching far back into remote antiquity. The ‘Seeders’ or ‘Guardians’ have been described as gods in multiple religious and indigenous traditions, which tell of their early activities and accomplishments. Embedded deep within these traditions are prophecies about the return of the gods. These prophecies are especially significant when it comes to major world religions describing a “Second Coming” involving their founding prophets or avatars.
In this 2.5 hour webinar intensive, Dr. Michael Salla will analyze UFO/UAP legislation passed by the US Congress, Webb Telescope images of Jupiter, the most recent activities of the ET Seeders, and how their return dovetails with prophecies of a Second Coming as described in major religions and indigenous traditions.

Additional topics to be discussed include:

Jesus of Nazareth’s extraterrestrial connection and his prophesied Second Coming;
The Second Coming as depicted in Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic Traditions and the connection to ET life;
The Return of Nibiru and the Enki faction of the Anunnaki;
The Reaction of the Enlil faction of the Anunnaki to the return of Enki and the Seeders;
How Solar Activity is being mitigated by the Seeders in order to wake humanity up in a non-chaotic manner;
The Role of the James Webb Space Telescope in revealing the existence of extraterrestrial life and the arrival of the Seeders;
Possibility of millions disappearing worldwide as space time portals begin opening, a partial planetary evacuation, and solar flare activity dramatically increasing;
Will a false flag alien event be a contrived Second Coming?
The relationship between the Second Coming and the Spiritual Awakening of Humanity.

Webinar takes place on Zoom
Length: 2 ½ hours (includes 30-minute Q&A)

Cost: $35

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot exopolitics.org

Dan Willis served with the US Navy and was among a select group of 20 whistleblowers who came forward to share their testimonies about a UFO coverup in the famous May 2001 Disclosure Project press conference held in Washington DC. Previously, in the 1980s, Dan worked with Dr. Marcel Vogel, a senior scientist with the IBM corporation for 27 years. Dr Vogel held over 100 patents and was a specialist in liquid crystal systems. He begun researching quartz crystals in the 1970s, and found therapeutic applications for them and a structural relatonship with water.

Dan found remarkable consistencies between Dr Vogel’s discoveries and what Elena Danaan had said about crystal technology being used by the Galactic Federation of Worlds generally, and in terraforming planets in particular. Dan asked Elena a series of questions about crystal technologies for a Pleiadian scientist, Jen Han Eredyon (the brother of Elena’s principal contact, Thor Han Eredyon). Dan and Elena first discussed the answers they received in a June 12 video interview.

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Dan and Elena discuss Dr. Vogel’s discoveries and how these compare to what Jen Han had revealed about the key principles and applications of crystals. The consistencies between the discoveries of a leading Earth scientist and a Pleiadian scientist about crystal technology applications corroborate the accuracy of Elena’s information from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and how quartz crystals can be used for an extensive range of projects including healing, propulsion systems and terraforming planets.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #quack #crackpot exopolitics.org

Sarah Breskman Cosme is a certified Level 3 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner and specializes in assisting clients in regaining past life memories that can help in their healing and self-actualization journeys. QHHT was pioneered by Dolores Cannon and has been used with great benefits all around the world.

Sarah used past life regression hypnosis on a number of individuals who began sharing memories of having lived in Atlantis and Lemuria, and both civilizations having been seeded by extraterrestrial civilizations. Sarah met and befriended Jen Sullivan about a decade before performing a past life regression to fulfill Sarah’s QHHT certification requirements.
In her first interview on Exopolitics Today, Sarah discusses why she chose a career as a QHHT practitioner and the implications of the past life memories of multiple clients she has encountered during her 12 years as a hypnotherapist. Sarah shared her insights into her clients’ testimonies and the remarkable similarities with current global circumstances concerning rampant viruses and DNA-altering vaccines that devastated ancient Atlantis and ultimately impacted the relatively untouched island continent of Lemuria.

Sarah finally explains powerful red crystals used for healing and weapons applications by the Lemurians and Atlanteans respectively, and how these were bought to Earth by extraterrestrial visitors. Finally, she explains how the Bermuda Triangle lies over remnants of Ancient Atlantis where some of the red crystals remain active.

Dr. Michael Salla/Andrew D. Basiago #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Andrew D. Basiago, J.D., reveals more of his time travel experiences associated with Project Pegasus that he was formally a part of from 1969 to 1972. In this interview he goes into detail of what he encountered when he was transported to the year 2045. He describes how he underwent age-progression as one of the experiments that would prepare him for the rigors of time travel.

Andy discusses how future Presidents and public officials would be pre-identified using the time travel technology. These included presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama and future Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. Intelligence gathering of future events such as the September 11, 2001 attacks was an important aspect of Project Pegasus.

In this interview Andy discusses the critical role Rumsfeld played in Project Pegasus, and how he behaved ethically in his interactions with Andy and other child participants. Rumsfeld’s role in subsequent events such as the Jackie Gleason Homestead AFB incident with President Nixon is discussed, as well as his role in revealing the Pentagon’s black budget one day prior to the September 11 attacks, and his support for the creation of a US Space Corps that was stymied by the Pentagon bureaucracy.

Peter Moon/Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #magick exopolitics.org

Peter Moon edited and published the 7 volume Transylvania Sunrise book series by Radu Cinamar, a covert operative with a top secret Romanian Intelligence unit called “Department Zero,” which is investigating paranormal phenomena associated with the discovery of a Hall of Records inside the Bucegi Mountains. In Book 4 of the series, The Secret Parchment, Radu Cinamar explains his experiences regarding the discovery of an ancient Tibetan Buddhist parchment given to him by an extraterrestrial/goddess called Machandi in a remote location in the Himalayas.

Peter describes Radu’s efforts in translating and disseminating the Parchment’s contents and its importance to Romania’s Department Zero paranormal research. Peter also discusses his own fieldwork in Romania’s Valley of the Golden Throne that corroborates key aspects of Book 4 concerning the discovery of an ancient underground structure filled with pure gold that had been plundered by the Romans, but has been hidden ever since their departure.

Peter next discusses Inside the Earth, Book 5 of the series, which presents a wealth of information concerning space time portals and tunnels connecting the Inner Earth with the surface world. He discusses Radu Cinamar’s journey’s into different Inner Earth cities and the existence of the legendary city of Shambhala which exists in the etheric zone of the Inner Earth, near a singularity point, or Inner Sun. Peter finally answers questions concerning how the extensive portal system was largely shut down when the last city of the Hyperborean civilization, the legendary Troy, was defeated in a war, with much of the city disappearing and some of the population leaving to establish a colony in Rome as explained by the Roman poet, Virgil.

Michael Salla PhD/Oona via Elena Danaan #ufo #conspiracy #magick exopolitics.org

On July 12, NASA held an international live stream releasing the first official images from the James Webb Space Telescope showing distant exoplanets, galaxies, nebula, and a glimpse deep into our universe. The next day, NASA stealthily released an image of Jupiter taken by the Webb Telescope, which showed a noticeable dark field just above the gas giant’s atmosphere. Was it a shadow, as NASA appeared to claim, or something entirely different – part of a newly arrived extraterrestrial space fleet secretly parked around Jupiter?
Danaan replied first that Oona, a representative of the Intergalactic Confederation, had a message to share. Here’s the complete message of what Oona had to say about the mysterious dark area, along with information about newly arrived space fleets that had parked in the vicinity of Jupiter.

Salutations to who will read this communication I am transmitting now. Here first Altean emissary Oona speaking on behalf of the Intergalactic Confederation, Council of the Twenty-Four.

There are one hundred and thirty-eight motherships part of the Nataru Alliance in your star system named Sol, with their fleets. This number represents several thousands of crafts.

Five hundred and fifty vessels of the Intergalactic Confederation have entered your star system and are stationed in orbit of your planet named Jupiter, and four are at the present moment in orbit of your planet Terra.
Going back to the Webb Jupiter image, Oona next explained what it was:

The recently disclosed image of your planet Jupiter displays the cloud of orbital rocks, plus the defense grid of the ships from the Ashtar outpost, plus some of our motherships. The majority of our fleet is behind the planet Jupiter, hidden from your sight. The disclosure of this image is not an error but a move from the Terran Alliance in charge of the program.

Dr. Michael Salla/William Henry #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon exopolitics.org

William Henry has been researching ancient texts and myths over the last three decades and has made many discoveries concerning extraterrestrial intervention, genetic engineering of humanity, ascension, and transhumanism that are all recorded far back in human history. He correctly predicted the growing problem of transhumanism in his 2002 book, Cloak of the Illuminati, and identified the key role of portals/stargates as a means of instantaneous transportation used by Anunnaki extraterrestrials and other off world visitors.

William is a leading proponent of the need for ascension via activation of the rainbow/light body to unleash the full human potential. He asserts this is the best means to offset the grave threat posed by the aggressive push for transhumanism by global elites who want to bio-engineer a new outer skin/exoskeleton for humanity modeled on the fictional Iron Man metal suit.

In his interview with Dr. Michael Salla, William explains why he decided to become an investigative mythologist, his discoveries about humanity’s true history concerning extraterrestrials, how he recognized the threat of transhumanism decades before others, and his work in developing ascension classes around the world including his home in Nashville, Tennessee.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon exopolitics.org

Time travel technology came into the possession of different governments and organizations in the post-World War 2 era due to extraterrestrials conducting a ‘temporal war’ over Earth’s future timelines. Previously, only inner Earth civilizations had access to space-time portals and guarded these from potential misuse by any surface governments or humans who stumbled upon them.

The German Vril Society achieved breakthroughs in torsion field physics and antigravity technology in the 1920s to develop prototype flying saucer craft that could bend space-time for interstellar travel. In the 1930s, Nazi Germany took over the Vril Society programs and soon reached agreements with Draco Reptilian extraterrestrials to set up a breakaway German colony in Antarctica to safely develop these space-time technologies in total secrecy.
As a result of UFO crash retrieval operations in the US and the Soviet Union in the 1940s, scientists began studying how extraterrestrial spacecraft could also be used as space-time travel devices. In the 1950s, Vatican scientists developed the first ‘Chronovisor’ technology that was instrumental in unlocking ancient secrets which enabled them to monitor multiple timelines, and subsequently develop time travel technologies in an attempt to influence events. Multiple classified projects were launched next to test how timelines could be impacted by human intervention.
Meanwhile, positive extraterrestrial groups, ancient Inner Earth civilizations, and human civilizations from our future began monitoring and intervening to protect the possible timelines that had significant galactic implications. Thus began a temporal war which continues today.

In this all new webinar, Dr. Michael Salla will present extensive witness testimony and documents that cast light on the opaque world of time travel technology and its hybrid uses by different military intelligence entities.
Webinar takes place on Zoom

Date July 2, 2022

Cost $35

Dr. Michael Salla/JP #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

JP is currently serving with the US Army and on May 20, 2022, completed his 3rd covert mission to a space ark submerged at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. In this Exopolitics Today interview JP discusses what he and other members from a mixed team of 20 military and scientific personnel encountered in the space ark located somewhere in the Bermuda triangle region.

JP discusses the powerful electromagnetic pulses that the space ark generates from time to time when it activates, and how this may explain the decades long Bermuda Triangle mystery. He explains a training area inside the ark involving a series of connected rooms that have different degrees of weightlessness. JP also revealed star charts hidden in the mysterious hieroglyphs found throughout the ark. He also describes celestial music and songs emanating from the ark walls that generate feelings of bliss and peacefulness.

Eric Hecker/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot exopolitics.org

Beginning in October 2010, Eric Hecker spent a year working at the South Pole’s Amundsen Scott Station for the Raytheon Polar Services Company where he performed maintenance on scientific equipment including the massive Ice Cube Neutrino Detector. He learned that Ice Cube did far more than passively record neutrinos passing through the Earth, but acted as a giant transmitter. Its size and power suggested it could be used for Deep Space (quantum) communications with spacecraft traveling throughout our solar system and beyond.

Eric Hecker at the South Pole

More ominously, its vast transmission power made it also the world’s largest Directed Energy Weapon, far eclipsing the infamous HAARP facility in Alaska. Eric described how Ice Cube could be used for weather modification, mind control, and played a role in two Earthquakes that struck Christchurch New Zealand in September 2010 and February 2011.

In this Exopolitics Today interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Eric describes his experiences as a gifted child and brief service with the US Navy that led him to concluding he was part of a secret space program, and that the Raytheon corporation played a key role in his covert service. Since Raytheon was also his employer during the year he worked at the South Pole, he suspects his work there was a cover for his continued service in a secret space program operating out of Antarctica, all memories of which have been wiped. Eric described his efforts to recall more memories of his secret space program service and how it relates to the year he spent working in Antarctica.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot exopolitics.org

Legendary Montauk Project researcher, Peter Moon, discusses a space time portal from Romania to Tibet and a secret tunnel to Egypt’s Hall of Records that are described respectively in books two and three of the Transylvania book series. The popular series contains the revelations of a Romanian insider, Radu Cinamar, who works for Department Zero, a paranormal research division of the Romanian Intelligence service.

In Book 2, Transylvanian Moonrise, Peter Moon discusses several efforts to corroborate Cinamar’s information through Romanian news outlets, and why Cinamar was recruited into Department Zero’s paranormal divisioin after being taken to Tibet through a space time portal located in Romania’s Apuseni Mountains. After his encounters with an alchemist called Elinor who can prolong life through a mysterious geometrical device, Cinamar meets a Tibetan lama who guides him through the portal to meet with ‘Machandi’ a Dakini/Goddess in Tibet. Upon his return to Romania, Cinimar is formally recruited into Department Zero due to his new contacts and experiences.

In Book 3, Mystery of Egypt, Cinamar travels from an ancient Hall of Records found inside Romania’s Bucegi Mountains to a similar structure in Egypt under the Giza pyramid complex. The Egyptian Hall of Records contains tens of thousands of metal disks with holographic information stored in them, as well as a time machine (aka chronovisor) used for viewing past and future events, along with a levitation platform used for aerial travel.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In 2008, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault was built by tunneling nearly 500 feet into the side of a Norwegian archipelago mountain located in the Arctic Ocean. Other similar repositories exist today underground storing books, historical and scientific data, and much more. However, we are not the first civilization to store our knowledge in case colossal disaster strikes.

Many historical sources cite “Halls of Records” that were created by ancient civilizations to preserve their most advanced technologies and records prior to cataclysmic Earth changes. In addition to their long forgotten contents, these ubiquitous Halls of Records are interconnected through advanced space-time portals and act as gateways to mysterious Inner Earth civilizations who are the custodians of our true ancient wisdom.

Extraterrestrial civilizations have played crucial roles in helping to create, protect, and keep secret these ancient Halls of Records for a time when surface humanity would be once again ready to understand and gain access to these secrets, and peacefully reunite with our Inner Earth brethren.

Today, awakening starseeds are critical to the fulfillment of this long-term project. However, many still do not consciously realize the energy, light codes, and abilities they carry within to assist humanity as global events reach a crescendo. Comprehending our ET heritage begins with individuals recognizing and accepting the reality of their own star lineages to bridge humankind back to our ET family.

In this all new 2.5-hour webinar with Q & A, Dr. Michael Salla will present an impressive array of historical sources, ancient records, and riveting witness testimony detailing ancient Halls of Records, how Portal’s work and who can use them, the latest from the Inner Earth, how starseeds can open up more fully to their own unique potentials, and finally, startling revelations about humanity’s extraterrestrial heritage.

Cost - $35

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #crackpot #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

On March 18, news emerged of a heatwave in East Antarctica, the epicenter of which was the Vostok region that sits atop a mysterious lake two miles under the ice sheet.

Since 2001, there have been multiple sources that claim they have visited or been briefed about an ancient city or large alien motherships buried under the ice sheets either at Lake Vostok or other areas in Antarctica.

What could be driving the heatwave and heat dome over East Antarctica? Is it connected to the magnetic anomaly at Lake Vostok two miles under the ice sheet?

While meteorologists struggle to give a conventional explanation, they admit to being baffled by what is happening. There is another non-conventional explanation for what is driving the heatwave in east Antarctica — a space ark buried under the Vostok region that has begun activating!
In addition, Thor Han refers to recent meetings held in Antarctica where the Cabal (aka Deep State leaders) secretly traveled to negotiate with the Earth Alliance and the Galactic Federation about their future. The cabal reneged on whatever deal was reached and continue to cause chaos on Earth as evidenced by current global events.
Consequently, it is very plausible that the Draco Reptilians, aka Ciakharr, used the Nazis to get access to human DNA they could use to activate the arks. In addition, JP has revealed that the activating arks are releasing a tremendous amount of heat, quickly warming up the surrounding environment.
The record temperatures in East Antarctica recently reported by the Washington Post suggest the heating up process caused by the activating ark(s) is unstoppable. It therefore is only a matter of time before the world will be confronted by indisputable physical evidence of an ancient Atlantean civilization buried under Antarctica, and the existence of large space arks buried in Antarctica and other locations around the planet.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot exopolitics.org

In early 2022, Tony Rodrigues published his book, Ceres Colony Cavalier, in which he described in detail his “20 and back” experiences as a slave, both on Mars as a military auxiliary fighting against indigenous insectoids and then serving with a German-led Dark Fleet. Rodrigues’ book came to the attention of Dr. Courtney Brown, who subsequently organized a remote viewing project to investigate two of the book’s core claims. The results greatly surprised Dr. Brown who concluded Rodrigues’ testimony was accurate and carried much significance for full disclosure.
After the four remote viewers, Intysam, Aziz Brown, Shantae, and PrinCess Jeanee shared the visuals of what they had seen concerning Target 1 (Base on Ceres) and the different subjects, locations, etc., Dr. Brown offered the following synopsis:

OK, so it seems like the asteroid or planetoid known as Ceres has quite a bit of hollowed out interior. There is a base on the inside. Moreover, it seems like there is some support for the memories of Tony Rodrigues that suggests that the base has a number of extraterrestrial species, and that the administration of the base is done by former Europeans. Indeed, former German Nazis.

Apparently, pulling pieces together, these are the same Nazis that we reported on the Farsight mysteries project called Operation High Jump, a slave mercenary military force that was organized by the Reptilians.

This is remarkable independent corroboration for Tony Rodrigues’ core claim that he spent 13 years serving on a merchant marine spacecraft operating out of a large underground base on the planetoid Ceres. Crucially, the remote viewing confirmed that the base and vessel were controlled by former German Nazis that operated a secret space program called the “Dark Fleet” that Rodrigues and others have described.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

There is compelling evidence that up to 24 extraterrestrial civilizations seeded humanity and have overseen as many as 22 long-term genetic experiments responsible for the incredible diversity in races and ethnicities found on Earth. The 24 ‘Seeder’ races (aka Elohim) have played significant roles in helping establish ancient civilizations such as Atlantis by sharing advanced technologies, plants, biological life, and spiritual knowledge, all of which is currently stored in huge space arks found all over our solar system … and upon the Earth.

At the end of each historical cycle of approximately 12,000 years, the Seeder ETs return to our solar system to observe how humanity has fared against ‘negative’ groups — Luciferian humans and their extraterrestrial allies—wanting to sabotage the genetic experiments. The Seeders appear at the turning point of each cycle to watch human civilization either succeed or fail.

A vital part of the return of the Seeders is the activation and public emergence of giant space arks that can perform two complementary functions at the end of an age. One is to evacuate those ready to join the Seeders in case of civilizational collapse or due to their ‘starseed affiliation’ in a planet wide ‘Harvest’. Another function is to gift the successful ‘graduating class’ of humanity with new advanced technologies, plant life, and knowledge—the Great Reveal—which propels us into an incredible new golden age where humanity openly becomes part of the galactic community.

Join Dr. Michael Salla in this exciting
new 2.5-hour webinar (includes 30-minute Q&A) which offers compelling historical evidence about the extraterrestrial Seeder races, examines eyewitness contactee accounts and whistleblower reports, and delves into recent events involving the space arks and positive behind-the-scenes developments which will impact everyone as they usher in the coming Great Reveal.


April 9, 2022 / 1 pm US Eastern Time

2.5-hr including 30 min. Q&A


Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In this interview my long time source JP, who currently serves with the US Army, explains that an ovoid shaped space ark under the Ukraine desert (Oleshky Sands) near the city of Kherson has been taken over by the Russian army. JP says that a team of US special forces were sent on a covert mission to the Ark, prior to the invasion, and went missing.

The Ark possesses exotic plant life and the Russian military also seeks to control another smaller space ark located near the city of Kiev according to what JP heard in a classified briefing. He says that Russia already possesses a space ark in its own territory which possesses exotic technology. JP says that Russia is denying the US access to the space arks under its control in order to gain concessions on US geopolitical policies.

JP describes another space ark in central Brazil (Caldas Novas) and says that all the space arks are being activated and form an integrated network that will eventually float into the sky in what will amount to a global disclosure event. He says that the arks and the extraterrestrial fleet connected to them represent a benign force and will help humanity enter a new golden age.

Note: Just prior to the release of this interview, JP informed me that the US special team had been found and had safely left Ukraine.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

News reports have confirmed that the Russian army has captured the Ukrainian port city and region (oblast) of Kherson, where an ancient space ark is claimed to be buried. According to two independent sources, the space ark is buried under Oleshky Sands National Nature Park, which is only 25 km (15 miles) east of Kherson. The space ark is said to be activating and predicted to eventually begin flying into the air.

Kherson is strategically important to the Russian military as it contains a fresh-water canal to the nearby Crimean peninsula, which is the only warm water port of the Russian Navy. Russia’s capture of Kherson is vital for ensuring the long-term viability of its Crimean facilities, but also fulfills a new strategic imperative – to gain access to and control the alleged space ark.

On February 11, JP gave me coordinates (46°35’19″N 33°03’01″E) to a space ark he was told exists in Ukraine. The coordinates are for the Oleshky Sands, which is the only natural sand desert in Ukraine and has long been a tourist attraction. The origins of the sandy desert have puzzled geologists, and there has been speculation that it is a result of historical overgrazing by sheep.
While some claim that the Ukrainian army was preparing a lightning military campaign to retake the contested Donetsk and Lugansk administrative regions (Oblasts) of Ukraine, others claim that US-sponsored Biolabs were the real target of the Russian attack. While these are plausible scenarios, neither one adequately explains why Russia conducted a full-scale military intervention from three directions after eight years of sitting on the sidelines.

Russia’s rapid takeover of Kherson is powerful circumstantial evidence that supports the revelations of JP and Thor Han/Elena Danaan about an ancient space ark found under the Oleshky Sands National Nature Park, and that this was the decisive factor in Russia’s surprise military intervention into Ukraine.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

On March 19, 2003, two months after I wrote my first research paper on “The Need for Exopolitics,” the US led a multinational coalition into Iraq. I quickly learned that the real reason for the invasion was very different from the declared public rationale—to stop Iraq from developing weapons of mass destruction. The US sought to take control of a ‘stargate’ and ancient cuneiform texts filled with information about extraterrestrial technologies found in the remains of buried Sumerian cities.

Today we are being told that Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is all about it protecting Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine from rabid Ukrainian ultra-nationalists being encouraged by the US. The real reason, once again, is more about exopolitics than either of the two narratives coming from both sides in the rapidly worsening conflict. It has been claimed that an ancient space ark has been found in Ukraine, and Russia wants to assert control. What are the space arks, and why are they suddenly being found now all over our solar system and on Earth, after millennia of lying dormant?

We are on the cusp of an exopolitics revolution, where information concerning extraterrestrial life is going mainstream. The James Webb Space Telescope has just deployed and, by July 2022, will start relaying data about exoplanets. It’s expected to detect biosignatures, which will wake up the long-sleeping academic community that intelligent extraterrestrial life can be found throughout our galaxy.
At the same time as these agreements were being made, large fleets of ancient extraterrestrial visitors arrived to watch humanity’s ‘graduation’ into the galactic community. Their arrival has triggered the activation of ancient space arks, which carry the secrets of long-forgotten civilizations and technologies stretching back tens of thousands, if not millions of years. <...> Is the discovery of an ancient ark really driving the conflict in Ukraine?

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Daanan #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot exopolitics.org

There has been much speculation over the destruction of 40 out of 49 Starlink microsatellites on February 8 that were shot down by the Deep State, according to information received by Elena Danaan, from her primary extraterrestrial contact Thor Han Eredyon. Elena has just followed up with an article that casts more light on Elon Musk and Starlink based on information received earlier from a female extraterrestrial from Alpha Centauri with whom she had a face-to-face encounter in a small town in Ireland just over a month previously.
A leaked Majestic document describes how human-looking extraterrestrials have in the past dropped off some of their babies to be raised as normal humans, but they would have advanced abilities that would facilitate technological advancements. It is therefore not unprecedented that a gifted inventor such as Musk turns out to have off-world origins.
Now four years later, Elon Musk’s Starlink was targeted by the Deep State using surface-based DEWs according to Thor Han’s communications. It’s unlikely that the loss of 40 microsatellites will stop the rollout of Starlink and its future global WiFi system, given that over 1700 satellites are currently in orbit.

If what the female Nordic told Elena Danaan is accurate, then Starlink is destined to unleash a future quantum-based Wi-Fi communication system that eliminates harmful EMFs. This explains why Musk and his companies are now being targeted by the Deep State using their remaining resources in the mainstream media, compromised assets in the alternative media, and exotic weapons developed by the aerospace industry. Thankfully, there is a growing Earth Alliance of spacefaring nations working with US Space Command and positive extraterrestrial groups that support Musk’s efforts and will act to protect his Starlink system, and the revolutionary quantum communications system these will establish for the benefit of all humanity.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot exopolitics.org

On February 8, 40 out of 49 Starlink satellites launched by Elon Musk’s SpaceX for his space-based communications system failed to reach their orbital paths and crashed back to Earth in a fiery display. SpaceX quickly put out a statement that a geomagnetic storm was the culprit, even though the storm hitting the Earth during the satellites’ deployment was relatively weak. According to a representative of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, however, the satellites were shot down by a Deep State faction still active in Europe.
Ben Davidson from Space Weather News did an analysis of the geomagnetic storm that impacted the SpaceX satellites. He pointed out how weak these were in comparison to severe space weather that can be as much as 1000 times more powerful. Most importantly, he affirmed that SpaceX satellites have survived geomagnetic conditions ten times as disruptive as the one that allegedly took out the satellites.
It’s likely that the place in Europe that was used in the attack on Musk’s satellites is in northern Italy. This has long been rumored to be a stronghold for the “black nobility” and was the birthplace of Italian Fascism in the 1920s. Occult researchers such as Fritz Springmeier have discussed in books such as Bloodlines of the Illuminati, the long history and power of the black nobility that dates back to medieval Europe.

I further speculate that the hybrid weapons system and military program used in the attack was very likely associated with the same aerospace defense contractor allegedly involved in hijacking the 2020 US federal elections in what was widely dubbed “Italygate”.
These companies have been used to censor free speech all over the world, inflame public passions through contrived social and medical crises, and stifle the Great Awakening taking place on our planet. Musk’s Starlink would break the Deep State’s monopoly control over global communications, which explains why his Starlink satellites are now being targeted.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

On January 10, 2022, my US Army insider, JP, revealed that he participated in a classified mission to an extraterrestrial space ark located under the Atlantic Ocean off the Florida coast in the vicinity of Bermuda.

JP described how the mission began with an official briefing he received at the military base where he is currently serving. Then he was taken by Osprey helicopters to a large donut-shaped platform in the Atlantic, which was placed directly over a submerged space ark. JP estimated to be at least a mile long ovoid-shaped.
It’s important to note that the Atlantic ark is much larger than the one found on the Moon, both were activated when a large fleet of spacecraft arrived and parked in the vicinity and Ganymede, which involved another mission that JP participated in.

JP next explains what happened when he traveled down the elevator with the rest of the mission members which also included a group of indigenous Aztec looking Indians into the interior of the giant space ark
This is a fascinating observation by JP about how the extraterrestrial ark would react to different visitors. The Mexican Aztec group was allowed to proceed far ahead, presumably because their genetics and/or frequencies were acceptable. However, when the Chinese tried to do the same, they were blocked by the craft which recognized some incompatibility. Could this have anything to do with Communist China’s materialistic philosophy influencing behavior and beliefs, thereby precluding them access deeper into the craft on their own?
In conclusion, JP’s trip inside the Space Ark located under the Atlantic Ocean is likely just the first step in these arks being revealed. Their activation signals that there is a timetable now in play, and it’s up to the Earth Alliance to reveal them. The Ark’s location does raise the question of any possible connection to ancient Atlantis, UFO sightings in the area, and of course the famed Bermuda Triangle.

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

On January 4, 2022, I received an important update about ancient space arks being discovered on the Moon, Mars, Antarctica, and other locations in our solar system. According to Thor Han Eredyon, a Galactic Federation pilot, whose messages are relayed through a former professional French archeologist, Elena Danaan, these huge space arks are activating due to the recent arrival of a large fleet of spacecraft belonging to an Intergalactic Confederation—parked in the vicinity of Jupiter and its moon, Ganymede.
Thor Han’s message reveals that these ancient arks were well-hidden and kept away from the Dark Fleet and its extraterrestrial allies that until recently dominated our planet. Most importantly, the Cabal/Deep State that controlled powerful secret space programs looked for these arks but were unable to find these ancient vessels.

Now that the “Dark Alliance” has been forced to leave our solar system, the hidden ancient technologies are being activated so they can be found and explored by the Earth Alliance that was created in July 2021 as a result of the “Jupiter agreements”. Now the time has arrived for these technologies to be openly shared so humanity can learn about long forgotten extraterrestrial colonies, their advanced cultures, and technologies—before devastating wars led to their demise.
Thor Han’s statement that this year, 2022, will be when there will be “complete realization and acceptance of other positive galactic cultures” is very telling, given that the Galactic Federation has sophisticated time travel technologies it can utilize for its future projections. His optimistic statement indicates that the Deep State’s hold on political power around the planet is crumbling, and that soon the walls of secrecy will collapse.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Exopolitics Today interview featuring Brad Olsen author and publisher of multiple books dealing with the Cabal/Illuminati, black magic, the global control system, & extraterrestrial life. Dr. Michael Salla interviews Brad on how extraterrestrial life and black magic have been integral components of the global control system created millennia ago to subvert humanity, and has over the last 50 years prevented the emergence of a Star Trek Future.

As the Deep State unravels and cabal leaders escape Earth due increasing public resistance to their policy agenda and intervention by an alliance of positive extraterrestrial groups working with “White Hats” from different spacefaring nations (the ‘Earth Alliance’), it has been claimed that the magical keys and codes used to subjugate humanity, are being surrendered. This interview discusses what would be involved in the handover of magical keys and codes used by the Cabal, and how this is necessary to bring about our Star Trek Future.

Michael Salla PhD #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy exopolitics.org

On December 26, 2021, my US Army source, JP, was given a set of geographical coordinates from an unnamed Lt Colonel (USAF) who simply told him to publicly release them. JP had seen the officer at a classified briefing he attended at a military base where he is currently stationed, where he was told about ancient ruins being found on Antarctica, the Moon, Mars, and elsewhere in our solar system.

These were being investigated in joint missions with various Earth nations, including China. JP participated in the Moon mission, which I covered in my previous interview with him, and in an earlier joint mission to Ganymede.

The coordinates given to JP (72°31’12″S 3°36’26″W) appear to show a large building complex located about 150 miles (240 km) from the Antarctic coastline in Queen Maud Land. This is an area that was claimed by Hitler’s Third Reich and where an Antarctic Colony, Base 211, was secretly established during World War 2.

The ruins are in an elevated area that is ice-free and appears to have a runway or very long hangars from which aerospace vehicles can take off and land.
According to JP, the US military is working inside several buildings at the ruins, one of which contains a ‘stargate’ or a ‘portal’ that enables instantaneous travel in our solar system.
The location of the ruins suggests that it was found and previously used by the German SSP (Dark Fleet) and was off-limits to the US military. This would have been especially the case if it housed a portal enabling instantaneous travel in our solar system and beyond.

It is possible that the ruins were recently handed over to the US military by China. In previous articles I have examined claims that the German Dark Fleet recently had to evacuate Antarctica due to intervention by an Earth Alliance working with friendly extraterrestrial organizations: the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Dr. Michael Salla/Jean Charles Moyen #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Jean Charles Moyen discusses extraterrestrial contact experiences that culminated in him being identified by French officials as a potential candidate for France’s Secret Space Program (SSP). Jean Charles explains the role of a Galactic Confederation that cooperated with French authorities in his recruitment and training that began at age 13, and his subsequent SSP service that began at age 21. One of his trainers was a blond blue eyed female called Maria, which he later learned was Maria Orsic. After his formal recruitment into France’s military, he served on two spacecraft belonging to a joint Franco-US space fleet from 1991 to 2011( the Solaris and the Excelsior) before being age regressed and returned to his point of departure.
<from interview transcipt>
[JC] When I found myself in this huge hangar, I approached a table, a woman gave me a black suit with a logo representing a silver winged horse. The woman told me to go to a tunnel of light with the other children, when I arrived in the light I felt thousands of needles piercing me and suddenly I found myself in another place like a very futuristic military base.
[JC] The SOLARIS was part of the Franco-American fleet of the SOLAR WARDEN, I saw mixed race people, Asians type, tall blond people, hybrids, it was very diverse.
[JC] I was a Captain and I finished Commander, I was in charge of a squad for rescue missions outside our planet and also in diplomatic missions on other worlds. I had about fifteen people under my command (Humans, Hybrids, and Aliens)
[JC] End of the service after 20 years, back in time in 1990, molecular regression (to return physically to 21 years old) and erasing of my memory in a kind of tube sending powerful waves in my brain to make me forget everything. I woke up in my bed in the military hospital, but just before they took me back to my room, I remember hearing someone say: erased everything correctly this time.

Elena Danaan/Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Elena received answers from Thor Han Eredyon, a Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and Oona from the Intergalactic Confederation (aka the Guardians). The answers were stunning. It appears that a major turning point has been reached and global elites are being summoned to Antarctica to meet a delegation of extraterrestrial races and Earth Alliance leaders to negotiate the terms of their surrender.

Antarctica was chosen for the meeting because it contains a portal that can transport global elites to a distant world in another galaxy where they will be well provisioned, but forever banished.
Thor Han’s message corroborates that our solar system has entered a region of space which possesses a galactic anomaly that greatly impacts third density space. In 2014, scientists confirmed that our solar system was about to enter a large interstellar cloud called “the local fluff”, which is approximately 30 light-years wide and held together by a very large magnetic field.
According to Thor Han’s information, Dr. Huntley was correct and the region of space we have entered will accelerate consciousness from a materialistic third density existence to a fifth density existence. According to the Law of One material, “fifth density is perhaps best described as extremely white in vibration.” Therefore the “photon belt” is not an inaccurate description of this 5th density region despite what many critics have to say about the term.

If humanity’s collective consciousness was not sufficiently developed to accommodate fifth density frequencies, it would implode in a self-induced global calamity. If humanity’s consciousness evolved, however, a golden age of wisdom, love and peace would begin.

Dr. Michael Salla/Megan Rose #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Megan also described how the monitoring implant she received as a baby was upgraded to “a high grade communication device” . This would enable her to communicate in real-time with Val Nek and other Federation members when necessary. She described the implant as a fifth density device, which was not solid matter, and was attuned to a non-hackable frequency used by the Federation.

Megan explains that Federation personnel use similar devices for communication and piloting their ships. This revelation has led to some controversy in the full disclosure community, where it has been claimed that such implants are a Trojan Horse for Artificial Intelligence (AI). It’s therefore worth closely examining the underlying technology used in Federation implants.
This is critical to understand since the Galactic Federation’s use of higher density (quantum entanglement) technology for implants that have functions such as brainwave monitoring, communications, and/or piloting also does not require AI. Consequently, claims that Galactic Federation implants are a Trojan Horse for AI are therefore based on a misunderstanding and conflation of very different technologies.

The upgrade of Megan’s implant so she could engage in real-time communications with her Federation protector Val Nek has led to her receiving regular briefings. Many of these briefings are covered in the last half of her book, some of which have involved three-way conversations between Val Nek, Megan, and myself.

This is where it’s important to respond to another misunderstanding that Megan’s information is received through channeling. What Megan has described is a very different mode of communication to channeling, which is widespread in the New Age community. Her implant is a secure communication device—similar to how a long-distance radio or telephone operates—and is not hackable for reasons explained earlier. This is important since channeled information can be hacked through psychic or psychotronic technologies

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

These historical events provide important context for Elena Danaan’s most recent contact experiences where she claims to have been taken to Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, where she met with the Council of Nine, and was told why Rodenberry was chosen to prepare humanity for a Star Trek future.
Her subsequent November 3 encounter focuses on the Council of Nine’s relationship with Gene Roddenberry, creator of the Star Trek series. This is how the message Elena sent me begins:

I woke up abruptly, my forehead tingling, with a sensation of a vortex spinning inside of my head. I sat on my bed and saw, in front of me, the ethereal figure of the Tall White woman from the Intergalactic Confederation, whom I had met onboard one of their motherships in the vicinity of Ganymede, about a week ago. She expressed herself in the same holographic language, composed of thought-form frequency modules. She pointed a finger at my forehead and the extremity of it glowed with green light. At the moment her green-glowing fingertip touched my forehead, I was propelled inwards into a powerful vortex. I felt as if I disintegrated, as if all the molecules of my body stretched into space. In a normal circumstance this could have been frightening, but it seemed that in this state of consciousness I was unable to experience fright any more. I sensed several presences in it. Then, a soft voice resonated inside of my head, with a slight echoing effect. It wasn’t theatrical at all, as one could expect; it was instead really soft and gentle, masculine.

-”We are the Nine.”
The Council of Nine, through Elena Danaan, has just confirmed that they and other positive extraterrestrial groups have been quietly nurturing a Star Trek future for humanity in a Temporal War, which is coming to a decisive end, as previously reported. Consequently, we owe a huge collective debt of gratitude to Gene Roddenberry and many others who diligently nurtured Star Trek as a bridge to a future reality

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

A fleet of spacecraft from a highly evolved group of friendly extraterrestrial visitors has arrived in our solar system and established a presence on Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, according to three independent sources familiar with unfolding events in deep space. This latest intel coincides with William Shatner, globally revered for his role as Captain Kirk in the Star Trek franchise, being launched into space on October 13, a likely cover for him playing a significant role in unfolding events on Ganymede.
This is a fascinating development since it dovetails with the information provided by several researchers and contactees about humanity’s extraterrestrial origins and how different races seeded humanity. The oldest reference to such information comes in biblical texts such as the Old Testament that refers to the Elohim as humanity’s creators.

Alex Collier says that he was told by Andromedan extraterrestrials that humanity was a hybrid species containing the genetics of 22 extraterrestrial civilizations.
In conclusion, there are three independent sources that confirm that a powerful new group of extraterrestrials have arrived in our solar system, and established a presence on Jupiter’s moon Ganymede. It is more than coincidental that NASA’s Clipper mission to Europa was announced back in July, as it provides the perfect cover for a large space convoy to be secretly assembled and sent to its sister moon Ganymede without arousing too much suspicion.

Finally, the Blue Origin space mission involving William Shatner, with his deep connection to the Star Trek franchise, does lend plausibility to the idea that humanity has officially entered into an exciting new phase with a highly evolved group of extraterrestrial visitors, depicted in Deep Space Nine as the Prophets, that have taken up residence on Ganymede.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In my October 3 article, I discussed how the Tall Grays were being kept in stasis chambers so as to disconnect them from their hive queen, which effectively was keeping them alive. The Galactic Federation was trying to crack the code of their connection since capturing Tall Grays alive for study purposes is apparently quite rare as the hive queen immediately terminates them after capture.
Once again, the CIA is identified as the lead agency responsible for compromising the global internet to enable codes and frequencies transmitted by the Tall Grays and their hive queen to mind control the planet. Thor Han’s reference to the servers now being under the control of the Earth Alliance means that the backbone of the global internet is no longer controlled by the CIA and their Tall Gray overlords. The consequence of this will be very powerful as the codes and frequencies embedded in the global internet would no longer work for the Tall Grays.

Importantly, employees working in Facebook, WhatsApp, etc., will no longer be mind-controlled through the codes and frequencies embedded in CIA-controlled servers that their companies were unwittingly using. This means that many employees that are on the political left, who had mindlessly implemented algorithms and policies to stifle free speech will now realize the consequences of their actions.
What Val Nek and Thor Han have revealed gives us a possible explanation for the real reason behind the global blackout of Facebook-controlled social media companies on October 4. The fact that the blackouts happened less than a week after the reported capture of the Tall Grays does point to a causal connection. If what Val Nek and Thor Han have reported is accurate, we will not need to wait long to see noticeable differences in the way Facebook and other social media companies conduct themselves when it comes to censorship, shadow banning, and other egregious practices that have stifled free speech and the great awakening.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Only today we know the full truth: The Earth had unwittenly become the epicenter of a temporal war involving a future galactic tyranny, whose origins lay in a secret agreement reached by Nazi Germany with a group of extraterrestrials called Draco Reptilians.

This agreement resulted in the establishment of a breakaway German colony in Antarctica that soon after gave birth to the nefarious Dark Fleet (Nachtwaffen), which aligned itself with the Draco’s masterplan for galactic conquest.

After detecting the sudden emergence of galactic tyranny 350 years in the future, a group of extraterrestrials known as the Andromeda Council notified the Galactic Federation of Worlds and other freedom loving extraterrestrial organizations about the threat posed by contemporary events happening on Earth, its Moon and Mars.

Thus, a temporal war began involving different extraterrestrial federations, councils and secret space programs, each striving to steer long term events on Earth to prevent or bring about this sweeping tyranny that could overtake the galaxy.

Both sides have used time travel technologies to influence key individuals, events, and movements on Earth. Operatives from each side have been embedded into different countries, and especially into aerospace companies to help humans build advanced technologies for different secret space programs.

As we approach the end of this temporal war, with the Earth as the epicenter of what would have been a future galactic tyranny, the truth is emerging about these events and the different galactic groups and organizations that have played significant roles.

In his final webinar for 2021, Dr. Michael Salla will give a grand tour of the different extraterrestrial groups and secret space programs involved in the temporal war that has been silently raging around us, unknown to most of humanity. Importantly, he will highlight current events that are leading to the fulfillment of a very positive and exciting galactic prophecy.
<Cost $70>

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

What’s causing the labor shortage, especially in the manufacturing sector involving skilled blue collar jobs such welders? Are there enormous construction projects happening behind the scenes siphoning off hundreds of thousands of welders and other construction workers to classified facilities? The answer to these questions is literally out of this world.
All this defense construction is being done secretly and in remote locations such as the Moon. Hence the need for hundreds of thousands of workers, especially welders, for building the ships, bases, and technologies that would be part of a planetary defense force, aka Starfleet. This raises the question of how could so many workers be secretly shipped to the Moon?

In my September 10 article commenting on Val Nek’s information, I cited one of my long-time sources, JP, who currently serves with the US Army and says that he and other military personnel have been doing an extensive number of classified construction-related missions to the Moon. He revealed that hybrid shuttlecraft have been built that combine human and extraterrestrial technologies for ferrying significant numbers of personnel and resources to and from the Moon.
There has been some skepticism towards the intel drops from Val Nek through Megan Rose. The information is startling, yet it provides a very plausible explanation for why there is a labor shortage in the US and around the globe occurring right now. The fact that welders are prominent among the missing US laborers is powerful circumstantial evidence supporting Val Nek’s intel that a planetary defense force, a Starfleet, is being secretly built on the Moon and other construction facilities under US leadership.

It’s highly unlikely that such a secret will hold for much longer, which does suggest that we are about to witness an incredible series of disclosures in the months ahead, where many advanced technologies, both with military and health applications, will be released to the world.

Michael Salla PhD #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut exopolitics.org

Many people are asking me about the conflicting intel coming from Secret Space Program insider, Corey Goode, when compared to the intel being presented by the extraterrestrial contactees, Elena Danaan and Megan Rose. Corey has recently put out a video and statement with his update on the current exopolitical situation that people are asking me about given my ongoing series of articles on updates provided by Elena and Megan. In response, Elena and Megan put out their own video where they explained their intel and sources, and why its not “pie in the sky hopium”.

There does indeed appear to be conflicting intel coming from Corey and Elena/Megan about the present state of exopolitical affairs in terms of the current operations of the Dark Fleet, Draco/Orion Alliance and Interplanetary Corporate Complex. Corey’s latest update suggests that the latter remain very much alive and operational in our solar system, while the Earth Alliance has recently suffered some serious reversals. On the other hand, Elena/Megan’s information suggests that the Dark Fleet, etc., are in disarray and in varying states of collapse, with power being transferred to the Earth Alliance who are taking control of our solar system.
So there are two timelines, and two perspectives on what is really happening around the planet depending on what you accept as truth regarding the Biden Administration/Deep State and White Hats/Earth Alliance. I believe that something similar is happening in space.
At this time in our history, when humanity appears to be collectively experiencing a dark night of the soul, I believe it very important that we focus on more optimistic information since this does influence the timelines.

As the old adage tells us, “where attention goes reality flows.” That is the reason why I have been promoting Elena and Megan’s intel recently. I believe it presents a more desirable direction we should collectively take the planet, and it is well supported by many space events

Megan Rose/Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

On September 11, I received an important update concerning the impending public release of advanced healing technologies that are being mass produced on the Moon, as a result of the Jupiter Agreements involving military and space program officials from 14 nations and cutting-edge aerospace companies that occurred back in July. The update was given by Val Nek, a High Commander of the Galactic Federation of Worlds who took part in the Jupiter Agreements, according to Megan Rose who relayed Val Nek’s intel.

Val Nek’s update involves Lunar Operations Command (LOC), a former German/Nazi base on the Moon that initially was handed over by the Dark Fleet to US authorities including the Air Force Secret Space Program, NASA, CIA, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, and a consortium of corporations in the 1970s, as a result of secret agreements.
In conclusion, it is clear that the Galactic Federation is taking action to rectify the wrong done to humanity due to the repression of many advanced healing technologies over the period of the last century dating back to the pioneering work of Nikola Tesla. Under their Prime Directive, the Galactic Federation is permitted under Article IX and X to take action when wrongs are perpetuated by off-planet species such as the Draco Empire and the Orion Alliance, who began intervening in human affairs in the 1930s, as a result of secret agreements reached with Nazi Germany.
What Val Nek is effectively saying is that many of these suppressed technologies, along with newer contributions from the Galactic Federation, are currently being mass produced on the Moon and will be soon released into the public arena. That indeed is a prospect worth looking forward to in these dark times on our planet.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy exopolitics.org

People all over the world have their attention firmly on painful events unfolding all over our planet, and as a result, are not paying attention to something truly astounding happening in space. In many ways, our planet is experiencing a very painful birthing process. If we can look beyond the pain of shattered expectations, collapsing security beliefs, and personal uncertainties, something wonderful is about to happen.
This ethical association of extraterrestrial groups is playing the role of midwife to this Star Trek Future. Currently underway, the Galactic Federation is encouraging political unity among the world‘s nations by sharing some of its advanced technologies, which will enable Earth to defend itself against any future takeover attempts by returning negative extraterrestrial groups.

As you are very likely aware from my recent podcasts and articles, I have been covering breaking intel about the liberation of our planet and solar system from a dark alliance of extraterrestrial groups that have been secretly dominating our planet for a very long time due to secret agreements reached with the Deep State (aka Cabal).

Only recently, the negative extraterrestrials have been forced to leave our solar system, resulting in humanity finally gaining planetary and solar system stewardship. The global pain we are witnessing right now is due to the last gasps of a dying regime—the Deep State is playing its final cards in a futile effort to ward off inevitable defeat.

In the meantime, White Hats and the Earth Alliance have been busy not only making agreements, but building the infrastructure of our Star Trek Future, one in which humanity takes on the role of space pioneers, quickly expanding deep into our solar system. There is much to be optimistic about despite the uncertainties and grief during these painful times.

Val Nek via Megan Rose #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Val Nek: The moon base is a very large structure built with impenetrable technology. This technology was given from us (GFW) to the US military in order for them to have a base that is protected from energy weapons and other weapons that use a frequency to hack technology. The walls of the base are built with the same technology we use for portals. Only those who have the frequency key are allowed access, without it, entering or invading using energy weapons is impossible. This is important as the reptilians and greys, the Orion alliance, have the ability to invade areas using their technology, similar to ours, but not as advanced.

The base is secure and with the help of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, we have set up a satellite system that monitors the entire planet of Terra. The satellites are in orbit surrounding Terra. We have set up a grid that covers the entire planet. This technology has an interdimensional component which is very important. It does not allow anything to pass through it and works as a protective mechanism for planet Terra. This is very important because the Zeta Reticuli and Nebu create wormholes to invade different planetary systems instead of using a portal. The satellite surveillance is located inside the base on the moon where we are training engineers from the US military to use it. This is good news.

M: Are all the dark portals on planet Terra closed?

Val Nek: I cannot share that information. What I can say… It is under control. The portal in Antarctica is in the hands of the Alliance. There are many portals all over Planet Terra. I cannot say much more because there are active operations going on underground, underneath your planet. It is in the process of being cleared out.

M: Is there anything else that you want me to share?

Val Nek: Everything is under control. Do not consent to fear. It is my greatest duty and honor to be in service to humanity at this time. I will share more as our operations are ongoing.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon exopolitics.org

Our Star Trek Future – New Webinar

At a March 2019 “Space Futures Conference” featuring leaders from multiple national space programs, aerospace corporations, and military organizations from around the world, it was agreed that a Star Trek Future was the optimal outcome that humanity should strive to achieve by the year 2060. Not surprisingly, the creation of a multinational military space alliance—a modern-day “Starfleet”—was critical to a Star Trek future.

In August 2019, the US Space Command was re-booted and the US Space Force was officially launched four months later on December 20. In October 2020, the Artemis Accords were signed making it possible for a multinational space alliance to be created with the US at its core. NATO subsequently created a Space Center at Ramstein Air Base (Germany) that would become a key institution for the future multinational military coalition.

These critical events occurred at the same time as key officials in the Trump administration were said to be working with a “Galactic Federation” towards disclosing suppressed life changing technologies, and the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Critically, in July 2021, the Galactic Federation (of Worlds) allegedly held a meeting near Jupiter with representatives from Earth’s major space faring nations to discuss the future of our solar system, due to the looming defeat of negative extraterrestrial races, the Dark Fleet and the Deep State in controlling the Earth, Moon, Mars, and the rest of our solar system. Key aspects this secret meeting coincide with what is known about the growing popularity of the Artemis Accords among space faring nations, and the failure of the China-Russia Moon base initiative in attracting international support.

In this exciting new webinar, Dr Michael Salla will present all the evidence for how these recent developments firmly point to a Star Trek Future being created right before our eyes.

Length 4.5 hours (includes Q&A & 20 min recess)

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut exopolitics.org

According to Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist, the latest real-time intelligence data received from the Galactic Federation of Worlds is that Mars’ largest moon, Phobos, has just been liberated from a hostile extraterrestrial group she identifies as small Gray aliens from Zeta Reticuli.
Elena Danaan is among the very few credible extraterrestrial contactees with accurate intelligence on real-time space events involving the Galactic Federation of Worlds. The full truth about extraterrestrial affairs in space will certainly not be revealed by official channels through their limited hangouts and embedded operatives in the full disclosure community. It is through sincere individuals like Elena Danaan with an understanding of the scientific evidentiary process—gained through her 20-year career as a professional archeologist—that we can hope to learn the full truth, without any compromised agenda.

Her latest intel update from Thor Han suggests that the Galactic Federation is genuinely acting against hostile extraterrestrial civilizations on Mars, the Moon, the Earth, and elsewhere in our solar system. The clearing out of both of Mars’ moons of hostile extraterrestrial civilizations that have previously impacted scientific missions there, is a crucial development.

Elena’s intel suggests that the solar system is indeed in the process of being handed over to humanity and that a set of meetings on Jupiter did recently occur making this official. In the meantime, human groups such as the Deep State, the Dark Fleet, and an interplanetary corporate space program, which previously worked with the negative extraterrestrial groups, are losing power to an Earth Alliance of White Hats, the US Navy’s Solar Warden space program, Dark Fleet defectors, etc., that are working with the Galactic Federation.

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #wingnut exopolitics.org

Three months before the collapse of Nazi Germany during World War II, the three great allied powers, the USA, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain, met at Yalta on the Crimean Peninsula to discuss the post-war order of Europe that would be based on the principle of national self-determination. According to a former professional archeologist and ‘contactee’, Elena Danaan, a similar set of meetings have just concluded near the planet Jupiter to discuss the new order in our solar system that will emerge with the impending military collapse of the Dark Fleet and its Draconian, Orion, Deep State, and corporate allies.

She says the Galactic Federation of Worlds met recently with the representatives of the Earth Alliance and an alliance of secret space programs in a set of 12 meetings to discuss the new order in our solar system.

Furthermore, I have discussed the escalating military conflict between the Galactic Federation of Worlds with rival space coalitions—Dark Fleet, Draconian Empire, and Orion Alliance—in a prior article distinguishing between different galactic associations and their historical interactions.

Elena contacted me on July 17 with the dramatic news of the meetings that had been completed near Jupiter and the different nations that were involved through their respective space programs. She said the final meeting had concluded only a day earlier with an agreement being reached that would establish a multinational space alliance between the major Earth nations under US leadership.
In my book, Space Force: Our Star Trek Future (2021), I explain how the multinational space alliance being currently created under US leadership is the antecedent of a future Starfleet, not unlike that envisaged by Gene Rodenberry. In fact, I present evidence that Rodenberry’s Starfleet was modeled on a future multinational space coalition that he was clandestinely briefed about in the 1960s!

Dr. Michael Salla/Dr. Courtney Brown #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick exopolitics.org

To begin this series, I will open with the efforts of Dr. Courtney Brown, Director of the Farsight Institute, to answer some of these key questions raised by Professor Eshed’s comments over the existence and activities of a Galactic Federation.

Dr. Brown organized a team of five remote viewers to gather intelligence on the Galactic Federation in multiple sessions conducted and publicly released in February 2021.
The results of the remote viewing sessions yielded many valuable insights into the existence of a ‘Galactic Federation of Worlds’, and other questions raised by Dr. Brown. This was particularly the case with understanding the Federation’s command structure, its internal policy debates over the extent to which it should intervene in human affairs, how its intervention was part of a “temporal war” over the Earth’s future, and what private individuals can do to support the Federation’s efforts to assist our planet’s evolution in a positive direction.

As with previous remote viewing sessions conducted by the Farsight Institute, the sessions were held under blind conditions, and the participants were only told to focus on two targets presented to them in sequential order. No details of each target were given in order not to frontload the remote viewers’ own personal views and biases into their observations.
The opposing interplanetary forces that the remote viewers are referring to are the Draconian Reptilian (aka Ciakharr) Empire and the Orion Alliance (aka Collective), which have been discussed in previous remote viewing sessions focusing on Nazis and Reptilians in Antarctica, and US Presidential meetings with extraterrestrials.

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

According to Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist who claims to be a contactee with the ‘Galactic Federation of Worlds’, an exodus of a German 4th Reich controlled “Dark Fleet” is currently underway that is creating a power vacuum that different nations are trying to fill by building bases in Antarctica. Her information comes from an extraterrestrial from the Taygeta star system in the Pleiades she identifies as ‘Thor Han’, and a current resident at the US McMurdo base who goes by the name ‘Frank’, and whose last name I will keep private.
What immediately got Frank’s attention was that a significant number of the personnel leaving Antarctica were German-speaking and they were bound for South America—Argentina in particular. This struck Frank as highly unusual given what Elena and others had said about a German-controlled Dark Fleet in Antarctica that was in an escalating military conflict with an ‘Earth Alliance’ and the Galactic Federation.
The sudden influx of personal and resources into Antarctica during the start of the winter months does point to the different countries trying to fill a newly created power vacuum. It would make sense that the 4th Reich is turning over its Dark Fleet assets in Antarctica to countries that are most sympathetic to its political agenda and activities: China, Turkey, and countries from South America and Africa would be suitable candidates.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut exopolitics.org

Aloha all, I’m sure many of you have been paying close attention to the numerous mainstream media reports about UFOs sighted near Navy and other US military facilities, which are all going to be covered in a comprehensive June report by the Director of National Intelligence. 60 Minutes just did a segment, the New Yorker published an extensive article, and even former President Obama is weighing in on the UFO topic. It’s become very clear that depicting UFOs (aka UAPs) as a major national security threat is the new narrative being pushed by the Deep State, and it’s going to escalate big-time next month when the UAP report is delivered to the US Senate Intelligence Committee.
The big fake reveal is going to be that the US actually retrieved a downed extraterrestrial craft, but heck, after decades top scientists couldn’t figure out its workings. But hey, maybe the Chinese or Russians got one and did work out how to reverse engineer it . . . and so . . . the US has a big national security problem!!

Of course, those in the loop know that most UFOs being sighted over the territory of the US and its major allies are actually reverse engineered antigravity spacecraft which were acquired in various ways—UFO crashes, secret agreements, etc.

After more than seven decades of close study and cooperation with different extraterrestrial groups, different national scientific communities, and a breakaway German colony in Antarctica, the US military finally developed its own squadrons of antigravity craft. However, you won’t hear that in the coming June Pentagon UFO report, which instead is going to perpetuate a big lie about the origins of UFOs..

Dr. Michael Salla/Corey Goode #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo exopolitics.org

Below is a video featuring an interview with Corey Goode about the latest Secret Space Programs (SSP) Alliance updates. Corey describes being taken on board a Mayan SSP craft where he met with his long time contact, Gonzales, who briefed him on the current situation on the Earth, Moon and Mars, activities of the Dark Fleet, and what is happening outside of our solar system.

The situation in our solar system is one of heavy repression and lockdowns as the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) is interrogating personnel to find saboteurs and infiltrators from the SSP Alliance. Corey explains that the human workers on Mars are too beaten down and intimidated to offer much resistance to the ICC. He further explains that while Dark Fleet bases on the Moon, Mars and elsewhere in our solar system have been taken over by the ICC—due to a solar system-wide lockdown. However, the Draconian extraterrestrials still continue to operate, and their underground facilities have not been taken out.

The news from outside of our solar system was more encouraging with the Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) finding extraterrestrial allies and becoming more autonomous in their operations due to being cut off from our solar system. Corey states that the GGLN has broken away from ICC control, is now actively working with one or more Galactic Federation type organizations, and has fulfilled its Continuity of Species purpose in the event of catastrophic events in our solar system. Corey has previously discussed prospects of a powerful solar flash event taking place in our solar system.

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

On April 30, Elena Danaan, a former professional archeologist whose claims of contact with extraterrestrials from the Galactic Federation of Worlds have gained widespread attention, delivered a bombshell report about an ongoing series of military raids on Mars that aim to destroy the bases of a rival extraterrestrial alliance: the Draconian Empire and the Orion Collective. These extraterrestrial bases were created to suppress the indigenous Mars population; manage the operations of human colonists associated with a German breakaway group called the Dark Fleet (aka Nacht Waffen); and oversee major Earth corporations that have relocated to Mars.

According to Elena, the Galactic Federation has begun helping liberate Mars from the influence of the Draconians and Orions by supporting indigenous Martians with supplies, weapons, and tactical information. The Federation has also been assisting a local resistance movement that exists in the human colonies that have been established on Mars.

While providing logistical and tactical support to local resistance forces, the Galactic Federation has been using its advanced technologies to incapacitate Reptilian and Orion extraterrestrials, thereby enabling the Martian resistance to strike against their extraterrestrial overlords and human minions.

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy exopolitics.org

This is the email update I received from Elena on Sunday about current events as they pertain to the Galactic Federation eliminating all possibility of a Galactic Tyranny evolving from the Earth, Moon and Mars:

I finally know, from Thor Han, why the Galactic Federation says that now that they are attacking Mars, they also can destroy certain groups of satellites in orbit of Earth (which they were reluctant to do before). I didn’t quite understand why, what was the link between the raids on Mars and some types of satellites in orbit of Earth. Well, he gave me the answer:

The Galactic Federation was waiting that some specific big corporations finally relocated their headquarters on Mars, chased from Earth. These specific corporations own these satellite programs, which are tools in the agenda of enslaving the whole of humanity helped by the nanotechnologies and all that we know about the vax. To destroy these satellites, they needed to simultaneously neutralize these corporations. While the headquarters of these corporations were still on Earth, (mainly in underground fortresses) it was impossible to conduct armed offensives, which would have been disastrous for Earth and its civilians.

The Galactic Federation has been working at getting the moles out of the tunnels to be able to eradicate them. On Mars, the raids are touching targets way more easily. They trapped them. A lot of elites had seek [sought] refuge also on Mars, so that is going to be quite interesting in the coming times.

Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot exopolitics.org

In this third interview on Exopolitics Today with Dr. Michael Salla, Elena Danaan discusses Galactic Federation operations against repressive extraterrestrial races on Mars, the Moon and Earth. Elena describes a Galactic Federation military intervention against Draconian (Ciakar) Reptilian and Tall Gray bases on Mars that she telepathically witnessed through her primary ET contact, Thor Han. She further explains how the Galactic Federation is able to intervene against advanced technologies built by the Deep State with the help of repressive alien groups designed to control and manipulate humanity. Finally, Elena discusses some spiritual techniques people can use to protect themselves against negative alien groups and how to raise one’s frequency and consciousness.

Dr. Michael Salla #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #mammon #dunning-kruger exopolitics.org

What makes my presentation different to many others critical of the “Global Reset” is my exopolitical analysis. After more than 30 years teaching, researching and writing about international conflict, I’ve learned that it is only through an understanding of the hidden involvement of extraterrestrial life that one can make sense of what really happening behind the scenes.

So, what is it about the hidden history and involvement of extraterrestrial life that brings clarity to the ideas of a Great Awakening and a Global Reset? First of all, we need to understand that multiple secret agreements have been made between those making up the Cabal or Deep State with their extraterrestrial overlords.

This is where the Global Reset comes in. The “new normal” that the World Economic Forum and global leaders want to establish is really all about controlling the flow of information so that people do not revolt over policies that increasingly eliminate human freedoms, constitutional rights, and meaningful political participation. But it doesn’t stop there.
That’s where the Great Awakening comes in. Hundreds of millions of people have been awakened by recent political, health and societal events. Whether it’s from Wikileaks revelations, Q drops, COVID-19 policies, DNA altering vaccines, the introduction of 5G transmission towers and satellite systems, social media censorship, or rigged elections, more and more people are seeking answers and awakening to the reality of corrupt global political, financial, legal, medical and media systems. People are rising up and resisting all over the world, but will they be successful?

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