
bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

[ Killing someone/wanting to kill someone based on political ideologies is terrorism, m9. You want more terrorism because people don't agree with you? Lol. ]

Killing someone over politics is terrorism, although, I’d argue deliberately killing one individual, especially a politician is an assassination, not technically terrorism.
Though that’s neither here nor there - in this country, we have a right to bear arms SPECIFICALLY so we can kill politicians when they refuse to do as they’re told.

Any politician who’s policy is to sell her countrymen down the river in favor of rape-hungry savages deserves nothing more than the bullet she received.

bill-11b.tumblr.com #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

on the murder of British politician Jo Cox

Golly, gee, oh my, what a shame.
Karma in fucking action. If only Americans had the balls to do the same thing.

[ Bill I understand where you’re coming from, but perhaps a less aggressive approach might make people more sympathetic towards your views, especially in a situation where someone has been killed ]

Except, I don’t give shit about people’s sympathies.
Every dead cultural Marxist is a win in my book.
Of course the left will stand atop her corpse and call everyone who disagrees with them a bloodthirsty savage (unlike the actual bloodthirsty savages they’re in favor of invading their country) but they’d do that anyhow, now they just have the corps to stand on.

[ What the actual fuck is wrong with you?? Oh yeah, kill everyone who disagrees with you. That’s real fucking smart.
Well, it certainly seems to silence the opposition.

Your king and my congress disagreed on tax rates— guess why we no longer have a king, and you still do.

bill-11b #homophobia #transphobia bill-11b.tumblr.com


So the real question here is, do I believe in biology, and to that end, do i believe the evidence that suggest man, just like every other living creature, has evolved over time by way of natural selection, and the answer to that is absolutely, yes.

I believe that homosexuality is a biological disorder, and that transgenderism, (excepting intersex people) is a mental/emotional disorder.

If we are to believe that man has evolved over eons by way of natural selection, then there is really no way someone can call a trait that leads to reduced reproduction or retards reproduction altogether as anything other than a disorder.

I think homosexuality is completely natural in occurrence (thought there are clearly people who ascribe it in a quest to be special) however that does not make it normal. People born with one foot arrive that way naturally, that by no means makes them normal.

To that end, I think homosexuals have no choice in their sexual attraction and as such should receive the same rights and have the same responsibilities as anyone else in society - that does not mean extra special rights, or the right to force people to labor for them, etc.

Transgenderism on the other hand, I find to be a mental or emotional disorder, as the person legitimately believes themselves to be something they aren’t.
I think most trans individuals need their family’s support, guidance, and help - not their enabling of a mental illness.
If after extensive counseling and therapy, a professional determines that the best way for a person to live through their disorder is to transition, then I see no issue with that. However, transitioning children, giving them hormones before they’re even in puberty yet, etc I see as child abuse and indicative of the parent’s own mental illness - a parent is there to raise the child, and that means sometimes you don’t give them what they want, because as it turns out, children are very poor longterm decision makers.

I don’t hate gays or trans people. I accept however that they are not what “normal” looks like, and for good reason - the species selects traits that make it stronger and better adapted to the world, and allow it to reproduce as much as possible, not traits the halt reproduction.

There would be, in my estimation, almost no anti-LGBT sentiment, if there wasn’t a practice of forced integration and acceptance by that movement.

The more a guy in a wig demands to be able to use the same restroom as a young girl, the more suspicious it becomes. The more gays try to force private businesses to serve them and use the law as their broad sword of forced tolerance, the more push back we will see.

bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

[ I've never understood how water board is torture or unendurable... It's the desire to breathe an adequate amount of air right? When they can't get enough air they have reflex and try to avoid the feeling of "drowning" or "choking"..? Can you explain water boarding? ]

You basically described it. It simulates the panic of drowning, and of course, if you’re in the custody of people who’s intent you don’t know, it works even better.
All torture is mental, the physical injury with most torture is just a means to an end.
With that in mind, waterboarding starts right in with psychology without the need to injure the subject.

I was whiskey boarded as a cherry in the barracks. Same concept, except a handle of jack instead of water. And trust me, it sucks massive dick, and it does induce panic, as I said, I can only imagine it’s even worse if you’re bagged and shuffled around and find yourself in a dimly lit connex with a couple of pissed off meat eaters who “soften you up” first before strapping you to a board and simulate-drown you.

I would say waterboarding probably does meet muster for “torture” - that said, I don’t rightly give a rats dick if we torture non-uniformed, non-state combatants who engage uniformed forces and civilians as an insurgency or terror force.

IMO, any captured EPW should be soft interrogated, and those determined to potentially posses useful intelligence should have the shit tortured out of them until they let it slip. Many will tell complete falsehoods to make the torture end, those people should be tortured further, until dead, in front of the next schmuck in line. Some one will eventually give us something we can use.

If we save one civilian or Soldier’s life, I couldn’t rightly give a fuck if tortured every EPW to death and then shot his dog to get the AI.

bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

Run them over and shoot them for good measure.

[ For people who brag so much about freedom and liberty you guys are in a pretty authoritarian and opressive vibe right now. ]

You have the right to protest all you want.

What you don’t have the right to do is block anyone else’s right to free travel or destroy private property as part of your “protest”

One of the only legitimate purposes of the state is to step in when one person’s rights begin to infringe on another persons. In that instance, shooting rioters dead is completely justified and telling people in the middle of a highway to move or get run over is fucking fine with me, even if it’s not necessarily legal.

bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

N B 4

I know I was whiskey boarded as a cherry as I think most grunts do (or used to, before hazing required congressional hearings) and it sucks ass, yeah, but it’s not gonna kill you and it leaves 0 lasting physical damage, and at worst will leave you with drowning trauma.
And anyway, anyone who makes it to the point of being waterboarded either doesn’t have long to live anyhow or will spend the rest of their life in a cell, so, who gives a fuck.

[ Torture is wrong, and it is wrong in so many ways: If you have any respect for the Rule of Law, you won’t torture anybody because it is illegal in every civilized country in the world. A moment you make exception or precedent for anybody, sooner or later it will be your turn to be tortured. That is something history is teaching us.
If you are doing it as revenge, you are descending to their level and when you do that, being their equal, you lose any right to criticize them.
If you are doing it to gather information, you will not get anything useful because people tortured will say whatever to stop torture. It is a fact that torture is ineffective as a tool of intelligence gathering.
]This is why my first comment was what it was.

Uniformed soldiers should never be tortured to gather information, you’re correct.
Non-state, non-uniformed terrorists and insurgents have no rights, you see, because they have declared themselves to be outside the purview of the rule of law.
“Descending to their level” is the oldest excuse in the book. They hit first, retaliation with whatever means are necessary is absolutely justified. If it isn’t, then shooting a home invader that’s raping your wife is “descending to his level,” nuking Japan to end the war or the fire bombings across Germany both of which killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, were “descending to their level.”
If torture never produces actionable intelligence, why would the CIA employ it? Aren’t they our resident experts in human intelligence extraction?
Of course some people will lie to make the torture stop. Many will also tell the blatant truth in hopes that they wont be subjecting again. Even a true believer can be broken if he’s pressed the right way. There’s a reason we have people who are experts in reading body language and physical cues to tell if what they’re saying is desperate hail mary, or the God’s honest truth.
As for that last bit, it’s called “sin eating.” Some people are prepared to do whatever is necessary to protect this nation, including surrender their own morals, values, “soul” to do so.

Why is it just in the face of this enemy that we feel surrender and defeat would be better than doing mean things? What the fuck happened? When did we as a society become so fucking spineless?
Be glad no one is asking you to do the dirty work that they’re willing to do on your behalf.

[ bill-11b
You are so wrong—
"Similarly, Americans may choose to draw their own conclusions about Wednesday’s 480-page report by the US Senate intelligence committee, despite its conclusion that “enhanced interrogation techniques” do not yield any useful intelligence.”
Torture doesn’t work at all. It’s a disgrace how we trample on the freedom of no cruel and unusual punishment. If a government wastes it time and resources on false claims, it’s not being spent towards towards actual terrorists.There’s a huge difference between warfare after you are attacked, and the torture of suspected terrorists.
When people say the whole descending to their level, it’s because we expect torture and other horrible things from terrorists. Not the U.S. military, which I hope you’re at least holding to higher standards than barbarians.
We hung people in WWII because of waterboarding.
Here one from McCain was actually tortured in Vietnam.
It’s chilling that anyone has to go through torture let alone ann american soldier

Okay, that’s great and all, butimage

bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

Non uniformed, non state combatants (say it with me now)

Also, just because some of the people tortured give false information to make the torture stop, doesn’t mean that none of them ever give up actionable intelligence.
If 1 out of 100 waterboarded goat fuckers gives up AI, it’s completely worth it.

And because they’re not uniformed, and they have no state, we can summarily execute them and drop their fucking corpses in the Arabian sea, which is what we should have been doing from day one.

bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

[ Holy crap, bill-11b. I’m disappointed in you.
Tubman helped people oppressed by slavery to escape to the north, a key figure in the underground railroad. She is an American hero and a champion of the cause of freedom. And yet you say that choosing her is “pandering”. Well, I don’t care if it’s pandering or not. It’s a good choice. I’m not going to complain just because she’s a black woman. That would actually be racist.
Also by your logic about morality, and having wars to conquer new territory, then I suppose today the US could declare war on Canada, and if we won then that would be ok. If might makes right then there is no such thing as morality because you have the right to do whatever you want as long as you can get away with it. You really don’t want to follow what you have said to its logical conclusion. I guess you don’t believe in unalienable rights. Or I guess if I can extort some free crap out of you then that’s my right. And you call yourself a conservative.
Frankly I’m disgusted.

What protects our right to free speech? A loving government that just LOOOOVES having citizens speak out against it?

What protects our right to trial by jury? Just because it’s a neat idea on a piece of paper?

NO. The threat of citizen violence against the government via the second amendment is the only thing that prevents that government from trampling our rights.

Look at how much regulation the government does of our daily lives. We don’t do anything about besides vote, and when that doesn’t work, what are our options? Accept the status quo, or grab the pitchfork and musket. Thus far we’ve accepted the status quo.

But the only reason the BoR still exists is because “the people” have the collective threat of violence on our side to prevent the government from burning the constitution and doing whatever they want to us.

As for invading Canada, yes. If we as a people decide thats what we want to do, then we should. They have in their own rights to fight back, and if they win, guess what? We’ll likely lose land and have to pay some sort of war reparation. If we win, we get their land. That is literally how war works.

As for Tubman, why does Jackson NEED to be replaced at all?

Putting a black woman in his place is blatant pandering.

If the treasury said “We’re looking into making a $25 note, and we’ll be going with Harriet Tubman” then that’s great, go for it.

But to erase one of the nation’s founders, and in his place put a racially and sexually pandering figure, is progressive politics at it’s finest.

I don’t understand how people don’t see that for what it is.

bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

[ What do you think of the official changing of Jackson's face on the 20 dollar bill to Harriet Tubman face. ]

It’s bullshit pandering, nothing more.

It disgusts me to see people on the right celebrating as if this is some civil rights glass ceiling we needed to break.

If they’re gonna replace anyone, it should be Lincoln, seeing as he was a tyrannical fuck head anyhow.

[ You’re saying that replacing someone responsible for the trail of tears and the Indian removal act with someone who actually did some good is bullshit pandering? ]

>On our land
>Why wouldn’t we remove them?

I’m so sick of hearing about the poor fucking Indians. Jesus Christ. Maybe if they’d evolved culturally past 400bce they’d still be here and we wouldn’t.

I think you’d be hard pressed to find another nation that’s conquered territory and then carved out spots for the conquered natives to remain autonomous.

Jackson was an American war hero and unlike Lincoln, he didn’t kill 600,000 Americans, and unlike Hamilton, he didn’t support centralized banking, which as we’ve seen has turned into a shit show and allowed the government to keep their boot on our necks financially.
And yes, a black woman, by this president, at this time in history, is absolutely pandering.

[ Cool. So if you conquer a place you have a right to treat the populace however you want? That’s not how that works. You aren’t right just because you won. ]

And yes, actually winning a conflict where you’re specifically trying to conquer new territory does make you right.

I don’t understand why we’re the only people on earth that have to answer for taking of new territory, when we’ve put it to much better use than the people who were living on it previously. Somehow we’re the most humane conquerors in history, save for maybe Cyrus of Persia, and yet we’re expected to answer for every death. Sorry, I won’t apologize for things that happened during a war, 200 years ago.

[ So the Nazis are only wrong because they lost. Got it. I’m not asking anyone alive today to answer for the people that were killed, but the people who did the killing sure as hell are responsible. ]

You’re asking America as a whole to say “we were wrong, so sorry” and change how things work because whiteguilt.exe

Based on your logic, Washington and Jefferson should be kicked off the 1 and 2 dollar bills, because they were slave owners after all, and we can’t have that in our history.

“History is written by the victors.” If the Nazis had won, do you think your history book might be a little different? I do. We wouldn’t know about a great number of their transgressions. And from their point of view, they’d teach that they were the morally righteous group.

Might literally makes right. Unless someone can or will challenge your authority, then saying “you’re wrong” is just whining.

Violence is the root of all authority, and consequently, the reluctance to engage in it, or failure to use it to your own advantage, places you under the authority of someone who can.

Why do you pay taxes? Because you’ll get fined if you don’t. What if you don’t pay the fines? Men with guns will come and find you. What if you don’t go with them voluntarily? They will force you, with lethal force if necessary.

There is no authority without violence, or the threat of it, and consequently, conquered people have no choice but to submit to their conqueror, or fight him to the death

[ Hey Bill. I mean sure, you’re an angry old piss ant who’s angry at the world because you get your rocks off to dead children overseas. But I mean are so fucking dense, so fucking delusional to think that the Native Americans were on OUR land? Oh so just shelling them off their properties, confining them onto small plots of property on the opposite end of the country, landscapes and climates they grew up in is a sense of “entitlement”? The US government killed more Native Americans than they killed protecting their own land, and somehow they’re the fucking problem? I mean do you just gargle with the government’s dick or are you so fucking stupid that you honestly believe any of that was justified? Sure, I mean, since when did you give a shit about human rights? You’re a cranky old has been who spends more of his time pretending his military service makes you some kind of fucking god when really, my friends and family in the military would sooner put a boot up your ass for your sadistic and pathetic excuse for morals. You’re a tool. A racist old windbag who’s beyond his glory years who spends his time pretending to be some just cause on a website filled with people a quarter his age. Now, you see I’m one who prefers to use logic and facts instead of some fucked up bias he learned from watching Alex Jones and Bill O'Rielly, but in this case, I’m willing to make an exception. Because frankly, no one cares about your shitty, cynical world view. In fact, your delusions of grandeur are so misguided you think that people actually respect you just because you were in the military. You’re a disgrace to the uniform and anyone who died protecting the liberties of everyone in this god damned country. You and people like you are the problem with this country. Not Obama, bot MUH Muslims. Nah, just a bunch of has been whiners who hide behind a badge or uniform as if it excused your sorry excuse for an exisance. Get fucked. ]

LOL Wat?

Do you get this pissed at Alexander being called “The Great” since he killed a whole fuckload of people, took their land, and made it his?

It is our land, because they lost it to us. What is so hard to understand about that?

If someone else fought the US, and took over our land, it would cease to be our land, and would be their land.

Would I be happy about that? No. But my choices would be to die fighting for my land or accept my new rulers.

Also, just for giggles, how old do you think I am, exactly?

bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com


[ You know there are Muslims in the military, right? There are Muslims in my unit. Probably Muslims in your unit. What, is their idea of Jihad going to stop terrorists ]

Oh, you mean like MAJ Nidal Hassan?

You probably weren’t in or at Fort Hood for his “workplace violence”

Oh, do you mean like PFC Naser Abdo, whom I went through basic training with, who later went AWOL and tried to VBIED Fort Hood?

Listen, I’m fully aware that there are muslims who are bad at their faith and don’t follow it very closely. It doesn’t change the fact that islam is in fact a death cult, founded by a pedophile, under which the most peaceful people just want to rape children, marry little girls, and beat their wives savagely.

For bonus points, show me where, after said attacks, the attacks and the conspirators involved were not immediately condemned and/or disavowed by the whole of their religion.

I wish I could show you muslims condemning attacks like Charlie Hebdo, Garland, TX, or Chattanooga, but I cant because they only made excuses for those events.

Comparing Christian events from 1000 years ago to muslim events happening now is akin to comparing apples to rattle snakes.

bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

[ The Republican favorite for President, Donald Trump, has confirmed his plan to force all Muslims in the United States to register on a database but has refused to respond to comparisons between his policy and Nazi Germany’s laws that required Jews to register ]

For once, he’s not wrong.
Close enemy outposts and recruiting centers on our soil and keep taps on potential enemy agents. I like it.

[ I disagree. We rail on FDR for the internment camps for the Japanese, we cannot sink to his level now ]

I was going to ask why they didn’t make the comparison to FDR, but I know why:
1) Hitler is evil, FDR is good, and progressive, and therefore, everything he did was good.
2) Right or wrong, the US was attacked by the Japanese government, and the detention of former Japanese citizens is an understandable, wholly immoral and unconstitutional, but understandable reaction.
FDR went a step further and detained all persons of Japanese heritage.

Number 2 is important, because the comparison to Hitler isn’t valid, while the comparison to FDR is.
The Jewish population of Europe and Germany hadn’t perpetrated a mass attack on anyone. They hadn’t formed terror groups which the “moderate Jews” remained largely silent on, or actively supported, that attacked Germans for decades all over the globe.
However, just as the Japanese had attacked America, and the threat of insider attacks was very real, we now have an enemy that has proven they are a danger to westerners, have no interest in assimilating, and we continue to accept them at record numbers in our unending quest for “tolerance.”

At what point does a group cease to be a protected class, and become a legitimate national threat?
The bodies keep piling up.

Hey look, it’s a moderate, peaceful muslim raised in the west.

Oh look, some peaceful muslim refugees.

Oh look, a friendly moderate muslim US Army officer

We can’t trust the ones that are here. We can’t vet the ones that are coming.
Americans will die because we’re bleeding heart fools.

No right is absolute. You don’t have a right to be armed while in prison.
You don’t have a right to incite a riot.
Sorry, I’m tired of it. It’s got to end somewhere.

[ Now I will say I think taking in refugees is a dumb idea, I do not think that Muslim Americans should have their rights curbed for crimes they didn’t commit. Its literally the same argument we make for gun rights. We don’t think that because a few assholes do something wrong that we are all to blame, and we call those who think that morons. Let’s not get on their level. ]

Except in this situation, as I’ve detailed above, seemingly “vetted” or trustworthy people have committed insider attacks.
That’s exactly my point, the Japanese never did, but we have living evidence that natural born citizens as well as immigrants and refugees are susceptible to fundamentalization.
We’re not talking about 100 million gun owners, most of who are sane, rational people.
We’re talking about a few million people who subscribe to a radical-by-nature belief system.
Let’s say the “religion” of nazism is akin to islam, and the SS are to isis.
The basic philosophy is “well if we kill the SS, but leave the nazis alone, all will be well in the world, because the SS are the problem, most nazis are peaceful.”
Simply saying “oh, it’s our religion, so we’re free to preach hate and terror” is such a cop out to me.
This has little to nothing to do with civil liberties, and a lot to do with common sense, and protecting westerners first, even if it’s at the cost of freedom for a group of people who refuse to police their own.

bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

[ “bombing doesn’t kill an ideology, it feeds it” ]

The only way you kill an ideology is to kill all those who practice it, burn their literature, and tear down their idols.
Go be a hippie elsewhere OP.

[ I’m sorry, but I thought we in western civilization looked down upon genocide, not promoted it ]

I never advocated genocide.

But the OP is completely wrong about how you destroy an ideology. I was educating him as to the proper method.

That said, western society’s endless tolerance will be it’s downfall.

Strange, we didn’t tolerate the nazi or commie mindset, yet now even conservatives are staunchly opposed to even questioning beliefs that might maybe just possibly pose a threat to our security and liberty.

If bombing people makes them violent radicals (this is fundamental islam; radical islam is to actually be peace loving and not want to marry toddlers but that’s neither here nor there) then I would say westerners should all be anti-islam radicals.

If their belief set is already so extreme, that a couple of attacks in defense drive them into the arms of jihadi groups, maybe the the line between peaceful moderate and violent radical is pretty thin to begin with.

The kid in chattanooga was a peaceful moderate, until he wasn’t.
Nadal Hasan was a peaceful moderate, until he wasn’t.
Syed Farook was a peaceful moderate, until he wasn’t.

All of these people were raised in America, all had an education and good paying jobs. They were the epitome of the American dream.
And they killed Americans because their philosophy calls for them to do so.
It calls all muslims to do so, but most ignore it, until they don’t.

bill-11b #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

Islam is a disgusting belief set that preaches violence, rape, and hatred not just towards outsiders, but towards it’s own followers as well.
Child marriage and rape, death penalties for female rape victims labeled as adulterers, death penalties for gays, sex slavery, etc are all very prevalent in modern day middle eastern islam.

I find it to be a repugnant belief system that should have been left in the pages of history hundreds of years ago.
That being said, I don’t expect to change the world, nor do I have an interest in killing 1.6 billion people across Africa, the ME, Asia, and Europe.
However, I think islam as a belief system needs to be completely eradicated and forgotten like the cancer that it is.
Here’s the part that’s unpopular:

As long as islamists either insist on carrying out attacks in the west, or not standing up to those who do, islam has no place in the western world.
We should run raze mosques and run them the fuck out of our countries, right back to their third world shitholes, where they can brutalize and rape one another to death for all I care. |

Yes, that is collectivist. No, I don’t give a fuck.
The constitution is an ideal document. We live in reality, not in utopia.
Sometimes you have to do some shit that you don’t like to protect your own way of life. If they don’t want to play ball, fuck em.

If you don’t like that plan, then I implore you, please, explain to me how we determine who is a peaceful moderate, and who is a fundamentalized jihadist?
Keep in mind
All of those friendly people were peaceful moderates.
Until they weren’t.

Bill-11b,low-key-lyesmith #fundie bill-11b.tumblr.com

in response to this post where bill-11b says he would happily kill every last middle eastern person

[ If you're going to say you would 'spill every drop of middle eastern blood' then you gotta admit you would be killing perfectly innocent people. You do realize there are middle-eastern pregnant people, middle eastern children and middle eastern infants right? But I mean, those don't matter since they aren't AMERICAN children, infants, and fetuses to you I guess. Also the USA is the one exporting violence globally, y'all invade more countries than any other country on the planet. ]

Bill-11b: : I said that isn’t what I wanted, please learn to read.
2) I said that if it’s that or defeat, I choose that.
3) They’re not as important as American and western lives to me, no.
Do you think American soldiers saw Japanese or German civilians as just as important as American civilians?
We killed an ass load of German and Japanese civilians in the process of winning WW2, and it was precisely because we value ourselves over our enemy, just as they value themselves over us.

low-key-lyesmith: Why people don’t see that as a conflict, as it is. It’s not a matter of ‘killing innocent’. Our enemy is perfectly fine with killing innocent. Hell none of the targets in Europe were military personnel/structures. Sure we are the bigger person, and yes we should try to defend the innocent, but the life of the people I love to me is way more valuable to the life of people there. It’s brutal but it;s true. If for example bombing the shit out of entire city means my family and friends can go in the underground or on a plane without the fear of being blown, well bomb the shit out of it.

bill-11b:This is exactly my point, but they’re using willful ignorance to attempt to subvert what I’m saying.
We should try not to kill anyone we don’t have to, but if we’re forced into a corner, if the so called peaceful moderates refuse to fight off their own fundamentalists, and OUR safety is predicated on absolute and total destruction of anyone who isn’t us, then we should fucking do it.

bill-11b #wingnut bill-11b.tumblr.com

[ Abortion is always wrong and is the ultimate evil because it kills a human life but deliberately killing thousands of civilians (as long as they are not american of course) is totally ok. Never mind some of those civilians may have been pregnant and carrying fetuses. I guess only american lives are the only lives that count as human lives. ]

Nice cultural relativism there. As it turns out Americans =/= Iraqis, Syrians, Afghans/Pashtuns, or American infants.

A mother choosing to end an inconvenient child =/= killing savages that refuse to enter the 18th century and choose to export violence around the globe.

I enlisted to serve America and America’s interests and to protect Americans and our way of life - and if securing and defending that way of life costs every drop of middle eastern blood. So. Fucking. Be. It.

That isn’t what I want, not even close. But I will not allow America to be destroyed in the name of fucking tolerance and whatever other liberal bullshit policies you think will appease them into loving us. If it comes down to total war, that will be their choice, not ours.

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