Gregg Prescott M.S. #ufo #magick #elitist

Did you ever wonder why you decided to incarnate into these lower vibrations of the third density?

on the other side with Source. You wanted to make millions of soul contracts because they all seemed so easy to achieve while you are in the presence of Source. Instead, you listened to Source and ended up making thousands of soul contracts, which all seemed achievable in this lifetime.

Some of these soul contracts involved people who you would only meet for a brief minute, but somehow, they changed your life, or you changed theirs. They helped to lead you back to your path of enlightenment, or vice-versa.

While you may never personally know these people, you were best friends with them when you were back with Source.

Did you ever see someone for the first time and just know that you’ve known this person from somewhere? Chances are, you did know this person when you were back with Source.
The trick is to look at painful situations and ask yourself, “Why did this happen to me?” You might not like the answer but often times, but not everytime, we invite these situations into our present lives in order to address unresolved karmic issues from past lives.

You also wanted to come back to be part of the Great Awakening and the Shift in Consciousness. We are at a point in time where our planet is completing a 26,000 year cycle called the precession of the equinoxes. We are also at the end of a greater cycle in which our solar system has completed it revolution around its own sun in Sirius. You said to yourself, “There is no way I’m gonna miss out on this!” Besides, you forgot what it was like to experience duality and polarity.

In the end, this sh*thole has been an amazing experienced filled with an abundance of opportunities for spiritual growth.
Remember this: YOU are the light at the end of the tunnel!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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