paspartuu #homophobia
[on having a queer disney princess]
it absolutely should not be Elsa, because she's been presented and marketed as not-gay, she's become iconic as assumed straight (honestly, especially with Disney the normal baseline IS straight and characters are assumed to be so unless otherwise stated), has been very popular for years and years - and suddenly turning her gay now would feel like a bait-and-switch, a bit like a dirty trick.
I also can't help but feel that for many, it's not really about Elsa as a character and her in-story personality, but about her being so popular and iconic, and thus making her gay would have more impact than getting an all-new gay character. So it feels like if Elsa would be turned gay now, it wouldn't be because it's what the writers think she is - everyone would think it's just WDAS caving under pressure, that they fundamentally changed a character due to fan demand, which would sort of ruin the character and the franchise.
And no, I don't buy the claims about "we don't know what her sexuality is, we don't know what the writers envision her as". I'm fairly sure they wrote her as straight because it's a Disney princess film