Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

In the beginning, the cabal/deep state/Luciferian/NWO had a plan to cement their takeover of the world which includes a transhuman agenda via AI as key to their success. The only real thing standing in their way was and is the United States of America. Everything we are seeing stems from this. Two things make up the current backbone of America: The Trump White Hats military and their supporters and loyal patriotic Americans with guns.

This is the fight we are engaged in. What the NWO crowd did not bargain on was that the Freedom of the US would also become a 'cause celeb' for the rest of the world. Countries and people who did not go along with the NWO plan but who knew they were already a captured operation became inspired and are supporting this fight. They sense even when they don't grasp the whole meaning of the totalitarian NWO agenda that America under Trump is the last bastion of freedom on the planet.
The one thing that will erode support for the Trump/white hats and the people coalition faster and more completely than anything else is SECRECY. What Christ consciousness and Christ (sometimes called the Krist) is all about is Truth. Without truth there is no sort of unity/love and survival of our species going forward.
What the fight for freedom and sovereignty on Planet Earth demands is open communication and truth. The greatest challenges will present themselves once a certain degree of victory is secure. And this involves our relations with other beings and worlds of all kinds out beyond the borders of this Planet including inner Earth/ extra dimensional and other realms. While divided the secret space program has had dominion over our relations with other races, species both on and insde Earth and in Space. Decisions and relations in the exo-political landscape have been withheld from the general body politic both here in the US and around the world. This will have to change.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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