various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist

China currently has in excess of 1.4 BILLION people.

They could sacrifice 200 million of their best looking women, sending them to the US to steal White men from White women, and they'd still have over 1.2 BILLION Chinese citizens left in the homeland.

There are only about 750 MILLION White people worldwide, and China is currently wiping out White people in every White country in the world through this very process.

@Nature_and_Race Look at the smile at the end. This is an ugly whore who spends two hours daily to look like a 5.

My wife wakes up after a restless sleep looking like an 8.

Good luck, rice taco.

@Nature_and_Race Whites are dying. Don't race mix.

“I will pass on this hair, this eyes….”

Yeah Bitch just wait until they mass import niggers into China & other Asian countries ❤️

@MageofSolitude @Nature_and_Race
Totally same here! I love Japanese but I think the rest Asians are basically worthless.

@LupinIV @Nature_and_Race agreed. the only thing I like the Chinese for is the north east Americanized Chinese food, however, we can get the recipes and keep them open after deportations. the japanese have such a beautiful culture and country (they seem the closest to us but we should still be allies in seperate countries). They also sided with hitler so...

@Nature_and_Race well, looks like it's butthole only for Asian women. glad to know this, thanks for sharing.

@Scott786 Sodomites like you are never welcome among Whites.

@Nature_and_Race only low value men find Asian women attractive.



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