[From “Ladies: To be beautiful is your DUTY as well as your right.”]
This wafted in gracefully over the transom. This is from a Catholic girls’ high school newspaper in the mid-west from the late 1940’s
Look upon this and let it sink in that our culture is truly, literally INVERTED image
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Teenaged girls today are, as a rule, revolting ugly slobs by their own choice. Beauty is actively, openly despised. Most girls today do not own ONE pretty dress. Not one. The notion that striving to always present oneself beautifully in public – and beauty is OBJECTIVE and REAL, being a constitutive quality of God Himself – is considered hate speech against fat, ugly dykes and really ANY actual females. You do notice that the only acceptable manifestation of “feminine” beauty is now transvestitism; in MEN masquerading as women[…]
And folks, this is about EFFORT. Speaking as a rock-solid 4 on the 1-10 scale, I turn heads on the daily NOT because I’m some great beauty. What turns heads in the EFFORT. Just being put-together and dressed in actual clothes[…]
Physical beauty is obviously the most worldly of these qualities, BUT it is therefore also the most readily identifiable, relatable and accessible. So, start there. Showing a fundamental respect of oneself and of others by ALWAYS appearing in public with a SOLID EFFORT towards beauty will lead to higher, non-physical qualities and virtues IF one is so oriented and has a proper, solidly Christian conception and proper ordination of true, objective beauty commensurate with one’s sex
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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