Brett Stevens #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist

Over the years, any writer against the modern condition accumulates a series of heresies that in simple form undermine the illusions upon which the modern era is built. These are things that, while said plainly and in non-emotional form, still produce panic and disturbance among normies.
Let us look at some heresies that debunk and invert modernity:

1. Equality creates mediocrity: in Natural Selection, creatures that achieve endure; in human groups, everyone is subsidized so they endure at the expense of the achievers. This produces a downward spiral toward mediocrity and eventually, third-world levels of dysfunctional but still present and rent-seeking institutions.
4. Individualism replaces reality: in this life you either try to adapt to the world, or insist that you are the most important and thus it should adapt to you. Wealthy societies allow the latter, therefore produce a bumper crop of parasites and predators, each of which has the me-first “I am the center of the world” philosophy which in groups becomes collectivized into egalitarianism.
5. Diversity displaces culture: when you have one ethnic group in a society, you have one culture for everyone; once you have more than one ethnic group, you cannot have one culture for everyone because cultures differ and therefore in conflict. Instead, you loosen the rules and get a psychology of permissiveness and narcissism, with commerce, government, and ideology becoming more important as they take over the space culture once occupied.
6. Tolerance produces hatred: when you are forced to tolerate others, it means “agreeing to disagree” (pluralism) on a large scale, which in turn means that honest grievances are ignored in the means-over-ends struggle to avoid conflict (pacifism). This produces anti-culture, racism, and genocide as groups fight for control of the Narrative.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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