TatoruzuX #dunning-kruger twitter.com

People don't get it. Even those who might view history through a more sympathetic lens toward WWII era Germany are not members of the NSDAP (which was banned in Germany 80 years ago), and thus, are not Nazis by technicality alone.

Sure, there is the meaningless term "Neo-Nazi," which few people would willingly identify with. You'll scarcely find someone label themself a "Neo-Nazi" even if they do have sympathies toward WWII era Germany, so if you do put that label on someone you're already in the territory of false accusations.

But the reason why it's a meaningless label is because it's completely oxymoronic. A "Neo-Nazi" can't exist because the NSDAP was a uniquely German phenomenon for uniquely German problems of the mid-20th century.

The NSDAP's primary goals were to:
- Unite German-speaking European territories
- Abolish the Treaty of Versailles and St. Germain
- Abolish unearned income
- Expand protections for German works (in the face of the peace treaties that diminished quality of life for German workers)
- Remove foreign influence from German government
- And, yes, minimize the role of Jews in German society

Why would an American in 2024 be so concerned about the Treaty of Versailles, a document signed over 100 years ago? Or why would an American in 2024 be seeking to united the German-speaking territories of Europe?

Obviously, those are not the primary concern of any American in 2024. Because they are uniquely German positions for uniquely German problems of the mid-20th century.

As such, the term Neo-Nazi doesn't make sense. There are no Nazis in 2024. There are no Neo-Nazis. The term "Neo-Nazi" is used as a catch-all term for all unsavory characters who dislike Jews. Using this loose definition for "Neo-Nazi" you can find all sorts of unlikely people to be Neo-Nazis. The Palestinians are Neo-Nazis! The Iranians are Neo-Nazis! Revisionist historians are Neo-Nazis! Twitch streamer Hasan Piker is simultaneously a communist AND a Nazi!

Uhhh... but the Ukrainians, who allied with the actual Nazis in WWII, and still wear swastika patches on their uniforms in 2024? Nah, they can't be Nazis because Putin and "muh Russia" are Nazis.

See how absurd all these "Nazi" accusations are?



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