various commenters #transphobia

Trans woman, 57, burns own penis - forcing doctors to remove it and leave her with a 1cm stump | Daily Mail Online

( sojourner_truth_ )
Lolololol! He thought he was so slick! He was sure he was going to get a "designer vagina" out of the deal. I'm tipping my hat to the surgeons who left his perverted ass with a tiny stump dick! It's exactly what he deserves.

( Dreamshaper )
Jesus f*cking Christ. This should say "mentally ill man" instead. Name it as what it is.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Man mutilates self to jump line for "gender affirming surgery".

This is textbook Munchausen- make yourself ill to get attention from doctors.

( crodish )
That's not how vaginoplasty works, you fucking moron. Now you have LESS material to turn it into an inverse flesh sock lmao

Absolutely no difference from the mentally ill people who give themselves infected wounds on purpose so they can force a doctor to finally make them the amputees they were meant to be šŸ™„ please, draw the fucking parellels. This is body dysmorphia fixated on sex. That's all it is.

No sympathy. I can't even say I hope he gets better. Play stupid games



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