Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie

[From "Stifling Nationalism: Holocaust Mythology"]

The issue as to whether or not the Holocaust happened is a very big topic that has been explored by thousands of researchers. Holocaust exploration is far too big a topic for a simple blog post[…]The official narrative is that the Holocaust occurred[…]Millions of Jews were rounded up[…]first into ghettos[…]and, eventually, into extermination camps (specifically six)[…]Jews, as well as, other “undesirables,” (e.g., Gypsies, homosexuals, and Catholic priests) endured horrible depravities at the hands of their sadistic German captors[…]and for many of them, ultimately gassed or murdered in some other way. The end result – officially – has shifted over the decades, beginning with a number of approximately six million for all victims (of which, one and a half million were Jewish), to now six million Jews and potentially an additional three million “others.” But a lot does not add up regarding the official narrative – a narrative that is not even allowed to be questioned in some countries
It is important to understand why this topic is important to the South and Southern Identity. The answer is simple: Christianity is the bedrock of the South[…]The misguided belief that the Jewish people share a salvation oriented heritage with Christians[…]has been weaponized against Dixie by Jewish activists and their Dispensationalist allies
I firmly believe that the Jews under the NSDAP were mistreated
While it was certainly a bad place to be, the concentration camps, originally designed to house political prisoners such as Bolshevik terrorists (many of whom were Jewish), were not nearly the over-the-top torture camps of media-lore
Jewish population estimates are all over the board regarding their pre-war and post-war numbers
Why is it that Judeo-Bolshevik Soviets were the only ones who found gas chambers



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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